Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Chelgod > T'flop

T'kor's fate is SEALED. Chelsie/Mak/Cam all throw her under the bus to Leah and so has angela. Hopefully when she gets nominated she can bring out the "southside of Chicago" so she can give us a show Smile


Cam really hasn't gotten angry this season... can yall imagine him pulling a Chima and how epic that would be?

chelsie is pi•ssing him off 

arguing bout the beds...

Cam getting pissed off at the person whose carried him through this game... I can't.

Cam getting pissed off at the person whose carried him through this game... I can't.

well to be fair she is acting a bit clingy and jealous about him and makensy. Still love her tho <3

Chelsie/Mak/Cam literally promised Quinn safety just to turn on him idk how Leah doesn't think they would do the same to her. And again she knows Chelsie has been after her while at least T'kor is closer to her. This could be the 750k move here 

This is stupid. It's 3v3 either way. She is screwed no matter what. The bore squad isn't penetrable. They are not breaking no matter what. There are cracks within the ménage à trois alliance though. They can be broken up. Her and Makensy were also on the outs in the beginning and bonded over their love for Matt. She also was very solid with Cam at one point too, he still has feelings there. You would totally flop at this game. You don't have a strategic brain.

Cam getting pissed off at the person whose carried him through this game... I can't.

Cam never needed Chelsie to survive. Chelsie would be going home this week if Cam didn't convince Leah to leave her alone. Yall are trying too hard to discredit him and it's not working.

You t'bore fans need to COPE with the fact that she is going on the BLOCK in a few hours instead of pulling shit from your a•ss, throwing it at the wall, then hoping it sticks Smile

Stans act like they are going to get tipped out by their favs for defending them. They can't ever just accept reality.

Rubina and T'kor are nominated.

Can't believe Kemo is still going to be wasting space in the show for another week. Ugh.

Can't believe Kemo is still going to be wasting space in the show for another week. Ugh.

I ignore him


Cam getting pissed off at the person whose carried him through this game... I can't.

Cam never needed Chelsie to survive. Chelsie would be going home this week if Cam didn't convince Leah to leave her alone. Yall are trying too hard to discredit him and it's not working.

You're trying too hard to give him credit when he's barely done anything the entire time. Please. Chelsie was the one talking to Leah to convince her to put up Kimo/Rubino.

You t'bore fans need to COPE with the fact that she is going on the BLOCK in a few hours instead of pulling shit from your a•ss, throwing it at the wall, then hoping it sticks

What are you even talking about?? What have T'Kor fans been saying? I swear you just say any stupid shit just to hear yourself speak (figuratively). It's getting annoying. 

You're trying too hard to give him credit when he's barely done anything the entire time. Please. Chelsie was the one talking to Leah to convince her to put up Kimo/Rubino. 

You are wrong. Per usual.

Oh. I just tried watching last's night episode but had to quit 10 min in. Grodner makes it way too uncomfortable and cringe to watch as a grown man. 

Last night's episode was virtually pointless except for some conversations with Angela and the Trio, and Chelsie/Leah. Maybe they need to go down to 30 minute episodes on Sundays.


Chelsie/Mak/Cam literally promised Quinn safety just to turn on him idk how Leah doesn't think they would do the same to her. And again she knows Chelsie has been after her while at least T'kor is closer to her. This could be the 750k move here 

This is stupid. It's 3v3 either way. She is screwed no matter what. The bore squad isn't penetrable. They are not breaking no matter what. There are cracks within the ménage à trois alliance though. They can be broken up. Her and Makensy were also on the outs in the beginning and bonded over their love for Matt. She also was very solid with Cam at one point too, he still has feelings there. You would totally flop at this game. You don't have a strategic brain.

Can you ever respond to comments without trying to throw digs at people? You are so weird. 

And yes my opinion is it makes more sense to continue with T'kors trio because they are not good at comps as opposed to Chelsie's group who just betrayed/blindsided Leah the last two weeks AND can beat her/Angela in comps. Shes kinda screwed either way but IMO less screwed with the weaker trio. Now please go touch grass. 

Oh t'flop don't make that face 

T'queen didn't deserve this Sad

Watch pigmo win hoh next week and send angela packing I'm gonna be so mad

If me and cara maria were tied to train tracks and you could only save one of us from being crushed, who would you save CML?

What a horrible thing to say! Sad


If me and cara maria were tied to train tracks and you could only save one of us from being crushed, who would you save CML?

What a horrible thing to say!

not as horrible as what your fav said to me when I went to challenge mania (check the cara maria BOTEras thread)

Can you ever respond to comments without trying to throw digs at people? You are so weird.  And yes my opinion is it makes more sense to continue with T'kors trio because they are not good at comps as opposed to Chelsie's group who just betrayed/blindsided Leah the last two weeks AND can beat her/Angela in comps. Shes kinda screwed either way but IMO less screwed with the weaker trio. Now please go touch grass. 

There was no dig. You are just always píșśy. You are the miserable one, not me. I'm not in a tizzy over BB opinions like you. She can't play next week but you want her to target the side that you claim is likely to win HoH? You work where the cracks are not where the numbers are rock solid. If you don't understand that then you are just dumb and that's ok! I'm sure you have some kind of good quality Smile

And I don't think leah wants to work with a group that would constantly put her to sleep #NoShade

"You are the miserable one not me"

*consistently argues with 10 people daily on this message board*

*has meltdowns daily when people don't agree with you* 

You're weird and lack self awareness and that's ok! Yes that is my opinion and you're welcome to stick to yours and I won't call you dumb for it because we can all have different opinions (not sure you are aware of this). Carry on now weirdo. 

OldSchooler: "There was no dig". 

Also OldSchooler: *Proceeds to personally insult five more times.


OldSchooler: "There was no dig". 

Also OldSchooler: *Proceeds to personally insult five more times.


Lmaoo fr though I cannot with that thing. Goes into a tizzy and insults because people have different opinions. He about to come at me and call me a woke warrior or something lol 

T'queen didn't deserve this

"You are the miserable one not me"

*consistently argues with 10 people daily on this message board*

*has meltdowns daily when people don't agree with you* 

You're weird and lack self awareness and that's ok! Yes that is my opinion and you're welcome to stick to yours and I won't call you dumb for it because we can all have different opinions (not sure you are aware of this). Carry on now weirdo. 

Who have I argued with this past week? 

I never meltdown over opinions. My responses are always light-hearted and playful unless I say otherwise Smile

I have too much self-awareness. I know how I come off on this board.  

You are dumb when it comes to strategical thinking! That's ok! I'm dumb when it comes to neuroscience. That's ok! We all have strengths and weaknesses in life!
