Re-doing the elimination order of Bloodlines with a better format: You can swap places with your bloodline in elimination (same sex pairs only), and you stay even if your bloodline is eliminated. Also, winning team of each daily mission gets $20,000 added to their team bank account, and they vote in one guy and one girl from their team to go into elimination, however, whoever is voted in gets to choose their opponent from the other team (kind of like The Duel).Let's pretend TJ drew a name out of the button bag and it was still Cara, so her and Jamie still got to pick teams.[color=red]Red Team[color=red]Cara Maria[color=red]Bananas[color=red]Candice[color=red]Tony[color=red]Brianna[color=red]Cory[color=red]Nicole[color=red]Camila[color=red]Anthony[color=red]Thomas[color=red]Jill[color=red]Christina[color=red]Rianna[color=red]DarioReplacement:[color=red] Abram[color=blue]Blue Team[color=blue]Jamie[color=blue]Vince[color=blue]Leroy[color=blue]Shane[color=blue]Jenna[color=blue]Mitch[color=blue]Nany[color=blue]Larissa[color=blue]Kellyanne[color=blue]Stephen[color=blue]Cohutta[color=blue]Emily[color=blue]Aneesa[color=blue]RaphyReplacement: [color=blue]Mike[color=green]Elimination Order:Episode 1Mission Winner: [color=red]Red TeamVoted In: [color=red]Anthony & RiannaOpponents Chosen: [color=blue]Cohutta & EmilyBloodline Elimination Swap: Aneesa takes Rianna's spotPit Game: End of My RopeEliminated: Anthony by Cohutta and Emily by [color=blue]AneesaEpisode 2Mission Winner: [color=blue]Blue TeamVoted In: [color=Blue]Stephen & JennaOpponents Chosen: [color=red]Dario & ChristinaBloodline Elimination Swap: NonePit Game: Squaring OffEliminated: Stephen by Dario and Christina by JennaEpisode 3/4Mission Winner: [color=red]Red TeamVoted In: [color=red]Thomas & BriannaOpponents Chosen: [color=blue]Cohutta & LarissaInjury DQ: Candice and TonyBloodline Elimination Swap: Camila takes Larissa's place.Pit Game: Door SlammerEliminated: Cohutta by Thomas and Brianna by CamilaEpisode 4/5Mission Winner: [color=red]Red TeamVoted In: [color=red]Dario & RiannaOpponents Chosen: [color=blue]Mike & LarissaBloodline Elimination Swap: NonePit Game: My Way or the HighwayEliminated: Dario by Mike and Larissa by RiannaEpisode 6Mission Winner: [color=blue]Blue TeamVoted In: [color=blue]Shane & KellyanneOpponents Chosen: [color=red]Abram & NicoleBloodline Elimination Swap: Mike takes Abram's place, and Nany takes Nicole's place.Pit Game: Ring My BellEliminated: Shane by Mike and Nany by KellyanneEpisode 7Mission Winner: [color=red]Red TeamVoted In: [color=red]Thomas & RiannaOpponents Chosen: [color=blue]Mike & JennaBloodline Elimination Swap: Abram takes Mike's place.Pit Game: Home WreckerEliminated: Thomas by Abram and Rianna by JennaEpisode 8Mission Winner: [color=red]Red TeamVoted In: [color=red]Cory & JillOpponents Chosen: [color=blue]Raphy & JennaBloodline Elimination Swap: NonePit Game: Handcuffs (**** Spun Out)Eliminated: Raphy by Cory and Jenna by JillEpisode 9Mission Winner: [color=red]Red TeamVoted In: [color=red]Bananas & NicoleOpponents Chosen: [color=blue]Mitch & KellyanneBloodline Elimination Swap: Cory takes Mitch's place.Pit Game: Hand It OverEliminated: Bananas by Cory and Nicole by KellyanneEpisode 10Mission Winner: [color=blue]Blue TeamVoted In: [color=blue]Vince & KellyanneOpponents Chosen: [color=red]Abram & CamilaBloodline Elimination Swap: NonePit Game: Through Thick and ThinEliminated: Vince by Abram and Camila by KellyanneEpisode 11Mission Winner: [color=blue]Blue TeamVoted In: [color=blue]Jamie & AneesaOpponents Chosen: [color=red]Cory & Cara MariaBloodline Elimination Swap: NonePit Game: Mine Not YoursEliminated: Jamie by Cory and Aneesa by Cara MariaEpisode 12/131st Place: [color=red]Red Team (Cara Maria, Cory, Jill, and Abram)2nd Place: [color=blue]Blue Team (Leroy, Kellyanne, Mitch, and Mike)
I didn't see Tony in any of the elimintions and he isn't in the final challenge.
He and Candice were both DQ'd due to injury, just like the original Bloodlines season.
Wes/Jordan(Battle of the Exes 2)
Leroy/Jay(Battle of The Exes 2)
Zach/Alton(Battle of the Seasons 2)
Vince/Devin(Rivals 3)
CeeJai/Jenna(Go Big or Go Home)
Nany/Camilla(Free Agents)
Marie/Sam(Battle of the Seasons 2)
Ashley M/Jamie(Ex-plosion)
Christina/Briana(Rivals 3)
This is how I would have changed the course of challenges. Instead of traveling to Iceland for the Exes final, they would have gone somehwere like British Columbia, not in the snow and CT & Diem would have won. Battle of the Seasons would not have changed. Instead of Rivals II for Season 24, I would have done a Vets vs. Rookies challenge entitled Battlegrounds that would have looked like this.
