The Challenge: Rivals II - Jonna & Nany

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She's confirmed that was bad editing on Afterbuzz, it was not day 1.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;350119]She's confirmed that was bad editing on Afterbuzz, it was not day 1.[/QUOTE] Does that imply she started making out with Zach BEFORE breaking up with the guy then?
Jonna sucks. She looks dirty, she's an undercover *****, and she's shown time and time again that she's boy-crazy (didn't want to use the word I'm actually thinking). That's why I don't like Jonna. But hey, at least on every show she's hooked up with someone, she had a boyfriend at the time. So, at least she's consistent?
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;350087]So is the hooking up why everyone despises Jonna, then?[/QUOTE] I think it's not just the hooking up...nobody cares when people just do these casual hookups that happen all the time on these challenges. The thing with Jonna is it's always more annoying than that...she attaches herself to these men and gets all quasi-dependent on them. It seems like she's always attached to a man...on and off-camera...and creates this environment where she's dependent on them, then they screw her over, then she uses it as a pitiful story to make herself a sympathetic figure when really it's just annoying. I got pretty sick of her talking about being homeless during the last challenge. She looks pretty good and well-dressed for a homeless person. Bottom line, I think a lot of people just find her annoying. She's a great Challenge player, but I don't really like her. I wish she would just shut up and play the game; I don't want to see her get in a relationship with ANOTHER guy and then tell me all about the hardships that result from it. Over it!
I really don't mind if she hooks up with people..Doesn't bother me at all...But she has hooked up on almost Every show she's been on and that's a fact.
LMAO @ "she looks dirty".
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;350126]LMAO @ "she looks dirty".[/QUOTE] I know right...amazing she keeps hooking up with people looking "dirty".
No...she doesn't "look dirty". She is actually very beautiful. However, beauty is only skin deep...
Other cast members say she is boy crazy and that is all she cares about. I haven't really seen any other side of her. I remember on BOTS2 Sarah couldn't stand her and now they both hooked up with Jordan lol.
Jonna has beautiful eyes. But I stand by what I said. I think she looks dirty. She was always walking around with food and **** in her hair on her season. Not to mention she pissed in a laundry basket and left her crusty panties all over the place. People can hook up with her all they want. Plenty of people were hooking up with Joey from RW Cancun as well and I think he looked dirty as well. Jonna's a good competitor, but personality-wise she bugs me. And I don't see what's so attractive about her. Ironically though I did find Jonna her most likeable when she was on Rivals, the one challenge she wasn't hooking up with someone. Maybe there is a correlation.
Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes to the bone. With what is known about Sarah being on the upcoming Challenge, she gets Jordan first and then Jonna goes after him. There is a sense of superficiality to Jonna: all style, no substance.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;350152]Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes to the bone. With what is known about Sarah being on the upcoming Challenge, she gets Jordan first and then Jonna goes after him. There is a sense of superficiality to Jonna: all style, no substance.[/QUOTE] All I can do is laugh
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;350152]Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes to the bone. [B]With what is known about Sarah being on the upcoming Challenge, she gets Jordan first and then Jonna goes after him. [/B] There is a sense of superficiality to Jonna: all style, no substance.[/QUOTE] So this is gonna be Cancun all over again basically.
I have no idea how to embed videos, but their team interview is up...
Is it only me or are these interviews really weird? It's like they reading a telepromter or repeat prepared lines. They don't seem to respond naturally to questions. They can't even make real interviews, even that they have to fake.
Nany seems kind of like she's reading ,Jonna not really
[QUOTE=Feel-X;350187]Is it only me or are these interviews really weird? It's like they reading a telepromter or repeat prepared lines. They don't seem to respond naturally to questions. They can't even make real interviews, even that they have to fake.[/QUOTE] They have to answer in full sentences, kind of. They have to repeat the question so we know wtf theyre answering, it sounds cheesy cause they both repeat the question as if its rehersed, "when I found out my partner was Jonna bla bla bla, when I found out my partner was Nany bla bla. Before was better they sat together and both could add things to eachothers anwers, it was more like a conversations rather than a questionaire, some of these ppl sound like they dont have anything to say and keep repeating like Jemmye/camilla who kept saying we both wana win like 10x or they both say the same thing, "we havent spoken since the reunion, we were friends before, zach fought with nany, "Zack fought with me" its like hearing the same interview 2x and thats a waste of time since the whole thing is only 2 minutes. These are more like the confessionals, ok ya I'm done complaining about these interviews
I have been surprised by this team.
