Breaking news: Real World/Road Rules alumni can act!

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Breaking news: Real World/Road Rules alumni can act!
Short little blurb from [quote]If [I]Privileged[/I] wasn't my new favorite fall TV show before, it certainly is now thanks to an ever-growing population of tanned man-candy to ogle. But something about Palm Beach's newest face, hottie headmaster Jacob Cassidy (played by David Giuntoli, left), struck me as strangely familiar. A quick IMDB search garnered a result I hadn't expected: He's a former [I]Road Rule[/I]r! Something else unexpected: He was actually good. The [I]RR: South Pacific[/I] alum's turn on last night's ep was not only charming, but he had great chemistry with co-star Joanna Garcia (Do I hear a nomination for entry into our [URL=",,20222681,00.html"]favorite TV/movie teacher's list[/URL]? Okay, that's probably premature). Anyway... It seemed for the better part of a decade that [I]Real World: London[/I] cast member Jacinda Barrett ([I]The Last Kiss[/I], [I]Ladder 49[/I]) would be the only [I]RW/RR[/I] alum to have any sort of acting career, but the pretty Aussie better watch her back. In addition to Giuntoli, former [I]Real World: San Diego[/I] gal Jamie Chung (right) has been kicking butt in her own ABC Family mini-series, [I]Samurai Girl[/I]. [/quote][URL=""]Breaking news: 'Real World'/'Road Rules' alumni may -- gasp-- have acting abilities[/URL]
Thanks for the story RSV it is nice to see some of them breaking free of the reality tv stigma.
Anonymous's picture
Excellent article!
David umm....he was acting way before privileged...if anyone is obsessed with House like I am...he actually was in an episode acting like the gay boyfriend of a in the closet millitary man.
[quote=ilpadrino;31146]David umm....he was acting way before privileged...if anyone is obsessed with[B] House[/B] like I am...he actually was in an episode acting like the gay boyfriend of a in the closet millitary man.[/quote] are thinking of [URL=""]Grey's Anatomy[/URL].
Anonymous's picture
Dave's a hottie. I liked him on Grey's. Glad he is continuing to do well.