Big Love

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Big Love
Just curious if anyone else is watching Big Love? I started watching towards the middle of season 2 and my wife and I were quickly hooked. I have season 1 on dvd and its also on Comcast On Demand but I have yet had time to finish it. As far as this season, we are only two episodes in and I am just as enthralled as I was during season 2, if not more. I look forward to each new episode every Sunday now wishing they would just air them one right after the other. After the last episode aired I declared to my wife that I think Big Love has moved amongst the top of my favorite shows list. So anyone other Big Love fans out there? THoughts on previous season, this season, favorite characters, etc?
I love that show... I do watch it religiously...
I just watched the pilot. Interesting and quirky. I think I'll give the first season a shot.
I loooooooove Big keeps getting better and better! Last week's episode was great :)
I didn't want anyone to think I abandoned this thread but it appears that up until now noone else was watching. But I warn you will be sucked in B. Big Love moved to the top of my favorite shows of all time and this past season (3) had a lot to do with it. This past Sundays season finale was awesome. I am glad they didn't go with a cliched cliffhanger route but at the same time I can't wait another year for it to come back! I started with the show midway through season 2 but I got hooked and the wife got hooked as well. I went back and picked season up season one on dvd and we started watching those recently.
I love this show, I hope it has a shorter break this time between seasons.
I am five episodes in and really enjoying it. The thing I hate about netflix is when you get a long wait on the next disk and you can't move forward in the series. Big Love is 45th on my list (I have one Stargate title holding up my entire queue above that.) Now the next Big Love DVD is on long wait so I am going to skip past all the Big Love disks and start Six Feet Under. I am sure I'll get two disks in with that and start Entourage. And then the Tutors. And then... Before I end up finishing any one of these series I'll probably have 6 or 7 going simultaneously, lol.
Oh Six Feet Under is my absolute favorite
I finally got and watched the entire first season and the first disk of the second. I am truly addicted and this show is cutting into a productive life, lol. They are running all of season three this week on HBO, so I am going to record it so it will be ready when I finish season 2 on netflix in the next week or so. :D'll suck you in!
I can't decide which wife I'd take if I had a choice. They all really add to the equation. Maybe I'd just take them all and live the principle, lol. Margene is the young and fun wife. More my style across the board, although a bit naive. Nikki is the evil sister you would never want, but are forced to love. She looked great in the episode where she got all dressed up, but I am not a big fan of the prairie girl getup. (Still, she makes the show with her coy deviousness.) Barbra would the the woman I would like to raise my kids and she still has a smoking body for her age. Also seems to be the smartest of the bunch although she is a bit idealistic. Overall, I think Bill did a good job in picking his wives although his life would be much simpler had he left Nikki on the compound, haha. :D
Season three was really good. I didn't particularly care for the season finale though, I think there was too much going on or something. I hope it comes back quickly.
[quote=Bacchus;56470]I can't decide which wife I'd take if I had a choice. They all really add to the equation. Maybe I'd just take them all and live the principle, lol. Margene is the young and fun wife. More my style across the board, although a bit naive. Nikki is the evil sister you would never want, but are forced to love. She looked great in the episode where she got all dressed up, but I am not a big fan of the prairie girl getup. (Still, she makes the show with her coy deviousness.) Barbra would the the woman I would like to raise my kids and she still has a smoking body for her age. Also seems to be the smartest of the bunch although she is a bit idealistic. Overall, I think Bill did a good job in picking his wives although his life would be much simpler had he left Nikki on the compound, haha. :D[/quote] Uggggh...I never liked Nicki. I don't like her prairie girl getup either, or her attitude, or pretty much anything about her. I like Margene and Barbara. I think they play off each other really well.
AHHHHH!! [SPOILER]About midway through the show’s fourth season (debuting Jan. 10), the taboo-shattering drama will finally go there with Ben and Margene. “We have flirted for three years with [that] relationship,” says series co-creator Mark V. Olsen. “And this year we finally decided to pay it off.”[/SPOILER]
More from Ausiello: [QUOTE][B]Question: Got any [I]Big Love[/I] scoop? —Mari Ausiello:[/B] It’s going to take a big man to replace Roman Grant as the show’s main villain, so guess what exec producers Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer did? They replaced him with [I]three[/I] (actually, two men and a lady). According to Scheffer, Matt Ross’ Alby, Zeljko Ivanek’s JJ, [B]and the new lobbyist character played by Oscar-winner Sissy Spacek will share the bad guy spotlight in season 4.[/B] Regarding JJ, Scheffer says there’s much we don’t know about Nikki’s creepy ex. “He has secrets and a dangerous past that comes to bear in his actions this season.” Adds Olsen: “What you learned last year about him is just the tip of the iceberg.”[/QUOTE] That's pretty exciting to be able to get Spacek. She seems like she'd be a perfect villain too!
Season 4 poster: [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Looks pretty good... [QUOTE]When we rejoin the family, man of the house(s) Bill (Bill Paxton) will be running for state senator. But the issue won’t be whether he wins but what he stands to lose along the way. “His goal, if he’s elected, is to put himself and his family out there as public polygamists,” says executive producer Marc V. Olsen, adding, “He can’t be impeached for that. Polygamy is technically a misdemeanor in Utah, [and a misdemeanor is not] an impeachable offense.” Nonetheless, the Henrickson wives’ vote is split in a way that threatens to splinter the entire clan. “Bill’s decision renders major friction within the family,” Olsen teases. “What wives will or will not do to promote that agenda or stop that agenda dead in its tracks [is] a big piece of the season.” [/QUOTE]
I can't wait! [url=]YouTube - Big Love: Season 4 Trailer (HBO)[/url] [B]BIG LOVE[/B] premieres on January 10, 2010 on HBO.
