I believe this as well, did they not get the people they wanted or just wanted a bigger pool to choose from BB16?
My contact (the only one I have in reality TV) told me that she was told that 3 of their main 4 couldn't do it last season...including her. If they get the All-Star cast they want, I doubt they will, it will be very impressive.
in case you were wondering where I got the fact you had one contact in Reality TV here is your direct quote. Feel free to comment on that.
Was I the only one who didn't care for Donny? You can tell he was so bitter for voting for Cody. Oh and Cody was bitter when they said he rode Derrick's coattails.
lmao I remember the good ol days when Survivor, Big Brother, and The Challenge were all tied as my favorite TV shows. BB has been dropped to 3rd place a couple seasons ago & The Challenge & Survivor are tied for #1.
Based on the seasons i've watched (lol idk even know why I watch big brother cause I complain about the season 90% of the time I watch and it's so cheap, has horrible scripted drs, and rigged)
BB5 - Very exciting up to the twin twist reveal, then fell completely flat.
BB6 & BB7 were one of the first seasons I watched and I don't remember how much I liked it, but I didn't care for BB6 as much as everyone hyped it up to be.
BB8 - Overrated imo. I couldn't really connect with anyone.
BB9 - Underrated, I actually enjoyed this season all the way up until the boring final 4.
BB10 - Fantastic and probably the best first 4 weeks the show has ever had. Non stop drama every episode up until Libra's eviction, but it didn't plummet but it lost its momentum. Some of the best characters of the series were casted on this season.
BB11 - Just one step below season 10. I absolutely loved this season, despite all the production favoring Jeff & Jordan and screwing over Jessie, the season would have a completely different winner and I feel certain contestants wasted their time on the show because they were never going to win with Grodner in their way, they should've quit like Chima. I would!
BB12 - I actually enjoyed this season a lot up until Brendon's eviction. Rachel brought all the drama and they couldn't get rid of her when she won Week 2 & 4 HOH's, she was strong from the start. But once the showmance got out the Brigade sailed easy from there.
BB13 - Probably my favorite season despite being the most rigged season of all time. I absolutely hated the veterans (besides Dani). I seriously do not understand how they were so popular with the viewers. I truly don't get it. They were so cocky and entitled. It was so annoying knowing production was already favoring them and the rigging started on Week 2 (letting Rachel choose the order during the Golf HOH). Each and every single veteran besides Dani ruined their reputations imo. Brendon got meaner. Rachel got whinier. Jordan a hypocrite. Jeff acted entitled. The week Daniele won HOH and flipped the game I was so happy.. this is when this season starts becoming my favorite. At this point it was Kalia vs everyone in the HOH competition. Kalia still ended up winning but the week ended in disappointment when she got scared into sending home Lawon and Brendon came back. Then Daniele won AGAIN. Bye bye Brendon. Then time for the best double eviction episode in BB history. Earlier in the week Jeff won HOH, and on the DE eviction episode he sent Dani packing. That same episode Kalia wins HOH again, Porsche shocks all by winning the veto, and shelly flips on Jeff forcing a tie and Kalia sends Jeff out the door. WOO. My favorite powershift of all time. Okay without explaining the rest of the season Kalia, Shelly, and Porsche were on their way to the final 3 until Grodner came in and rigged the game with Duos twist returning. I'm not even going to continue this because i'll just rage about how much I hate Alison Grodner for blatantly rigging the crap out of this season and screwing over people who deserved to make it to the end without productions help. Rachel = One of the worst winners ever (and I LOVED her on season 12 but not this time)
BB14 - I personally found this season very boring. I couldn't connect with anyone in the house. I was turned off from the start when Jodi got screwed over on the first night. Eventually I joined #TeamDan and then of course he lost 6-1 against the most clueless and socially awkward winner ever.
BB15 - Don't even get me started. All I can say is that the only good produced out of this season was that it showed racism is still alive and kicking. The only characters I could root for were Elissa, Candice, Howard, and Jessie. Everyone else was untolerable. That's how pityful that season was. So much racism and bullying I couldn't bare to watch the show anymore. I literally stopped watching live episodes and had to watch on my own terms so I could skip through the DRs because I couldn't stand the voice of these people. I remember the night of the bed flip, I was literally in tears watching as they tore Candice apart and called her all sorts of names. I wanted to think "Well it's just a tv show", well no it's not, it got personal and it wasn't just a "game" anymore. This season produced the most vile contestants of all time. I don't even want to mention their names. And what's even more pathetic is that once the season ended, they were unapologetic (especially Aaryn & Amanda) and they victimized themselves instead of owning up to what they did. That's all I have to say, worst season ever. I don't care how boring BB12 or 16 was, I would rather have a predictable season with a likable cast than that vile cast ever again. This season shouldn't even exist.
BB16 - Boring. I predicted Derrick's win as soon as I saw his interview (not a joke). But i'm thankful for this season, with the HD camera upgrade I thought we'd have a really cheap season due to a lower budget, but I was wrong. They gave away more cash than ever this season. The competitions were amazing and I absolutely loved battle of the block. The twist itself was horrible but the competitions were so unique and it brought life to the Sunday nomination episodes since it's typically filled with pointless strategy and for 50 minutes and then in the end we get the nominees that we already know from watching the live feeds.
lmao I remember the good ol days when Survivor, Big Brother, and The Challenge were all tied as my favorite TV shows. BB has been dropped to 3rd place a couple seasons ago & The Challenge & Survivor are tied for #1.
Based on the seasons i've watched (lol idk even know why I watch big brother cause I complain about the season 90% of the time I watch and it's so cheap, has horrible scripted drs, and rigged)
BB5 - Very exciting up to the twin twist reveal, then fell completely flat.
BB6 & BB7 were one of the first seasons I watched and I don't remember how much I liked it, but I didn't care for BB6 as much as everyone hyped it up to be.
BB8 - Overrated imo. I couldn't really connect with anyone.
BB9 - Underrated, I actually enjoyed this season all the way up until the boring final 4.
BB10 - Fantastic and probably the best first 4 weeks the show has ever had. Non stop drama every episode up until Libra's eviction, but it didn't plummet but it lost its momentum. Some of the best characters of the series were casted on this season.
BB11 - Just one step below season 10. I absolutely loved this season, despite all the production favoring Jeff & Jordan and screwing over Jessie, the season would have a completely different winner and I feel certain contestants wasted their time on the show because they were never going to win with Grodner in their way, they should've quit like Chima. I would!
BB12 - I actually enjoyed this season a lot up until Brendon's eviction. Rachel brought all the drama and they couldn't get rid of her when she won Week 2 & 4 HOH's, she was strong from the start. But once the showmance got out the Brigade sailed easy from there.
BB13 - Probably my favorite season despite being the most rigged season of all time. I absolutely hated the veterans (besides Dani). I seriously do not understand how they were so popular with the viewers. I truly don't get it. They were so cocky and entitled. It was so annoying knowing production was already favoring them and the rigging started on Week 2 (letting Rachel choose the order during the Golf HOH). Each and every single veteran besides Dani ruined their reputations imo. Brendon got meaner. Rachel got whinier. Jordan a hypocrite. Jeff acted entitled. The week Daniele won HOH and flipped the game I was so happy.. this is when this season starts becoming my favorite. At this point it was Kalia vs everyone in the HOH competition. Kalia still ended up winning but the week ended in disappointment when she got scared into sending home Lawon and Brendon came back. Then Daniele won AGAIN. Bye bye Brendon. Then time for the best double eviction episode in BB history. Earlier in the week Jeff won HOH, and on the DE eviction episode he sent Dani packing. That same episode Kalia wins HOH again, Porsche shocks all by winning the veto, and shelly flips on Jeff forcing a tie and Kalia sends Jeff out the door. WOO. My favorite powershift of all time. Okay without explaining the rest of the season Kalia, Shelly, and Porsche were on their way to the final 3 until Grodner came in and rigged the game with Duos twist returning. I'm not even going to continue this because i'll just rage about how much I hate Alison Grodner for blatantly rigging the crap out of this season and screwing over people who deserved to make it to the end without productions help. Rachel = One of the worst winners ever (and I LOVED her on season 12 but not this time)
BB14 - I personally found this season very boring. I couldn't connect with anyone in the house. I was turned off from the start when Jodi got screwed over on the first night. Eventually I joined #TeamDan and then of course he lost 6-1 against the most clueless and socially awkward winner ever.