Here are the rules. Before each challenge, both teams nominate 6 players (3 guys/3 girls) into the inner circle. The inner circle of the winning team will then gather and vote in 1 guy/1 girl from the rest of the team to go into the Battlegrounds. The inner circle of the losing team however, is at the mercy of the rest of their team and the rest of the team will vote 1 guy/1 girl from the inner circle to go into the Battlegrounds. Winners of the Battlegrounds stay in the game, losers go home.
Eliminations:Episode 1- Veterans win. Dunbar (by Robb) and Jessica (by Cara Maria) in You Ain't Passin' MeEpisode 2- Veterans win. Tyrie (by Knight) and Trishelle (by Cooke) in Return to SenderEpisode 3- Rookies win. Preston (by Leroy) and Marie (by Cara Maria) in Bridge BuilderEpisode 4- Veterans win. Ayiiia (by Theresa) and Robb (by Ty) in Fixer UpperEpisode 5- Veterans win. Averey (by Emily) and Zach (by Leroy) in SkyscraperEpisode 6- Rookies win. Ty (by Knight) and Jemmye (by Camila) in RingerEpisode 7- Rookies win. Leroy (by Marlon) and Camila (by Theresa)* in Knock OffEpisode 8- Rookies win. Trey (by Cohutta) and Theresa (by KellyAnne)* in TangledEpisode 9- Veterans win. Knight (by Wes) and Devyn (by Aneesa) in Break OutEpisode 10- Veterans win. Cohutta (by Jordan) and Diem (by Cooke) in Labyrinth
*- As you can see, in episodes 7 and 8, two veterans girls go against each other. Well here is why. Since the Rookie team won both the 7th and 8th challenge and since there were only three girls left on the team (Cooke, Devyn, and Nany) and the format says, the inner circle of the winning team votes in players from the rest of the team, that would mean Cooke, Devyn, and Nany were safe, therefore TJ drops a bombshell on the Veterans and tells them that they have to nominate two girls to go against each other.
Final Challenge:Veterans- Aneesa, Cara Maria, CT, Emily, Johnny, KellyAnne, and WesRookies- Cooke, Frank, Jordan, Marlon, and Nany
Vets win.This would have been Johnny's 4th win since I changed the final results of Exes, which also means this would have been CT's second consecutive win.
Battleground eliminations.You Ain't Passin' Me is the same as Hall Brawl.Return to Sender is the same as Balls Out.Bridge Builder is the same as Bridging the Gap from Rivals III.Fixer Upper is one I made up. There is a water spout that is leaking water at the upper left corner of a large square structure. In front of each squre structure is a platform with stairs (picture those scaffolds that the cast stood on in the Gulg on Cutthroat). On the ground, there are different shaped pipes that you have to use to build to deposit the water to the bucket in the lower right hand corner. First player to do so wins.Skyscraper is the same as Breaking on Through.Ringer is the same as Ring Wrestle.Knock Off is another I made up. Both players are placed on a round platform that is 10 ft in diameter and it is raised 5 feet above the ground. The first player to knock their opponent off the platform twice wins.Tangled is a hybrid of Spool or Knot So Fast.Break Out is one I made up. Both players are placed in a tank of water (picture the water tanks from Crunch on The Ruins). Inside each tank there is a plexiglass sheet locked into the tank by four padlocks. At the top of the tank outside, there is a steel ring and four keys but the players do not know what key opens which lock. The first player to unlock all four keys, lift the plexiglass sheet out of the tank and use the steel ring to break out of the tank wins.Labyrinth is one I made up. It is hybrid of T-Bone and Dugout but it is more of a maze so there are wrong turns you can take instead of a straight shot.
So in my last post, I created a challenge that should have replaced Rivals II for Season 24. Season 25 would have remained Free Agents, however, I would have switched the cast up a little and made 30 competitors instead of 28. The cast is as follows:
Males:01- CT (RW: Paris)03- Johnny (RW: Key West)05- Wes (RW: Austin)07- Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)09- Chet (RW: Brooklyn)11- Abram (RR: South Pacific)13- Leroy (RW: Las Vegas 2011)15- Frank (RW: San Diego 2011)17- Johnny (RW: Portland)19- Brandon (Fresh Meat II)21- Swift (RW: St. Thomas)23- Zach (RW: San Diego 2011)25- Jordan (RW: Portland)27- Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2011)29- Mark (RR: USA- First Adventure)
Females:02- Cara Maria (Fresh Meat II)04- Jemmye (RW: New Orleans 2010)06- Marie (RW: St. Thomas)08- Theresa (Fresh Meat II)10- Aneesa (RW: Chicago)12- Sarah (RW: Brooklyn)14- Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2011)16- KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)18- LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)20- Jonna (RW: Cancun)22- Sam (RW: San Diego 2011)24- Laurel (Fresh Meat II)26- Nia (RW: Portland)28- Averey (RW: Portland)30- Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2011)
Eliminations:Episode 1- Chet (by Dustin) and Jemmye (by KellyAnne) in Balls InEpisode 2- Dustin (by Frank) and Sam (by Cooke) in Wrecking WallEpisode 3- Nia (by CaraMaria) in Looper, Frank DQ'dEpisode 4- Brandon (by Swift) and LaToya (by Cara Maria) in OppenheimerEpisode 5- Swift (by Jordan) and Averey (by Laurel) in Balls InEpisode 6- KellyAnne (by Theresa) and Abram (by Johnny Bananas) in LooperEpisode 7- Jonna (by Cooke) and Jordan (by Johnny Bananas) in OppenheimerEpisode 8- Johnny (by Wes) and Aneesa (by Laurel) in Wrecking WallEpisode 9- Wes (by Mark) and Sarah (by Cara Maria) in Balls InEpisode 10- Leroy (by Darrell) and Cara Maria (by Laurel) in LooperEpisode 11- Marie (by Cooke) and Mark (by Johnny Bananas) in OppenheimerEpisode 12- Nany (by Theresa) and Zach (by CT) in Balls In
