The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Informed Speculation (Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=Karisa502;461199]I don't think its harsh, I think it makes sense.[/QUOTE] Especially considering it would correct the order of RW season -> Challenge they appear on.
[QUOTE=Karisa502;461199]I don't think its harsh, I think it makes sense.[/QUOTE] We all know mtv/bmp aren't the smartest.
[QUOTE=RMD1;461205]We all know mtv/bmp aren't the smartest.[/QUOTE] Sad but true
[QUOTE=V1man;461187]Perhaps people should also consider what Production wants, which would be to successfully integrate a new show/concept into how viewers presently see the Challenge, only as an extension of RR/RW. MTV's execs would expect its on-set BMP leadership to make sure it looked like there was a warming to AYTO (if they are really there) by at least mid season to bring viewers along in their brainwashing/concept change. IF an integrated show concept were to fail in the ratings, or was obviously poorly received across social media, that would reflect very badly on certain corporate decision makers. In short, when thinking about AYTO, one should think expansively. I for one second believe MTV will leave this to chance--or the opinions of the former RW cast members.[/QUOTE] Leaving it to the opinion of "Former RW cast members" probably isn't the best course of action when you look at the brain capacity of some of the recent castings. I'm sure most of them from recentish seasons still want their 15 minutes of fame and would not want someone from another show to "take their spot." The fact that these AYTO people are still there to me implies that they have to be doing decent enough and getting along with some of the older people who won't care about where these people came from (like Johnny Bananas). The question I also wonder is whether or not the AYTO cast left from the same airport along with the rest of the cast or if they were kind of a "Look at this surprise" reveal. If it was the latter it would immediately ostracize the new show from the RW people and thereby create friction.
[QUOTE=mickeyflo24;461220]I wish there was a way where MTV asks the most popular, athletic Challengers/Road rulers there Max Bench Press. I know that Marlon was able to bench 335lb when he was a freshman in Texas Tech. Anyone else know some bench press numbers.[/QUOTE] That means nothing in the challenges.. It may actually be a hindrance.. It's all about cardio and agility.
[QUOTE=infamous;461204]Especially considering it would correct the order of RW season -> Challenge they appear on.[/QUOTE] Before Rivals, this current trend of skipping a RW cast for the following challenge was the norm for a while. Ex. Fresh Meat 2 followed DC, but they didn't debut until Cutthroat, etc. But, if you look at ratings, seasons that have RWers from the previous season, have [generally] done much better (Rivals, Exes, Rivals 2).
[QUOTE=retiredlrker;461008]Which bar? Is it weird that he's out at a bar with Diem in the hospital?[/QUOTE] The "Meatpacking District. on Manhattan's East Side South of 14th St" is about 45 minutes from NY Hospital-Cornell Medical Center on 68th Street. There are no close by hotels. IF Chris is in NY, as a non-family member, be would not be allowed in the ICU area except during visiting hours. He would probably be staying with friends Diem's friends/family in about the same area. Given the situation, I want to go out and have a couple of shots myself, hopefully without being bothered. Drinking alone at night in a place that's not yours, is a bad idea for so many reasons. [QUOTE=bluehatchet;461198]It's confirmed that AYTO people are there.[/QUOTE] By MTV or BMP? No, and since I never give out or confirm spoilers, the way I worded my comment is consistent with my past practice since I ceased being a mod here years ago. Believe what you wish, however. If molds13 didn't write it, I'll maintain my publicly suspicious nature. [QUOTE=infamous;461222]Does it really matter? lol.[/QUOTE] The most intelligent sentence ever written at vevmo about absolutely anything!
[QUOTE=mickeyflo24;461261]Meanie[/QUOTE] You're welcome. :teapot:
Not sure if this could be considered speculation and I have no proof; I'm just saying but it's very possible they could air the challenge this fall before the next real world. The first exes was filmed in early December and aired late that January. Probably wishful thinking since it seems they are following the ex-plosion/free agents filming schedule from last year. Sorry if this is in wrong thread.