BB15 - Don't even get me started. All I can say is that the only good produced out of this season was that it showed racism is still alive and kicking. The only characters I could root for were Elissa, Candice, Howard, and Jessie. Everyone else was untolerable. That's how pityful that season was. So much racism and bullying I couldn't bare to watch the show anymore. I literally stopped watching live episodes and had to watch on my own terms so I could skip through the DRs because I couldn't stand the voice of these people. I remember the night of the bed flip, I was literally in tears watching as they tore Candice apart and called her all sorts of names. I wanted to think "Well it's just a tv show", well no it's not, it got personal and it wasn't just a "game" anymore. This season produced the most vile contestants of all time. I don't even want to mention their names. And what's even more pathetic is that once the season ended, they were unapologetic (especially Aaryn & Amanda) and they victimized themselves instead of owning up to what they did. That's all I have to say, worst season ever. I don't care how boring BB12 or 16 was, I would rather have a predictable season with a likable cast than that vile cast ever again. This season shouldn't even exist.
BB16 - Boring. I predicted Derrick's win as soon as I saw his interview (not a joke). But i'm thankful for this season, with the HD camera upgrade I thought we'd have a really cheap season due to a lower budget, but I was wrong. They gave away more cash than ever this season. The competitions were amazing and I absolutely loved battle of the block. The twist itself was horrible but the competitions were so unique and it brought life to the Sunday nomination episodes since it's typically filled with pointless strategy and for 50 minutes and then in the end we get the nominees that we already know from watching the live feeds.
Wow that was a lot.
Season 6 was overrated, but I personally loved it because it was an all out war. The S6 vs the Friendship. The winner deserved the win, but was extrememly unliked. But because the season was a bloodbath, it didn't even damper the entire experience for me.
All Stars was almost perfection. Boogie really didn't have any business being there, but I'm glad he was because I'm glad we were able to see Dr. Will lead Chilltown to the end. The characters were awesome and the game play was great. Boogie wasn't the best winner, but clearily isn't the worst.
Season 8 and my first season season so I have a soft spot for it. The Donatos were entertaining and easy to root for. A lot of duds in casting though in the game player department. Eric was awesome, America's Player kind of hinder him, but he was the best person for the job. I would love to see him play again with being the twist. Oh and Jen was the best obnxious houseguest ever and she needs to return.
Season 9, a shit show of '08. Casting seemed rushed and it showed. I was rooting for Adam/Ryan at the time, but looking back I don't remember why. Weird cast, weird twist. There's something that's just a bit gutterbutt about this season.
Season 10 was the shit of '08. Great characters, great drama, great gameplay (Dan). Even the first boot was great. I loved the back to the basics format. No twist. And if you noticed the competetions had a basic theme: hockey, onions, planes, yada-yada. I loved the dynamics of the house and who every person felt like a PERSON. We had normal people with great personalities instead of caricatures (ala BB16).
Season 11 amazing follow up to BB10. Great people, epic battles, Chima. This season was explosive. I love the majority of the people and I even loved when my favorites argued. Jordan wasn't the winner that played the best game, but she was a really likable winner. This season had epic battles right out of the gate and it was amazing.
Season 12...
Season 13 one of my personal favorites. The rookies this season were unbelievably weak and the vets were WAY too entitled. Dani made this season. Pandora's Box tainted this season. Best DE EVER in the history of EVERDOM. Rachel isn't the best winner. Production gave her a social game. But she did win a lot of comps. Where they geared to her? Maybe. But I apprecated her game in retrospect.
Season 14 underrated in my book. It started slow. Jodi was bounced in an odd fashion. And we were kind of just entertained by silliness until the coaches returned and oh did they show up. Ian's betrayal, Dan's funeral, The Quack Pack, Shane's eviction, it was jammed back with mayhem after Boogie's evection and I loved it. While I loved this season, I didn't enjoy the oversaturation of useless players who did make it too far: JennCity, Joe, Ashley, JoJo in a sense. However it was the first of the series to pull the 'sibling casting stunt' in Willie which really backfired.
Season 15 was a ***********, but it was far from bad. It was strong right out of the gate with the MVP twist, however Ellisa's presence kind of rendered the vote pointless. This is what bothers me about Big Brother's casting stunts. This is a game that has a decent amount of influence from America and they throw a notiable houseguest in the mix that will swoop up America's Votes which really screw over the 'normal houseguests'. Ellisa was a decent enough person to like her, but her participation rubbed me the wrong way just a tad. Big players were bounced early which was interesting, but then we were left with Spencer, Andy and Gina Marie. But yeah, the overt bigtry and bullying was painful to watch and it was hard to root for anyone that season.
Season 16 was a snoozefest. 50% of the house seemed like people who have never seen the show before and the other 50% wasn't aware that there would only be one winner. Derrick played a really great game. The best? Debatable. This season will go down for having the most unbarable casting stunt to date. 8 person alliance, not smart. Never was, never is. That's why The Hitmen were created. That alliance is painfully overrated. Yes, they were extremely sucessful, but that was really the Batman and Robin alliance of the house as Derrick was lightyears ahead of Cody. This season was oversaturated with caricatures and the standard 2-dimensional editting made it even harder to stomach. This is 'The ****", "The Hot Girl", "The Ex-Military", "The Simple Country Man", "The Gay Diva", "The Puppetmaster", "The Small Town Girl", "The Jesus Freak", "The Flirt" "The Jezebel", "The Surfer Dude", "The S***y Girl", "The Liberal", "The Frat Guy", "The Unpredictible Jock", "The Princess". We all know that these people are more than just that so why not show more sides of their personalities and how it relates to their game. America isn't that stupid and I'm sure we would be able to handle multifaceted individuals. Look at Dan, the Catholic school teacher who was a savvy player, a sly devil and an all around bad ***. America didn't have trouble understanding the different layers of his character. What's Jocasta all about? Praying, chanting and crying? Is that all they were able to get from her? It's hard to tell if it's casting or CBS who's dropping the ball with these caricatures, but casting is the same for BBCAN and they are some interesting individuals.
lmao I remember the good ol days when Survivor, Big Brother, and The Challenge were all tied as my favorite TV shows. BB has been dropped to 3rd place a couple seasons ago & The Challenge & Survivor are tied for #1.
Based on the seasons i've watched (lol idk even know why I watch big brother cause I complain about the season 90% of the time I watch and it's so cheap, has horrible scripted drs, and rigged)
BB5 - Very exciting up to the twin twist reveal, then fell completely flat.
BB6 & BB7 were one of the first seasons I watched and I don't remember how much I liked it, but I didn't care for BB6 as much as everyone hyped it up to be.
BB8 - Overrated imo. I couldn't really connect with anyone.
BB9 - Underrated, I actually enjoyed this season all the way up until the boring final 4.
BB10 - Fantastic and probably the best first 4 weeks the show has ever had. Non stop drama every episode up until Libra's eviction, but it didn't plummet but it lost its momentum. Some of the best characters of the series were casted on this season.
BB11 - Just one step below season 10. I absolutely loved this season, despite all the production favoring Jeff & Jordan and screwing over Jessie, the season would have a completely different winner and I feel certain contestants wasted their time on the show because they were never going to win with Grodner in their way, they should've quit like Chima. I would!