Final Challenge:Winners- Darrell and Laurel2nd Place- Johnny Bananas and Cooke3rd Place- CT and Theresa
Replacements: Brandon Nelson (Fresh Meat II), Wes Bergmann (RW: Austin), Tony Raines (Real World: Skeletons), Shane Raines (Bloodlines), Brandon Tindel (AYTO: Season 2), Giovanni Rivera (AYTO: Season 4), Dean Plange (Real World: Go Big or Go Home), or Chris "Scali" Scali (AYTO: Season 1)
Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Averey Tressler (Real world: Portland)
Ayiiia Elizarraras (Real World: Cancun)
Camila Nakagawa (Spring Break Challenge)
Jenna Thomason (Real World: Go Big or Go Home)
Jenny Delich (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Kailah Casillas (Real World: Go Big or Go Home)
Kaylen Zahara (AYTO: Season 4)
KellyAnne Judd (Real World: Sydney)
LaToya Jackson (Real World: St. Thomas)
Mandi Moyer (Fresh Meat II)
Marie Roda (Real World: St. Thomas)
Nia Moore (Real world: Portland)
Simone Kelly (AYTO: Season 1)
Sylvia Elsrode (Real World: Skeletons)
Replacements: Rashida Zakiya (AYTO: Season 3), Jacy Rodriguez (AYTO: Season 1), Nicole Brown (AYTO: Season 4), Jessica McCain (Real world: Portland), Violetta Milerman (Real World: Skeletons), Madison Walls (Real World: Skeletons), CeeJai Jenkins (Real World: Go Big or Go Home), or Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
This is how I would have changed the course of challenges. Instead of traveling to Iceland for the Exes final, they would have gone somehwere like British Columbia, not in the snow and CT & Diem would have won. Battle of the Seasons would not have changed. Instead of Rivals II for Season 24, I would have done a Vets vs. Rookies challenge entitled Battlegrounds that would have looked like this.Vets:Aneesa, Camila, Cara Maria, Diem, Emily, KellyAnne, Theresa, TrishelleCohutta, CT, Dunbar, Johnny, Leroy, Ty, Tyrie, WesRookies:Averey, Ayiiia, Cooke, Devyn, Jemmye, Jessica, Marie, NanyFrank, Jordan, Knight, Marlon, Preston, Robb, Trey, ZachHere are the rules. Before each challenge, both teams nominate 6 players (3 guys/3 girls) into the inner circle. The inner circle of the winning team will then gather and vote in 1 guy/1 girl from the rest of the team to go into the Battlegrounds. The inner circle of the losing team however, is at the mercy of the rest of their team and the rest of the team will vote 1 guy/1 girl from the inner circle to go into the Battlegrounds. Winners of the Battlegrounds stay in the game, losers go home. Eliminations:Episode 1- Veterans win. Dunbar (by Robb) and Jessica (by Cara Maria) in You Ain't Passin' MeEpisode 2- Veterans win. Tyrie (by Knight) and Trishelle (by Cooke) in Return to SenderEpisode 3- Rookies win. Preston (by Leroy) and Marie (by Cara Maria) in Bridge BuilderEpisode 4- Veterans win. Ayiiia (by Theresa) and Robb (by Ty) in Fixer UpperEpisode 5- Veterans win. Averey (by Emily) and Zach (by Leroy) in SkyscraperEpisode 6- Rookies win. Ty (by Knight) and Jemmye (by Camila) in RingerEpisode 7- Rookies win. Leroy (by Marlon) and Camila (by Theresa)* in Knock OffEpisode 8- Rookies win. Trey (by Cohutta) and Theresa (by KellyAnne)* in TangledEpisode 9- Veterans win. Knight (by Wes) and Devyn (by Aneesa) in Break OutEpisode 10- Veterans win. Cohutta (by Jordan) and Diem (by Cooke) in Labyrinth*- As you can see, in episodes 7 and 8, two veterans girls go against each other. Well here is why. Since the Rookie team won both the 7th and 8th challenge and since there were only three girls left on the team (Cooke, Devyn, and Nany) and the format says, the inner circle of the winning team votes in players from the rest of the team, that would mean Cooke, Devyn, and Nany were safe, therefore TJ drops a bombshell on the Veterans and tells them that they have to nominate two girls to go against each other.Final Challenge:Veterans- Aneesa, Cara Maria, CT, Emily, Johnny, KellyAnne, and WesRookies- Cooke, Frank, Jordan, Marlon, and NanyVets win.This would have been Johnny's 4th win since I changed the final results of Exes, which also means this would have been CT's second consecutive win.Battleground eliminations.You Ain't Passin' Me is the same as Hall Brawl.Return to Sender is the same as Balls Out.Bridge Builder is the same as Bridging the Gap from Rivals III.Fixer Upper is one I made up. There is a water spout that is leaking water at the upper left corner of a large square structure. In front of each squre structure is a platform with stairs (picture those scaffolds that the cast stood on in the Gulg on Cutthroat). On the ground, there are different shaped pipes that you have to use to build to deposit the water to the bucket in the lower right hand corner. First player to do so wins.Skyscraper is the same as Breaking on Through.Ringer is the same as Ring Wrestle.Knock Off is another I made up. Both players are placed on a round platform that is 10 ft in diameter and it is raised 5 feet above the ground. The first player to knock their opponent off the platform twice wins.Tangled is a hybrid of Spool or Knot So Fast.Break Out is one I made up. Both players are placed in a tank of water (picture the water tanks from Crunch on The Ruins). Inside each tank there is a plexiglass sheet locked into the tank by four padlocks. At the top of the tank outside, there is a steel ring and four keys but the players do not know what key opens which lock. The first player to unlock all four keys, lift the plexiglass sheet out of the tank and use the steel ring to break out of the tank wins.Labyrinth is one I made up. It is hybrid of T-Bone and Dugout but it is more of a maze so there are wrong turns you can take instead of a straight shot.