From Ausiello: [QUOTE]Glambert’s AMAs make-out session was but a little blip on the gaydar compared to what [I]Big Love[/I] has in store for season four: Alby (Matt Ross), the HBO soap’s closeted villain is about to go courting his first beau — oh, and controversy. Lots of that, too. The character is “being groomed for an incredible season,” teases co-creator/executive producer Will Scheffer. Adds counterpart Marc V. Olsen: “Alby’s boyfriend, Dale (Benjamin Koldyke), is appointed head of the UEB — a trustee. They stumble into a relationship, and this guy is [just like Alby] struggling with his urges. He’s been going to [reparative therapy] for several years… unsuccessfully. Alby is going as well.” But attempts to “pray the gay away” are just the tip of the iceberg. “There’s a provocative nature to what we’re doing,” Olsen suggests. “It’s more than just the Mormon culture. We’re highlighting certain aspects of the church’s relationship with its gay members that I think, as the story unfolds, is going to cause no [small] amount of controversy.” The hot topic is also likely to cause no small amount of acclaim for Alby’s portrayer. “[B]Matt is in the middle of a career-defining season[/B],” marvels Scheffer. Chimes in Olsen: “[B]We gave him a great story, and he’s delivering with the kind of performance that is astonishing[/B].” [/QUOTE] Should be interesting to see! I think that Matt Ross does a great job with his character (who thoroughly creeps me out sometimes, haha)
[QUOTE=molds13;138123]AHHHHH!! [SPOILER]About midway through the show’s fourth season (debuting Jan. 10), the taboo-shattering drama will finally go there with Ben and Margene. “We have flirted for three years with [that] relationship,” says series co-creator Mark V. Olsen. “And this year we finally decided to pay it off.”[/SPOILER][/QUOTE] I literally screamed out loud when I read that spoiler! I didn't think they'd explore that storyline any further, mostly because I didn't really want them to. lol [SPOILER]it kinda creeps me out[/SPOILER] I am so excited for the new season, I feel like I have been waiting forever for it to start!
We might have to start a spoiler thread that I can avoid. I don't want to know, yet those hover boxes are soooooo tempting! ;)
I'm getting excited about this season as they have made the addition of Adam Beach. He will offer another great actor to this already amazing cast.
I can't believe it's already premiering this week! I can't wait. :D
[QUOTE=its_galinda;148972]I can't believe it's already premiering this week! I can't wait. :D[/QUOTE] I know, it is finally here! Can't wait to see where they go from the great season 3 finale.
Did anyone watch this last night?
Pretty quiet overall for a season premier. Looks like they are setting a lot of stuff up for payoffs in the near future though. [SPOILER]The situation with Adaleen keeping Roman's body in the freezer, and Alby dumping it at the casino site, was pretty morbid. I had to LOL when Lois forced Frank to take her on a date at gunpoint. [/SPOILER]
[QUOTE=molds13;149903]Did anyone watch this last night?[/QUOTE] I watched, but it was like Aereas said...a setup episode for the season. Not overly impressive, but they needed to create new issues to be solved further down the road...
I LOVE Sissy Spacek. I can't wait to see what she brings in future episodes. And HOLY CRAP at that ending!!
What was Margene thinking! I knew something like this was going to happen because in the recap entry into the first episode they showed the part where Ben admitted his feelings for her. Very awkward weird and bound to cause all sorts of trouble! I'm not really digging the casino conflict. Clearly it is a big part of the plot for this season but I'd rather they just move and and focus more on the other aspects that make the show fun. Also, I think it is ridiculous that Bill is running for office. What in the world is he thinking? I feel these two storylines are somewhat telegraphed, but hopefully I am wrong.
The doom and gloom keeps building. Ben and Margene having feelings for each other. Joey now forced to turn against Bill (with Wanda waiting in the wings, probably with antifreeze and rat poison.) Sarah digging up the repressed feelings of her miscarriage and bringing up ghosts of the past on the Reservation with her keeping of an Indian child. Don taking the bullet and being forced to resign as a polygomist. JJ marrying Nikki's mom (JJ really gives me the creeps.) Alby off doing who knows what (but clearly in the end it will have some effect on Bill...) Quite a twisted web set in place. The new opening totally fits as it feels like everything is spiraling out of control and next week it looks like it gets even worse for the Henricksons. The family is possibly fatally fractured, and I'm loving it.
[URL=""]HBO renews 'Big Love'[/URL] [QUOTE]"Love," which centers on Utah native Bill Henrickson (Bill Paxton) as he balances the needs of his three wives (Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chloe Sevigny, Ginnifer Goodwin) and their broods, drew 1.7 million viewers for its season premiere last month. That was up 49% from Season 3's opener.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]With the exception of the departing Amanda Seyfried, the series' core cast will come back for Season 5[/QUOTE] Aww....I figured she would leave though. She is starting to blow up and get feature film roles.
I can't believe we are already at the finale next week. It came too quickly and I am not sure there is an appropriate payoff ahead for the time invested in the season. There is no question last year was much more compelling. I never liked the idea of Bill going public and because everything is built around that premise, I feel like I have been shortchanged. There are all sorts of minor subplots in play, but it doesn't seem like they will be able to successfully wrap them together in the time allotted, especially from what I saw of the preview (which lends to a standard blackmail plot.) I get the impression they really "went with it" this season rather than start with a fulfilling ending and fill in the story. By episode 3 there were all sorts of crazy tangents and 90% of them have just disappeared!