BB12 - I actually enjoyed this season a lot up until Brendon's eviction. Rachel brought all the drama and they couldn't get rid of her when she won Week 2 & 4 HOH's, she was strong from the start. But once the showmance got out the Brigade sailed easy from there.
BB13 - Probably my favorite season despite being the most rigged season of all time. I absolutely hated the veterans (besides Dani). I seriously do not understand how they were so popular with the viewers. I truly don't get it. They were so cocky and entitled. It was so annoying knowing production was already favoring them and the rigging started on Week 2 (letting Rachel choose the order during the Golf HOH). Each and every single veteran besides Dani ruined their reputations imo. Brendon got meaner. Rachel got whinier. Jordan a hypocrite. Jeff acted entitled. The week Daniele won HOH and flipped the game I was so happy.. this is when this season starts becoming my favorite. At this point it was Kalia vs everyone in the HOH competition. Kalia still ended up winning but the week ended in disappointment when she got scared into sending home Lawon and Brendon came back. Then Daniele won AGAIN. Bye bye Brendon. Then time for the best double eviction episode in BB history. Earlier in the week Jeff won HOH, and on the DE eviction episode he sent Dani packing. That same episode Kalia wins HOH again, Porsche shocks all by winning the veto, and shelly flips on Jeff forcing a tie and Kalia sends Jeff out the door. WOO. My favorite powershift of all time. Okay without explaining the rest of the season Kalia, Shelly, and Porsche were on their way to the final 3 until Grodner came in and rigged the game with Duos twist returning. I'm not even going to continue this because i'll just rage about how much I hate Alison Grodner for blatantly rigging the crap out of this season and screwing over people who deserved to make it to the end without productions help. Rachel = One of the worst winners ever (and I LOVED her on season 12 but not this time)
BB14 - I personally found this season very boring. I couldn't connect with anyone in the house. I was turned off from the start when Jodi got screwed over on the first night. Eventually I joined #TeamDan and then of course he lost 6-1 against the most clueless and socially awkward winner ever.
BB15 - Don't even get me started. All I can say is that the only good produced out of this season was that it showed racism is still alive and kicking. The only characters I could root for were Elissa, Candice, Howard, and Jessie. Everyone else was untolerable. That's how pityful that season was. So much racism and bullying I couldn't bare to watch the show anymore. I literally stopped watching live episodes and had to watch on my own terms so I could skip through the DRs because I couldn't stand the voice of these people. I remember the night of the bed flip, I was literally in tears watching as they tore Candice apart and called her all sorts of names. I wanted to think "Well it's just a tv show", well no it's not, it got personal and it wasn't just a "game" anymore. This season produced the most vile contestants of all time. I don't even want to mention their names. And what's even more pathetic is that once the season ended, they were unapologetic (especially Aaryn & Amanda) and they victimized themselves instead of owning up to what they did. That's all I have to say, worst season ever. I don't care how boring BB12 or 16 was, I would rather have a predictable season with a likable cast than that vile cast ever again. This season shouldn't even exist.
BB16 - Boring. I predicted Derrick's win as soon as I saw his interview (not a joke). But i'm thankful for this season, with the HD camera upgrade I thought we'd have a really cheap season due to a lower budget, but I was wrong. They gave away more cash than ever this season. The competitions were amazing and I absolutely loved battle of the block. The twist itself was horrible but the competitions were so unique and it brought life to the Sunday nomination episodes since it's typically filled with pointless strategy and for 50 minutes and then in the end we get the nominees that we already know from watching the live feeds.
Wow that was a lot.
Season 6 was overrated, but I personally loved it because it was an all out war. The S6 vs the Friendship. The winner deserved the win, but was extrememly unliked. But because the season was a bloodbath, it didn't even damper the entire experience for me.
All Stars was almost perfection. Boogie really didn't have any business being there, but I'm glad he was because I'm glad we were able to see Dr. Will lead Chilltown to the end. The characters were awesome and the game play was great. Boogie wasn't the best winner, but clearily isn't the worst.
Season 8 and my first season season so I have a soft spot for it. The Donatos were entertaining and easy to root for. A lot of duds in casting though in the game player department. Eric was awesome, America's Player kind of hinder him, but he was the best person for the job. I would love to see him play again with being the twist. Oh and Jen was the best obnxious houseguest ever and she needs to return.
Season 9, a shit show of '08. Casting seemed rushed and it showed. I was rooting for Adam/Ryan at the time, but looking back I don't remember why. Weird cast, weird twist. There's something that's just a bit gutterbutt about this season.
Season 10 was the shit of '08. Great characters, great drama, great gameplay (Dan). Even the first boot was great. I loved the back to the basics format. No twist. And if you noticed the competetions had a basic theme: hockey, onions, planes, yada-yada. I loved the dynamics of the house and who every person felt like a PERSON. We had normal people with great personalities instead of caricatures (ala BB16).
Season 11 amazing follow up to BB10. Great people, epic battles, Chima. This season was explosive. I love the majority of the people and I even loved when my favorites argued. Jordan wasn't the winner that played the best game, but she was a really likable winner. This season had epic battles right out of the gate and it was amazing.
Season 12...
Season 13 one of my personal favorites. The rookies this season were unbelievably weak and the vets were WAY too entitled. Dani made this season. Pandora's Box tainted this season. Best DE EVER in the history of EVERDOM. Rachel isn't the best winner. Production gave her a social game. But she did win a lot of comps. Where they geared to her? Maybe. But I apprecated her game in retrospect.
Season 14 underrated in my book. It started slow. Jodi was bounced in an odd fashion. And we were kind of just entertained by silliness until the coaches returned and oh did they show up. Ian's betrayal, Dan's funeral, The Quack Pack, Shane's eviction, it was jammed back with mayhem after Boogie's evection and I loved it. While I loved this season, I didn't enjoy the oversaturation of useless players who did make it too far: JennCity, Joe, Ashley, JoJo in a sense. However it was the first of the series to pull the 'sibling casting stunt' in Willie which really backfired.
Season 15 was a ***********, but it was far from bad. It was strong right out of the gate with the MVP twist, however Ellisa's presence kind of rendered the vote pointless. This is what bothers me about Big Brother's casting stunts. This is a game that has a decent amount of influence from America and they throw a notiable houseguest in the mix that will swoop up America's Votes which really screw over the 'normal houseguests'. Ellisa was a decent enough person to like her, but her participation rubbed me the wrong way just a tad. Big players were bounced early which was interesting, but then we were left with Spencer, Andy and Gina Marie. But yeah, the overt bigtry and bullying was painful to watch and it was hard to root for anyone that season.
Season 16 was a snoozefest. 50% of the house seemed like people who have never seen the show before and the other 50% wasn't aware that there would only be one winner. Derrick played a really great game. The best? Debatable. This season will go down for having the most unbarable casting stunt to date. 8 person alliance, not smart. Never was, never is. That's why The Hitmen were created. That alliance is painfully overrated. Yes, they were extremely sucessful, but that was really the Batman and Robin alliance of the house as Derrick was lightyears ahead of Cody. This season was oversaturated with caricatures and the standard 2-dimensional editting made it even harder to stomach. This is 'The ****", "The Hot Girl", "The Ex-Military", "The Simple Country Man", "The Gay Diva", "The Puppetmaster", "The Small Town Girl", "The Jesus Freak", "The Flirt" "The Jezebel", "The Surfer Dude", "The S***y Girl", "The Liberal", "The Frat Guy", "The Unpredictible Jock", "The Princess". We all know that these people are more than just that so why not show more sides of their personalities and how it relates to their game. America isn't that stupid and I'm sure we would be able to handle multifaceted individuals. Look at Dan, the Catholic school teacher who was a savvy player, a sly devil and an all around bad ***. America didn't have trouble understanding the different layers of his character. What's Jocasta all about? Praying, chanting and crying? Is that all they were able to get from her? It's hard to tell if it's casting or CBS who's dropping the ball with these caricatures, but casting is the same for BBCAN and they are some interesting individuals.
