[QUOTE][/QUOTE][B]Challenge Summer 2014[/B]
[u]Likely Teams and Players (due to social media hints, personal sources from those in close contact with cast, etc.)[/u]
[B]Danny Jamieson/Melinda Stolp[/B] (personal sources, Melinda hinted by Emilee)
[B]Dustin Zito/Jessica McCain[/B] (personal sources, Jessica hinting on Twitter)
[B]Jay Gotti/Jenna Compono[/B] (personal sources, Jenna hinting on Twitter)
[B]Johnny Bananas/Nany Gonzalez[/B] (personal sources, Nany hinting at flying on Twitter)
[B]Johnny Reilly/Averey Tressler[/B] (personal sources, Averey hinting on Twitter)
[B]Ryan Knight/Jemmye Carroll[/B] (personal sources, Jemmye hinted by Emilee)
[B]Thomas Buell/Hailey Chivers[/B] (personal sources)
[B]Zach Nichols/Jonna Mannion[/B] (personal sources, Zach hinted by Emilee)
[B]Nia Moore[/B] (personal sources, heavy hinting on Twitter)
[B]Theresa Gonzalez[/B] (personal sources, hinted by Emilee)
[B]Sarah Rice[/B] (closed her Etsy shop, usually doesn't except for Challenges)
[B]Jordan Wiseley[/B] (personal sources, spotted at airport)
[B]Leroy Garrett[/B] (personal sources)
Alternates: [B]Trey Weatherholtz/Laura Waller[/B]
[u]Unclear Players, but Possible[/u]
[B]Wes Bergmann[/B] - would match up with likely partners, but no one has wished him good bye on social media as they normally do when he departs for a Challenge
[B]Dunbar Merrill[/B] - known to have gotten a second call, not active on social media after the departure time, but no further confirmation
[B]Ashli Robson[/B] - known to have been asked and speculated to be Dunbar's only possible choice, not active on social media after the departure time, but no further confirmation.
[B]CT Tamburello[/B] - known to have received a second call, not active on social media after the departure time, apparently spotted in an airport, but no further confirmation
[B]Diem Brown[/B] - reportedly retired from Challenges, but if CT is going, he would probably need a partner. Supposed social media activity, but it doesn't match her typical tweet format. A tweet from Hannah Teter (Johnny Bananas' girlfriend) asked if she was "going".
[u]Unlikely but Could Surprise Us[/u]
[B]Shauvon Torres[/B] - Likely wants to move on from reality TV and cultivate a professional presence, but if CT is going, he would probably need a partner. No confirmation other than speculation to be CT's possible partner.
As for personal sources, those are all from people I trust who have direct or nearly direct contact with the cast members themselves and who have proven to be correct in the past.
[U]Rumored to be Asked:[/U]
Alton Williams (Real World: Las Vegas)
Brandon Swift (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call
Cory Wharton (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - rumored to not have made final cast due to lack of availables "exes"
CT Tamburello (Real World: Paris)
Danny Jamieson (Real World: Austin) - second call
Darrell Taylor (Road Rules: Campus Crawl) - rumored to not have made final cast.
Dunbar Merrill (Real World: Sydney)
Dustin Zito (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call
Eric Patrick (Real World: New Orleans 2010)
Jay Gotti (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call
Johnny Bananas (Real World: Key West) - second call
Johnny Reilly (Real World: Portland) - second call
Jordan Wiseley (Real World: Portland)
Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call
Ryan Knight (Real World: New Orleans 2010) - second call
Thomas Buell (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call
Trey Weatherholtz (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call
Wes Bergmann (Real World: Austin) - second call, but unsure if he's going
Zach Nichols (Real World: San Diego 2011) - second call
Ashley Kelsey (Real World: San Diego 2011)
Ashli Robson (Real World: Sydney)
Averey Tressler (Real World: Portland) - second call
Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call
Jamie Larson (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - Hailey was chosen over her.
Jasmine Reynaud (Real World: Cancun)
Jemmye Carroll (Real World: New Orleans 2010) - second call
Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion) - second call
Jessica McCain (Real World: Portland) - second call
Joi Niemeyer (Real World: Portland)
Jonna Mannion (Real World: Cancun) - second call
LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas)
Laura Waller (Real World: St. Thomas) - second call
Melinda Stolp (Real World: Austin) - second call
Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas) - second call
Nia Moore (Real World: Portland)
Rachel Robinson (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)
Sahar Dika (Real World: New Orleans)
Sarah Rice (Real World: Brooklyn) - second call, but could be in school
Theresa Gonzalez (Fresh Meat 2)
Trishelle Cannatella (Real World: Las Vegas) - Rumored to not have made the cast
[U]Rumored to have gotten asked but declined:[/U]
Anastasia Miller (Real World: Portland)
Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Brian Williams (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
CJ Koegel (Real World: Cancun)
Diem Brown (Fresh Meat)
Heather Marter (Real World: Las Vegas)
Jenn Grijalva (Real World: Denver)
Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Johanna Botta (Real World: Austin)
Laurel Stucky (Fresh Meat 2)
Lauren Ondersma (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Marie Roda (Real World: St. Thomas)
Marlon Williams (Real World: Portland)
Robb Schreiber (Real World: St. Thomas)
Susie Meister (Road Rules: Down Under)
Svetlana Shusterman (Real World: Key West)
Trisha Cummings (Real World: Sydney)
[U]Rumored to not be asked:[/U]
Ayiiia Elizarraras (Real World: Cancun)
Beth Stolarczyk (Real World: Los Angeles)
Cara Maria Sorbello (Fresh Meat 2)
Mark Long (Road Rules: First Adventure)
Robin Hibbard (Real World: San Diego)
[B](*)Note: None of this information is official or confirmed in any way! Remember... nothing is confirmed until the wheels go up. This is [U]informed speculation[/U]. If you have anything to contribute to this list, please post in this thread and [url=http://vevmo.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=3259]PM Youssarian[/url] so it can be added to this list.[/B]
[CENTER][COLOR="#800000"][SIZE=7]Round 1[/SIZE][/COLOR]