The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Naomi Defensor

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The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Naomi Defensor

[url=][img][/img][/url] (Photo Credit: Rene Cervantes, MTV) Molds' favorite comment from users at [url=][img][/img][/url]

Leroy and Naomi

On Real World: Las Vegas, Naomi claimed to not care that her romantic interest Leroy slept with other women. Leroy recalls, "We had a friends with benefit type thing, and I'm like, this is sweet! And then, it turned into a disaster." Naomi admits, "Towards the end, I did catch feelings." But coming into the Battle Of The Exes, Leroy is focused solely on the game, "I don't want to hook up with her here. I want to leave that in the past and see if we can make some money." Will this couple be able to keep their heads in the game or will they let their emotions get the best of them?

Anonymous's picture
Naomi just looks so totally different now I cannot put my finger or any one thing (beyond that hair) as to exactly what it is. She physically looks like a different person than on her season.
Pretty excited to see her!!!!
I don't mind her, but Leroy is most certainly doomed.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;292806]Naomi just looks so totally different now I cannot put my finger or any one thing (beyond that hair) as to exactly what it is. She physically looks like a different person than on her season.[/QUOTE] She lost some weight. She looks better than she did on her season but girl needs HELP with that hair.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;293001]She lost some weight. She looks better than she did on her season but girl needs HELP with that hair.[/QUOTE] I dunno, I think her hair looks pretty fantastic. Overall, I think she definitely looks a lot better than her Real World season and I really hope she's able to do well.
She's really out of her mind, and I think BOTE will solidify that for folks.
She really makes me laugh, her denial mostly.
Lol, I love her!
She is a cute girl but I dislike her choice of makeup. Like many girls I think she would benefit from toning it down.
[QUOTE=Calinks;296053]She is a cute girl but I dislike her choice of makeup. Like many girls I think she would benefit from toning it down.[/QUOTE] The real problem is her lipstick. Why so light and pink?
Thanks for holding back Leroy on this one Naomi :mad: She was easily the worst female competitor there and after her elimination round with Mandi, I don't think I want to see her come back. She brings the drama, but athletically...
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Benfiquista;296375]Thanks for holding back Leroy on this one Naomi :mad: She was easily the worst female competitor there and after her elimination round with Mandi, I don't think I want to see her come back. She brings the drama, but athletically...[/QUOTE] I agree. She can complain about her being smaller than Emily all she wants but even if Emily were her height she's still a much stronger athlete than she is.
Man everybody is hating on her. I didn't want to see Leroy go either but it is what it is. At least she put in an effort. We all saw this coming though
For anyone who cares, Leroy mentioned the Twitter war going on between Nany, Naomi, Jemmye and Dani, Gabi, Leroy. So I did a bit of digging. Feb 6th [url=][img][/img][/url] Feb 7th [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [IMG][/IMG] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [IMG][/IMG] Feb 8th [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
^Nany and Naomi have been going at the Victor twins every since Leroy implied that Gabi was his girl. Its no concidence. If Leroy tweets Gabi, then Nany and Naomi start firing shots. Its happened about 3 times now. For some reason they can't handle Leroy with other girls, and that's not just Naomi, its Nany too. I'm glad he finally spoke on the matter on his ustream, because he seemed to ducking questions about them when Brandon was asking him.
I hoped he was smarter than this. BGC is a horrible example for young women. To be associated with that show in any way certainly lowers my otherwise high opinion of him.
[QUOTE=V1man;296548] BGC is a horrible example for young women.[/QUOTE] And the women of the Challenge are?
[QUOTE=V1man;296548]I hoped he was smarter than this. BGC is a horrible example for young women. To be associated with that show in any way certainly lowers my otherwise high opinion of him.[/QUOTE] I don't see any difference between the "Bad Girls" and Naomi, Jemmye, and Nany. They're all trash imo
[QUOTE=V1man;296548]I hoped he was smarter than this. BGC is a horrible example for young women. To be associated with that show in any way certainly lowers my otherwise high opinion of him.[/QUOTE] Come on, he was involved Naomi. Who by the way was supposed to be on BGC, but picked the Real World instead. She stated this during this BGC/RW fiasco...
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;296550]I don't see any difference between the "Bad Girls" and Naomi, Jemmye, and Nany. They're all trash imo[/QUOTE] I didn't watch B2NO but is this Jemmye character a bad ***? All I hear from her on twitter is that she's gonna beat people up and how awesome she is. I didn't even really like Naomi on Vegas...I did like (post-Adam) and still like Nany...she just seems to be backing up her crazy friend.
[QUOTE=JL81790;296553]I didn't watch B2NO but is this Jemmye character a bad ***? All I hear from her on twitter is that she's gonna beat people up and how awesome she is. I didn't even really like Naomi on Vegas...I did like (post-Adam) and still like Nany...she just seems to be backing up her crazy friend.[/QUOTE] Naomi is ghetto trashy, Jemmye is southern trashy if that helps at all.
I'm gonna miss Naomi on the show! She was freaking hilarious! I really hope she comes back! I'd so much rather watch her than a majority of the people left!
I'm playing in an online reality game based off of Bad Girl's Club, depsite never seeing the show. Just by the clips I've viewed, I have no idea why any girl would participate in something like this. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all because it is a trashy and classless show. On another note, I'm sad to see Naomi go because I think she's hilarious and genuine.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;296554]Naomi is ghetto trashy, Jemmye is southern trashy if that helps at all.[/QUOTE] And how is that?
If people keep picking on Naomi, I just might decide that she is likeable.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;296740]And how is that?[/QUOTE] I was painting of picture on how to compare Naomi and Jemmye based on Naomi since the other poster knows her but not Jemmye. I do not consider Naomi to necessarily be trash. But that's just Naomi...
Wonder what that's about... [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Someone is pissed off.. I don't really think that Evan will respond to her anyway.
Another reason to love Naomi. It sounds as if she is as annoyed with that troll Evan as I am.
Team NAOMI. Evan's a fake piece of ****. I'm glad someone is finally calling him out on his bull****. He talks more **** than any cast member EVER and he never gets in trouble for it. GO NAOMI.