YAY someone responded! For the most part I agree with everything you said. And for season 15 you're right. I usually don't give it enough credit for the first 3 weeks. I usually ignore that because to me it was horrible after that.
and UGH season 16. I completely agree on the casting stunts. I don't know why Big Brother & The Amazing Race tries to potray each person as a 1 dimensional character based on their hobby or career. I can't stand it. And I feel like they purposely ask questions about their hobby/career over and over and over again so that person brings it up in the diary room to remind america which character they are. I find that so annoying. Like I get it if you have to give these people stupid labels for the first week for the dumb viewers to learn their names quicker, but after that it just gets stupid.
And on the Hitmen thing.. I seriously don't get it. In my opinion the only alliances that are mentioned reguarly on Big Brother are Chilltown & The Brigade. The renegades aren't even mentioned that much because Memphis didn't do much it was pretty much all Dan. Cody will feel really dumb watching this season back. I think he expected america to fall in love with this 2 person alliance controlling the game from Day 2! And the hit men weren't even apart of the storyline on the tv show. It was all about Derrick & Frankie. Once Frankie got out Thie Hitmen started to get a little more air time but everyone knew it was pretty much Derrick & his sheep. VIctoria can technically be a Hitman herself. No one cares about that alliance and no one is going to talk about it in the future, I feel that is a big reason why Cody brought Derrick to the end because he wanted "The Hitmen" to become one of the most successful alliances that got to the final 2 together. He's such an idiot.
Big Brother Canada series has blown the last few seasons out of the water. Like even when they do rig, they rig it for the right people. LMAO. The tasks are amazing and keep the episodes fun to watch, generally most of the cast comes to play the game and not sit around and sheep, and they produce fun storylines and twists. The house is amazing too and both finales were so suspenseful and unpredictable I seriously love it so much I can't wait for season 3.
What are your thoughts on some of the winners? When I said my thoughts on Season 11 I talked about how I hated how production favored Jeff/Jordan but when I look at all the Big Brother winners, Jordan is actually my favorite lol. Even though I rooted for Natalie who I couldn't stand, I felt her game was so underrated and so under appreciated. But Jordan was just so likable and is such a rare breed for the Big Brother series. I personally watch the show for entertainment and blindsides. I'm not too big on gamebots (people who always talk about game and never have interesting personal storylines for themselves). So winners like Derrick & Hayden actually bore me to death.
Oh and i'm so glad you like Season 10. It shocks me some people find that season boring. That was one of the best casts in the history of the show. It was so diverse and I loved how we had 2 older contestants and they brought half of the drama & entertainment. I don't know why they only cast 20 year olds and a token 40 year old. Season 10 proves old people can bring something to the show, and we don't need huge twists for blindsides and entertainment. They need to start casting FANS who are loud and not afraid to fight back. Not every superfan is fit for the show. We had so many disappointing moments in season 16 because people were afraid to make a move. We need in your face people like Libra. Funny people like Renny. ENTERTAINING strategists like Dan. Not boring recruits & scared super fans who have no idea what they're doing.
YAY someone responded! For the most part I agree with everything you said. And for season 15 you're right. I usually don't give it enough credit for the first 3 weeks. I usually ignore that because to me it was horrible after that.
and UGH season 16. I completely agree on the casting stunts. I don't know why Big Brother & The Amazing Race tries to potray each person as a 1 dimensional character based on their hobby or career. I can't stand it. And I feel like they purposely ask questions about their hobby/career over and over and over again so that person brings it up in the diary room to remind america which character they are. I find that so annoying. Like I get it if you have to give these people stupid labels for the first week for the dumb viewers to learn their names quicker, but after that it just gets stupid.
And on the Hitmen thing.. I seriously don't get it. In my opinion the only alliances that are mentioned reguarly on Big Brother are Chilltown & The Brigade. The renegades aren't even mentioned that much because Memphis didn't do much it was pretty much all Dan. Cody will feel really dumb watching this season back. I think he expected america to fall in love with this 2 person alliance controlling the game from Day 2! And the hit men weren't even apart of the storyline on the tv show. It was all about Derrick & Frankie. Once Frankie got out Thie Hitmen started to get a little more air time but everyone knew it was pretty much Derrick & his sheep. VIctoria can technically be a Hitman herself. No one cares about that alliance and no one is going to talk about it in the future, I feel that is a big reason why Cody brought Derrick to the end because he wanted "The Hitmen" to become one of the most successful alliances that got to the final 2 together. He's such an idiot.
Big Brother Canada series has blown the last few seasons out of the water. Like even when they do rig, they rig it for the right people. LMAO. The tasks are amazing and keep the episodes fun to watch, generally most of the cast comes to play the game and not sit around and sheep, and they produce fun storylines and twists. The house is amazing too and both finales were so suspenseful and unpredictable I seriously love it so much I can't wait for season 3.
What are your thoughts on some of the winners? When I said my thoughts on Season 11 I talked about how I hated how production favored Jeff/Jordan but when I look at all the Big Brother winners, Jordan is actually my favorite lol. Even though I rooted for Natalie who I couldn't stand, I felt her game was so underrated and so under appreciated. But Jordan was just so likable and is such a rare breed for the Big Brother series. I personally watch the show for entertainment and blindsides. I'm not too big on gamebots (people who always talk about game and never have interesting personal storylines for themselves). So winners like Derrick & Hayden actually bore me to death.
Oh and i'm so glad you like Season 10. It shocks me some people find that season boring. That was one of the best casts in the history of the show. It was so diverse and I loved how we had 2 older contestants and they brought half of the drama & entertainment. I don't know why they only cast 20 year olds and a token 40 year old. Season 10 proves old people can bring something to the show, and we don't need huge twists for blindsides and entertainment. They need to start casting FANS who are loud and not afraid to fight back. Not every superfan is fit for the show. We had so many disappointing moments in season 16 because people were afraid to make a move. We need in your face people like Libra. Funny people like Renny. ENTERTAINING strategists like Dan. Not boring recruits & scared super fans who have no idea what they're doing.
As far as the winners go, Will & Dan tie for 1st and that's because they played an amazing game the first time around and returned to play a game that was equally as good and made it extremely far. Jun, Ian, **** & Drew are close to the top as well in no particular order. I feel as if people don't give Ian enough credit for his win and mainly because he was sitting next to Dan, but he wiggled his way into an alliance and offered up his idol Boogie as assurance. He won when he needed to like the veto during that DE and won 4 HOHs and 2 Vetos. Andy was one of the worst winners IMO. Some hardcore superfans can appreciate the ultimate floater game, but depending on the plays it can come off as pathetic. He's really good at selling the very little that he actually did, but I'm not buying it. Voting out Amanda and blaming Elissa? Yeah, Gina Marie can put that on her BB Resume. Using your HOH to oust Jessie? You deserve a cookie. The Exterminators were a joke, despite being successful. They came off extremely cocky, but by that point all of the big players and personalities were gone so they didn't have much opposition, besides they did all of the work while Andy was just present. Gina Marie took out Amanda, before Elissa was evicted. Spencer reevicted Judd after McCrae saved himself. Andy won the final four HOH, but we all know that position that week only grants safety, not power. The POV is the comp that week that shines on a resume so Gina Marie is actually the one who evicted McCrae. So the only things he earns credit for in that entire season is voting for Amanda forcing and tie and blaming it on Elissa, yelling at her during the DE and evicting Jessie. That's about it. Poor winner with a ***** personality. </endrant> His game worked for him and he made a lot of money, but hiding behind big personalities doesn't make you a good player, just someone who won.
