He wore Marcus Garvey T-Shirts, but dated white women, so Coral & Nicole preached to him, but Nicole constantly argued with him....then Kevin stepped in to defend him and told her "I don't wanna argue with you because I don't like the way you argue."
Nicole goes "Es-Scuse I don't care if you don't like the way I argue, don't bring up something for me to argue about if you don't like the way I argue....Don't you EVER bring up what me and Malik talk about, EVER!"
Nicole is my ***** with her vegan *** and her two dollar shirts <3333
"I'm a vegan, I'm a vegan, I don't have cheese. Don't do nothing. I eat nothing."
He wore Marcus Garvey T-Shirts, but dated white women, so Coral & Nicole preached to him, but Nicole constantly argued with him....then Kevin stepped in to defend him and told her "I don't wanna argue with you because I don't like the way you argue."Nicole goes "Es-Scuse I don't care if you don't like the way I argue, don't bring up something for me to argue about if you don't like the way I argue....Don't you EVER bring up what me and Malik talk about, EVER!"Nicole is my ***** with her vegan *** and her two dollar shirts <3333"I'm a vegan, I'm a vegan, I don't have cheese. Don't do nothing. I eat nothing."
Entrepreneur once again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Now that the cast is out, I'm going to do a recast of The Challenge: Invasion.MalesAnthony Bartolotte [AYTO: Season 2]Bruno Bettencourt [RW: Skeletons]Chris Tamburello [RW: Paris]Cory Wharton [RW: Ex-Plosion]Darrell Taylor [RR: Campus Crawl] Derrick Kosinski [RR: X-Treme] (instead of Zach Nichols)Hunter Barfield [AYTO: Season 3]Isaac Stout [RW: Sydney] (instead of Tony Raines)Johnny Devenanzio [RW: Key West]Jason Hill [RW: Skeletons] (instead of Potato Head/Dario Medrano)Marlon Williams [RW: Portland] (instead of Nelzzzzon Thomas/Nelson Thomas)Shane Landrum [RR: Campus Crawl] Theo Bradley [RW Seattle: Bad Blood]FemalesAshley Mitchell [RW: Ex-Plosion]Camila Nakagawa [Spring Break Challenge]Cara Maria Sorbello [Fresh Meat II]Evelyn Smith [Fresh Meat] (instead of Ashley Kelsey)Kailah Casillas [RW: Go Big or Go Home] Katrina Stack [RW Seattle: Bad Blood] (instead of Anika Rashaun)LaToya Jackson [RW: St. Thomas]Laurel Stucky [Fresh Meat II]Marie Roda [RW: St. Thomas]Nicole Zanatta [RW: Skeletons]Orlana Russell [RW Seattle: Bad Blood] (instead of Jenna Compono)Simone Kelly [AYTO: Season 1] (instead of Amanda Garcia)Sylvia Elsrode [RW: Skeletons]
The Challenge 30: Cutthroat II
Brian (RW: Ex-Plosion)
Bruno (RW: Skeletons)
Jason (RW: Skeletons)
Marlon (RW: Portland)
Theo (RW: Bad Blood)
CeeJai (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Jamie (RW: Ex-Plosion)
Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Tyara (RW: Bad Blood)
Violetta (RW: Skeletons)
Cory (RW: Ex-Plosion)
Frank S. (RW: San Diego)
Jordan (RW: Portland)
Robb (RW: St. Thomas)
Tony (RW: Skeletons)
Ashley M. (RW: Ex-Plosion)
Averey (RW: Portland)
LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)
Marie (RW: St. Thomas)
Nia (RW: Portland)
Abram (RR: South Pacific)
Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)
Derrick (RR: X-Treme)
Frank R. (RW: Las Vegas)
Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)
Coral (RW: Back to New York)
Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)
Tina (RR: South Pacific)
Trishelle (RW: Las Vegas)
Veronica (RR: Semester at Sea)
I mean Issac is awesome so he's a good addition to any cast.