I'm not really sure where I should post this... When I woke up yesterday to the news of Diem's cancer returning, my heart sank. After the discussion this past week about CT/Diem possibly being back in the US and that a team might have DQ'd, I couldn't help think that something was wrong. This was my response to V1Man earlier in the week: [QUOTE=MTV Junky;458306]Well I hope she is just on a challenge and she isn't going through any life threatening circumstances.[/QUOTE] We come on this website and we openly discuss our opinion regarding these cast members. Sometimes I think we lose sight of what's really important. I've never had a problem with Diem from what I've seen of her on TV. I am rooting for her and hope she can tackle this obstacle like she's attacked every obstacle in her life. Regardless of what any of us say about any cast members here, I certainly wouldn't wish what she has gone through on even my least favorite people on these shows. I'm really happy to see the community's reaction to the news. It's truly wonderful to see how quickly the people Diem has been able to help over the years come together in her time of need.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;461467]Exactly what I was thinking. I said something about it earlier this weekend and it was misconstrued by m&manderson and the gang as being negative. But in all actuality it really was not. However I hope Diem is okay and I wish her the best.[/QUOTE][COLOR="#0000CD"]Did I misconstrue one of your posts as negative? I think Karisa did too. But I know you hope Diem is okay and wish her the best and in the end, that's all that matters.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=retiredlrker;461465]Great point about the ICU. To be fair though, you can get from 68th to the meat packing in 20 min by cab. And there are hotels all over the city - so not sure what you meant by no hotels. That said, you are likely correct - he's prob staying where her family is. Someone, somewhere thought they were living together - so maybe he's just staying at their place. One thing that got to me was that she was airlifted around the 16th, surgery on the 17th, but yet he didn't go to NYC until the 18th. Do we think the BM had him stay there to wrap up the interviews, give reactions etc?[/QUOTE] By "no hotels," I meant in the immediate vicinity of NY Hospital on the upper east side. My daughter was born in that hospital and we lived just across the street from Gracie Mansion at 88th and East End. In normally bad traffic, it can easily take about 30 minutes to navigate across town at Midtown, East to West, and probably 15 to 20 minutes on Broadway south to the Village. I don't know if Chris would travel the subway at night when he could be easily recognized, but via subway is almost always the fastest way to travel in Manhattan. This is what I was thinking of when writing my comments last night. [I do miss NYC. It's just too ****** expensive to live there -- and their is no skiing just outside one's door. I still get there on occasion and when I was last there right after exes, I had lunch with Diem at the Russian Tea Room, which hadn't changed much (other than location) since I'd lived there in the '80s.]
[QUOTE=nmanderson;461477][COLOR="#0000CD"]Did I misconstrue one of your posts as negative? I think Karisa did too. But I know you hope Diem is okay and wish her the best and in the end, that's all that matters.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't remember who posted what but I didn't appreciate the several responses of someone jumping down someone else's throat for trying to get out their feelings so I deleted the whole series. I am at work so I am going to need to weed thru these posts because we are totally getting off topic again. I am not pin pointing at specific ones right now because I am just skimming but I will say this …. We don't know if a US helicopter went and got her or an over seas one took her back into the US, etc. but I sure she was frightened being sick over seas and felt relieved to be back in NY. It usually takes BMP several days to setup flight so I think they got him home pretty fast. All this speculation is irrelevant. The important thing is Diem is home and getting care and CT is in NY supporting her.
I t was also on the day that she reportedly regained enough stamina to post a picture on line and send thanks - he is allowed to take a breath and be relieved that she made it.
And you could pm him this.
[QUOTE=Semisweet;461514]It isn't usually an option - my brother was airlifted earlier this year and his wife was not allowed on MedFlight emp only - we went and got her and brought her to hospital[/QUOTE] Ah, thanks for the clarification on the MedFlight. Makes sense why CT wouldn't have joined. I used to live in Panama and still have many friends there, so I can say for sure that it's medical facilities aren't terrible ... but two friends I have from there also came up to NYC for their long term cancer care. Maybe if they didn't know at the time how serious it was (or that it was indeed cancer), CT stayed to honor his exit interview then get up to NYC as soon as possible. To the other posters wondering if they would tell the cast - I have to believe that they would (1) to tape it bc they are trying to make money the end of the day and (2) bc the cast still has contact with their loved ones. No way in Banana's 10 minute call with his girlfriend would she not mention it. So BMP would have to get to them first.
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[QUOTE=retiredlrker;461589]Ah, thanks for the clarification on the MedFlight. Makes sense why CT wouldn't have joined. I used to live in Panama and still have many friends there, so I can say for sure that it's medical facilities aren't terrible ... but two friends I have from there also came up to NYC for their long term cancer care. Maybe if they didn't know at the time how serious it was (or that it was indeed cancer), CT stayed to honor his exit interview then get up to NYC as soon as possible. To the other posters wondering if they would tell the cast - I have to believe that they would (1) to tape it bc they are trying to make money the end of the day and (2) bc the cast still has contact with their loved ones. No way in Banana's 10 minute call with his girlfriend would she not mention it. So BMP would have to get to them first.[/QUOTE] OK, this MediFlight talk or whatever is NOT ON TOPIC. I just gave out 3 infractions (one that resulted in a temporary ban) to members for NOT BEING ON TOPIC. The only reason I'm posting this and not giving you one is because you are brand. spanking. new. (Welcome to Vevmo!) So this an open [COLOR="#FF0000"][/COLOR][SIZE=5][/SIZE][B]warning to EVERYONE[/B]. Karisa has reminded everyone multiple times, but I'm fine with infracting some more. The Medflight stuff is done. Please.
