The Challenge: Rivals II - True Colors

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[QUOTE=DarkFights;366256]Cara is gonna screw this :([/QUOTE] It's going to happen... :(
I know you guys said HD is hard on the girls, but I think Emily looks even prettier sweaty and in HD! See that last shot of her face?
[QUOTE=Camille;366251]have they really worked hardest of any team? Or is that Diem once again thinking she's special?[/QUOTE] It's her thinking she's special.I really hope that this is her last challenge. I also love that all of the guys are shirtless! Kinda made me hot.
Oh there's that one shot of Cooke in the trailer where... ...I'll stop there
I'm loving Diem's shows when CT's cheering on the others...lovely editing! Yay, they won! XD
Oh thank the lord! There is a god in heaven!
They Won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is f ing huge
Yay! I love that they finally win when it REALLY counts after fighting to stay.
Now will marlon Jordan and ct and wes send in paula, to mess with johhny.
Glad to see Cooke reach a final Can't say the same about CAra
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;366268]Now will marlon Jordan and ct and wes send in paula, to mess with johhny.[/QUOTE] No--the Rooks will vote them in--CT won't because Diem doesn't want to see Emily
Look at Emily and her eyes and skin. She's beautiful, I think. And the most naturally beautiful of the girls left.
Now Diem needs to choose between her friends....damn.
finally cooke and cara!!!
I wonder if they wanted the guys to do it and they just said no.
Diem needs to calm down--she'll get what she wants Johnny is more loyal to Paula than Camila CT will give her whatever she wants
Diem hates Cooke. lol.
[QUOTE=Camille;366276]Diem hates Cooke. lol.[/QUOTE] Diem's trying to get a good rival for next time
Oh, how do I love Cooke & Cara winning today! Tremble, Diem & Paula. Tremble in your boots.
Oh shut up Diem, you have a bigger ego than the rest of them
What the hell did Cooke ever do to Diem??
Diem clearly hopped onto the crazy train.
Looking a little crazy there Diem, eh?
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;366280]What the hell did Cooke ever do to Diem??[/QUOTE] Cooke's a better competitor.
Oh Diem...I've always been a fan...but this is not a good showing...
seriously diem grow up,they won deal with it.
What did CT ever do??
Frank calling someone else a ***********
Emily nailed Diem. She gets a little kooky and paranoid when she's not in control. Camilla also throws a fit when she doesn't get her way. So is it any surprise that drama will go down? Stop being a baby!
