The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Ratings

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Ratings
The Challenge Pre-Game (0.624 million viewers, #23; adults 18-49: 0.4, #T18) Source- [url=]Wednesday's Cable Ratings: NBA Doubleheader Powers ESPN[/url]
Anonymous's picture
RUHROH that doesn't look too promising, although more people will care about the actual premiere than the pre-game, but still
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=dreamer;293650]RUHROH that doesn't look too promising, although more people will care about the actual premiere than the pre-game, but still[/QUOTE] They really didn't advertise that pre-game much at all. BMP even tweeted that day that there were no BMP shows on that night, so I wouldn't assume too much yet.
I wouldn't worry too much about these ratings. They didn't advertise the pre-game at all; I have a feeling that the actual premiere will have a solid number. I mean look how fast the show got 5k tweets and it was actually trending a lot too.
[QUOTE=dreamer;293650]RUHROH that doesn't look too promising, although more people will care about the actual premiere than the pre-game, but still[/QUOTE] In my opinion, the preview represents the approximate number of present fans of the challenge series. If one assumes the fan base has remained stable since Rivals, then about 1.3 M additional viewers need to choose to watch the show each week for it to be a good success. Again, in my opinion, anything less than 1.9 M on average (18-49) does not demonstrate audience growth or a return to the glory days of the franchise.
Anonymous's picture
I would argue that 600K-700K seems to be the MTV baseline audience since that seems to be the number range of even their ********* primetime shows.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;293702]I would argue that 600K-700K seems to be the MTV baseline audience since that seems to be the number range of even their ********* primetime shows.[/QUOTE] I can't find much reason to disagree with your view. But, if you are correct, the either there is an even smaller core of diehard challenge fans or those fans also constitute MTV's core regular audience. I don't believe the latter is the case; thus, a conundrum exists for me in explaining the low number of viewers for the preview show.
[QUOTE=V1man;293739]I can't find much reason to disagree with your view. But, if you are correct, the either there is an even smaller core of diehard challenge fans or those fans also constitute MTV's core regular audience. I don't believe the latter is the case; thus, a conundrum exists for me in explaining the low number of viewers for the preview show.[/QUOTE] People watched the first segment and then changed channels because it was so boring?
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;293740]People watched the first segment and then changed channels because it was so boring?[/QUOTE] From a ratings perspective, it would not matter. Nielsen would have captured appropriate the audience measurement data.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;293740]People watched the first segment and then changed channels because it was so boring?[/QUOTE] Maybe. That's more or less what I did except I think I went to sleep instead and tuned out because Tyler was on it. Could be The Challenge just doesn't have as many die-hard fans as it once did, or at least ones who have to tune in during the first airings. MTV really didn't promote this pre-game much. IDK about this show, but a lot of times the west coast can download a show as soon as it runs on the east coast if they go to one of the No-No sites that throw them up within minutes.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;293745]IDK about this show, but a lot of times the west coast can download a show as soon as it runs on the east coast if they go to one of the No-No sites that throw them up within minutes.[/QUOTE] Nah the No-No sites are very slow when it comes to The Challenge, which often annoys me.
I'll guess a 1.7 million for the premiere and usually after the premiere in any Challenge it drops a lot. But I would say with no fight or anything I don't see this season getting over 2 million or getting renewed ( I Blame San Diego for that). It might get 2 mill but that will only be for the finale if anything.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;293753]Nah the No-No sites are very slow when it comes to The Challenge, which often annoys me.[/QUOTE] And those sites which steal intellectual property are clearly in the crosshairs of the US Department of Justice. Not a good time to have your IP address captured as a "known user."
[QUOTE=V1man;293762]And those sites which steal intellectual property are clearly in the crosshairs of the US Department of Justice. Not a good time to have your IP address captured as a "known user."[/QUOTE] Oh well.
Anonymous's picture
People will just go back to using VCR's and DVR's. On the ratings issue though, I've heard that Neilson really only looks at real numbers from the west coast and some big cities and just use models for the rest so the numbers may be distorted. We got the paper books in the mail once but it was way too time consuming to account for every single minute of TV for a week including the stations that you were watching the networks through and the channels you hit when surfing, especially when we have like 7 or 8 TV's in the house.
A lot of my friends are amped for the challenge but didn't watch the pre-game. 1. The pregame stunk watching it, and the idea stunk too. It needed more footage, less analyzing. 2. This is the main point I think, idk what schedules are like in other states but its still winter break for schools in NY at least. Who's staying in to watch the pregame? 10 on a vaca night I'm surprised it got as many viewers as it did. When the season starts this week it'll be the perfect hw show for college kids and most people won't be out partying til 4am on a Weds night.
[QUOTE=MuchoDenaro;293809]A lot of my friends are amped for the challenge but didn't watch the pre-game. 1. The pregame stunk watching it, and the idea stunk too. It needed more footage, less analyzing. 2. This is the main point I think, idk what schedules are like in other states but its still winter break for schools in NY at least. Who's staying in to watch the pregame? 10 on a vaca night I'm surprised it got as many viewers as it did. When the season starts this week it'll be the perfect hw show for college kids and most people won't be out partying til 4am on a Weds night.[/QUOTE] College viewers? I've never understood how Nielsen expected to measure them, and they don't talk about it that I've read. Of course the "pregame" [Kenny] sucked. [borrowed name analogies usually do] Using cards, ala the Newlywed Game was just about as absurd. What, they couldn't spend a buck or two to buy some pre-printed numbers [e.g., dance, figure skating or diving score cards] Lame, and worthy of the rating received.
