The Challenge: Free Agents - Speculation (Spoilers)

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So Dunbar isn't on this challenge? If that's so, then it better be someone good and Adam King or Davis would be HORRIBLE choices. Let's see Darrell come back or Landon or Tyler.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;377268]Don't think Alton's coming back after Seasons - either by his choice or by BMP's choice.[/QUOTE] He did an podcast after the reunion and he said he would do one only if he have the time for it...Plus his Girlfriend was pregnant back then, he must be a dad by now.
I'd be okay with Davis. Davis isn't as weak as some people seem to believe. He's not Landon, Darrell, Derrick, etc but far better than Eric
based on twitter, davis & tyler arent on it
[QUOTE=kvm1977;377278]I'd be okay with Davis. Davis isn't as weak as some people seem to believe. He's not Landon, Darrell, Derrick, etc but far better than Eric[/QUOTE] Davis IS weak. Being a tad better than Eric is still pretty bad. Davis is boring, he's chubby, and he's a weird loner with no personality. I'd rather have Dunbar than Davis.
[QUOTE=JayTee;377280]Davis IS weak. Being a tad better than Eric is still pretty bad. Davis is [B]boring, he's chubby, and he's a weird loner with no personality.[/B] I'd rather have Dunbar than Davis.[/QUOTE] Haha you sure you didn't just describe Dunbar there?
[QUOTE=JayTee;377280]Davis IS weak. Being a tad better than Eric is still pretty bad. Davis is boring, he's chubby, and he's a weird loner with no personality. I'd rather have Dunbar than Davis.[/QUOTE] You need to stop insulting peoples weight its annoying and rude
I dont think we're going to see landon on a challenge again I think he's moved on. It'll most likely be someone we'll be disappointed with or big easy is still there and we're all getting bamboozled
[QUOTE=erodd;377283]I dont think we're going to see landon on a challenge again I think he's moved on. It'll most likely be someone we'll be disappointed with or big easy is still there and we're all getting bamboozled[/QUOTE] Just the fact that two people from Illinois university spotted "Big easy from The Real World" the day he wrote about being there means: 1. He was never there. 2. He quit. 3. He got eliminated.
Maybe its Shane I doubt it but he said he's interested in doing another
[QUOTE=JayTee;377280]Davis IS weak. Being a tad better than Eric is still pretty bad. Davis is boring, he's chubby, and he's a weird loner with no personality. I'd rather have Dunbar than Davis.[/QUOTE] Pretty sure that describes Dunbar too Davis isn't that weak though and I don't care about personality at all
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;377282]You need to stop insulting peoples weight its annoying and rude[/QUOTE] If they're fat or overweight then they're fat or overweight. Not really rude--just honest.
[QUOTE=erodd;377283]I dont think we're going to see landon on a challenge again I think he's moved on. It'll most likely be someone we'll be disappointed with or [B]big easy is still there and we're all getting bamboozled[/B][/QUOTE] making an appearance at a packed basketball stadium is some pretty elaborate bamboozling
I doubt it's someone from road rules. Just a gut feeling
Yeah I'm just hoping its not some awful competitor
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;377281]Haha you sure you didn't just describe Dunbar there?[/QUOTE] Lol. You have a point but at least Dunbar would provide a much more enjoyable solo physical elimination round. [QUOTE=Challenge 17;377282]You need to stop insulting peoples weight its annoying and rude[/QUOTE] They are ON MY TV and they know the risk of being ridiculed and judged because they are on a REALITY TV SHOW. I have every right to judge and make fun of those that I believe deserve it. If they don't want this kind of attention then here's a solution: stop doing reality television.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;377282]You need to stop insulting peoples weight its annoying and rude[/QUOTE] It's just insecure people putting others down to make themselves feel better.
[QUOTE=UrbanTactics;377293]It's just insecure people putting others down to make themselves feel better.[/QUOTE] I'm fully secure with myself bud ;) It's like stop being a baby, these are reality tv personalities, we have every right to say what we want.
just listened to that reality radio interview with alton...he basically said it would have to be a really special circumstance for him to come back, like a million dollar challenge would also have to fit in with his veterinary school schedule
[QUOTE=JayTee;377294]I'm fully secure with myself bud ;) It's like stop being a baby, these are reality tv personalities, we have every right to say what we want.[/QUOTE] Doesn't take away from the fact that it's rude. You just need to some class. Weren't you the one that wished the "fat slob" (your words) Big Easy would leave on a stretcher. You need help.
[QUOTE=RobbioRobbio;377295]just listened to that reality radio interview with alton...he basically said it would have to be a really special circumstance for him to come back, like a million dollar challenge would also have to fit in with his veterinary school schedule[/QUOTE] haha maybe. I haven't listened to it in awhile
I would have loved to see old Alton on a duel but not Alton 2.0
This could alter the format if we don't have another vet on there...
[QUOTE=TheCloser;377299]This could alter the format if we don't have another vet on there...[/QUOTE] I agree because it seems that preston and swift both stopped tweeting on the 10th same as the majority of the cast...which would mean a different format or more than 28competitors
[QUOTE=UrbanTactics;377296]Doesn't take away from the fact that it's rude. You just need to some class. Weren't you the one that wished the "fat slob" (your words) Big Easy would leave on a stretcher. You need help.[/QUOTE] Lol well I meant to put it in a kind of "joking" type of way. I was trying to imply that hopefully they'll be a circumstance where Big Easy will have to leave and save himself the embarrassment of gassing out in another final.
No I still think Eric was on the challenge and got eliminated first! I mean they left a week ago so by now a guy and girl have been eliminated!
Not getting my hopes up until I see some pics pop up with those tweets. Until then, he's still there in my opinion.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;377302]No I still think Eric was on the challenge and got eliminated first! I mean they left a week ago so by now a guy and girl have been eliminated![/QUOTE] No it always take around a week and some days for the first elimination... They do the cast pictures, interviews and Intro (Even though they hardly used them now days)...The first challenge most likely happened, first elimination should happened from today to Friday then whoever gets eliminated stays there from 1-2 days doing confessionals then they come back to the states. [QUOTE=TeamLandon;377304]Not getting my hopes up until I see some pics pop up with those tweets. Until then, he's still there in my opinion.[/QUOTE] Sometimes pictures don't popped out, Molds will confirm or deny it after getting some information from another source.
[QUOTE=TeamLandon;377304]Not getting my hopes up until I see some pics pop up with those tweets. Until then, he's still there in my opinion.[/QUOTE] the pic was already posted here and its on the University of Illinois mascots twitter
[QUOTE=RobbioRobbio;377306]the pic was already posted here and its on the University of Illinois mascots twitter[/QUOTE] I think he mean a picture of someone with Big easy. Not the screenshot of two people that doesn't look like they know each other, tweeting that they saw Big Easy on the University of Illinois the day he wrote about being there.
