Charm School: Toasteee Interview

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Charm School: Toasteee Interview
I don't know if it is too soon for this thread, but I did find this little tid bit in a Toastee Interview [QUOTE][I]Q. And speaking of that, isn’t it weird that we started calling you “Jen” as a result of Charm School, and now it’s back to Toasteee again?[/I] A. [B]Well, I was only on three episodes of Charm School.[/B] I think everyone is used to me as Toasteee. I like Toasteee, it’s a cute name.[/QUOTE] Found here... [url=]The Celebreality Interview - Toasteee | Blog Archive | Vh1 Blog[/url]
Anonymous's picture
[quote=stacee_danielle;31082]I don't know if it is too soon for this thread, but I did find this little tid bit in a Toastee Interview Found here... [URL=""]The Celebreality Interview - Toasteee | Blog Archive | Vh1 Blog[/URL][/quote] I'm surprised someone didn't catch that at Vh1....*duh*!
Anonymous's picture
Wasnt Toastee on the original Charm School?
[QUOTE=Insider;31084]Wasnt Toastee on the original Charm School?[/QUOTE] Yes
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Insider;31084]Wasnt Toastee on the original Charm School?[/quote] Oh DUH!!! She totally was....what is wrong with me?! Can I go home yet?! :dash2:
Anonymous's picture
I thought we had em for a sec too!!! lmao
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Insider;31091]I thought we had em for a sec too!!! lmao[/quote] I know! It's been a long day/week for me.....:lazy:
Dang, I didn't even snap to the fact that Toastee wasn't even on ROL... I have had a bad week, LOL
[QUOTE=stacee_danielle;31093]Dang, I didn't even snap to the fact that Toastee wasn't even on ROL... I have had a bad week, LOL[/QUOTE] Maybe we should just bury this thread content and start over so visitors don't notice ;)
Anonymous's picture
hahaha thanks V. Word :) [size=1][i]Posted via Mobile Device[/i][/size]
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