[*][B][COLOR=#333333]What could possibly fill a 90 lb. girl with so much rage that she put her hand through a mirror? Well, her name is "Theresa." Jasmine recalls, "I just looked in the mirror and saw Theresa and just knocked it clean in one hit. If she keeps it up with me it might be her face this time." Although both claim to have mellowed and matured since nearly coming to blows, this feisty pair is still as combustible as fuel meeting flame. Jasmine arrives in Thailand reeling from her father's death and is determined to win this Challenge in his memory while Theresa hopes to finally learn how to separate emotions from the game. She explains, "I have a history of having a temper and I just have to prove that's not who I am and that's not what I'm about." However, Theresa's plans for redemption may be foiled when she hooks up with a big game player, sending shock waves through the house. Can this volatile pair keep it together? Or is another seven years of bad luck in their future?