I think Ty would definitely take Knight out in ringer. Cool challenge, that would have been better than a Rivals 2 for sure.
This is how I would have changed the course of challenges. Instead of traveling to Iceland for the Exes final, they would have gone somehwere like British Columbia, not in the snow and CT & Diem would have won. Battle of the Seasons would not have changed. Instead of Rivals II for Season 24, I would have done a Vets vs. Rookies challenge entitled Battlegrounds that would have looked like this.Vets:Aneesa, Camila, Cara Maria, Diem, Emily, KellyAnne, Theresa, TrishelleCohutta, CT, Dunbar, Johnny, Leroy, Ty, Tyrie, WesRookies:Averey, Ayiiia, Cooke, Devyn, Jemmye, Jessica, Marie, NanyFrank, Jordan, Knight, Marlon, Preston, Robb, Trey, ZachHere are the rules. Before each challenge, both teams nominate 6 players (3 guys/3 girls) into the inner circle. The inner circle of the winning team will then gather and vote in 1 guy/1 girl from the rest of the team to go into the Battlegrounds. The inner circle of the losing team however, is at the mercy of the rest of their team and the rest of the team will vote 1 guy/1 girl from the inner circle to go into the Battlegrounds. Winners of the Battlegrounds stay in the game, losers go home. Eliminations:Episode 1- Veterans win. Dunbar (by Robb) and Jessica (by Cara Maria) in You Ain't Passin' MeEpisode 2- Veterans win. Tyrie (by Knight) and Trishelle (by Cooke) in Return to SenderEpisode 3- Rookies win. Preston (by Leroy) and Marie (by Cara Maria) in Bridge BuilderEpisode 4- Veterans win. Ayiiia (by Theresa) and Robb (by Ty) in Fixer UpperEpisode 5- Veterans win. Averey (by Emily) and Zach (by Leroy) in SkyscraperEpisode 6- Rookies win. Ty (by Knight) and Jemmye (by Camila) in RingerEpisode 7- Rookies win. Leroy (by Marlon) and Camila (by Theresa)* in Knock OffEpisode 8- Rookies win. Trey (by Cohutta) and Theresa (by KellyAnne)* in TangledEpisode 9- Veterans win. Knight (by Wes) and Devyn (by Aneesa) in Break OutEpisode 10- Veterans win. Cohutta (by Jordan) and Diem (by Cooke) in Labyrinth*- As you can see, in episodes 7 and 8, two veterans girls go against each other. Well here is why. Since the Rookie team won both the 7th and 8th challenge and since there were only three girls left on the team (Cooke, Devyn, and Nany) and the format says, the inner circle of the winning team votes in players from the rest of the team, that would mean Cooke, Devyn, and Nany were safe, therefore TJ drops a bombshell on the Veterans and tells them that they have to nominate two girls to go against each other.Final Challenge:Veterans- Aneesa, Cara Maria, CT, Emily, Johnny, KellyAnne, and WesRookies- Cooke, Frank, Jordan, Marlon, and NanyVets win.This would have been Johnny's 4th win since I changed the final results of Exes, which also means this would have been CT's second consecutive win.Battleground eliminations.You Ain't Passin' Me is the same as Hall Brawl.Return to Sender is the same as Balls Out.Bridge Builder is the same as Bridging the Gap from Rivals III.Fixer Upper is one I made up. There is a water spout that is leaking water at the upper left corner of a large square structure. In front of each squre structure is a platform with stairs (picture those scaffolds that the cast stood on in the Gulg on Cutthroat). On the ground, there are different shaped pipes that you have to use to build to deposit the water to the bucket in the lower right hand corner. First player to do so wins.Skyscraper is the same as Breaking on Through.Ringer is the same as Ring Wrestle.Knock Off is another I made up. Both players are placed on a round platform that is 10 ft in diameter and it is raised 5 feet above the ground. The first player to knock their opponent off the platform twice wins.Tangled is a hybrid of Spool or Knot So Fast.Break Out is one I made up. Both players are placed in a tank of water (picture the water tanks from Crunch on The Ruins). Inside each tank there is a plexiglass sheet locked into the tank by four padlocks. At the top of the tank outside, there is a steel ring and four keys but the players do not know what key opens which lock. The first player to unlock all four keys, lift the plexiglass sheet out of the tank and use the steel ring to break out of the tank wins.Labyrinth is one I made up. It is hybrid of T-Bone and Dugout but it is more of a maze so there are wrong turns you can take instead of a straight shot.