Maggie was a deserving winner, just unliked. Boogie wasn't the best, but as a part of Chilltown I think people were satisfied. Adam was a weird winner, but BB9 was a weird season. Jordan wasn't the best, but she was well liked. Hayden played a solid game. Not the best out of all of the winners, but far from the worst. Rachel, I said it on these fourms a few times before, but she was an OK winner. Production gave her a social game in the vets and she was good at the comps. The twists often twisted in her favor, so I rooted against her the entire season. But in retrospect she was a decent winner. Derrick was great as the winner of BB16, but overall he's at the top, but not the best IMO. Never being nominated is impressive (outside of the final 3), but then again he was in a mega alliance of 8 people. So if you're in with the 50% of the house and the other 50% think you're a nice guy it's hard not to win. The idea of The Hitmen is obnoxious because in reality Derrick did all the string pulling, but that alliance was perfect for him because he kept Cody faithful. It's hard to say where he fits as a winner because he never faced adversity and who knows what would happen or how he would react if he was ever on the block. I think the only way to compare his acomplishments with other winners is to have him play again and see how far he gets. Dan and Will are legends because the won and returned and were successful in the game once again. Will was only axed because Erick and Janelle finally compared notes and Dan burned the majority of his jury alive. If Derrick plays again and is able to avoid eviction for at least 75% of the game then I think he'll be right up there with those two.
Natalie did have an underrated and underappreciated game. I think her lie about being 18 really sunk her ship for whatever reason which is lame.
BB10 was one of the seasons I had to tune in to the show (and actually watched that season spoiler free) every single time because the dynamics were so screwy that anything could happen. On that note I think BB11 was the last time I watched the season in its entirety without spoilers. BB12 was so boring, especially after Matt's eviction. There just wasn't any point to watching a bunch of guys pick everyone off cluelessly. Good alliance though. They were likable and all it just got predicable. I didn't miss an episode of BB13, but I started watching twitter and spoilers as well same with BB14. BB15 was painful to watch, After around the time Helen went I watched everyone once and awhile, but it was pointless. I ignored huge chunks of BB16 because with 50% of the people in an alliance we all knew was going to happen and I called Derrick's win from Week 2. The whole season was a plug for Ariana's career and unfortunately the women were painfully weak. Nicole tried to make a move but it was far too late. Christine was...well Christine and Amber ratted out the potential girl's alliance. Maybe Joey's eviction prevented the girls from banding together or even making a move.
That sucks to hear, but at the same time there shouldn't even be a stigma associated with HIV anymore. Advancements in treatments, the ability to lead normal life afterwards, and the fact that it isn't a "gay" or "druggie" disease, but an anyone disease should have long ago eradicated any negative connotations. He should be open about it and help raise awareness, especially with today's promiscuous generation.
So many issues around the lack of eduction. I have clients whose family members still make them eat using plastic forks instead of silverware. Many people are misinformed.
I am actually surprised by the lack of comments here today...
So many issues around the lack of eduction. I have clients whose family members still make them eat using plastic forks instead of silverware. Many people are misinformed.
I am actually surprised by the lack of comments here today...
Are you serious? How hard is it to educate yourself on the subject? Truthfully it's disrespectful and degrading to those affected by it.
I don't mean this in a bad way, but the lack of comments may be due to misinformation or possibly being uninformed as a whole. HIV isn't something people really want to talk about, and that's part of the issue. You don't talk about it, you don't understand how it works, and you can't distinguish facts from the common misconceptions, rumors, etc.
It might be too soon but has there been any rumors for the next seasons theme? I'm really hoping it's all stars 2 because we are way overdue for one. They have plenty of house guests to choose from now. Plus it'll be better than watching an all new cast with a good chunck of them not knowing how to play the game.
It might be too soon but has there been any rumors for the next seasons theme? I'm really hoping it's all stars 2 because we are way overdue for one. They have plenty of house guests to choose from now. Plus it'll be better than watching an all new cast with a good chunck of them not knowing how to play the game.
My understanding is former HGs have been contacted but All Stars is highly unlikely
Honestly, I think we are gonna get another Survivor, meaning we may not see an All-Stars 2 any time soon. Instead they'll do returning players and a mix of new or just all new. I could be wrong but I feel like these past few seasons everyone speculates All-Stars and we get newbies. Which personally I like the newbies. Its fun seeing people not know what the **** to do lol
I just want the show to have a theme if their gonna do newbies again. I enjoyed the BOTB aspect for the most part but maybe if they did set teams. Boys vs. Girls, Fans vs. Favorites, Loved Ones, etc.
And no more jury members coming back. They need a new twist. I don't mind people coming back but in a new setting.
Ive never seen this show. I tried to watch last season but the fact that it comes in 3 nights a week is too much to handle. I can barely keep up with my shows that come on once a week.
Is this worth watching a season online or something (if thats even possible idk?) If so what season do you guys reccommend.
Julie has pretty much shut down any chance at next season being all stars, but maybe with Survivor doing returnees for their next seasons (32), maybe BB will too? They definitely need to start raking up some worthy candidates because the last few seasons have afew-standouts imo, after 11 they only have: Hayden, Ian, Frank (even if he shouldn't return), Andy, Amanda, Derrick, Zach, and MAYBE Nicole. That's kind of bad for 5 seasons.
I also PRAY no returnees/newbies mix, because in either show it puts the newbies at such a disadvantage it's unbelivable. Is anybody gonna watch BB Canada 3?
Ive never seen this show. I tried to watch last season but the fact that it comes in 3 nights a week is too much to handle. I can barely keep up with my shows that come on once a week.
Is this worth watching a season online or something (if thats even possible idk?) If so what season do you guys reccommend.
6, 7, 10, 11 are what I recommend. 7 is All Stars though, so maybe you wanan old seasons first there. I think 10 is the best bet in drama/gameplay, imo.
I think 10 is the best bet in drama/gameplay, imo.
Drama--maybe....gameplay--no chance in hell. Season 10 literally had 2 people with a brain...maybe 3
Hm, I disagree entirely. Out of everyone, I'd say Steven, Jessie, Ollie, and Jerry were bad players and everyone else varied from decent to good to great. Dan, we know did his thing. Memphis was a crucial partner and did well socially and had the juror twist not happened, loses 4-3. Keesha pulled a lot of things in the house (see the Jessie vote, Libra remaining the target when she did all the dirty week, etc.), she was just dramatic so her options/game was limited. Had the better comp player not been gaainst by f4, she could defintiely win. Renny started off annoying, yet bonded with a lot of people in there and was good socially. Those goodbye messages to Libra, Keesha, April and then her relationships with Dan/Memphis on top of it, she turned out solid. Michelle was another who did a lot of thinking for her pairing of Jessie/herself and then bringing in Memphis/Angie. April was good at playing all sides for a bit, albiet dramatic too, just tried to cover all her bases and it flipped on her. Libra was pretty much masterminding all the prejury boots, granted she wasn't hiding it well. Even Angie and Brian ahd potential.
BB10 is what an ideal cast should be: dramatic, group of players, diverse and interesting people. We hardly ever see a male and female have platonic relationships like Keesha ahd with Dan/Memphis or see a retired vet calling a church teacher "Judas", or see a house blowup like for Keesha's brithday. That season is top-tier
Another ****** Season. That's 4 in a row. Is this show ever going to be good again?
The Last good season of this show is Season 11 IMO.
I think season 14 was good.
Last season was good but the winner ruined it. This season was really boring and predictable but Derrick winning makes up for it.
Sounds like next season will be an all new cast! I may send in a tape
Hey gamer, who did you want to win last year?
in case you were wondering where I got the fact you had one contact in Reality TV here is your direct quote. Feel free to comment on that.
Was I the only one who didn't care for Donny? You can tell he was so bitter for voting for Cody. Oh and Cody was bitter when they said he rode Derrick's coattails.
lmao I remember the good ol days when Survivor, Big Brother, and The Challenge were all tied as my favorite TV shows. BB has been dropped to 3rd place a couple seasons ago & The Challenge & Survivor are tied for #1.
