sorry I messed up when I said Parker and Jen are no longer Power Couple.
Alex and Amanda are.
(which now some things make more sense LOL) I was wondering why Alex and Amanda were being approached all night. D'oh.
Just to recap a bit.
The feeds came on and there was a lot of drama. Parker and Jen fighting because he feels betrayed and feels that she does not have his back because she says she'll never nominate her boyfriend Ryan or vote him out.
Parker and Jen were/are in an alliance with Amanda/Alex and Matt/Natalie (could be another couple as they sometimes referred to an alliance of 8...Chelsia and Crazy James I think), the guys of the alliance (well Parker, Alex and Matt) are running the show.
Parker seemed more angry that Jen was messing up with his 'boys' and their alliance than he was that she and Ryan were bf and gf. Although he's plenty mad at BB for that, he says he got screwed, so did Allison. BB should have paired them together.
Sharon and Jacob were evicted from the house, as they were already outted as having known each other. At the time Ryan and Jen's secret was unknown.
Most HG's want to break up Jen/Ryan alliance - as they feel it gives them an advantage over everyone else.
After ranting and raving for hours (Parker) and crying like Amber (Jen), talk it out and make up. They agree to try to save Ryan and Allison by throwing POV to them. But if they can't Jen agrees she will vote them out.
Alex looks to leaning towards nominating Ryan/Allison and Parker/Jen.
There's been a lot of double talk so I'm not sure who is telling the truth to whom.
It seems all the girls hate Allison and want her gone.
Some feel Adam and Sheila (who have been dubbed Ma and Pa) would be a likely nomination as they are still fighting.
Chelsia and Crazy James seem to be working well together and she seems to be pulling the strings in that pairing. She told Crazy James to work Amanda. Make sure she thinks he is good with her.
Joshua and Neil seem to be the favorite couple of the house. Several HG's said that they were the nicest and funniest. At one point last night Joshua had a mini breakdown and said he feels the outsider. Said that he and Neil are often left out of 'talks' and it makes him feel sad. He cried a bit.
Some HG's are thinking there will be more twists. Possibly one more couple that has a pre-existing relationship or BB will switch up the soul mates. Parker said he hopes the hell so.
Parker thinks America loves him and the internet is going crazy talking about him. Earlier when he was still ranting, he said if America had to vote between him and Jen he'd win hands down because she was a **** and they'd hate that she was messing with him and his boys.
The guinea pigs have been named Sharon and Jacob.
Chelsia and Crazy James seem to be working well together and she seems to be pulling the strings in that pairing. She told Crazy James to work Amanda. Make sure she thinks he is good with her.[/QUOTE]
I forgot...Chelsia told James to do what he had to do to make Amanda feel secure with him. She says. "Lick her *******....I don't care."
And folks, it seems this crew is not so shy with their bodies. Chelsia flashed someone in the HT last night. I think it was Joshuah...after he said okay boys and girls I want to see your *******.
And the girls like to wear thongs.
According to what I've read Alex and Amanda are all over each other. I'm not sure if it's real or not. Could be just for the game.
Man , last night was a craaazy night to start off! I remember watching BBAD the first night on season 8 and it was so boring, hardly anyone had really come out of their shells yet.
Ok, the Parker and Jen thing just got ridiculous and out of control. Her crying and telling everyone in the house what was discussed upstairs was a dumb move. And him ranting for hours was ridiculous. Way to draw more negative attention to yourself and make yourselves an even bigger target.
In the hot tub, Chelsia and Josh were saying they hated a girl, anyone catch who?
Also, on Showtime the little captions at the bottom of the screen said that Shelia and Allison told everyone that they were a lesbian couple for several years, but I didnt notice anyone talking about that at all, did you guys?
Can someone explain how they made Jen give up her relationship with Ryan? I know that she did not want him to be nominated, but did she try and play it smart, or did she just break down (like a scene out of NBC's Chuck) when interrogated and spill without major provocation?
