Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 44

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 44
Day 44 - Power of Veto Competition [i] I woke up early to see if they would let us see ED's wake up call. While all the cams were on sleeping house guests I could occasionally hear noise in the back yard...talking, laughing and spitting. I knew that hack anywhere...ED was in the back yard.[/i] Around 6:30 am or 7am the feeds cut out and didn't come back until after 11:30 am. [b] James has won the Power of Veto [/b] James and Chelsia. She is saying that Sheila drank more than she did (meaning that Sheila got more shots with the croquet) and she wants to see Natalie in sequester next. She tells him that he needs to break away from Josh next week or he'll bring him down. (ED woke them up with the banging pots and pans routine and Josh was his first victim.) Sheila, Josh and Sharon in the kitchen. Sheila is telling them that one of them will be going up to replace James and just wanted to give them a heads up because she doesn't want any crap this week. She says that Chelsia will probably go. James throws up all over the kitchen floor (I guess the stuff he had to drink during PoV has finally revolted on him). Josh and Sharon are talking about Chelsia crying after she lost the veto competition. Josh says he really feels sorry for her. Sharon and Adam in HoH. She tells him that she is okay with him putting her up against Chelsia because she feels safe and thinks she will stay. She tells him that if she will help insure that she stays she will make this a very easy nomination for him. She assures him that if James puts him on the block next week she will vote to keep him. She doesn't want Josh to go home and explains to Adam why she hangs on to Josh. She tells Adam that James wants Chelsia out of the game and that if he puts up Josh he will freak out and is too paranoid to be put up. She says it will cause less drama and be an easier week if he just puts her up. Sheila tells Adam that she wants to speak to him privately. He doesn't want to and kind of goes of on her. He finally agrees and tells the others that he will fill them when he gets back. Adam and Sheila in HoH. She tells him that she is sorry. Adam says that he is not mad. She tells him that she doesn't want anyone to know what's going on and that she has his back. She says that they have to make them think that they can't stand each other. Adam tells her that they are good to go. Sheila tells him that they have the numbers and that whatever he wants they will do it. She is upset that James will stay and that she wants Chelsia out, too. Adam tells Sheila about Sharon's deal. Sheila tells Adam that he has to tell Josh that he won't put them up and that he (Josh) needs to be cool with the girls. She says that if he wants Chelsia gone it will happen. Adam says that Chelsia will go home. They say that Chelsia needs to go for what she did to Matt last week. Sheila tells him that he is doing the right thing but she is still afraid of Josh. Adam tells her that Josh knows he will be evicted if he crosses the line again. Sheila says that they are all talking *** about her and that Adam needs to play it. Adam says he's not mad at her. She says that he is a better actor than she thought and not to let Natalie influence him. Sheila and Sharon. Sheila acting like she is mad at Adam and complaining about not wining the veto. Sheila says that they are all in the back room talking about her. Sheila is worried that Adam will put her up. Sharon tells her that she volunteered to go up. Sheila thinks that Josh should be put up. Sharon says that she will be keeping Josh cool and he will leave them all alone and volunteered to go on the block just to save the girls. Sheila tells Sharon that it is gusty of her and tells her that she doesn't have any enemies. Sharon says that there is no 'I' in team. Sheila trashes Natalie, saying that she just wants revenge. Sheila tells her that **** told her that she will make history in this game because they have never had a woman her age win the game. Chelsia, Josh and James in the bedroom. Chelsia says that with Sharon up on the block it secures that she is gone and that if Josh went up, it doesn't. Josh says that he knows that. Sharon doing dishes and Adam and Josh talking. Adam tells Josh that he is good this week and he must vote out Chelsia. Adam asks how Chelsia is. Sharon says that she is numb and knows that she's going home and has accepted it. Adam says that it will get a little crazy this week. Adam and Ryan in the pink bedroom for Bible study. Natalie, James and Adam in the back yard. James is telling Natalie why he wanted Matt out. He says that Matt kept lying to him saying that he voted him back in the house and that she was going around telling people that