Champs: Darrell Derrick CT Wes Abram Susie Emily S Ibis Rachel R Veronica
Veterans: Shane L Cory Johnny R Vince Cohutta Joanna Theresa Aneesa Nany Avery
Rookies: you guys can pick
Same format as before 9 eliminations 6 guys & girls make the final. However instead of competiting as teams the final becomes individual. There will be three eliminations for each gender before the final with the 3 winners competiting
So using Cutthroat. The girls all have to vote someone in...let's say they picked Cara Maria. Cara then would get to pick any of the 5 remaining girls to go against. Say she picked Tori. Cara beats Tori earning her spot in the final. Cara then picks one of the remaining girls and decides on Laurel. laurel calls out Jenn leaving Emily Vs Sarah.
Ensures no one gets a free pass and should create some incredible eliminations
The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Debut Album wrote:The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Why? Because Derrick isn't on it?
No, because you don't have any real old schoolers. I guess you have been watching for just a couple of years, but hey, no shame in that.
Acutally no. Been watching these shows since 2001. I just prefer to see the newer faces rather than old-schoolers(even though I don't mind them).
you honestly need a mix in my opinion. im not saying an even number of new school kids and old school people, but you do need some sort of mix. it doesnt need to be backpack, hell it can guys like wes, darell, landon, etc. i think a mix adds great balance to a cast. all new people tends to be zzzz
Debut Album wrote:The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Why? Because Derrick isn't on it?
No, because you don't have any real old schoolers. I guess you have been watching for just a couple of years, but hey, no shame in that.
Acutally no. Been watching these shows since 2001. I just prefer to see the newer faces rather than old-schoolers(even though I don't mind them).
you honestly need a mix in my opinion. im not saying an even number of new school kids and old school people, but you do need some sort of mix. it doesnt need to be backpack, hell it can guys like wes, darell, landon, etc. i think a mix adds great balance to a cast. all new people tends to be zzzz
Correct--no mix means you're limited your cast. Anyone that has ever appeared on The Real World, Road Rules, Fresh Meat, Bloodlines (sadly) and AYTO (even more sad) should be considered. All new(er) people is horrible casting and you'll get ratings like Season. I know some here love that Season but it was boarderline unwatchable.
Debut Album wrote:The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Why? Because Derrick isn't on it?
No, because you don't have any real old schoolers. I guess you have been watching for just a couple of years, but hey, no shame in that.
Acutally no. Been watching these shows since 2001. I just prefer to see the newer faces rather than old-schoolers(even though I don't mind them).
you honestly need a mix in my opinion. im not saying an even number of new school kids and old school people, but you do need some sort of mix. it doesnt need to be backpack, hell it can guys like wes, darell, landon, etc. i think a mix adds great balance to a cast. all new people tends to be zzzz
See for me I'm someone that likes to see newer faces. All the people you mentioned pretty much had their time in the sun on these shows and at this point I just don't want to see them anymore(with some exceptions). I feel like this show relys too much on veterans and it doesn't concern itself with the newer people half the time(barring a few exceptions). I mean you saw on Rivals 2 how the first 2 or 3 episodes were devoted to CT and how Bloodlines was basically The Backpack/Cara Maria show with a guest Appearance from Abram. Not to mention Wes vs Backpack every season. T
I mean I get that people want a mix and I'm not opposed to that but I think the show would be better off if it focused on the newer people. The older castmembers aren't gonna be there forever.
Debut Album wrote:The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Why? Because Derrick isn't on it?
No, because you don't have any real old schoolers. I guess you have been watching for just a couple of years, but hey, no shame in that.
Acutally no. Been watching these shows since 2001. I just prefer to see the newer faces rather than old-schoolers(even though I don't mind them).
you honestly need a mix in my opinion. im not saying an even number of new school kids and old school people, but you do need some sort of mix. it doesnt need to be backpack, hell it can guys like wes, darell, landon, etc. i think a mix adds great balance to a cast. all new people tends to be zzzz
See for me I'm someone that likes to see newer faces. All the people you mentioned pretty much had their time in the sun on these shows and at this point I just don't want to see them anymore(with some exceptions). I feel like this show relys too much on veterans and it doesn't concern itself with the newer people half the time(barring a few exceptions). I mean you saw on Rivals 2 how the first 2 or 3 episodes were devoted to CT and how Bloodlines was basically The Backpack/Cara Maria show with a guest Appearance from Abram. Not to mention Wes vs Backpack every season. TI mean I get that people want a mix and I'm not opposed to that but I think the show would be better off if it focused on the newer people. The older castmembers aren't gonna be there forever.
That's an issue with editing and production...a claim that veterans should not be included is simply stupid. There's no nice way to say that. You consider everyone avaialble to us. That way we not get repeative casts or casts that very few care about (again, see Seasons).
