I'm actually surprised to see Kristen there but at the same time I think that's great! I'm glad they were able to keep in touch and be that close since their show ended.
I wish Kristen got on that RV- The two of them would've been great together.
I think that somebody made a YouTube video with these pictures as the slide show. I didn't recognize Kristen at first...probably because she never got out of that stupid pit. As far as Cameran...I really don't know her because I didnt start watching RW until the Denver season.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;226820]Who's Kristen?
Why wasn't Monte there. Didn't he win the money with Tori?[/QUOTE]
Kristen was one of the Pit members on RR: Viewer's Revenge. She never made it onto the RV.
Maybe Tori and Monte aren't that close...who knows.
Maybe Tori and Monte aren't that close[B]...who knows.[/B][/QUOTE]
They are not. It was not a large wedding and was attended only by family and close friends.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy]Why wasn't Monte there. Didn't he win the money with Tori?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=AEvans5;226825]Maybe Tori and Monte aren't that close...who knows.[/QUOTE]
You may very well be right... just because two people were on a season of Road Rules together, and won together, may not necessarily mean that they are officially BFFs and invite each other to their weddings.
The select few in those pictures from the RW/RR shows should've been a hint as to who Brad and Tori's were closest to. I mean, was anyone expecting to see everybody who's been on a challenge or season of RW/RR with them?
I'm not surprised to see Kristen in these photos. They were like BFF's on Road Rules and I noticed they would send messages back and forth even after the show aired.
What I like to see is both Wes and Evan being in Brad's wedding party. Talk about playing both sides hahahahaha jk.
EDIT: And regards to Lamonte and Tori's friendship...I doubt they were EVER close. Tori mostly bonded with the veteran cast members that season because most of the Pit Crew didn't make it on the RV. Lamonte didn't even make it onto the RV until the very, very end.
EDIT: And regards to Lamonte and Tori's friendship...I doubt they were EVER close. Tori mostly bonded with the veteran cast members that season because most of the Pit Crew didn't make it on the RV. Lamonte didn't even make it onto the RV until the very, very end.[/QUOTE]
I'd like to think Tori bonded with the people that she felt closest to on a personal level. Not because of the show, or because the were on the RV with her for a certain amount of time.
[QUOTE=LifeAfterBMP;226836]I'd like to think Tori bonded with the people that she felt closest to on a personal level. Not because of the show, or because the were on the RV with her for a certain amount of time.[/QUOTE]
Hence her friendship with Kristen.
People were saying, "Why didn't she invite Lamonte? He was on the RV with her and won!" My point is, they barely spent time together. If she invited him, it wouldn't be because "they won together on Road Rules."
I honestly didn't think anyone would take my statement of Lamonte being at the wedding seriously. I was being sarcastic. I barely remember him, I just remember the name.
I am happy for Brad and Tori if they are serious about moving away from reality TV and officially starting a family. I always liked the two, despite the fact that I have found them irritating on this particular challenge.
this article is completely stemmed from ONE person trying to get more listeners. susie is a smart chick, and knew how to politick the **** out of people without actually doing it. that's what got her to be the only girl in a final with 3 of the best males to play this game. susie loves talking about anything rr/rw/challenge related, and remembers everything, while sarah can barely remember her time in BK. the quote was real, but not today. she didn't lie technically... she just knows how to up ratings for a podcast.
tori and brad are legit done, but that's been known, and it's really disheartening to see people are complete ******** and rip on tori, and say that brad deserves better. she may have rubbed you the wrong way on TELEVISION, but she has 2 beautiful boys with brad, and is an excellent mom, so show some ******* respect.
Everything comes to an end:
Get it KellyAnne thatta girl
I never saw them lasting. Tori is controlling. I wondered why their Twitter feeds never mentioned each other.
Is she controlling or is he just immature? Probably both but I'm siding more with the second option, especially considering the stuff with KA.
It's the best thing for Brad honestly.
Kellyanne getting that ****>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Feel sad for them especially when kids are involved.
Tori was always so terrible so im not surprised
Brad upgraded. I'm happy for him.
Omg at this thread
they're not together. i thought you guys knew everything!
this article is completely stemmed from ONE person trying to get more listeners. susie is a smart chick, and knew how to politick the **** out of people without actually doing it. that's what got her to be the only girl in a final with 3 of the best males to play this game. susie loves talking about anything rr/rw/challenge related, and remembers everything, while sarah can barely remember her time in BK. the quote was real, but not today. she didn't lie technically... she just knows how to up ratings for a podcast.
it's fake news.
tori and brad are legit done, but that's been known, and it's really disheartening to see people are complete ******** and rip on tori, and say that brad deserves better. she may have rubbed you the wrong way on TELEVISION, but she has 2 beautiful boys with brad, and is an excellent mom, so show some ******* respect.