The Challenge: Bloodlines 2
Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)& Female Cousin
Bruno (RW: Skeletons) & Briah
Tony (RW: Skeletons) & Shane (Battle of the Bloodlines)
Theo & Kassius (RW: Seattle- Bad Blood)
Brad (RW: San Diego) & Female cousin
Jordan (RW: Portland) & Brother
Zach (RW: San Diego 2) & Male Bloodline
Brian (RW: Explosion) & female cousin
Dustin (RW: Las Vegas) & Brother
Marie (RW: St. Thomas) & Victoria
Ashley (RW: Explosion) & Whitney
Nia (RW: Portland) & Makeda
Jenn (RW: Denver) & Female Bloodline
Madison (RW: Skeletons) & Rachel
Katrina & Anna (RW: Seattle- Bad Blood)
Jamie (RW: Explosion) & male cousin
Jenna (RW: Go Big or Go Home) & male cousin
Sylvia (RW: Skeletons) & Brother
the main purpose of that fan cast being Marie & Victoria ^
Elimination Order:
1. Tony & Shane eliminated by Jordan & Brother (Hall Brawl) -male elimination
2. Jenna & male cousin eliminated by Jamie & male cousin (Hooking Up) - co-ed elimination
3. Madison & Rachel eliminated by Katrina & Anna (Handcuffs) - female elimination
4. Dustin & Brother eliminated by Theo & Kassius (Reverse Tug of War)
5. Shane & female cousin eliminated by Brad & female cousin (Knot So Fast)
6. Katrina & Anna eliminated by Marie & Victoria (Shadow Fighters)
-Pairs are split into teams of two, one member on each team-
Black Team: Red Team:
Bruno Briah
Victoria Marie
Brian's female cousin Brian
Brad Brad's female cousin
Sylvia Sylvia's Brother
Jordan's Brother Jordan
Jamie's male cousin Jamie
Jenn Jenn's female cousin
Whitney Ashley Brooke
Zach Zach's male cousin
Nia Makeda
Kassius Theo
7. Jordan's Brother eliminated by Sylvia's Brother (Balls In)
7. Brad's female cousin eliminated by Brian's female cousin (Balls In)
8. Briah eliminated by Bruno (Push Over)
8. Whitney eliminated by Makeda (Push Over)
9. Kassius eliminated by Jordan (Oppenheimer)
9. Sylvia eliminated by Ashley M. (Oppenheimer)
10. Zach's male cousin eliminated by Brad (Hall Brawl)
10. Jamie eliminated by Nia (Hall Brawl)
11. Zach eliminated by Brian (Looper)
11. Jenn's female cousin eliminated by Victoria (Looper)
Finals: Red Team (Brian, Marie, Makeda, Sylvia's Brother, Ashley M, Jordan, and Theo)
Black Team (Bruno, Nia, Jenn, Brad, Jamie's male cousin, Victoria, and Brian's female cousin)
First Place: Red Team
& Nia and Makeda
Battle of the Seasons 2 in place of Fresh Meat 1:
Real World:
Wes & Johanna (RW: Austin)
Landon & Sarah (RW Philadelphia)
Brad & Robin (RW: San Diego)
Steven & Trishelle (RW: Vegas)
CT & Mallory (RW: Paris)
Coral & Malik (RW: B2NY)
Road Rules:
Derrick & Kina (RR: Xtreme)
Abram & Tina (RR: South Pacific)
Darrell & Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)
Adam & Katie (RR: The Quest)
Veronica & Yes (RR: Semester at Sea)
Theo & Holly (RR: Maximum Velocity Tour)
What was Malik like?
Would have preferred Miz obviously but he was already a wrestler by that point
He was pretty chill actually. Little bit of a softy but he was harmless.
He wore Marcus Garvey T-Shirts, but dated white women, so Coral & Nicole preached to him, but Nicole constantly argued with him....then Kevin stepped in to defend him and told her "I don't wanna argue with you because I don't like the way you argue."
Nicole goes "Es-Scuse I don't care if you don't like the way I argue, don't bring up something for me to argue about if you don't like the way I argue....Don't you EVER bring up what me and Malik talk about, EVER!"
Nicole is my ***** with her vegan *** and her two dollar shirts <3333
"I'm a vegan, I'm a vegan, I don't have cheese. Don't do nothing. I eat nothing."
