Ever Since Fresh Meat the winners on challenges have been..
1. Wes
2. Jodi
3. Evelyn + 1
4. Kenny + 1
5. Tonya
6. Janelle
7. Abram
8. Derrick + 1
9. Nehemiah
10. Johanna
11. Tori
12. Rachel
13. Jillian
14. Frank
15. Johnny
16. Evan
17. Rachel
Such a ****ty list besides The Duel, Inferno 3(minus Kenny) & Rachel on Duel 2.
Hi All, I'm a newbie to Vevmo but have to say am now totally addicted...
Also pretty new to RW / RR challenges but also these can now be classed as an addiction....
I was just wondering if anyone nows of anywhere i can watch the old challenges online?? I've watched all i can on MTV.com (i hate that the inferno 3 episodes won't play)...and i managed to find most of Inferno 2 on you tube....but i can't find Battle of the sexes or the earlier gauntlets and inferno's anywhere...
They also don't seem to be on DVD anywhere.
Can you help feed a newbies growing addiction??
Thanks so much - and i hope i posted this in the right place??
[QUOTE=jazzybell;128544]I think that everyone talking crap about JEK need to remember that the other players are just as responsible about how the game goes as well as those three. Instead of making deals with JEK they should all work together and work aginst JEK. I personally think that they are playing the game smart and and the others are falling for it instead of outsmarting them.[/QUOTE]
The only Reason JEK is running things is because they are ALLOWED to. If these people smarten up then they would have no power at all.
And I would also say that the fact that most of these people are friends with each other is a big factor too. They need to start casting more people that aren't in the little circle of friends.
Evan can hold his own. He would have a hard time going against someone like CT, Landon, or Alton, but he doesn't need an alliance. If he was on my team I would not want to risk him.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129708]If he were on my team I would want him gone ASAP. He is just too shady.[/QUOTE]
Evan is not the only shady person to ever be on a challenge.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129733]I never said that he was. I would want the other shady people out, too.[/QUOTE]
That will never happen. There will always be alliances, backstabbing, etc. Even on the early challenges, the game just wasn't so cutthroat as it is now.
[QUOTE=Hey!!!;129735]Does anyone have any info on Alton, does he social network?[/QUOTE]
I think he had a myspace, but I'm not sure about anything else.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;129741]I think he had a myspace, but I'm not sure about anything else.[/QUOTE]
Is he still with the girlfriend he had when he did Reunited? He mentioned to Awesome Ann that her name is Hope.
[QUOTE=Hey!!!;129753]Negative. There are so many girls on the show that are by far more annoying[/QUOTE]
I agree. I find Katie, Coral, and Tonya to be far more annoying than Evan. I hate people who are all talk and no back and that's exactly what Coral and Katie are. Coral always runs her mouth off and then chickens out of stuff she can't handle. She used to bully people around on the challenges and vote people off for personal reasons and she thought she was real cool, but when the tables were turned, she tucked tail and left and cried about how unfair they were being. Katie... she hasn't brought anything new in years. She still sucks at the challenges, still can't do half the stuff on the show, and freaks out when her team wants to get rid of her because she sucks... like she's some sort of valuable asset. Tonya being a slob and ******* people off and then crying about getting picked on got old in Inferno 2, and that was like 5 years ago?
Katie, Coral, and Tonya more annoying than Evan? Those are 3 of my favorites challengers of all time! Veronica and Johnny are more annoying than Evan. That's about it.....
Evan has the power to say and do whatever he wants on these shows because he can back it up and doesn't look like a moron for running his mouth over stuff he can do nothing about. Coral & Katie are invincible in their own mind and patheticly diluted from reality.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129768]Katie, Coral, and Tonya more annoying than Evan? Those are 3 of my favorites challengers of all time! Veronica and Johnny are more annoying than Evan. That's about it.....[/QUOTE]
Those are really your favorite challengers???? I'm sorry
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129794]Katie and Coral are both in the top 2 and Tonya is in the top 10.[/QUOTE]
I guess I can see your reason's for Coral, maybe... but Katie. What reasons make her in your top two?
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129796]I love Katies personality. She is hilarious![/QUOTE]
haha ok so if you like Katie for her personality for being hilarious , then why do you like Coral?
Coral is the baddest ***** to ever grace my tv screen! No one can top her. She doesn't take any mess from anybody!
Tonya is just bat**** crazy and I love it:D
Coral's a wanna be bad ***. Never backs up her talk and only runs her mouth when she has strength in numbers. She didn't seem so bad *** when CT, Evan, and Santucci set her up to go home on Gaunlet 3. Instead of proving how bad *** she was, she tucked tail and left, like a classic bully, and made up some excuse about how she "didn't want to play on a team like that." Pretty pathetic when she made her living on challenges doing that exact same thing to people. She can dish it out, but can't take it. That's the #1 sign of being a coward and a bully.
Are you kidding me? Coral's a great competitor, sure she's had her bad missions like in the Gauntlet 1. But after she went in the gauntlet against Tina she kicked butt and did really well on all of the missions after that until the final mission. On the inferno 1 she did well on the missions except for 1 which Julie got pissed about. Her and Evan did really well together in freshmeat and Coral did really good in battle of the sexes 2. She made it to the end and was seen as the leader basically.