I think Ty would definitely take Knight out in ringer. Cool challenge, that would have been better than a Rivals 2 for sure.
I just did as an upset elimination. Thanks though.
Darrell(Campus Crawl)
Abram(South Pacific)
Dylan(Go Big or Go Home)
Dan(Viewers Revenge)
Trey(St Thomas)
Nany(Las Vegas 2)
Beth(Los Angeles)
Kailah(Go Big or Go Home)
Marie(St Thomas)
Cooke(Las Vegas 2)
CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home)
Ashley M(Ex-plosion)
Ashley(San Diego 2)
The Challenge: Fresh Meat 3-challenge alums paired up with RWer's who have never competed on a challenge-Frank (RW: San Diego 2) & Violetta (RW: Skeletons)Cory (RW: Explosion) & Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)Jordan (RW: Portland) & Jenna (RW: Go Big or Go Home)CT (RW: Paris) & Jenny (RW: Explosion)Tony (RW: Skeletons) & Kailah (RW: Go Big or Go Home)Zach (RW: San Diego 2) & Jamie (RW: Explosion)Abe (RR: South Pacific) & CeeJai (RW: Go Big or Go Home)Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl) & Madison (RW: Skeletons)Wes (RW: Austin) & Joi (RW: Portland)KellyAnne (RW: Sydney) & Brian (RW: Explosion)Marie (RW: Explosion) & Ryan (RW: Brooklyn)Nia (RW: Portland) & Greg (RW: Hollywood)Ashley (RW: Explosion) & Bruno (RW: Skeletons)Averey (RW: Portland) & Jason (RW: Skeletons)Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2) & Scott (RW: Brooklyn)LaToya (RW: St. Thomas) & Dylan (RW: Go Big or Go Home)Jenn (RW: Denver) & Will (RW: Hollywood)Jemmye (RW: New Orleans 2) & Dione (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Elimination Order:
1. Jemmye & Dione eliminated by Ashley & Bruno (Balls In)
2. Jordan & Jenna eliminated by Marie & Ryan (Looper)
3. Wes & Joi eliminated by Abe & CeeJai (Knot So Fast)
4. Tony & Kailah eliminated by Jenn & Will (Strung Out)
He and Candice were both DQ'd due to injury, just like the original Bloodlines season.
Rivals 4.
Wes/Jordan(Battle of the Exes 2)
Leroy/Jay(Battle of The Exes 2)
Zach/Alton(Battle of the Seasons 2)
Vince/Devin(Rivals 3)
CeeJai/Jenna(Go Big or Go Home)
Nany/Camilla(Free Agents)
Marie/Sam(Battle of the Seasons 2)
Ashley M/Jamie(Ex-plosion)
Christina/Briana(Rivals 3)
Would be interested to see who they would get for a Bloodlines 2 given how small the cast is. Would like to see a 16 person cast:
Kaylen (Are You The One? 4)
Jenna (Real World: Go Big or Go Home)
Madison (Real World: Skeletons)
Sylvia (Real World: Skeletons)
Nia (Real World: Portland)
Marie (Real World: St. Thomas)
Laurel (Fresh Meat 2)
Sarah (Real World: Brooklyn)
Jordan (Real World: Portland)
Frank (Real World: San Diego 2.0)
Gio (Are You The One? 4)
Devin (Are You The One? 3)
Wes (Real World: Austin)
Bruno (Real World: Skeletons)
CT (Real World: Paris)
Ty (Real World: D.C.)
This is how I would have changed the course of challenges. Instead of traveling to Iceland for the Exes final, they would have gone somehwere like British Columbia, not in the snow and CT & Diem would have won. Battle of the Seasons would not have changed. Instead of Rivals II for Season 24, I would have done a Vets vs. Rookies challenge entitled Battlegrounds that would have looked like this.
Vets:Aneesa, Camila, Cara Maria, Diem, Emily, KellyAnne, Theresa, TrishelleCohutta, CT, Dunbar, Johnny, Leroy, Ty, Tyrie, Wes
Rookies:Averey, Ayiiia, Cooke, Devyn, Jemmye, Jessica, Marie, NanyFrank, Jordan, Knight, Marlon, Preston, Robb, Trey, Zach
Here are the rules. Before each challenge, both teams nominate 6 players (3 guys/3 girls) into the inner circle. The inner circle of the winning team will then gather and vote in 1 guy/1 girl from the rest of the team to go into the Battlegrounds. The inner circle of the losing team however, is at the mercy of the rest of their team and the rest of the team will vote 1 guy/1 girl from the inner circle to go into the Battlegrounds. Winners of the Battlegrounds stay in the game, losers go home.
Eliminations:Episode 1- Veterans win. Dunbar (by Robb) and Jessica (by Cara Maria) in You Ain't Passin' MeEpisode 2- Veterans win. Tyrie (by Knight) and Trishelle (by Cooke) in Return to SenderEpisode 3- Rookies win. Preston (by Leroy) and Marie (by Cara Maria) in Bridge BuilderEpisode 4- Veterans win. Ayiiia (by Theresa) and Robb (by Ty) in Fixer UpperEpisode 5- Veterans win. Averey (by Emily) and Zach (by Leroy) in SkyscraperEpisode 6- Rookies win. Ty (by Knight) and Jemmye (by Camila) in RingerEpisode 7- Rookies win. Leroy (by Marlon) and Camila (by Theresa)* in Knock OffEpisode 8- Rookies win. Trey (by Cohutta) and Theresa (by KellyAnne)* in TangledEpisode 9- Veterans win. Knight (by Wes) and Devyn (by Aneesa) in Break OutEpisode 10- Veterans win. Cohutta (by Jordan) and Diem (by Cooke) in Labyrinth
*- As you can see, in episodes 7 and 8, two veterans girls go against each other. Well here is why. Since the Rookie team won both the 7th and 8th challenge and since there were only three girls left on the team (Cooke, Devyn, and Nany) and the format says, the inner circle of the winning team votes in players from the rest of the team, that would mean Cooke, Devyn, and Nany were safe, therefore TJ drops a bombshell on the Veterans and tells them that they have to nominate two girls to go against each other.