Entrepreneur once again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Derrick instead of Zach
- Marlon in place of Tony
- Devin in place of Dario
- Rachel R in place of Camila
- Jamie L in place of Jenna
- Katrina in place of Anika
Re-Casting Invasion:
CT (RW: Paris)
Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)
Jordan (RW: Portland)
Derrick (RR: Xtreme)
Laurel (Fresh Meat 2)
Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)
Evelyn (Fresh Meat)
Veronica (RR: Semester at Sea)
Amanda (Are You The One? Season 3)
Katrina (RW: Seattle- Bad Blood)
Ashley (RW: Explosion)
Jamie (RW: Explosion)
Kailah (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Latoya (RW: St Thomas)
Marie (RW: St Thomas)
Nicole (RW: Skeletons)
Nia (RW: Portland)
Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Anthony (Are You The One? Season 2)
Bruno (RW: Skeletons)
Cory (RW: Explosion)
Devin (Are You The One? Season 3)
Dylan (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Marlon (RW: Portland)
Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)
Theo (RW: Seattle - Bad Blood)
Tony (RW: Skeletons)
Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Free Agents 2: Men's Club.
Theo(Bad Blood)
Brad(San Diego 1)
Dan(Viewer's Revenge)
Abram(South Pacific)
Trey(St Thomas)
Dustin(Las Vegas 2)
Robb(St Thomas)
Dylan(Go Big or Go Home)
Swift(St Thomas)
Robbie(Bad Blood)
The Challenge: 2017
Real World- Kassius, Will, Theo, Marlon, Swift, Ty, Katrina, Tyara, Anika, Jordan, Kim, Brooke
The Challenge- Rianna, Jill, Brianna, Cara Maria, Laurel, Casey, Ryan, Luke, Brandon, Vinny(FM2), Vince (Bloodlines), Mike
AYTO- Kaylen, Rashida, Simone, Amanda, Kari, Christina, Dario, Nelson, Derrick(5), Giovanni, Asaf, Edward
I'm ******* dead at Brooke on a team with those people *******
The challenge Invasion
location Spain
like the current season but without anyone from that season. The guys are eh but the girls cast is fire
Scott, Ceejai
CJ, Cooke
Ryan L Beth
Wes,Frank, Derrick, Mark
Sarah,Coral,Veronica Rachel
Marlon, Kelly Anne
Greg, Jill
Leroy, Jenn
Noor, Nia
Robb ,Theresa
Recasting all Rivals seasons:
Rivals 3 first
Darrell & KellyAnne
Wes & Cara Maria
Johnny & Sarah
Frank & Nany
Jordan & Nia
Camila & Ty
CJ & Ayiiia
Cory & Ashley
Jason & Nicole
Bruno & Sylvia
Nelson & Amanda
Marie & Trey
Devin & Cheyenne
Battle of The Seasons 3
Team Inferno - CT, Darrell, Coral, Rachel
Team Duel - Wes, Brad, Aneesa, Brittini
Team Cutthroat - Abe, Derrick, Laurel, Ayiiia
Team Rivals - Marlon, Tony, Camila, Amanda
Team Exes - Ty, Leroy, Emily, Nia
Team Free Agents - Zach, Reilly, LaToya, Cara Maria
Team Bloodlines - Cory, Vince, Kellyanne, Jill
Team Invasion - Shane, Nelson, Ashley M., Nicole Z.
Team Inferno wins 100%
Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 1.36.48 PM.png
who tf is between frank & bananas? luke? and who is below him? lol
The one between Frank and Backpack is Gio from AYTO.
the one below him is another person from ATYO. I don't know him.
I believe that's Michael from S5.