Based on the seasons i've watched (lol idk even know why I watch big brother cause I complain about the season 90% of the time I watch and it's so cheap, has horrible scripted drs, and rigged)
BB5 - Very exciting up to the twin twist reveal, then fell completely flat.
BB6 & BB7 were one of the first seasons I watched and I don't remember how much I liked it, but I didn't care for BB6 as much as everyone hyped it up to be.
BB8 - Overrated imo. I couldn't really connect with anyone.
BB9 - Underrated, I actually enjoyed this season all the way up until the boring final 4.
BB10 - Fantastic and probably the best first 4 weeks the show has ever had. Non stop drama every episode up until Libra's eviction, but it didn't plummet but it lost its momentum. Some of the best characters of the series were casted on this season.
BB11 - Just one step below season 10. I absolutely loved this season, despite all the production favoring Jeff & Jordan and screwing over Jessie, the season would have a completely different winner and I feel certain contestants wasted their time on the show because they were never going to win with Grodner in their way, they should've quit like Chima. I would!
BB12 - I actually enjoyed this season a lot up until Brendon's eviction. Rachel brought all the drama and they couldn't get rid of her when she won Week 2 & 4 HOH's, she was strong from the start. But once the showmance got out the Brigade sailed easy from there.
BB13 - Probably my favorite season despite being the most rigged season of all time. I absolutely hated the veterans (besides Dani). I seriously do not understand how they were so popular with the viewers. I truly don't get it. They were so cocky and entitled. It was so annoying knowing production was already favoring them and the rigging started on Week 2 (letting Rachel choose the order during the Golf HOH). Each and every single veteran besides Dani ruined their reputations imo. Brendon got meaner. Rachel got whinier. Jordan a hypocrite. Jeff acted entitled. The week Daniele won HOH and flipped the game I was so happy.. this is when this season starts becoming my favorite. At this point it was Kalia vs everyone in the HOH competition. Kalia still ended up winning but the week ended in disappointment when she got scared into sending home Lawon and Brendon came back. Then Daniele won AGAIN. Bye bye Brendon. Then time for the best double eviction episode in BB history. Earlier in the week Jeff won HOH, and on the DE eviction episode he sent Dani packing. That same episode Kalia wins HOH again, Porsche shocks all by winning the veto, and shelly flips on Jeff forcing a tie and Kalia sends Jeff out the door. WOO. My favorite powershift of all time. Okay without explaining the rest of the season Kalia, Shelly, and Porsche were on their way to the final 3 until Grodner came in and rigged the game with Duos twist returning. I'm not even going to continue this because i'll just rage about how much I hate Alison Grodner for blatantly rigging the crap out of this season and screwing over people who deserved to make it to the end without productions help. Rachel = One of the worst winners ever (and I LOVED her on season 12 but not this time)
BB14 - I personally found this season very boring. I couldn't connect with anyone in the house. I was turned off from the start when Jodi got screwed over on the first night. Eventually I joined #TeamDan and then of course he lost 6-1 against the most clueless and socially awkward winner ever.
BB15 - Don't even get me started. All I can say is that the only good produced out of this season was that it showed racism is still alive and kicking. The only characters I could root for were Elissa, Candice, Howard, and Jessie. Everyone else was untolerable. That's how pityful that season was. So much racism and bullying I couldn't bare to watch the show anymore. I literally stopped watching live episodes and had to watch on my own terms so I could skip through the DRs because I couldn't stand the voice of these people. I remember the night of the bed flip, I was literally in tears watching as they tore Candice apart and called her all sorts of names. I wanted to think "Well it's just a tv show", well no it's not, it got personal and it wasn't just a "game" anymore. This season produced the most vile contestants of all time. I don't even want to mention their names. And what's even more pathetic is that once the season ended, they were unapologetic (especially Aaryn & Amanda) and they victimized themselves instead of owning up to what they did. That's all I have to say, worst season ever. I don't care how boring BB12 or 16 was, I would rather have a predictable season with a likable cast than that vile cast ever again. This season shouldn't even exist.
BB16 - Boring. I predicted Derrick's win as soon as I saw his interview (not a joke). But i'm thankful for this season, with the HD camera upgrade I thought we'd have a really cheap season due to a lower budget, but I was wrong. They gave away more cash than ever this season. The competitions were amazing and I absolutely loved battle of the block. The twist itself was horrible but the competitions were so unique and it brought life to the Sunday nomination episodes since it's typically filled with pointless strategy and for 50 minutes and then in the end we get the nominees that we already know from watching the live feeds.
Wow that was a lot.
Feel free to pick apart what i said and respond. I don't want to feel like I wasted my time writing all these opinions with no responses :(.
Amanda, Helen, or Aaryn.
Season 6 was overrated, but I personally loved it because it was an all out war. The S6 vs the Friendship. The winner deserved the win, but was extrememly unliked. But because the season was a bloodbath, it didn't even damper the entire experience for me.
All Stars was almost perfection. Boogie really didn't have any business being there, but I'm glad he was because I'm glad we were able to see Dr. Will lead Chilltown to the end. The characters were awesome and the game play was great. Boogie wasn't the best winner, but clearily isn't the worst.
Season 8 and my first season season so I have a soft spot for it. The Donatos were entertaining and easy to root for. A lot of duds in casting though in the game player department. Eric was awesome, America's Player kind of hinder him, but he was the best person for the job. I would love to see him play again with being the twist. Oh and Jen was the best obnxious houseguest ever and she needs to return.
Season 9, a shit show of '08. Casting seemed rushed and it showed. I was rooting for Adam/Ryan at the time, but looking back I don't remember why. Weird cast, weird twist. There's something that's just a bit gutterbutt about this season.
Season 10 was the shit of '08. Great characters, great drama, great gameplay (Dan). Even the first boot was great. I loved the back to the basics format. No twist. And if you noticed the competetions had a basic theme: hockey, onions, planes, yada-yada. I loved the dynamics of the house and who every person felt like a PERSON. We had normal people with great personalities instead of caricatures (ala BB16).
Season 11 amazing follow up to BB10. Great people, epic battles, Chima. This season was explosive. I love the majority of the people and I even loved when my favorites argued. Jordan wasn't the winner that played the best game, but she was a really likable winner. This season had epic battles right out of the gate and it was amazing.
Season 12...
Season 13 one of my personal favorites. The rookies this season were unbelievably weak and the vets were WAY too entitled. Dani made this season. Pandora's Box tainted this season. Best DE EVER in the history of EVERDOM. Rachel isn't the best winner. Production gave her a social game. But she did win a lot of comps. Where they geared to her? Maybe. But I apprecated her game in retrospect.
Season 14 underrated in my book. It started slow. Jodi was bounced in an odd fashion. And we were kind of just entertained by silliness until the coaches returned and oh did they show up. Ian's betrayal, Dan's funeral, The Quack Pack, Shane's eviction, it was jammed back with mayhem after Boogie's evection and I loved it. While I loved this season, I didn't enjoy the oversaturation of useless players who did make it too far: JennCity, Joe, Ashley, JoJo in a sense. However it was the first of the series to pull the 'sibling casting stunt' in Willie which really backfired.
Season 15 was a ***********, but it was far from bad. It was strong right out of the gate with the MVP twist, however Ellisa's presence kind of rendered the vote pointless. This is what bothers me about Big Brother's casting stunts. This is a game that has a decent amount of influence from America and they throw a notiable houseguest in the mix that will swoop up America's Votes which really screw over the 'normal houseguests'. Ellisa was a decent enough person to like her, but her participation rubbed me the wrong way just a tad. Big players were bounced early which was interesting, but then we were left with Spencer, Andy and Gina Marie. But yeah, the overt bigtry and bullying was painful to watch and it was hard to root for anyone that season.