he did, too. Adam says to Natalie that she was there him under the bus. Natalie laughs and tries to blow it off by saying that is not how it happened and that she was only going by what Matt told her. James tells Natalie that he knows that she knew that Matt didn't vote him back in and that's why James wanted Matt gone. James tells them that he is willing to work with them and that he doesn't want to win HoH next week. He says that his game with Chelsia is done and that he was playing with her but now he isn't. Natalie says that Chelsia told her that her vote on Matt was based on Sheila's. James says that it's over so it's done. Adam says that people told him to backdoor James. James says that he would have played PoV anyway. They all agree that the couple's teams were a threat and it's done except for Josh and Sharon. Natalie says that Josh is not a physical threat. Chelsia comes out and asks Adam if she could bribe him with her movie ticket to put up someone else. (Someone other than Sharon) James and Chelsia. She asks him if she is going to be the one going home. He says that she probably would be. Adam, Chelsia, Sharon and Natalie in the back yard. They are talking about the PoV competition. They say that James was naked in bed when **** woke them up with pots and pans. Chelsia says that ED watches the show. Natalie thinks that it is cool. They say that ED had a woody and it was hanging to the right. Both Chelsia and Adam say that they saw it. Adam said it was huge like Jimmy style. Natalie is b*tching about Sheila taking credit for her theories that she tells her, she goes on to explain her theory of 8. Chelsia tells them that her biggest mistake was voting James back in. Natalie says it was hers too. Chelsia tells Natalie that she needs to play for herself. Natalie calls out Chelsia because she said that she voted out Matt based on Sheila and that is not playing for yourself. Chelsia starts bashing Matt and says that he has a crooked eye and tells Natalie that it was okay because she will just go and *** him in sequester. Natalie says yeah, *** the crooked eye of Matt's. The go back and forth. Natalie says that she loves Matty and that she loves his eyes. Chelsia says that he hates her. Chelsia and Adam are slamming Sheila now. He says that he can yell at her all he wants. Natalie says that she lectured Sheila earlier and that she needs to apologize to Adam about being so mean to him. She said that she told Sheila that Adam was HoH and she needed to stop telling him what to do and that if she keeps acting like this she might end up on the block. They are saying that she shouldn't be this far in the game because she hasn't won anything. They move back to Evel****. Chelsia says that ED loved James and hates Sheila. They say that ED was trashing Sheila. Natalie says that ED was eyeballing her. Chelsia says that he was eyeballing her (Natalie's) tits. Now they are discussing James. Chelsia says that James is the most humble person. Natalie says that she doesn't know about that. Adam says that James is really a nice guy. Adam says that Sheila is messed up in the head. Chelsia says that Sheila is the joke of BB9 and that Jen (BB8) is classier but Sheila is probably going to win the game. Natalie doesn't agree. Chelsia says that they should have gotten rid of Sheila. Sheila and Adam in HoH. She is asking him if Natalie was trying to get him to put her on the block. Adam tells her no and not to worry. Sheila says that Natalie is being mean. Adam says that Sheila was in the wrong earlier. Sheila asks if Chelsia is the right choice for eviction. Adam says yes and that Chelsia and James need to be split. She says that she is worried about James and Josh together and being a threat and pushes for Josh to be put up. Adam tells her that Chelsia and James are a bigger threat but all four of them are a threat also. He says that they are all sticking together and that they have the numbers. Sheila wants reassurance that their act is just an act and that she is okay. Adam says that she is good but she was too forceful in her assertions earlier. She says that she is afraid of Josh because when he is not on the block is when he goes nuts. (He's never been on the block, so she doesn't really know how he would react. LOL) Sheila says that Natalie needs to remember who tried to save Matt. Adam says that Natalie was only mad at the way Sheila was treating Adam. Sheila says that she doesn't want Adam to be manipulated. Adam says that he can't be and that he makes his own decisions. Sheila brings up that when Josh was verbally attacking her, Adam did not protect her. Adam asks her why she is so afraid of Josh. She says she doesn't like what he says and that they are legal issues. Adam tells her that she needs to win HoH and put up Josh and if the other side wins they are