Feeds have just come on. Arguing in the HoH room. Parker, Jen, Amanda, Alex, Natalie and Matt. They are not happy with Jen.
Apparently they were in an alliance, but now they aren't because Jen won't go against Ryan.
Parker is really pissed with Jen. Says she is not being true to him as his partner because she promised that she would never vote out Ryan.
The five (Alex, amanda, parker, matt and natalie) say that Jen should sacrifice Ryan because she was the one trying for BB for three years, he's only here for her.
Jen's alliance is trying to convince Ryan that if he lets Parker and Jen nominate him, they will stick with Jen to the end.
Ryan and Jen will talk about it.
(parker won't budge on not nominating Ryan and Allison)
Sharon and Jacob have been evicted. Parker and Jen are still Power Couple.
Amanda and Parker talking in Spa room. Parker complaining about how he and Allison got screwed because Ryan and Jen are a couple.
Parker: "Just like Sharon...I got the same deal as Sharon"
Amanda: "they would have had our back you know."