The Challenge: Favorite Player

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Katie is in no way, shape or form dumb. I think she is hilarious and makes for great t.v. No interesting moments? So her having the fight with Veronica, yelling at CT, and all her other rants weren't good t.v.? I beg to differ. She will always be one of the most entertaining cast members ever. I love Tonya and she is one of my favorite cast members ever, but she is the same thing every time: I get picked on, I cry, i do something insane, and I prove my team wrong.
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;21847]Katie whines too much, smokes too much, complains too much and comes off quite dumb. And unlike other 'villain' females (tonya and beth), she doesn't create much tension or interesting tv moments (like coral telling off a drunk and arrogant CT). Or Nehamiah telling the producers about Beth following him around like a lost dog.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Fixedsys"]Bullshit flag raised...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] on behalf of Katie lovers everywhere... She is also a good friend to vevmo. But otherwise... "Villian females?" That is something I've never heard Beth called. Of course, I would hope you would know that Nehemiah's comments about G3 were entirely self-serving to make his new GF happy. They were not true. In fact, Nehemiah sent several texts to Beth and called her finance last July to offer this apologies for the interviews he gave production. They created a parody of challenge "showmances" during The Duel and some fans actually bought into it. It was entirely fictional, as Wes clearly stated during the reunion show.
...sorry katie lovers...just my opinion of her on-screen presence. I also never saw her original season. i only met her in the challenges. She was a Road Ruler?
[quote=good brooklyn;21885]...sorry katie lovers...just my opinion of her on-screen presence. I also never saw her original season. i only met her in the challenges. She was a Road Ruler?[/quote] Yes, she was a Road Ruler. Season 10 the Quest. You can have your opinion, but she definitely does not come off dumb. One of my favorites also has to be Ayanna. Just for her sheer craziness and hilarious speeches that she has made. Like her speech that she made on Battle of the Sexes 2, will go down in history as one of the funniest things ever.
Well I love Katie's, as OPD put it, smoking, swearing ***! lol I guess I am bias toward her because I like her and I never saw all those things in the way good brooklyn saw it. I might have to take up beer pong too....:P Anyway I have grown to like Tonya over the years and I'm glad she didn't quit when she said she would lol
Tonya grew on me instantly. She always seemed to have problms, but she was a fighter and proved people who had doubts in her wrong.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=good brooklyn;21885]...sorry katie lovers...just my opinion of her on-screen presence. I also never saw her original season. i only met her in the challenges. She was a Road Ruler?[/quote] Yes, and if my memory serves me, she was the first "replacement" road-ruler. They started voting someone out that season, and she replaced Jisela.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21897]Yes, and if my memory serves me, she was the first "replacement" road-ruler. They started voting someone out that season, and she replaced Jisela.[/quote] You are right. Jisela was voted off for her fear of heights when she wouldn't repel down the mountain. And when Katie joined she was the only one who wouldn't put up with Adam.:yess:
Anonymous's picture
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21894]Well I love Katie's, as OPD put it, smoking, swearing ***! [/quote] Yeah, I'm not always so eloquent. ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21897]Yes, and if my memory serves me, she was the first "replacement" road-ruler. They started voting someone out that season, and she replaced Jisela.[/quote] Yeah and our lives were never the same after that lol
Anonymous's picture
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21900]Yeah and our lives were never the same after that lol[/quote] Man you [I]are[/I] in love with her!! :man_in_love: ;)
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21900]Yeah and our lives were never the same after that lol[/quote] True. Katie has added something to the Challenges that many people haven't. I also must say, Brad is one of my favorites as well, he is such a good guy. He is the only on the final mission of the Gauntlet 3 that actually deserved it. Great guy that I have always admired for his drive.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21902]Man you [I]are[/I] in love with her!! :man_in_love: ;)[/quote] Who isn't? Except for good brooklyn, I think most people enjoy watching her.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Dartagnan;21904]Who isn't? Except for good brooklyn, I think most people enjoy watching her.[/quote] I think it goes deeper w/ GW ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21907]I think it goes deeper w/ GW ;)[/quote] Shhhhh! I don't know what you are talking about......
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21907]I think it goes deeper w/ GW ;)[/quote] Apparently, it is a little more than love. Haha. Goldenwarrior are you sure you haven't stalked her at all in your lifetime?
I am just a good fan...:P There better not be a GW loves Katie thread on the way either...
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21915]I am just a good fan...:P There better not be a GW loves Katie thread on the way either...[/quote] Cannot guarantee you that one.:wink: I also loved watching Emily from Road Rules USA Adventure 2. She was so caniving, backstabbing, and manipulating it was great. She was the original Queen Bee.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21915]I am just a good fan...:P There better not be a GW loves Katie thread on the way either...[/quote] Well we [I]are [/I]getting a [I]little[/I] off-topic..... :D
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21922]Well we [I]are [/I]getting a [I]little[/I] off-topic..... :D[/quote] Yeah exactly let's not talk about me anymore.....:P
Anonymous's picture
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21925]Yeah exactly let's not talk about me anymore.....:P[/quote] Ok sorry.....[B][SIZE=6]NEXT!!! :D[/SIZE][/B]
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;21927]Ok sorry.....[B][SIZE=6]NEXT!!! :D[/SIZE][/B][/quote] LOL Oh thanks....anyway back to Katie.... :P
Katie's best moment must be the fight with Veronica. That was the best fight in Challnege history, along with Coral and Julie. Anything Inferno 1 related was amazing. Jenn has easily become one of my favorites as well. I only tuned into Denver for her and Brooke. Inferno 3 she was easily my favorite. I'm looking forward to her on this Challenge.
Did I mention that Katie is single again, GW?
[quote=V1man;21938]Did I mention that Katie is single again, GW?[/quote] Well I will take that under advisement :P
Don't really have one but here are my candidates... Emily - for how she single-handily destroyed the women's team in BOTS. Wes - for his cockiness Darrell - for winning Katie - her attitude depends on how the game is played. If she thinks the people are playing it fair she will go down gracefully if not just look at the inferno. Julie/Tonya - Craziness Coral - for her witty comments. I liked how she cost the real world team the win in the final mission in the Gauntlet and how karma got her back in the Gauntlet III.
i was pretty bummed when they had that challenge with the men vs. women and the women could not pull off 1 legitimate win. I was thinking that if they had a team with all the best women and all the least athletic guys (ace, jaquese (sp?), adam (paris), eric, gay (hilarious) florida guy... that could be a fun show.
What about a women's team with Angela (RR13), Casey (FM), Arissa (RW12), Leah (RW13), Melissa (RW9), Shavonda (RW15), Cameran (RW14), Rachel (RW16), and Jisela (RR10)
[QUOTE=BlackChild;21947]What about a women's team with Angela (RR13), Casey (FM), Arissa (RW12), Leah (RW13), [B]Melissa (RW9)[/B], Shavonda (RW15), Cameran (RW14), Rachel (RW16), and Jisela (RR10)[/QUOTE] Didn't Melissa make it far in Battle of the Sexes 1? Don't forget Sarah from Road Rules Campus Crawls
[quote=ghnstry;22000]Didn't Melissa make it far in Battle of the Sexes 1? Don't forget Sarah from Road Rules Campus Crawls[/quote] Melissa made it to the final four women, but was not in the Inner Circle which automatically got her eliminated. Sarah from Campus Crawl made the Gauntlet 1 amazing to watch. Her proving her team wrong over and over and showing that she is nothing like them was a great underdog story.