done. He says that She, Ryan or Natalie need to win HoH. Sheila, Natalie, Chelsia and Adam. Sheila is saying that ED was flirting big time with her during the competition. They say that he trashed her for the rainbow room. Sheila says no, he didn't and that he said that if she won the game he will go with me because he doesn't hang out with losers. They discuss the size of his member and Sheila says that didn't notice and Natalie says she didn't either. Chelsia and Adam said that they noticed. They talk about who ED didn't like and Chelsia says that you could tell he didn't like Joshuah. They compare Josh's actions to ****'s and agree that Josh is much worse because he goes after family members and **** went after the person to their face. Natalie says that they are all going to be famous after the show and that she doesn't want people to recognize her. They said that **** said that Sheila swallows. Sheila says she didn't hear that and asked who said that. They tell her that **** did and she explains that is because she got 7 and that's why he said it. Natalie, Sheila and Ryan. The girls are telling Ryan how disgusting Chelsia is to talk about Matt's lazy eye. They says she is so low and that it is funny how she is always getting on others about saying bad things behind people's back, yet as soon as Matt is gone she starts talking bad about him. Adam comes out and Natalie makes sure they are still getting Chelsia out. Adam says that Sharon is on board with getting out James next week. To be continued...
Day 44 - Part II James, Chelsia and Josh in the bedroom. Josh says that maybe he should give up his movie ticket so he won't get nominated. Chelsia tells him not to worry and that she thinks that Sharon will be nominated to ensure that she goes home. James says it really sucks to drink all that *** and not win anything. Chelsia says that she totally bombed that competition and came in last. Josh and Sharon outside. Josh says that he feels bad that Sharon is going on the block and that he doesn't think he will be able to handle it when he gets put up. Sharon says that she really needs to talk to him later in the hot tub about what they are going to do. She says that everyone has been throwing so much *** at her and that they all want James gone. They say that is a good thing because they would have to get rid of him eventually and this way the blood won't be on their hands. She tells him to get his swimsuit on so they can get in the hot tub and talk things over. Sheila and Josh in the bathroom. She is telling him that she is going to flip the freaking house and they will all say, "Oh, hell no, you didn't just do that." She tells him that sometimes she can't stand him and that he makes her sick but they are both crazy people. She explains why she has to lie to people to their faces. She swears to him that she won't be the one to evict him and asks him to protect her and she will protect him. She says that everyone in the house thinks that they hate each other. Josh says that they have a love/hate relationship but to let everyone think that they hate each other. Sharon and Josh at the hot tub. They are talking about how everyone is scared of James and how everyone is coming to them wanting to work with them. They say that everyone is scared about the next HoH and it will be tie votes next week and the HoH will make the decision. Josh says that Ryan is on their side and Sharon says that Natalie is not after them. Sharon says if it comes down to her, James and Ryan in the HoH competition she will throw it. Sharon is nervous to win HoH at this point of the game because James will have to be put up every week and she'll be expected to nominate him. Jo***ells her that she can't throw it unless it's down to her and James. Sharon says that Adam told her that Ryan is trying to get Sheila on the block. Josh says that Chelsia staying is not good. Sharon says that she is still trying to play under the radar. Jo***ells her that she can't throw comps because then he will go home. Sharon says that Sheila needs to go next week. Josh says that Sheila can't go but Natalie has to go. Sharon says that she knows she is going on the block and that she feels good about that and the vote will be 5-0. Jo***ells her that she has to protect him. Josh says tells her that Sheila told him that if she won HoH she would put up someone from her side. Sharon says, Natalie. Sharon tells Josh how Natalie told her about Chelsia slamming her. Josh says that they need James. Josh says that Adam is scared of James because he put him up. Adam comes outside. Jo***ells him that he and Sheila have come to an agreement and that they will not bring up each other's personal lives and only things in the house. Ryan comes outside, too. They say that next week there is a 1 in 5 chance to win HoH because