Season 16 was a snoozefest. 50% of the house seemed like people who have never seen the show before and the other 50% wasn't aware that there would only be one winner. Derrick played a really great game. The best? Debatable. This season will go down for having the most unbarable casting stunt to date. 8 person alliance, not smart. Never was, never is. That's why The Hitmen were created. That alliance is painfully overrated. Yes, they were extremely sucessful, but that was really the Batman and Robin alliance of the house as Derrick was lightyears ahead of Cody. This season was oversaturated with caricatures and the standard 2-dimensional editting made it even harder to stomach. This is 'The ****", "The Hot Girl", "The Ex-Military", "The Simple Country Man", "The Gay Diva", "The Puppetmaster", "The Small Town Girl", "The Jesus Freak", "The Flirt" "The Jezebel", "The Surfer Dude", "The S***y Girl", "The Liberal", "The Frat Guy", "The Unpredictible Jock", "The Princess". We all know that these people are more than just that so why not show more sides of their personalities and how it relates to their game. America isn't that stupid and I'm sure we would be able to handle multifaceted individuals. Look at Dan, the Catholic school teacher who was a savvy player, a sly devil and an all around bad ***. America didn't have trouble understanding the different layers of his character. What's Jocasta all about? Praying, chanting and crying? Is that all they were able to get from her? It's hard to tell if it's casting or CBS who's dropping the ball with these caricatures, but casting is the same for BBCAN and they are some interesting individuals.
YAY someone responded! For the most part I agree with everything you said. And for season 15 you're right. I usually don't give it enough credit for the first 3 weeks. I usually ignore that because to me it was horrible after that.
and UGH season 16. I completely agree on the casting stunts. I don't know why Big Brother & The Amazing Race tries to potray each person as a 1 dimensional character based on their hobby or career. I can't stand it. And I feel like they purposely ask questions about their hobby/career over and over and over again so that person brings it up in the diary room to remind america which character they are. I find that so annoying. Like I get it if you have to give these people stupid labels for the first week for the dumb viewers to learn their names quicker, but after that it just gets stupid.
And on the Hitmen thing.. I seriously don't get it. In my opinion the only alliances that are mentioned reguarly on Big Brother are Chilltown & The Brigade. The renegades aren't even mentioned that much because Memphis didn't do much it was pretty much all Dan. Cody will feel really dumb watching this season back. I think he expected america to fall in love with this 2 person alliance controlling the game from Day 2! And the hit men weren't even apart of the storyline on the tv show. It was all about Derrick & Frankie. Once Frankie got out Thie Hitmen started to get a little more air time but everyone knew it was pretty much Derrick & his sheep. VIctoria can technically be a Hitman herself. No one cares about that alliance and no one is going to talk about it in the future, I feel that is a big reason why Cody brought Derrick to the end because he wanted "The Hitmen" to become one of the most successful alliances that got to the final 2 together. He's such an idiot.
Big Brother Canada series has blown the last few seasons out of the water. Like even when they do rig, they rig it for the right people. LMAO. The tasks are amazing and keep the episodes fun to watch, generally most of the cast comes to play the game and not sit around and sheep, and they produce fun storylines and twists. The house is amazing too and both finales were so suspenseful and unpredictable I seriously love it so much I can't wait for season 3.
What are your thoughts on some of the winners? When I said my thoughts on Season 11 I talked about how I hated how production favored Jeff/Jordan but when I look at all the Big Brother winners, Jordan is actually my favorite lol. Even though I rooted for Natalie who I couldn't stand, I felt her game was so underrated and so under appreciated. But Jordan was just so likable and is such a rare breed for the Big Brother series. I personally watch the show for entertainment and blindsides. I'm not too big on gamebots (people who always talk about game and never have interesting personal storylines for themselves). So winners like Derrick & Hayden actually bore me to death.
Oh and i'm so glad you like Season 10. It shocks me some people find that season boring. That was one of the best casts in the history of the show. It was so diverse and I loved how we had 2 older contestants and they brought half of the drama & entertainment. I don't know why they only cast 20 year olds and a token 40 year old. Season 10 proves old people can bring something to the show, and we don't need huge twists for blindsides and entertainment. They need to start casting FANS who are loud and not afraid to fight back. Not every superfan is fit for the show. We had so many disappointing moments in season 16 because people were afraid to make a move. We need in your face people like Libra. Funny people like Renny. ENTERTAINING strategists like Dan. Not boring recruits & scared super fans who have no idea what they're doing.
YAY someone responded! For the most part I agree with everything you said. And for season 15 you're right. I usually don't give it enough credit for the first 3 weeks. I usually ignore that because to me it was horrible after that.
and UGH season 16. I completely agree on the casting stunts. I don't know why Big Brother & The Amazing Race tries to potray each person as a 1 dimensional character based on their hobby or career. I can't stand it. And I feel like they purposely ask questions about their hobby/career over and over and over again so that person brings it up in the diary room to remind america which character they are. I find that so annoying. Like I get it if you have to give these people stupid labels for the first week for the dumb viewers to learn their names quicker, but after that it just gets stupid.
And on the Hitmen thing.. I seriously don't get it. In my opinion the only alliances that are mentioned reguarly on Big Brother are Chilltown & The Brigade. The renegades aren't even mentioned that much because Memphis didn't do much it was pretty much all Dan. Cody will feel really dumb watching this season back. I think he expected america to fall in love with this 2 person alliance controlling the game from Day 2! And the hit men weren't even apart of the storyline on the tv show. It was all about Derrick & Frankie. Once Frankie got out Thie Hitmen started to get a little more air time but everyone knew it was pretty much Derrick & his sheep. VIctoria can technically be a Hitman herself. No one cares about that alliance and no one is going to talk about it in the future, I feel that is a big reason why Cody brought Derrick to the end because he wanted "The Hitmen" to become one of the most successful alliances that got to the final 2 together. He's such an idiot.
Big Brother Canada series has blown the last few seasons out of the water. Like even when they do rig, they rig it for the right people. LMAO. The tasks are amazing and keep the episodes fun to watch, generally most of the cast comes to play the game and not sit around and sheep, and they produce fun storylines and twists. The house is amazing too and both finales were so suspenseful and unpredictable I seriously love it so much I can't wait for season 3.
What are your thoughts on some of the winners? When I said my thoughts on Season 11 I talked about how I hated how production favored Jeff/Jordan but when I look at all the Big Brother winners, Jordan is actually my favorite lol. Even though I rooted for Natalie who I couldn't stand, I felt her game was so underrated and so under appreciated. But Jordan was just so likable and is such a rare breed for the Big Brother series. I personally watch the show for entertainment and blindsides. I'm not too big on gamebots (people who always talk about game and never have interesting personal storylines for themselves). So winners like Derrick & Hayden actually bore me to death.
Oh and i'm so glad you like Season 10. It shocks me some people find that season boring. That was one of the best casts in the history of the show. It was so diverse and I loved how we had 2 older contestants and they brought half of the drama & entertainment. I don't know why they only cast 20 year olds and a token 40 year old. Season 10 proves old people can bring something to the show, and we don't need huge twists for blindsides and entertainment. They need to start casting FANS who are loud and not afraid to fight back. Not every superfan is fit for the show. We had so many disappointing moments in season 16 because people were afraid to make a move. We need in your face people like Libra. Funny people like Renny. ENTERTAINING strategists like Dan. Not boring recruits & scared super fans who have no idea what they're doing.