Final Challenge:Veterans- Aneesa, Cara Maria, CT, Emily, Johnny, KellyAnne, and WesRookies- Cooke, Frank, Jordan, Marlon, and Nany
Vets win.This would have been Johnny's 4th win since I changed the final results of Exes, which also means this would have been CT's second consecutive win.
Battleground eliminations.You Ain't Passin' Me is the same as Hall Brawl.Return to Sender is the same as Balls Out.Bridge Builder is the same as Bridging the Gap from Rivals III.Fixer Upper is one I made up. There is a water spout that is leaking water at the upper left corner of a large square structure. In front of each squre structure is a platform with stairs (picture those scaffolds that the cast stood on in the Gulg on Cutthroat). On the ground, there are different shaped pipes that you have to use to build to deposit the water to the bucket in the lower right hand corner. First player to do so wins.Skyscraper is the same as Breaking on Through.Ringer is the same as Ring Wrestle.Knock Off is another I made up. Both players are placed on a round platform that is 10 ft in diameter and it is raised 5 feet above the ground. The first player to knock their opponent off the platform twice wins.Tangled is a hybrid of Spool or Knot So Fast.Break Out is one I made up. Both players are placed in a tank of water (picture the water tanks from Crunch on The Ruins). Inside each tank there is a plexiglass sheet locked into the tank by four padlocks. At the top of the tank outside, there is a steel ring and four keys but the players do not know what key opens which lock. The first player to unlock all four keys, lift the plexiglass sheet out of the tank and use the steel ring to break out of the tank wins.Labyrinth is one I made up. It is hybrid of T-Bone and Dugout but it is more of a maze so there are wrong turns you can take instead of a straight shot.
Knight would get destroyed easily by TY.
So in my last post, I created a challenge that should have replaced Rivals II for Season 24. Season 25 would have remained Free Agents, however, I would have switched the cast up a little and made 30 competitors instead of 28. The cast is as follows:
Males:01- CT (RW: Paris)03- Johnny (RW: Key West)05- Wes (RW: Austin)07- Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)09- Chet (RW: Brooklyn)11- Abram (RR: South Pacific)13- Leroy (RW: Las Vegas 2011)15- Frank (RW: San Diego 2011)17- Johnny (RW: Portland)19- Brandon (Fresh Meat II)21- Swift (RW: St. Thomas)23- Zach (RW: San Diego 2011)25- Jordan (RW: Portland)27- Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2011)29- Mark (RR: USA- First Adventure)
Females:02- Cara Maria (Fresh Meat II)04- Jemmye (RW: New Orleans 2010)06- Marie (RW: St. Thomas)08- Theresa (Fresh Meat II)10- Aneesa (RW: Chicago)12- Sarah (RW: Brooklyn)14- Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2011)16- KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)18- LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)20- Jonna (RW: Cancun)22- Sam (RW: San Diego 2011)24- Laurel (Fresh Meat II)26- Nia (RW: Portland)28- Averey (RW: Portland)30- Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2011)
Eliminations:Episode 1- Chet (by Dustin) and Jemmye (by KellyAnne) in Balls InEpisode 2- Dustin (by Frank) and Sam (by Cooke) in Wrecking WallEpisode 3- Nia (by CaraMaria) in Looper, Frank DQ'dEpisode 4- Brandon (by Swift) and LaToya (by Cara Maria) in OppenheimerEpisode 5- Swift (by Jordan) and Averey (by Laurel) in Balls InEpisode 6- KellyAnne (by Theresa) and Abram (by Johnny Bananas) in LooperEpisode 7- Jonna (by Cooke) and Jordan (by Johnny Bananas) in OppenheimerEpisode 8- Johnny (by Wes) and Aneesa (by Laurel) in Wrecking WallEpisode 9- Wes (by Mark) and Sarah (by Cara Maria) in Balls InEpisode 10- Leroy (by Darrell) and Cara Maria (by Laurel) in LooperEpisode 11- Marie (by Cooke) and Mark (by Johnny Bananas) in OppenheimerEpisode 12- Nany (by Theresa) and Zach (by CT) in Balls In
Final Challenge:Winners- Darrell and Laurel2nd Place- Johnny Bananas and Cooke3rd Place- CT and Theresa
Challenge 29: TBA (Semi-Realistic)
This is basically the cast I'm hoping for.
Replacements: Brandon Nelson (Fresh Meat II), Wes Bergmann (RW: Austin), Tony Raines (Real World: Skeletons), Shane Raines (Bloodlines), Brandon Tindel (AYTO: Season 2), Giovanni Rivera (AYTO: Season 4), Dean Plange (Real World: Go Big or Go Home), or Chris "Scali" Scali (AYTO: Season 1)
Replacements: Rashida Zakiya (AYTO: Season 3), Jacy Rodriguez (AYTO: Season 1), Nicole Brown (AYTO: Season 4), Jessica McCain (Real world: Portland), Violetta Milerman (Real World: Skeletons), Madison Walls (Real World: Skeletons), CeeJai Jenkins (Real World: Go Big or Go Home), or Hailey Chivers (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
That's an amazing cast.
