Danny and Melinda wedding

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Danny and Melinda wedding
It looks like Danny and Melinda have finally set a date for their [URL=http://www.mm-agency.com/blog/mtv-real-world/danny-and-melinda-from-the-real-world-plan-to-marry-august-2-2008/3195/][U]wedding[/U][/URL]. [QUOTE]On this Valentines Day in 2008 news of The Real World Austin cast members Melinda Stolp and Danny Jamieson’s wedding date has been announced to be on Saturday August 2nd, 2008.[/QUOTE] I think they have stated they would get married in August but it was always for the next year so this is the first time they are being specific with the date. I do find it interesting they are not solid on where they plan on living, does anyone know if they live together now?
Well it is good to hear that they are finally tying the knot. It has only been what, three decades since he proposed? ;) I am not sure if they live together now but I know as a New Englander like Danny (we don't claim him, he fell into our airspace and we were forced to take him in) it would be very hard to move to Wisconsin. Actually, it would be hard to move anywhere that was thousands of miles from "civilization!" OK, I guess Chicago is not that far away, but still. I am not sure what they are going to do but my money is on them settling in the Boston area. [CENTER][IMG]http://vevmo.com/images/dm01.jpg[/IMG] [B] Danny Jamieson & Melinda Stolp[/B] [/CENTER]
I love Boston. I want to move there after i get my masters. I agree though, I bet they'll do Boston.
who wants to wager on that one day Danny from AUSTIN is gonna spend some time in jail for domestic abuse. I don't care if you're a Danny fan. I'm already unpopular for thinking Katie sounds like my grandfather.
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;24059]who wants to wager on that one day Danny from AUSTIN is gonna spend some time in jail for domestic abuse. I don't care if you're a Danny fan. I'm already unpopular for thinking Katie sounds like my grandfather.[/QUOTE] Melinda seems like the type of girl who would think it was her fault and wouldn't report it.
I hope not. she could be treated like a queen by a really nice guy. Danny's just a jerk. how about a CT/Danny dual.
Both Johanna and Lacey of pics up on their myspace accounts from the wedding this weekend. [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=3867243"]Lacey myspace.[/URL] [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=16678165"]Johanna myspace.[/URL]
[quote=jguitar;24128]Both Johanna and Lacey of pics up on their myspace accounts from the wedding this weekend. [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=3867243"]Lacey myspace.[/URL] [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=16678165"]Johanna myspace.[/URL][/quote] Yeah I saw those too, I wish them all the best luck in the future and wherever life takes them.
[QUOTE=jguitar;24128]Both Johanna and Lacey of pics up on their myspace accounts from the wedding this weekend. [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=3867243"]Lacey myspace.[/URL] [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=16678165"]Johanna myspace.[/URL][/QUOTE] Is it wrong of me to say that Johanna's dress is way prettier than Melinda's imo?
[quote=stacee_danielle;24135]Is it wrong of me to say that Johanna's dress is way prettier than Melinda's imo?[/quote] I agree... And if it's wrong, we'll be wrong together SD!
i can't see it working. Danny is too much a hot-head
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;24143]i can't see it working. Danny is too much a hot-head[/QUOTE] Frankly, commenting about the future of anyone's marriage three days after it has occurred seems to me to lack a certain amount of class. Personally, I wish them much happiness and a long life together.
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v491/ddgarner/l_3af888af65e9bb27db8a6b35d690b7-2.jpg[/IMG] The guy on the left certainly is making a wedding fashion statement. He is Scooter Alpert, the MTV producer in charge of the network's reunion shows. He is just as crazy as he dresses and one of the most creative minds in the business.
Dang he is Big Pimpin in that outfit!
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;24062]I hope not. she could be treated like a queen by a really nice guy. Danny's just a jerk. how about a CT/Danny dual.[/QUOTE] That would be so one sided though...BUT a plus that would come from it would be that Danny would probably shit his pants on national TV.
Woah, Johanna looked beautiful! Def liked her dress better than Mels. Looks like it was a fun time though.
[QUOTE=Prinycesa07;24289]Woah, Johanna looked beautiful! Def liked her dress better than Mels. Looks like it was a fun time though.[/QUOTE] Yeah I absolutely adore Johanna's dress
[quote=stacee_danielle;24299]Yeah I absolutely adore Johanna's dress[/quote] I think i'm a bit bias because Johanna's dress was actually going to be my wedding dress (they make it in white). At the last minute, i found my absolute dream dress so i went with that one but i was very close to going with the other. Not to mention, Johanna is just gorgeous and would make any dress smokin lol.
[quote=stacee_danielle;24299]Yeah I absolutely adore Johanna's dress[/quote] I know she looks great, but then again she always does.