The Challenge: Ooopsie Daisy
Kassius- Real World Bad Blood
Theo- Real World Bad Blood
Will- Real World Bad Blood
Jason- Real World Skeletons
Marlon- Real World Portland
Swift- Real World St Thomas
Leroy- Real World Las Vegas
Ty- Real World DC
Nick- Real World Hollywood
Tyrie- Real World Denver
Edward- AYTO 5
Asaf- AYTO 4
Latoya- Real World St Thomas
Shauvon- Real World Sydney
Katie- Road Rules The Quest
Brianna- Real World Hollywood
Britini- Real World Hollywood
Nia- Real World Portland
CeeJai- Real World Go Big or Go Home
Arielle- Real World Explosion
Aneesa- Real World Chicago
Shavonda- Real World Philadelphia
Beth S.- Real World Los Angeles
Chanda- Fresh Meat
Cutthroat 2: Past vs Present vs Future
Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)
Abe (RR: South Pacific)
Derrick (RR: Xtreme)
Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)
Landon (RW: Philadelphia)
Brad (RW: Austin)
Veronica (RR: Semester at Sea)
Tina (RR: South Pacific)
Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)
Cara (RR: South Pacific)
Jenn (RW: Denver)
Brianna (RW: Hollywood)
Bananas (RW: Key West)
Wes (RW: Austin)
CT (RW: Paris)
Frank (RW: San Diego 2)
Jordan (RW: Portland)
Tony (RW: Skeletons)
Nia (RW: Portland)
Marie (RW: St. Thomas)
Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Averey (RW: Portland)
Theresa (Fresh Meat 2)
Ashley M (RW: Explosion)
Brian (RW: Explosion)
Bruno (RW: Skeletons)
Devin (Are You The One? Season 3)
Dylan (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Theo (RW: Seattle- Bad Blood)
Gio (Are You The One? Season 4)
Jamie (RW: Explosion)
Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Violetta (RW: Skeletons)
CeeJai (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Katrina (RW: Seattle- Bad Blood)
Shanley (Are You The One?)
The Challenge : SlutFest
Nicole Ramos
Jay explosion
All the AYTO girls
The Challenge: Allies
Laurel and Cara Maria
Evelyn and Kellyanne
Emily and Camila
Rachel and Veronica
Cooke and Jemmye
Jodi and Kina
Theresa and Sarah
Susie and Cara
Bananas and Leroy
CT and Zach
Johnny R and Jordan
Cory and Thomas
Evan and Kenny
Derrick and Abram
Darrell and Shane
Ace and Adam K
Episode 1:
Winners: CT and Zach/ Theresa and Sarah
Last: Cory and Thomas
Voted in: Ace and Adam K
Eliminated: Ace and Adam K
Episode 2:
Winners: Laurel and Cara Maria/ Darrell and Shane
Last: Susie and Cara
Voted in: Jodi and Kina
Eliminated: Susie and Cara
Episode 3:
Winners: Bananas and Leroy/ Laurel and Cara Maria
Last: Cory and Thomas
Voted in: Darrell and Shane
Eliminated: Cory and Thomas
Episode 4:
Winners: Evelyn and Kellyanne/ Johnny R and Jordan
Last: Cooke and Jemmye
Voted in: Jodi and Kina
Eliminated: Jodi and Kina
Episode 5:
Winners: CT and Zach/ Evelyn and Kellyanne
Last: Johnny R and Jordan
Voted in: Darrell and Shane
Eliminated: Johnny R and Jordan
Episode 6:
Winners: Laurel and Cara Maria/ Evan and Kenny
Last: Cooke and Jemmye
Voted in: Evelyn and Kellyanne
Eliminated: Cooke and Jemmye
Episode 7:
Winners: Derrick and Abram/ Evelyn and Kellyanne
Last: Darrell and Shane
Voted in: Bananas and Leroy
Eliminated: Darrell and Shane
Episode 8:
Winners: Theresa and Sarah/ Derrick and Abram
Last: Rachel and Veronica
Voted in: Evelyn and Kellyanne
Eliminated: Rachel and Veronica
Episode 9:
Winners: CT and Zach/ Laurel and Cara Maria
Last: Bananas and Leroy
Voted in: Evan and Kenny
Eliminated: Bananas and Leroy
Episode 10:
Winners: Theresa and Sarah/ CT and Zach
Last: Emily and Camila
Voted in: Evelyn and Kellyanne
Eliminated: Evelyn and Kellyanne
Episode 11:
3rd: Emily and Camila/ Evan and Kenny
Episode 12:
2nd: Theresa and Sarah/ Derrick and Abram
1st: Laurel and Cara Maria/ CT and Zach