I think Ty would definitely take Knight out in ringer. Cool challenge, that would have been better than a Rivals 2 for sure.
It's fun to dream

The Challenge
Alton (Vegas)
Tyrie (Denver)
Greg (Hollywood)
Will Gilbert (Hollywood)
Ty (D.C.)
Leroy (Vegas 2)
Marlon (Portland)
Cory (Ex-Plosion)
Jason (Skeletons)
Theo (Seattle 2)
Kassius (Seattle 2)
Will Groomes (Seattle 2)
Darrell (Campus Crawl)
Brandon (Fresh Meat 2)
Dre (AYTO)
Nelson (AYTO 3)
Giovanni (AYTO 4)
Prosper (AYTO 4)
Coral (B2NY)
Aneesa (Chicago)
Arissa (Vegas)
Brianna (Hollywood)
Brittini (Hollywood)
Jonna (Cancun)
Jasmine (Cancun)
LaToya (St. Thomas)
Nia (Portland)
Arielle (Ex-Plosion)
CeeJai (Go Big or Go Home)
Jenna (Go Big or Go Home)
Anika (Seattle 2)
Kim (Seattle 2)
Simone (AYTO)
Cheyenne (AYTO 3)
Kaylen (AYTO 4)
Camille (AYTO 4)
Devyn (Brooklyn) will inevitably replace Jenna after episode 1.
You messy as hell for casting Jenna LOL!
But that is a chocolate filled cast that I wouldn't mind seeing honestly.
Jenna would get her shit wrecked with all those melanin queens under one roof lmao.
The showdown
Location Morocco, host- Coral smith
battle of the seasons rules, random teams
Red Team-Abram ,Jamie,Beth,Theresa
Green Team-Cory,Wes,Averey,Jill
Blue Team-Frank,Mark,Ashley m,Cooke
Yellow team- Marlon,Dylan,Nicole r,Marie
Black Team-Darrell,Robb,Jenn Nany
Purple Team-CT, Tony,Ceejai,Kelly Anne
Aqua Team-Leroy,Noor,LaToya,Rachel
Emerald Team-CJ, Scott,Nia,Sarah
Jenna would make that final
wow this is pretty cool
I need Purple, Green, and Red to make that finale.
I just did as an upset elimination. Thanks though.
The Challenge: New Blood (castmembers who have only competed in one or no challenges)
Mike (RW: Seattle and Are You The One? Season 3)
Theo (RW: Seattle)
Kassius (RW: Seattle)
Giovanni (Are You The One? Season 4)
Dione (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Dylan (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Devin (Are You The One? Season 3)
Shane (Battle of the Bloodlines)
Mitch (Battle of the Bloodlines)
Bruno (RW: Skeletons)
Tony (RW: Skeletons)
Brian (RW: Explosion)
Jay (RW: Explosion)
Marlon (RW: Portland)
Adam (RW: Las Vegas 2)
Mike (RW: D.C.)
Ryan (RW: Brooklyn)
Scott (RW: Brooklyn)
Katrina (RW: Seattle)
Anika (RW: Seattle)
Kim (RW: Seattle)
Mystery Black Female (RW: Seattle)
CeeJai (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Jenna (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Kailah (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Madison (RW: Skeletons)
Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Violetta (RW: Skeletons)
Ashley (RW: Explosion)
Jamie (RW: Explosion)
Jenny (RW: Explosion)
Marie (RW: St. Thomas)
LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)
Erika (RW: D.C.)
Ayiiia (RW: Cancun)
Trisha (RW: Sydney)
Challenge Battle of the seasons 2
Seattle: Mike, Kassius, Jordan, Kim
AYTO4: Prosper, Stephen, Kaylen, Tori
AYTO3: Devin, Nelson, Rashida, Amanda
AYTO2: Anthony, Layton, Jessica, Briana
AYTO: Adam, Ryan, Simone, Shanley
Skeletons: Tony, Bruno, Sylvia, Nicole Z
Bloodlines: Vince, Shane, Nicole R, Brianna
Explosion: Cory, Thomas, Jenna, Ashley
ST. Thomas: Trey, Robb, Marie, LaToya
Sydney: Cohutta, Isaac, KellyAnne, Ashli
The Gauntlet 4Veterans (3+ previous challenges)Aneesa FerreiraCohutta GrindstaffDarrell TaylorDustin ZitoEmily SchrommJohnny ReillyJordan WiseleyKellyAnne JuddLaurel StuckyLeroy GarrettMandi MoyerMark LongRachel RobinsonSarah RiceTheresa GonzalezWes Bergmann
Rookies (0-2 previous challenges)Adam KuhnAverey TresslerCJ KoegelCheyenne FloydChristina LeBlancDario MedranoHeather CookeJenny DelichLaToya JacksonMarie RodaMarlon WilliamsMitch ReidNia MooreRobb SchreiberThomas BuellTrey Weatherholtz
The Challenge: TBA
Darrell(Campus Crawl)
Abram(South Pacific)
Dylan(Go Big or Go Home)
Dan(Viewers Revenge)
Trey(St Thomas)
Nany(Las Vegas 2)
Beth(Los Angeles)
Kailah(Go Big or Go Home)
Marie(St Thomas)
Cooke(Las Vegas 2)
CeeJai(Go Big or Go Home)
Ashley M(Ex-plosion)
Ashley(San Diego 2)
The Challenge - Battle of the Exes! Gen X vs Millenials
Team Generation X
Mark & Robin
Coral & Theo V.