Sheila doesn't count. They talk about the PoV competition and how the key to the game was to drink as many as they could. Josh says that he knew that James would win. They say that lesson they learned was that when BB gives them something that they should practice. Adam says that **** said to Jo***hat he was not the gay Evel ****, he was Joshuah. They were saying that ED was not rude and that he was basically rooting for James to come off the block. Josh says that Chelsia knew that it was do or die for her and that he felt really bad for her when she shot a 13. He says that she was crying and she knew that she was going home. Adam says not to lie to him and that James and Chelsia are not together and are pretending that they are not going to vote together. They think that Chelsia and James have real feelings for each other. They talk about the next HoH competition and Josh says that Sheila and Natalie's due cards are up. Adam and Ryan says that Sheila doesn't have a due card. They say that it will probably be a split vote and the HoH will have to decide. Adam says that he is worried that if he goes up against Sheila that he'll leave. Josh assures him that he is good. They talk about how bad the campaigning would be. Ryan says that when she was up the last time that she went to him and said she wanted to let him know that she was not campaigning against him and then she was up first thing in the morning with Adam. Sheila and James. She is explaining why she lied to him and says that people are brutal. She says that she didn't want Matt to walk out with just one vote and if that makes her sappy and he played on her heart strings with the birthday. James is called to the DR. Sharon, Ryan, Adam and Jo***hey are talking about the types of shots they had to drink in the competition, wasabi and syrup and chipotle shot. Adam says that the lettuce shot was the hardest. Sharon says that she was impressed with Sheila's performance. Adam says why, she is a drunk. Josh says that there is no sense in plotting and strategizing because it all comes down to who wins the HoH and says that they should just hang out because there is nothing to do. Adam said that Sharon was sweet to offer herself up because they worry if they put Josh up against Chelsia that Sheila could flip-flop and talk Natalie into flopping. Adam says that they have to pull it together. Josh says that if Natalie wins HoH that she will put up James and Josh. Adam says that guarantees that Josh will stay and says that they (Sheila and Natalie) listen to him. Sheila and Chelsia. Chelsia tells her that she knows that the house wanted her and James up so that one of them will go home. Sheila says that she didn't want that and that people treat her like *** in this game. Chelsia tells her that she surrounded herself with those people. Sheila says that they put her down and talk mad *** about her and that she has never ever said anything bad about Chelsia. She says that she has been playing the game wrong because she cares about people. Chelsia tells her that she is falling for James and that is why she is being evicted from the house, but she still has hope but if Adam puts up Sharon then she knows that she will be going to sequester. Sheila says that she is caught in the middle of a nightmare. Chelsia says that it will be 5-0 and that she doesn't want James to vote to save her. She says that he is an amazing person and there is so much more to James. Sheila says that she (Sheila) is with the ******* and compares James to Adam and whines that the others only use her for her vote. Sheila is trying to apologize to Chelsia and her explain her actions about James. Chelsia says that the PoV was designed for James to win and that it was harder than it looked and how she that she had it in the bag. Sheila continues to complain about Adam and how he's been acting since he won and hooking up with Natalie. James comes in and Sheila basically just repeats herself all over again. Sheila, Josh, James, Chelsia, Ryan and Adam outside. They talk about the PoV and compliment Sheila on how well she did. Adam tells her that she is picking up her game. Adam says that he didn't get all 10 because one came back on him. James says that he still had a minute and a half left on the time. Adam and Ryan in the pink bedroom. Ryan says that they need to play that they don't have each other's backs even though they will but not talk trash behind each other's backs. Adam says that Ryan has to win HoH because James says that he forgives and forgets, but he doesn't. They says that Chelsia is going this week, which is Phase 1 of the Operation and that James is slick. Ryan and Sheila on the couches in the back yard. He says that he needs to talk to her as he has something he needs to tell someone. They go into the bedroom and tells her that