So I was reading a blogpost the other day poweranking the remaining contestants of Free Agents and I thought it would be fun to do for past seasons as a post-season thing. I think I'll start with the season I last watched in full, Fresh Meat 2:
1. Kenny & Laurel - They finished first or second (?) in every single challenge. Simples. It can be debated if that's just because Laurel was in another class to the other girls or if they both performed stellar, but I believe both had a part to play in their success all season.
2. Landon & Carley - Bar Carley's freakout in the nighttime exile they were close behind Kenny and Laurel all season and obviously work very well together as proof of their couple of challenge wins and their win overall in the final
3. Jillian & Pete - Pete proved himself to be a strong competitor throughout the season and Jillian kept up for the most part, they proved they deserved their 3rd place by winning two exiles and by finishing 3rd in the final challenge obstacle course. They were #Team Kenny from the start and that payed off towards the end being seen as the only other teammates definitely safe from exile in the closing weeks.
4. Jenn & Noor - Only 4 couples ever won challenges and Jenn and Noor close them out. They both proved their small statures mean nothing with both showing strength and Noor showing great speed. They gave up in the final, accepting 4th place, but they definitely deserved to see the final.
5. Evelyn & Luke - Just like only 4 couples won a challenge, only 5 won a single exile and they round up this list as well. Obviously if this was just down to sportmanship Evelyn would be dead last. Although she is also by far the strongest overall of the alumni women and her and Luke powered through two exiles before being edged out by the eventual winners by a mistake in judgement on Evelyn's part. Granted even had they won they would have been sent in every week thereafter. The reason they are not higher (besides not winning a challenge) is Luke just isn't as strong as the other guys present physically, although he proved his endurance in the exiles.
6. CJ & Sydney - This may be a bit controversial, but I think had they not completely ****ed up the puzzle they would have given Landon and Carley a run for their money in the exile. Both proved they can hang with their respective gender fields in this challenge and had they seen the exile against Kaitlynn and Brandon the game may have changed quite some way
7. Wes & Mandi - This ranking is purely based on Wes managing to "mastermind" the game for the first half of the competition even if it was a way that caused the plan to completely fall apart in the second half. If Kenny and Laurel hadn't saved themselves by winning nearly every week, Wes (and Evelyn) would probably have both seen the final.
8. Ryan & Theresa - This team's weakness showed when Ryan failed to get past Kenny in the obstacle course. Despite putting up a surprising showing in the log push, Ryan, like Luke, just couldn't hang with the bigger guys and Theresa wasn't strong enough, or as strong as Evelyn/Laurel to compensate.
9. Darrell & CaraMaria - Were it not for them (rightfully imo) being pegged as strong competitiors and targeted off the bat I think they could have challenged their way a large chunk of the competition. But they didn't get the chance to really show how their chemistry would show as a competitive partnership From here on it's much of a muchness so I really can't be bothered with as long comments.
10. Sarah & Vinny - Both should have done better than they did
11. Paula & Jeff - Jeff really let Paula down in their exile.
12. Danny & Sandy - Don't care
13. Kaitlynn & Brandon - Poor Brandon Yeah so I'd love to see people's rankings of seasons. Even week by week rankings for team challenges i.e. how losing certain compeitiors helped/hindered each team's chances!