In other she a mental lightweight?
I know, I wouldn't have given it up this soon, if at all. Maybe Allison and Ryan's names were being thrown around and she told them to try and keep Ryan safe. Not sure. Something that could have been an advantage for them is now basically ensuring that they will be nom'd together.
I believe Jen said she told Allison in the storage room and regretted it immediately. I guess she thought Allison should know. Jen told Ryan last night that she told Allison and she blabbed to someone, so she thought it was best to come clean with Parker and their alliance.
Chelsia has been telling anyone who listens that she hates Allison and one time I think she said she hated Amanda. So it could be either of those two that she was referring to.
The BB6 twist was out of the bag by the time the feeds came on too. Wasn't it?
Katie, I haven't heard anyone talk about Allison and Sheila...could be a drunken gag or something.
I left work early.
Nothing happening on the feeds right now.
Amanda is fixing Parker's hair.
They were talking about Sharon and Jacob. Apparently they were evicted early Sunday.
Parker apologizing to Amanda about being an ***** last night. Says it was towards Jen and Ryan and he wanted to make them feel like ***
Says he feels bad for hurting Jen's feelings.
(I'm going to take a nap)
Well, seems Jen's the little drama queen.
Nominations are happening as I type this (I think...probably should check to see if the feeds are back) any way just before FoTH (they've brought back the fire...little fire place...we feeders are speculating that the one of the guinea pigs must have died because BB isn't showing them anymore...I'm thinking fireplace was the intended FoTH all along. Umm it's is the theme, they are in a log cabin. duh)
As I was saying before the FoTH ;) Jen had a meltdown with Ryan. She accused him of campaigning against her and she was having none of that. He asks if he is just supposed to lie down for her? He wants to stay. She's saying she can't play with him in the house. Jen says she'll tell A/A not to put her up (since she was just a pawn anyway) because she will not have his side campaign to get her out.
Allison tries to reason with Jen saying either way one has got to go. Ryan or Jen. If doesn't happen this week it will happen next week. That's just the way it is.
Jen says she's voting out Ryan. She's wanted this for too long. Allison reminds her that so has she.
[quote=Kathleen;6253]Jen/Parker and Ryan/Allison are nominated[/quote]
That sucks. I actually like those two teams. I have a feeling everyone I enjoy is going to be gone before the show even gets rolling! I am hoping for POV with a backdoor option.
Every second of air time devoted to Adam and Shelia is a second I am surfing the web rather then watching...
Actually watching Jen on the live show turned me. I hope she goes and on the way out the door Ryan tells her it is over and jumps in the sack with Allison every night on the feeds for Jen to watch. ;)
Come on.....Parker mentioned Ryan's name and she gave up the twist .001 seconds later? What an idiot!
Boring night in the BB house. They played Charades for a bit and for the past couple of hours they kept going to Trivia screen for long periods. I've had enough for tonight. Going to try to get some sleep.
[quote=Kathleen;6295]Boring night in the BB house. They played Charades for a bit and for the past couple of hours they kept going to Trivia screen for long periods. I've had enough for tonight. Going to try to get some sleep.[/quote]
Day 3 is just about upon us (Well, day 3 for us. I wonder what day it really is?) We need to find that out and rename the threads to be in sync. :D
Okay so I just turned my tv on to watch BBAD and Sharon is back..... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?! And it doesn't seem like Jacob is back.... what the crap is happening?!?!
Damn it I wish you guys were up! Neil left and no one has said why yet, and Sharon is back and partnered with Josh! Man, I thought I'd just turn it on for a while and watch it as I go to sleep but the second I turn it on and see Sharon I flipped out and there is no way I will be able to go to sleep for a while!
OMG. I'm going to read up on Morty's. Holy Crap. Far as I know Neil had no problems with the house.
sounds like a BB manipulation to bring sharon back.
Bacchus Amanda said yesterday they came into the house Thursday night. So today is day 7?