The problem isn't using veterans. It's casting Nany, Leroy, Johnny, Cara, Camila, Jenna, etc every single season
Debut Album wrote:The Ruins: Vets vs Rookies. Veterans(2 or more challenge appearances) Cory(Ex-plosion) Trey(St Thomas) Tony(Skeletons) Robb(St Thomas) CJ(Cancun) Chet(Brooklyn) Thomas(Ex-plosion) Dustin(Las Vegas 2) Jenna(Ex-plosion) Jonna(Cancun) Nany(Las Vegas 2) Kellyanne(Sydney) Nia(Portland) Avery(Portland) Jemmye(New Orleans 2) Devyn(Brooklyn) Rookies(1 or less appearences) Theo(Bad Blood) Dylan(Go Big or Go Home) Brian(Ex-plosion) Jason(Skeletons) Peter(Bad Blood) Marlon(Portland) Swift(St Thomas) Dione(Go Big or Go Home) Nicole(Skeletons) Cooke(Las Vegas 2) CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home) Ashley(Ex-plosion) Tyara(Bad Blood) Katrina(Bad Blood) Marie(St Thomas) Latoya(St Thomas)
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Why? Because Derrick isn't on it?
No, because you don't have any real old schoolers. I guess you have been watching for just a couple of years, but hey, no shame in that.
Acutally no. Been watching these shows since 2001. I just prefer to see the newer faces rather than old-schoolers(even though I don't mind them).
you honestly need a mix in my opinion. im not saying an even number of new school kids and old school people, but you do need some sort of mix. it doesnt need to be backpack, hell it can guys like wes, darell, landon, etc. i think a mix adds great balance to a cast. all new people tends to be zzzz
See for me I'm someone that likes to see newer faces. All the people you mentioned pretty much had their time in the sun on these shows and at this point I just don't want to see them anymore(with some exceptions). I feel like this show relys too much on veterans and it doesn't concern itself with the newer people half the time(barring a few exceptions). I mean you saw on Rivals 2 how the first 2 or 3 episodes were devoted to CT and how Bloodlines was basically The Backpack/Cara Maria show with a guest Appearance from Abram. Not to mention Wes vs Backpack every season. TI mean I get that people want a mix and I'm not opposed to that but I think the show would be better off if it focused on the newer people. The older castmembers aren't gonna be there forever.
That's an issue with editing and production...a claim that veterans should not be included is simply stupid. There's no nice way to say that. You consider everyone avaialble to us. That way we not get repeative casts or casts that very few care about (again, see Seasons).The problem isn't using veterans. It's casting Nany, Leroy, Johnny, Cara, Camila, Jenna, etc every single season
But in a way using vets are reptitive because we've seen these people time and again. I mean what more is someone like CT gonna do for this show? He's useless at this point and there's nothing else to do with him. I mean sure you got people like Wes/Aneesa/Abram who'll bring something to the table but if I had to pick between them and 3 fresh new faces who'l also do something for the show. I'm taking the fresh faces. I'm not saying cast them out completly...People do wanna see them so there's a market for them and they should be catered too but IMO the new people coming in should take presedence over them. You have to look to the future and the people behind this show have done a poor job of that.
And honestly Like I day they're not going to have a choice at some point. Shit. They barley have a choice now.
You can create new faces while still having old faces there. If you just do all new faces, like they basically did with BOTS2, it will flop with viewership.
You can create new faces while still having old faces there. If you just do all new faces, like they basically did with BOTS2, it will flop with viewership.
You absolutley can. But BMP/MTV don't seem to know how to do it.
You can create new faces while still having old faces there. If you just do all new faces, like they basically did with BOTS2, it will flop with viewership.
You absolutley can. But BMP/MTV don't seem to know how to do it.
So its their fault that Frank and Jordan moved on from the show?
You arent going to create a new face by casting Camila, Nany, Bananas, Leroy every season that I agree with.
I pointed out 2 examples of people that were new that were created as faces for the show while old faces were around. You said BMP didn't know how to do it.
I pointed out 2 examples of people that were new that were created as faces for the show while old faces were around. You said BMP didn't know how to do it.
I don't mean people who were groomed as faces for the show. Just new people who got enough screentime for the audience to get familiar with them.
Frank didnt have old faces on the show? I remember him getting into arguments with Alton and Wes.....
You said BMP have no idea how to create new faces as I said originally you can create new faces with old faces there. BMP clearly are struggling with the early retirings of Frank and Jordan, 2 new faces that were created with old faces being there. They put their eggs in those 2 baskets' and didn't work out. You like to blame production for everything tho so forget it. Perhaps I am not articulating myself clearly.