Veronica & Abram
Alton & Irulan
Miz & Trishelle
Derrick & Tonya
Darrell & Rachel
Brad & Cameron
Team Millenials
Wes & Theresa
Kenny & Johanna
CT & Mandi
Ty & Emily
Zach & Jonna
Dione & Kailah
Thomas & Jamie
Tony & Madison
Free Agents 2,
Men: Darrell, Derrick, Abram, Jordan, Landon, Marlon, Noor, Cohutta, Isaac, Cory, Leroy, Wes, Jamie (Bloodlines), Pete (Fresh Meat 2)
Women: Rachel R, KellyAnne, Ashli R, Emily (DC), Susie, Jenny, Laurel, Nia, Averey, Marie, Nany, Kim, Brianna, Brittini (Hollywood)
The Miz/Coral
Exes 3 (all pairs are legit exes and none of this one night hook up or giving each other googly eyes count)
Abram/Cara Maria
The Challenge: The Ruins 2
Red Team (Real World)
Johnny Bananas, CT Tamburello, Cory Wharton, Bruno Bettencourt, Dione Mariani, Johnny Reilly, Zach Nichols, Derek Chavez
KellyAnne Judd, Jenna Compono, Jenna Thomason, Kailah Casillas, Marie Roda, Madison Walls, Nia Moore, Nany Gonzalez
Blue Team (Road Rules, AYTO, The Challenge)
Devin Walker-Molaghan, John Humphrey, Gio Rivera, Asaf Goren, Derrick Kosinski, Shane Raines, Brandon Nelson, Adam Kuhn
Cara Maria Sorbello, Amanda Garcia, Camila Nakagawa, Mandi Moyer, Tori Deal, Kaylen Zahara, Shanley Mcintee, Rachel Robinson
The Challenge: Redemption
*Cutthroat style with only players who have not ever won a challenge.
Red Team:
Kaylen Zahara,Nany Gonzalez , Mandi Moyer, Averey Tressler, Jenn Grijalva
Asaf Goren, Johnny Reilly, Devin Walker-Molaghan, Vince Gliatta, Ty Ruff
Blue Team:
Kailah Casillas, Nia Moore, Marie Roda, Tori Deal, Jenna Compono,
Leroy Garrett, Derek Chavez, John Humphrey, Bruno Bettencourt, Thomas Buell
Grey Team:
Jenna Thomason, Madison Walls, Aneesa Fereirra, Jamie Larson, Amanda Garcia
Cory Wharton, Giovanni Rivera, Cohutta Grindstaff, Dione Mariani, Shane Raines
The Challenge: Fresh Meat 3
-challenge alums paired up with RWer's who have never competed on a challenge-
Frank (RW: San Diego 2) & Violetta (RW: Skeletons)
Cory (RW: Explosion) & Sylvia (RW: Skeletons)
Jordan (RW: Portland) & Jenna (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
CT (RW: Paris) & Jenny (RW: Explosion)
Tony (RW: Skeletons) & Kailah (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Zach (RW: San Diego 2) & Jamie (RW: Explosion)
Abe (RR: South Pacific) & CeeJai (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl) & Madison (RW: Skeletons)
Wes (RW: Austin) & Joi (RW: Portland)
KellyAnne (RW: Sydney) & Brian (RW: Explosion)
Marie (RW: Explosion) & Ryan (RW: Brooklyn)
Nia (RW: Portland) & Greg (RW: Hollywood)
Ashley (RW: Explosion) & Bruno (RW: Skeletons)
Averey (RW: Portland) & Jason (RW: Skeletons)
Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2) & Scott (RW: Brooklyn)
LaToya (RW: St. Thomas) & Dylan (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Jenn (RW: Denver) & Will (RW: Hollywood)
Jemmye (RW: New Orleans 2) & Dione (RW: Go Big or Go Home)
Elimination Order:
1. Jemmye & Dione eliminated by Ashley & Bruno (Balls In)
2. Jordan & Jenna eliminated by Marie & Ryan (Looper)
3. Wes & Joi eliminated by Abe & CeeJai (Knot So Fast)
4. Tony & Kailah eliminated by Jenn & Will (Strung Out)
5. LaToya & Dylan eliminated by Cory & Sylvia (X Battle)
6. Nany & Scott eliminated by Darrell & Madison (Spun Out)
7. Zach & Jamie eliminated by KellyAnne & Brian (Hall Brawl)
8. Frank & Violetta eliminated by Nia & Greg (Breaking on Through)
9. Averey & Jason eliminated by CT & Jenny (Exile)
10. KellyAnne & Brian (Automatically eliminated for getting last in the 10th challenge.)
11. Cory & Sylvia eliminated by Abe & CeeJai (Tunnel Vision)
12. Ashley & Bruno eliminated by Marie & Ryan (Knot So Fast)
13. Jenn & Will eliminated by Nia & Greg (X Battle)
14. Abe & CeeJai eliminated by CT & Jenny (Don't Whine for Me, Argentina)
Fourth Place: Nia (RW: Portland) & Greg (RW: Hollywood)
Third Place: Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl) & Madison (RW: Skeletons)
Second Place: Marie (RW: St. Thomas) & Ryan (RW: Brooklyn)
First Place: CT (RW: Paris) & Jenny (RW: Explosion)
Looool at Brian's fate.