What? I had no idea this many people didn't like the pregame. I thought it was good. Then again we haven't had one of these in a hot minute.
[QUOTE=V1man;293816]College viewers? I've never understood how Nielsen expected to measure them, and they don't talk about it that I've read. Of course the "pregame" [Kenny] sucked. [borrowed name analogies usually do] Using cards, ala the Newlywed Game was just about as absurd. What, they couldn't spend a buck or two to buy some pre-printed numbers [e.g., dance, figure skating or diving score cards] Lame, and worthy of the rating received.[/QUOTE] The main demographic is comprised of college viewers, at least around here dorms are swarming with Jersey Shore and Challenge nights. The pregame was def not getting that type of reception.
[QUOTE=MuchoDenaro;293831]The main demographic is comprised of college viewers, at least around here dorms are swarming with Jersey Shore and Challenge nights. The pregame was def not getting that type of reception.[/QUOTE] Actually, the prime demographic for both Real World and the Challenge shows begins at 13... (scary!) When MTV scores a win in that demo, they put out a big press release, mostly to reach their potential advertisers. There is no way for Nielsen to count people "swarming" around dorm TVs. They are lost in the noise...
[QUOTE=V1man;293832]Actually, the prime demographic for both Real World and the Challenge shows begins at 13... (scary!) When MTV scores a win in that demo, they put out a big press release, mostly to reach their potential advertisers. There is no way for Nielsen to count people "swarming" around dorm TVs. They are lost in the noise...[/QUOTE] I had no idea they were aiming that young, I figured 16-23 would be the main targets. That's great though 13 year olds watching CT and Mark when they never even watched there actual seasons hahahaha
[QUOTE=MuchoDenaro;293838]I had no idea they were aiming that young, I figured 16-23 would be the main targets. That's great though 13 year olds watching CT and Mark when they never even watched there actual seasons hahahaha[/QUOTE] The first of these shows I watched (as in wanting to watch) was Battle of the Sexes 1 in 2003. I was only 12 when that show aired and at least one of the cast members' season aired when I was half a year old so it's not out of the ordinary.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;293841]The first of these shows I watched (as in wanting to watch) was Battle of the Sexes 1 in 2003. I was only 12 when that show aired and at least one of the cast members' season aired when I was half a year old so it's not out of the ordinary.[/QUOTE] Don't worry I'm young too. I started watching at age 2. I knew "I slept in my uniform because I wanted to win today" before I knew my ABC's. Of course that was a joke though. lol.
The first challenge I have any recollection of watching is the Gauntlet I which came out in '03 if i'm not mistaken. At the time I was 6 or 7 and had no idea what was going on, but i'm so glad I watched it. Now I've seen every season but the first 5. No one I know watches The Challenge. Most of them don't even know what it is. It's sad that something that has been going on for 22 seasons isn't widely known. Also, I am watching BOTE mainly because the show is of sentimental value to me, and they're bringing back some oldies. I can't stand this horribly fake drama they try to put across. It's almost unbearable to me to watch.
I started when I was 12 on Battle of the Sexes 1. Had never watched Road Rules or the Real World. I only tuned in 'cause of Ellen. I was so happy that there was an Asian girl on MTV lol. At that time, EVERYBODY I knew watched the challenges. I could discuss it with my friends at school and church. That's when the ratings were booming. It died down AFTER the Gauntlet 2. When Fresh Meat 1 was introduced all of my friends stopped watching the challenges altogether.
I started by watching the Duel on tv. Then I went back and watched from the Battle of the Seasons to now.
Just wanted to say that the pregame ratings I'm pretty confident will not reflect how the show actually does. I had no idea until the day it was actually on that it was being played and it was a fluke that I even found out. This challenge will get solid ratings, I think worse than rivals but the actual product will be better. Has the potential to do better than Rivals though.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Ch@llengeFan;294135]Just wanted to say that the pregame ratings I'm pretty confident will not reflect how the show actually does. I had no idea until the day it was actually on that it was being played and it was a fluke that I even found out. This challenge will get solid ratings, I think worse than rivals but the actual product will be better. Has the potential to do better than Rivals though.[/QUOTE] I'll go out on a limb and say that I think it will do better than Rivals through the first four episodes at least. Reason being is simple: Whenever they have anything relationshippy on Real World previews, ratings tend up; when it turns out to be falsely advertised as such, ratings crater. That some of these couple are still together and some hate each other will bring in the girls who don't normally watch for the competition.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;293841]The first of these shows I watched (as in wanting to watch) was Battle of the Sexes 1 in 2003. I was only 12 when that show aired and at least one of the cast members' season aired when I was half a year old so it's not out of the ordinary.[/QUOTE] Exactly. I started watching Real World and The Challenges when I was in 5th grade... I'm now in college. Lol
I'll go out on a limb this evening and suggest that we'll see an audience of +/- 200K from a 2.2M Nielsen number. At least I hope the number is that robust.
I'll go with a 1.6 rating in the 14-49 group.
