The Challenge: Cutthroat - Dailies

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Not trying to take sides on this issue here, but let's all remember that Katie was on Road Rules: The Quest due to Jisela getting voted off, she was not a member of the original cast from that season. This should you be here/shouldn't you be here is a silly thing for the cast to argue with each other over. That's our job :D. Personally, I don't like the inclusion of Camila and think there are way too many new Fresh Meat on the Cut Throat cast, but enough old favorites like Abram, Derrick, Brad, and Katie to make it watchable. That and I still can't wait for CT to crash the party.
What is funny...we've all fought and argued since FM over various places on the net about the inclusion of non-rw/rr people..but from seeing the challenges, the actual cast members dont seem to really give a crap lol.
A couple of the dailies aren't working for me today, anyone else having that problem?
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;211886]I don't care if shes a nice girl or not, Camilla shouldnt be there, so for the girls to be mean to her for it, I totally get it.[/QUOTE] Then the girls' problem should be with production, not Camila. You can hardly blame the girl for saying yes to the offer to do a challenge. If the girls feel she doesn't deserve to be there, they should take it up with the people who cast her. Camila didn't end up on the challenge because she had the audacity to decide she deserved a spot over someone else. She accepted an offer made by production, same as everyone else.
Did Brandon really say that being new doesn't play a role in voting someone in? I'm convinced half the cast doesnt watch previous challenges before going on new ones. I also liked how Tori and Brad were teaching Camila (caption says Emilee, why would they help her? lol) get ready for her Gulag. That's good teamwork right there.
In that one daily where Jen is arguing with abram, he says that "we like the same girls and that hes jealous of the girls shes hooked up with" besides Racheal, who is he talking about?
Dude, a few of these dailies won't work for me! I am getting super irritated.
[QUOTE=RoseMatilda;212634]Dude, a few of these dailies won't work for me! I am getting super irritated.[/QUOTE] It's just a daily. You'll probably see it in the episode anyway.
Yeah, well, I spoke too soon because now they're working!
Anonymous's picture
Just watched the dailies for today but I don't think I will watch anymore since most of them are in the episode.
[QUOTE=AJHill;211932]Not trying to take sides on this issue here, but let's all remember that Katie was on Road Rules: The Quest due to Jisela getting voted off, she was not a member of the original cast from that season. This should you be here/shouldn't you be here is a silly thing for the cast to argue with each other over. That's our job :D. Personally, I don't like the inclusion of Camila and think there are way too many new Fresh Meat on the Cut Throat cast, but enough old favorites like Abram, Derrick, Brad, and Katie to make it watchable. That and I still can't wait for CT to crash the party.[/QUOTE] While Katie did come in as a replacement, ultimately it doesn't matter. SHE WAS ON ROAD RULES! That's the point.
[QUOTE=Entropy;211934]What is funny...we've all fought and argued since FM over various places on the net about the inclusion of non-rw/rr people..but from seeing the challenges, the actual cast members dont seem to really give a crap lol.[/QUOTE] meh- i beg to differ. I think that they think the fresh meat inclusion is stupid. I also know that Camila being there was an issue for some of them. Emilee talks about it on twitter. Jenn says in the daily she didn't deserve to be there. I think when you have a show like this that has 2 shows and cast members to choose from, you go accustom to that and I think the fact that RR is over and the show is evolving, gives a lot of old skool cast members a bad taste in their mouth.
Katie is Road Rules through and through. If Tori and Dan are considered Road Rules, she is as well. So is Tina!
[QUOTE=whatsupbra;212632]In that one daily where Jen is arguing with abram, he says that "we like the same girls and that hes jealous of the girls shes hooked up with" besides Racheal, who is he talking about?[/QUOTE] I don't know. But it's not like he hadn't hooked up with Rachel before, so I think perhaps he just made that comment to get back at her after she talked to him the way she did. Jenn - wow. I kind of feel for her because it seems perhaps she was going through some questioning/experimentation/confusion on The Island and Duel 2, but she let her hookup with Rachel air on TV on two different challenges. Now she gets highly upset anytime someone mentions her past. That daily was quite interesting, though once again it's another Jenn moment (though she's not raging like she has in the past).
Hhaha! Katie, Tori, Dan, Tina, and even Abram never started out the season and ended it. They either left early (Abe) or joined in later (Katie, Tina, Dan, and Tori). Derrick is the only person that was there for his season start to finish. For Road Rules I mean.
WOW @ Dan and Shavoun making out. :O
Anyone seen today's dailies? Katie's planning to ged rid of Johnny... Wonder if Derrick will agree with her, I hope not!
Seriously? I wouldn't mind getting rid of all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he was already thinking about getting rid of her, in which case she's just thinking about self-preservation. Although if their team wins, they have nothing to worry about.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;213144]Seriously? I wouldn't mind getting rid of all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he was already thinking about getting rid of her, in which case she's just thinking about self-preservation. Although if their team wins, they have nothing to worry about.[/QUOTE] Johnny's safe. They will never go against him, Evan, or Kenny. I would like to see it happen but NO.
First off, the daily with Vinny calling Abram Abraham was hilarious. I'm not the biggest Vinny fan, but he was just so...different in that daily. Loved how the grey team kept laughing at him. And secondly, anybody know what they were even doing...? lol
I'm just catching up on everything, literally. LMAO @ Vinny yelling at Derek. He looks out of his mind. Derek's just all "WTF?".
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;213157]I'm just catching up on everything, literally. LMAO @ Vinny yelling at Derek. He looks out of his mind. Derek's just all "WTF?".[/QUOTE] That should've made the show.
[QUOTE=rey2pokey;213161]That should've made the show.[/QUOTE] I've been told there's a reason it didn't. Vinny used some...insensitive words, to put it nicely.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=molds13;213163]I've been told there's a reason it didn't. Vinny used some...insensitive words, to put it nicely.[/QUOTE] Is that right.
[QUOTE=molds13;213163]I've been told there's a reason it didn't. Vinny used some...insensitive words, to put it nicely.[/QUOTE] Huh, wonder how the rest of the cast, including Derek, took that.
Today's Dailies are hilarious. The one with Abram and Cara Maria in the shower....then Johnny and Jenn tell Camila to go spy on them. Priceless. Camila was actually quite humorous in those clips hiding behind the sound guy.
Just catching up on these from the last few days... Johnny claiming he volunteered to go into The Ruins? HA! Jenn looking stupid in an argument once again. I love how nonchalant Abram was when she was calling him an *******. The fact that he kept saying "good" just pissed her off even more. Hahaha Abram is great.
The Sarah liability Dailie answers who Chet was talking about when he said "She is the worst competitor here and no one likes her"
[QUOTE=Entropy;213226]The Sarah liability Dailie answers who Chet was talking about when he said "She is the worst competitor here and no one likes her"[/QUOTE] Yeah. :( The trailer implied that he was talking about Mandi.
BMP masters of edit.