Frank didnt have old faces on the show? I remember him getting into arguments with Alton and Wes.....You said BMP have no idea how to create new faces as I said originally you can create new faces with old faces there. BMP clearly are struggling with the early retirings of Frank and Jordan, 2 new faces that were created with old faces being there. They put their eggs in those 2 baskets' and didn't work out. You like to blame production for everything tho so forget it. Perhaps I am not articulating myself clearly.
Re-casting The Ruins:
Syrus (RW: Boston)
Theo (RR: Maximum Velocity Tour)
Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)
Frank (RW: Las Vegas)
Abe (RR: South Pacific)
Derrick (RR: Xtreme)
Randy (RW: San Diego)
Wes (RW: Austin)
Kenny (Fresh Meat)
Julie (RW: New Orleans)
Coral (RW: Back to New York)
Susie (RR: Down Under)
Veronica (RR: Semester at Sea)
Katie (RR: The Quest)
Tonya (RW: Chicago)
Cara (RR: South Pacific)
Kina (RR: Xtreme)
Johanna (RW: Austin)
Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)
CT (RW: Paris)
Danny (RR: Xtreme)
Brad (RW: San Diego)
Cohutta (RW: Sydney)
Greg (RW: Hollywood)
Will (RW: Hollywood)
Ryan (RW: Brooklyn)
Scott (RW: Brooklyn)
Aneesa (RW: Chicago)
Trishelle (RW: Las Vegas)
Svetlana (RW: Key West)
Jenn (RW: Denver)
Ivory (RR: Viewer's Revenge)
KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)
Brianna (RW: Hollywood)
Kimberly (RW: Hollywood)
Devyn (RW: Brooklyn)
Julie is champion
i forgot lmao
Remove for champs Randy, Cara and Johanna, and put Landon, Jodi and Jamie (San Diego). It would be overkill, but **** it.
For challengers remove Devyn, Scott and Greg and put someone stronger, can't tell who.
The Challenge: Fight Club
Abram (Fought Donell & Adam)Adam (Punched Ty)Brian (Fought Cory)Bruno (Fought the roof of a van)Cory (Fought Brian)CT (Fought Adam)Darrell (Fought Brad)Greg (Fought Will)Kassius (Fought Theo)Marlon (Fought CT & Knight)Shane (Slapped Darrell)Theo (Fought Kassius)Tony (Fought Shane & Camila)Will (Fought Greg)
Amanda (Mushed Camila)Aneesa (Manhandled Trishelle)Averey (Fought Nia)Camila (Fought Tony)CeeJai (Clocked Jenna)Jenn (Pushed Mandi)Jenna (Tried to push CeeJai)Jennifer (Shoved Anna)Marie (Shoved Derek and Potted Sam)Nany (Tried to fight Camila)Nia (Fought Averey & Johnny)Tami (Its Tami)Tina ("Punched" Beth)Trisha (Slapped Parisa)
Lol this would be fun and some deaths would probably occur.
Cutthroat 2 with a twist at the end
Champs: Darrell Derrick CT Wes Abram Susie Emily S Ibis Rachel R Veronica
Veterans: Shane L Cory Johnny R Vince Cohutta Joanna Theresa Aneesa Nany Avery
Rookies: you guys can pick
Same format as before 9 eliminations 6 guys & girls make the final. However instead of competiting as teams the final becomes individual. There will be three eliminations for each gender before the final with the 3 winners competiting
So using Cutthroat. The girls all have to vote someone in...let's say they picked Cara Maria. Cara then would get to pick any of the 5 remaining girls to go against. Say she picked Tori. Cara beats Tori earning her spot in the final. Cara then picks one of the remaining girls and decides on Laurel. laurel calls out Jenn leaving Emily Vs Sarah.
Ensures no one gets a free pass and should create some incredible eliminations
highest money earners challenge free agents style
1Johnny "Bananas" DevenanzioRW: Key West6/14$685,543
2Wes BergmannRW: Austin2/10$248,000
3Darrell TaylorRR: Campus Crawl4/7$240,555
4Kenny SantucciFresh Meat3/8$236,293
5Landon LueckRW: Philadelphia3/4$184,166
6 Derrick KosinskiRR: X-Treme3/9$176,293
7Evan StarkmanFresh Meat2/6$151,293
8Chris "CT" TamburelloRW: Paris1/12$136,500
9Jordan WiseleyRW: Portland1/3$133,000
10Abram BoiseRR: South Pacific2/9$102,500
1Laurel StuckyFresh Meat II1/5$201,000
2Cara Maria SorbelloFresh Meat II1/8$188,500
3Jodi WeathertonRR: X-Treme2/3$176,666
4Sarah PattersonRW: Brooklyn2/9$173,739
5Evelyn SmithFresh Meat3/7$167,000
6Rachel RobinsonRR: Campus Crawl2/7$135,555
7Paula MeronekRW: Key West2/10$126,000
8Aviv MelmedFresh Meat1/1$125,0003
9Emily SchrommRW: DC1/3$104,000
10Susie MeisterRR: Down Under2/4$100,173
This is by far the worst cast list I have ever seen.