I am surprised by them as well. Jonna has completely shocked me as a competitor. Just based on her size I would have thought she would suck but on Rivals she beat Sarah and Katelyn at a puzzle which supposedly they are suppose to be the best at. On seasons, her team was overall the best team and won many challenges. And so far on Rivals 2 her and Nany have done really well. I may not like Jonna has a person but she is a better competitor than I ever thought she would be.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;354668]I am surprised by them as well. Jonna has completely shocked me as a competitor. Just based on her size I would have thought she would suck but on Rivals she beat Sarah and Katelyn at a puzzle which supposedly they are suppose to be the best at. On seasons, her team was overall the best team and won many challenges. And so far on Rivals 2 her and Nany have done really well. I may not like Jonna has a person but she is a better competitor than I ever thought she would be.[/QUOTE] I agree. Nany and Jonna have been a really solid pair(more than solid really) and I'm glad that they're doing so well in this challenge.
Jonna is the most underrated people on these challenges because people dislike her as a person. In a true team challenge Jonna would be the type of girl you want to take to the final.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;354698]Jonna is the most underrated people on these challenges because people dislike her as a person. In a true team challenge Jonna would be the type of girl you want to take to the final.[/QUOTE] Why? It's not like Jonna's done anything amazing or has shown she can last in a 10 hour final. People on the cast I'd rather have than Jonna in a final: Camila Cara Maria Diem Emily Paula Possibly Sarah as well
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;354717]Why? It's not like Jonna's done anything amazing or has shown she can last in a 10 hour final. People on the cast I'd rather have than Jonna in a final: Camila Cara Maria Diem Emily Paula Possibly Sarah as well[/QUOTE] Emily & Sarah--yes. Jonna is on par with Paula and Diem in a final. Cara Maria & Camila are far too emotional for me. There's no question Jonna can handle a final--if her and Derek made it last year they probably would have won. Both are great long distance runners. Look no further than the "Logged Out" last year. Also, no one you mentioned is "underrated"--well maybe Cara I also said "the type of girl" and you mentioned others that are similar. I think you missed the point entirely
[QUOTE=kvm1977;354719]Emily & Sarah--yes. Jonna is on par with Paula and Diem in a final. Cara Maria & Camila are far too emotional for me. There's no question Jonna can handle a final--if her and Derek made it last year they probably would have won. Both are great long distance runners. Look no further than the "Logged Out" last year. Also, no one you mentioned is "underrated"--well maybe Cara I also said "the type of girl" and you mentioned others that are similar. I think you missed the point entirely[/QUOTE] What does emotional have to do with lasting hours upon hours in a final? All of the girls I've listed have been through it and proved they can handle it. Jonna may be a runner, but that doesn't mean she can do it in blistering heat/freezing cold/up a mountain.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;354723]What does emotional have to do with lasting hours upon hours in a final? All of the girls I've listed have been through it and proved they can handle it. Jonna may be a runner, but that doesn't mean she can do it in blistering heat/freezing cold/up a mountain.[/QUOTE] Emotional has everything to do with a final. I don't want someone that could break down on me. Jonna doesn't have to run a final for people to believe she can handle it. Just like Cooke doesn't need ti. Again, Jonna is a similar player to Diem, Paula, Cara Maria & Camila--a perfect #2 that hasn't shown they can be a number 1. In a true team challenge (see old school Gauntlets & Infenros) Jonna is the type of player you protect while you get rid of others. It is dumbfounding that people still refuse to give Jonna credit
[QUOTE=kvm1977;354725]Emotional has everything to do with a final. I don't want someone that could break down on me. Jonna doesn't have to run a final for people to believe she can handle it. Just like Cooke doesn't need ti. Again, Jonna is a similar player to Diem, Paula, Cara Maria & Camila--a perfect #2 that hasn't shown they can be a number 1. In a true team challenge (see old school Gauntlets & Infenros) Jonna is the type of player you protect while you get rid of others. It is dumbfounding that people still refuse to give Jonna credit[/QUOTE] My point is that I give no one credit to be able to handle a final until they actually do it. I didn't even give Diem credit until Exes because she never had to do a strenuous final like that. If Jonna makes it to the end and does well, good for her I'll give her credit, but I'm not gonna assume she's gonna be great at them when we've seen in the past that making it far doesn't mean you always do well. Same goes for Nany.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;354725]Emotional has everything to do with a final. I don't want someone that could break down on me. Jonna doesn't have to run a final for people to believe she can handle it. Just like Cooke doesn't need ti. Again, Jonna is a similar player to Diem, Paula, Cara Maria & Camila--a perfect #2 that hasn't shown they can be a number 1. [B] In a true team challenge (see old school Gauntlets & Infenros) Jonna is the type of player you protect while you get rid of others.[/B] It is dumbfounding that people still refuse to give Jonna credit[/QUOTE] It's funny you say that because I Think that Jonna would do very well in a Big team challenge. She probably could win one of those.
This team looked so cute in last night's jungle (Robb/Derek vs Preston/Knight)
This is the scrapper female team. I have a feeling they'll be runner ups for every challenge, but I hope they pull off a few wins.
The way it's going I wouldn't be surprised if Paula/Emily win every single daily challenge.