Aww, I'm happy to hear about their wedding! While I may not have cared for how Danny and Melinda were portrayed in Austin and subsequent challenges, it's obvious that they make each other happy and I'm glad to see everything worked out for them. I wish them all the best!
Not treating domestic abuse is a problem and usually something a younger woman would do rather than a more experienced woman. But if she told Johanna about it, Johanna (and maybe Wes) would kick Danny's ass.
[quote=good brooklyn;24415]Not treating domestic abuse is a problem and usually something a younger woman would do rather than a more experienced woman. But if she told Johanna about it, Johanna (and maybe Wes) would kick Danny's ass.[/quote] Do you know something about Danny that the rest of us ( or at least myself) don't know? And domestic abuse plagues all types and ages of women, not just younger ones.
I think domestic violence is a touchy subject for some people and now that I think about it, we shouldn't joke about it at Melinda's expense. I know it is not a joking matter at all but all we have to go with is editing of a bigger picture. I agree that Danny seems very capable of doing something like that...almost textbook.
[quote=killer_tofu;24416]Do you know something about Danny that the rest of us ( or at least myself) don't know? And domestic abuse plagues all types and ages of women, not just younger ones.[/quote] I know the same thing about Danny that you know. I don't remember where they went on their trip, but when they were playing the whole Wes/Prince Harry game, Danny asked Melinda if she would ever be with Harry. She said 'yes' and he acted like the biggest d-bag. When Melinda was having fun with some bandmates ('flirting' in Danny's eyes) again, d-bag. When they were on their trip and some guy rode by and complimented Melinda, Danny bulged out his muscles and practically begged to be held back. He's like a crackhead on steroids.
[quote=good brooklyn;24418]I know the same thing about Danny that you know. I don't remember where they went on their trip, but when they were playing the whole Wes/Prince Harry game, Danny asked Melinda if she would ever be with Harry. She said 'yes' and he acted like the biggest d-bag. When Melinda was having fun with some bandmates ('flirting' in Danny's eyes) again, d-bag. When they were on their trip and some guy rode by and complimented Melinda, Danny bulged out his muscles and practically begged to be held back. He's like a crackhead on steroids.[/quote] Oh ok... well I didn't see any of that so you apparently know way more about Danny than I do (I only know what he looks like), but I don't think it's really appropriate to be talking about Melinda and Danny's relationship and whether Melinda would be a victim of domestic abuse or not... The fact is, I don't think any of us here have seen first hand the dynamics of their relationship so I think maybe we should not comment on such a loaded topic as domestic abuse...
then why are you on a message board? To talk about last night's scores on some sport game?
[quote=good brooklyn;24420]then why are you on a message board? To talk about last night's scores on some sport game?[/quote] No KT is exactly right. We shouldn't be talking about a situation we don't know anything about. These boards are here for us to talk about things, but we shouldn't make light of or talk about a subject has serious as domestic abuse. Its treading on a very tight rope, that most of us here at vevmo respect.
Danny's behavior was very inappropriate. Even if he was portrayed as the jerky housemate, those were actual scenes that I described. He's very hot headed, as can be seen in the challenges. I don't take domestic abuse lightly. I have feared for Melinda. But she's not my responsibility. And DA is also not just a physical kind of abuse. Reading these boards have changed my opinion of a lot of castmates. But i have yet to hear anything positive about Danny.
[quote=good brooklyn;24422]Danny's behavior was very inappropriate. Even if he was portrayed as the jerky housemate, those were actual scenes that I described. He's very hot headed, as can be seen in the challenges. I don't take domestic abuse lightly. I have feared for Melinda. But she's not my responsibility. And DA is also not just a physical kind of abuse. Reading these boards have changed my opinion of a lot of castmates. But i have yet to hear anything positive about Danny.[/quote] The thing is, it has been a while since what you are describing took place. We don't know what their relationship is like now and until someone close to them, or Danny or Melinda themselves come here, I think it is only fair to them, and their fans, that we don't speculate on whether they are in an abusive relationship. Whether that's physical abuse or not is unimportant. And I won't get into the fact that what you are describing took place on a tv show with editors and producers who may benefit from portraying people in ways in which they may not come across in real life.
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;24420]then why are you on a message board? To talk about last night's scores on some sport game?[/QUOTE] We are on this message board to have informed conversations about cast members, you stating what you remember is fine but we are not here to jump on the Danny will abuse Melinda Band wagon...there is too much liability there for me to want to comment on it.
[quote=stacee_danielle;24425]We are on this message board to have informed conversations about cast members, you stating what you remember is fine but we are not here to jump on the Danny will abuse Melinda Band wagon...there is too much liability there for me to want to comment on it.[/quote] Oh yeah, I forgot to address that comment... But Stacee did a pretty good job. (p.s. I don't watch sports often, so I wouldn't be a very active member if this was about sports scores!)