Mark also fought the roof of a van.
Why? Because Derrick isn't on it?
got em
got em
Replacing the Island with Battle of the Seasons
Team Sydney: Dunbar, Cohutta, KellyAnne, Ashli
Team Philadelphia: Landon, MJ, Sarah, Shavonda
Team San Diego: Brad, Randy, Robin, Cameran
Team Old School Road Rules: Darrell, Derrick, Katie, Veronica
Team Fresh Meat: Kenny, Johnnie, Diem, Evelyn
Team Paris: CT, Ace, Mallory, Leah
Team Vegas: Alton, Steven, Trishelle, Irulan
Team Viewers Revenge: Dan, David, Ivory, Tori
No, because you don't have any real old schoolers. I guess you have been watching for just a couple of years, but hey, no shame in that.
The Challenge: Free Agents (In Place of Fresh Meat)
Dan S
David (Seattle)
Acutally no. Been watching these shows since 2001. I just prefer to see the newer faces rather than old-schoolers(even though I don't mind them).
you honestly need a mix in my opinion. im not saying an even number of new school kids and old school people, but you do need some sort of mix. it doesnt need to be backpack, hell it can guys like wes, darell, landon, etc. i think a mix adds great balance to a cast. all new people tends to be zzzz
Correct--no mix means you're limited your cast. Anyone that has ever appeared on The Real World, Road Rules, Fresh Meat, Bloodlines (sadly) and AYTO (even more sad) should be considered. All new(er) people is horrible casting and you'll get ratings like Season. I know some here love that Season but it was boarderline unwatchable.
See for me I'm someone that likes to see newer faces. All the people you mentioned pretty much had their time in the sun on these shows and at this point I just don't want to see them anymore(with some exceptions). I feel like this show relys too much on veterans and it doesn't concern itself with the newer people half the time(barring a few exceptions). I mean you saw on Rivals 2 how the first 2 or 3 episodes were devoted to CT and how Bloodlines was basically The Backpack/Cara Maria show with a guest Appearance from Abram. Not to mention Wes vs Backpack every season. T
I mean I get that people want a mix and I'm not opposed to that but I think the show would be better off if it focused on the newer people. The older castmembers aren't gonna be there forever.
That's an issue with editing and production...a claim that veterans should not be included is simply stupid. There's no nice way to say that. You consider everyone avaialble to us. That way we not get repeative casts or casts that very few care about (again, see Seasons).
The problem isn't using veterans. It's casting Nany, Leroy, Johnny, Cara, Camila, Jenna, etc every single season
But in a way using vets are reptitive because we've seen these people time and again. I mean what more is someone like CT gonna do for this show? He's useless at this point and there's nothing else to do with him. I mean sure you got people like Wes/Aneesa/Abram who'll bring something to the table but if I had to pick between them and 3 fresh new faces who'l also do something for the show. I'm taking the fresh faces. I'm not saying cast them out completly...People do wanna see them so there's a market for them and they should be catered too but IMO the new people coming in should take presedence over them. You have to look to the future and the people behind this show have done a poor job of that.
And honestly Like I day they're not going to have a choice at some point. Shit. They barley have a choice now.
You can create new faces while still having old faces there. If you just do all new faces, like they basically did with BOTS2, it will flop with viewership.
You absolutley can. But BMP/MTV don't seem to know how to do it.
So its their fault that Frank and Jordan moved on from the show?
You arent going to create a new face by casting Camila, Nany, Bananas, Leroy every season that I agree with.
That's my point. Why is why they need to either need to leave them out of the equation or have them take a backseat to the newbies ala Rivals 3.
And where did you get that I blame MTV/BMP for people leaving the show? I never once said that nor did I imply that at any point.
I pointed out 2 examples of people that were new that were created as faces for the show while old faces were around. You said BMP didn't know how to do it.
I don't mean people who were groomed as faces for the show. Just new people who got enough screentime for the audience to get familiar with them.
Frank didnt have old faces on the show? I remember him getting into arguments with Alton and Wes.....
You said BMP have no idea how to create new faces as I said originally you can create new faces with old faces there. BMP clearly are struggling with the early retirings of Frank and Jordan, 2 new faces that were created with old faces being there. They put their eggs in those 2 baskets' and didn't work out. You like to blame production for everything tho so forget it. Perhaps I am not articulating myself clearly.
Why the hell wouldn't I? They created this show.