As far as the winners go, Will & Dan tie for 1st and that's because they played an amazing game the first time around and returned to play a game that was equally as good and made it extremely far. Jun, Ian, **** & Drew are close to the top as well in no particular order. I feel as if people don't give Ian enough credit for his win and mainly because he was sitting next to Dan, but he wiggled his way into an alliance and offered up his idol Boogie as assurance. He won when he needed to like the veto during that DE and won 4 HOHs and 2 Vetos. Andy was one of the worst winners IMO. Some hardcore superfans can appreciate the ultimate floater game, but depending on the plays it can come off as pathetic. He's really good at selling the very little that he actually did, but I'm not buying it. Voting out Amanda and blaming Elissa? Yeah, Gina Marie can put that on her BB Resume. Using your HOH to oust Jessie? You deserve a cookie. The Exterminators were a joke, despite being successful. They came off extremely cocky, but by that point all of the big players and personalities were gone so they didn't have much opposition, besides they did all of the work while Andy was just present. Gina Marie took out Amanda, before Elissa was evicted. Spencer reevicted Judd after McCrae saved himself. Andy won the final four HOH, but we all know that position that week only grants safety, not power. The POV is the comp that week that shines on a resume so Gina Marie is actually the one who evicted McCrae. So the only things he earns credit for in that entire season is voting for Amanda forcing and tie and blaming it on Elissa, yelling at her during the DE and evicting Jessie. That's about it. Poor winner with a ***** personality. </endrant> His game worked for him and he made a lot of money, but hiding behind big personalities doesn't make you a good player, just someone who won.
Maggie was a deserving winner, just unliked. Boogie wasn't the best, but as a part of Chilltown I think people were satisfied. Adam was a weird winner, but BB9 was a weird season. Jordan wasn't the best, but she was well liked. Hayden played a solid game. Not the best out of all of the winners, but far from the worst. Rachel, I said it on these fourms a few times before, but she was an OK winner. Production gave her a social game in the vets and she was good at the comps. The twists often twisted in her favor, so I rooted against her the entire season. But in retrospect she was a decent winner. Derrick was great as the winner of BB16, but overall he's at the top, but not the best IMO. Never being nominated is impressive (outside of the final 3), but then again he was in a mega alliance of 8 people. So if you're in with the 50% of the house and the other 50% think you're a nice guy it's hard not to win. The idea of The Hitmen is obnoxious because in reality Derrick did all the string pulling, but that alliance was perfect for him because he kept Cody faithful. It's hard to say where he fits as a winner because he never faced adversity and who knows what would happen or how he would react if he was ever on the block. I think the only way to compare his acomplishments with other winners is to have him play again and see how far he gets. Dan and Will are legends because the won and returned and were successful in the game once again. Will was only axed because Erick and Janelle finally compared notes and Dan burned the majority of his jury alive. If Derrick plays again and is able to avoid eviction for at least 75% of the game then I think he'll be right up there with those two.
Natalie did have an underrated and underappreciated game. I think her lie about being 18 really sunk her ship for whatever reason which is lame.
BB10 was one of the seasons I had to tune in to the show (and actually watched that season spoiler free) every single time because the dynamics were so screwy that anything could happen. On that note I think BB11 was the last time I watched the season in its entirety without spoilers. BB12 was so boring, especially after Matt's eviction. There just wasn't any point to watching a bunch of guys pick everyone off cluelessly. Good alliance though. They were likable and all it just got predicable. I didn't miss an episode of BB13, but I started watching twitter and spoilers as well same with BB14. BB15 was painful to watch, After around the time Helen went I watched everyone once and awhile, but it was pointless. I ignored huge chunks of BB16 because with 50% of the people in an alliance we all knew was going to happen and I called Derrick's win from Week 2. The whole season was a plug for Ariana's career and unfortunately the women were painfully weak. Nicole tried to make a move but it was far too late. Christine was...well Christine and Amber ratted out the potential girl's alliance. Maybe Joey's eviction prevented the girls from banding together or even making a move.
‘Big Brother’ Winner **** Donato Reveals HIV Diagnosis on ‘Couples Therapy’
That sucks to hear, but at the same time there shouldn't even be a stigma associated with HIV anymore. Advancements in treatments, the ability to lead normal life afterwards, and the fact that it isn't a "gay" or "druggie" disease, but an anyone disease should have long ago eradicated any negative connotations. He should be open about it and help raise awareness, especially with today's promiscuous generation.
So many issues around the lack of eduction. I have clients whose family members still make them eat using plastic forks instead of silverware. Many people are misinformed.
I am actually surprised by the lack of comments here today...
Are you serious? How hard is it to educate yourself on the subject? Truthfully it's disrespectful and degrading to those affected by it.
I don't mean this in a bad way, but the lack of comments may be due to misinformation or possibly being uninformed as a whole. HIV isn't something people really want to talk about, and that's part of the issue. You don't talk about it, you don't understand how it works, and you can't distinguish facts from the common misconceptions, rumors, etc.
It might be too soon but has there been any rumors for the next seasons theme? I'm really hoping it's all stars 2 because we are way overdue for one. They have plenty of house guests to choose from now. Plus it'll be better than watching an all new cast with a good chunck of them not knowing how to play the game.
My understanding is former HGs have been contacted but All Stars is highly unlikely
Honestly, I think we are gonna get another Survivor, meaning we may not see an All-Stars 2 any time soon. Instead they'll do returning players and a mix of new or just all new. I could be wrong but I feel like these past few seasons everyone speculates All-Stars and we get newbies. Which personally I like the newbies. Its fun seeing people not know what the **** to do lol
I just want the show to have a theme if their gonna do newbies again. I enjoyed the BOTB aspect for the most part but maybe if they did set teams. Boys vs. Girls, Fans vs. Favorites, Loved Ones, etc.
And no more jury members coming back. They need a new twist. I don't mind people coming back but in a new setting.
Ive never seen this show. I tried to watch last season but the fact that it comes in 3 nights a week is too much to handle. I can barely keep up with my shows that come on once a week.
Is this worth watching a season online or something (if thats even possible idk?) If so what season do you guys reccommend.
Julie has pretty much shut down any chance at next season being all stars, but maybe with Survivor doing returnees for their next seasons (32), maybe BB will too? They definitely need to start raking up some worthy candidates because the last few seasons have afew-standouts imo, after 11 they only have: Hayden, Ian, Frank (even if he shouldn't return), Andy, Amanda, Derrick, Zach, and MAYBE Nicole. That's kind of bad for 5 seasons.
I also PRAY no returnees/newbies mix, because in either show it puts the newbies at such a disadvantage it's unbelivable. Is anybody gonna watch BB Canada 3?
Yesss watch Big Brother online lol. The show is great. I have to think but the early seasons are great and I love season 10. Don't watch season 9 lol
6, 7, 10, 11 are what I recommend. 7 is All Stars though, so maybe you wanan old seasons first there. I think 10 is the best bet in drama/gameplay, imo.
I'm in the minority that doesn't recommend Season 10--haha
I say 15 lmaooooo
Drama--maybe....gameplay--no chance in hell. Season 10 literally had 2 people with a brain...maybe 3
Does anyone watch big brother canada it's start on Monday. I'm so excited
Hm, I disagree entirely. Out of everyone, I'd say Steven, Jessie, Ollie, and Jerry were bad players and everyone else varied from decent to good to great. Dan, we know did his thing. Memphis was a crucial partner and did well socially and had the juror twist not happened, loses 4-3. Keesha pulled a lot of things in the house (see the Jessie vote, Libra remaining the target when she did all the dirty week, etc.), she was just dramatic so her options/game was limited. Had the better comp player not been gaainst by f4, she could defintiely win. Renny started off annoying, yet bonded with a lot of people in there and was good socially. Those goodbye messages to Libra, Keesha, April and then her relationships with Dan/Memphis on top of it, she turned out solid. Michelle was another who did a lot of thinking for her pairing of Jessie/herself and then bringing in Memphis/Angie. April was good at playing all sides for a bit, albiet dramatic too, just tried to cover all her bases and it flipped on her. Libra was pretty much masterminding all the prejury boots, granted she wasn't hiding it well. Even Angie and Brian ahd potential.
BB10 is what an ideal cast should be: dramatic, group of players, diverse and interesting people. We hardly ever see a male and female have platonic relationships like Keesha ahd with Dan/Memphis or see a retired vet calling a church teacher "Judas", or see a house blowup like for Keesha's brithday. That season is top-tier