So the premieres for the upcoming MTV shows are the following: Are you The one speculated premiered Monday September 29, unless they changed to the monday after it. Awkward Tuesday September 23 10 PM Faking it Tuesday September 23 10:30 PM Happy land Tuesday September 30 at 11PM Sled necks (Buckwild in Alaska)- set to premiered Thursday October 30 at 10 PM Does anyone knows if any show is airing on Wednesday or set to premiered anytime from now- October on that day? A part of me is hoping that they pullout what they did for the first Exes and released a trailer a week after the Finalist returned home anytime on the 3rd week of September lol Making the premiered around Sled necks late October. WIth all the attention Diem is getting is a smart move as bad as that sounds, in 4-6 months it wouldn't have the same impact as is going to have in a month or 2. But then again I know MTV/BMP wouldn't do that since it's Real World turn to air and probably we will have to wait until next year.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;461623]So the premieres for the upcoming MTV shows are the following: Are you The one speculated premiered Monday September 29, unless they changed to the monday after it. Awkward Tuesday September 23 10 PM Faking it Tuesday September 23 10:30 PM Happy land Tuesday September 30 at 11PM Sled necks (Buckwild in Alaska)- set to premiered Thursday October 30 at 10 PM Does anyone knows if any show is airing on Wednesday or set to premiered anytime from now- October on that day? A part of me is hoping that they pullout what they did for the first Exes and released a trailer a week after the Finalist returned home anytime on the 3rd week of September lol Making the premiered around Sled necks late October. WIth all the attention Diem is getting is a smart move as bad as that sounds, in 4-6 months it wouldn't have the same impact as is going to have in a month or 2. But then again I know MTV/BMP wouldn't do that since it's Real World turn to air and probably we will have to wait until next year.[/QUOTE] There's a show called Eye Candy coming out with Victoria Justice No date for the premiere BUT it's supposed to come out this year and she was at the VMAs yesterday so perhaps we will have a date soon!
[QUOTE=PinkRose;461623]So the premieres for the upcoming MTV shows are the following: Are you The one speculated premiered Monday September 29, unless they changed to the monday after it. Awkward Tuesday September 23 10 PM Faking it Tuesday September 23 10:30 PM Happy land Tuesday September 30 at 11PM Sled necks (Buckwild in Alaska)- set to premiered Thursday October 30 at 10 PM Does anyone knows if any show is airing on Wednesday or set to premiered anytime from now- October on that day? A part of me is hoping that they pullout what they did for the first Exes and released a trailer a week after the Finalist returned home anytime on the 3rd week of September lol Making the premiered around Sled necks late October. WIth all the attention Diem is getting is a smart move as bad as that sounds, in 4-6 months it wouldn't have the same impact as is going to have in a month or 2. But then again I know MTV/BMP wouldn't do that since it's Real World turn to air and probably we will have to wait until next year.[/QUOTE] There's nothing I can think off the top of my head that will fill the Wednesday void. As challenge13 mentioned, Eye Candy is a possibility but I think they're still finishing script touch-ups and reshoots (Daniels wasn't too happy with the pilot, however it was good enough to get the series picked up for 10 episodes), but I may be wrong. All of MTV's other big productions are slated for 2015. Unless there are smaller projects in the works, we may be looking at an early Challenge premiere.
So any word on if the show will be back on Wednesdays?
It would definitely make chronological sense to air The Challenge first so then RW: Chicago cast members can appear on the challenge directly after their season. Of course, it also makes marketing sense if they want to air the Diem story right away.
Bacchus opened another thread, [URL=""]here[/URL], hopefully with the addition of this thread we can now finally keep this thread for what it was intended for. Thank you for your cooperation.
Be surprised for a twist this season..
[QUOTE=Challenge913;461740]Be surprised for a twist this season..[/QUOTE] TELL ME!!!
There is a twist this season ;) The eliminated people is accurate, but the order is not by what I heard... Let me put it this way just because you're out of the game, doesn't mean you cannot make it to the final.
[QUOTE=MTV Junky;461749]Whaaaat? We have people back in the US right? Are you saying it's possible for them to return? Or perhaps once you're eliminated you can somehow play your way back in but then you can also be permanently eliminated.[/QUOTE] The people back in the states, with their phones and with some kind of social media are not part of the twist no more.
[QUOTE=bluehatchet;461753]So is it like a jury house in bb where the last 6 teams eliminated go to a separate house??[/QUOTE] Everybody that got eliminated were part of the twist at some point, not just the final 6.
[QUOTE=MTV Junky;461758]I might just be throwing darts here but it sounds like the teams that are home in the states had to face at least two different levels of elimination.[/QUOTE] My lips are sealed for now, but you're getting there :x
So does this mean we're looking at a 4 pair finale??


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