[QUOTE=TDMEL52;365175]lot of alcohol, smoking, and partying.[/QUOTE]
Atleast johnny kept goin/trying gassed marlon basically gave up again walking in middle area!
[QUOTE=Calinks;365182]LMAO at Wes calling out Johnny for passing out. Rivals one memories anyone?[/QUOTE]
Eh Wes didnt pass out. A cramp is what got him. And he did finish in the end so...
[QUOTE=kvm1977;365185]Not sure Marlon or Johnny could finish a final...Knight and Preston definitely can't....looking good for Wes and CT if they get there[/QUOTE]
Johnny has destroyed the last several finals....
I can understand concerns for Marlon though.
[QUOTE=Calinks;365191]Johnny has destroyed the last several finals....
I can understand concerns for Marlon though.[/QUOTE]
Johnny's not in as good of shape as he was in the past
[QUOTE=Calinks;365182]LMAO at Wes calling out Johnny for passing out. Rivals one memories anyone?[/QUOTE]
A two day endurance marathon versus a three minute challenge?