David Achuelta's dad reportedly yelled at him, made him cry

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David Achuelta's dad reportedly yelled at him, made him cry
Why did David Archuleta [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/american_idol_7/2008_Mar_12_david_problems"]forget the words to his song[/URL] and seem freaked out on Tuesday's live performance show? Perhaps because of his dad. [URL="http://www.etonline.com/news/2008/03/59501/index.html"]Entertainment Tonight reports[/URL] that David "may be feeling the pressure from his 'stage father' JEFF ARCHULETA, who reportedly yelled at David during a recording session Monday. Sources say Dad wasn't happy with his son's singing -- and even brought him to tears. Neither Jeff nor reps for 'American Idol' would comment on the alleged incident." In addition, the blog [URL="http://laragmag.com/2008/03/11/la-rag-magcom-exclusive-david-archuletas-overbeaing-stage-dad-revealed/"]L.A. Rag Mag reports[/URL] that when David was on Star Search, "his father was BANNED from the set." An anonymous "reliable source" told the site:[INDENT][QUOTE]"David's father Jeff Archuleta, was really creepy and overbearing. He pushed all his kids to the side and would only focus on David and his career. When it was down to the final contestants for Star Search was when he really started losing it. Jeff couldn't bear to see David lose, so he started HARASSING the other contestants. ... It became so intense that the producers of Star Search had a meeting and BANNED him from the lot. The only performance that he was allowed to attend was the finale."[/QUOTE][/INDENT][URL="http://feeds.feedburner.com/%7Er/realityblurred/%7E3/250914531/2008_Mar_13_jeff_archuleta"][ via RealityBlurred ][/URL]
Anonymous's picture
That's too bad. That kid is SOOOOOO talented, he shouldn't have to deal with that kind of critisism and pressure from his own dad :no:
I wasn't a singer....but my Dad offered me a deal continue to play spring, summer and fall softball and I will pay for a car, insurance whatever you need...well alright then. NO!!!! Nothing I ever did was to his standards, he would scream at me in front of everyone else, and it was horribly worse in private. It is really to bad for a kid to have that much pressure put on them.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Lily'sMom;8086]I wasn't a singer....but my Dad offered me a deal continue to play spring, summer and fall softball and I will pay for a car, insurance whatever you need...well alright then. NO!!!! Nothing I ever did was to his standards, he would scream at me in front of everyone else, and it was horribly worse in private. It is really to bad for a kid to have that much pressure put on them.[/quote] But I bet now you WON'T be like that with [I]your [/I]kids ;)
You are exactly right in fact I coached my daughter's team this year, and put a BIG stress on this is just for fun!!!!!