his grandfather died today and he got a letter from his family in the DR. He says that he doesn't want to play the sympathy card, and he knows that she's compassionate and would understand and that he just needed to talk about it. He reads her the letter, it says that his grandpa watched every episode that he was very proud of him and that he'd want Ryan to stay in the house and fini***he game and that he's made it this far. They leave the room and Josh pulls Ryan aside and asks him if Sheila was trying to flip or what was going on. Ryan tells him that it was a personal issue back home and he just wants to keep it private. Josh hugs him and tells him that he looks sad. Ryan says he is ok and that it was just a personal matter. Josh goes to Chelsia and James and tells them that Sheila was talking game with Ryan. Adam comes in and Chelsia offers to suck him off if he will put up Natalie. James tells Adam that he will give him three weeks of safety if he nominates Natalie. Chelsia says that she will too. James says that he is just kidding, but Chelsia says that she is not. Josh, James and Chelsia in the bedroom joking about her going home. James makes a joke about Chelsia having gained 15 pounds in the past few days. She says not to worry because she will get her diet pills in a few days and she'll take 5 of them. Silence for a few seconds. James asks her if she really takes a lot of diet pills. She answers with an 'eh'. He asks her if they work or if they make her jittery. She says that she likes the feeling and they make her go to the bathroom a lot. (Hello, mom and Dad...seriously your girl needs some help now...first the self induced vomiting and now diet her now before it gets out of hand) Natalie and Adam in HoH. Adam tells her about the deal James offered him and Natalie tells him that James is an idiot and as if he would put her up. Natalie says that God didn't want her to play in the PoV and that his plan is to let her win HoH this week and get James out herself and send him to sequester. She says that Chelsia is Matt's appetizer and James is the main course. Natalie, Ryan and Adam in HoH. She is telling them that Josh is the one that they should get out this week. She tells them that with Josh gone, Sharon will come over to their side and that Josh and James together are a bad combination, Josh has the brains and Jo***he strength. Sheila, Josh and Sharon in the hot tub. Sheila says that Adam might do something really crazy and that if he does she is going to need some serious help. They talk about how Chelsia asked Natalie to pray with her and Natalie said that she will pray for her but not with her. Back to the HoH. They are going through different options of who to put up on the block in James' place and the pros and cons of each. They believe that Josh is a threat and that he controls Sharon and if he was gone Sharon would come to their side because she doesn't trust Chelsia. Ryan thinks that Chelsia going home is still the best bet. Natalie continues to argue to get Josh put up. Adam says that if James were to win the next HoH he feels fairly safe and they agree that Natalie would go. Natalie says that she can beat Chelsia in a competition. They tell Ryan to sleep on it and that they have until Sunday. Natalie says to Adam that he shouldn't tell Sheila about this conversation. Sheila is telling Josh and Sharon that she is a force to be reckoned with and that she will flip on her alliance as Ryan doesn't trust her and Adam hates her and Natalie is controlling Adam. Chelsia and James in the bedroom. She is complaining and saying that it sucks and it is pathetic and life is a *****. She says that she needs a miracle to stay. She says that she is mad that Sheila doesn't win anything and will be here longer than her. James tells her that if she wants to stay then she needs to campaign but she needs to know that if she stays that he is going to have to go against her sooner or later. To be continued...
Day 44 - Part III Sheila and Sharon in the hot tub. Sheila is saying that Natalie makes things up and stretches the truth. Sharon says that she doesn't believe what Natalie said about Chelsia asking to pray with her. Sheila tells how the vote came about for Matt and how she thought it was the best move to James be the one to vote him out. Sharon agrees. James and Ryan in the kitchen. They are talking about how paranoid Adam is because he can't compete for HoH next week. Josh and Adam. Josh is promising him two weeks if he puts up Natalie and sends her to Matt for his birthday. Adam says that Ryan would go next and then Sheila and then his two weeks would be up and he'd be next. Adam says that if the whole house is after Natalie then they can just go after her next week and it does him no good to nominate her this week. Adam says that Josh would never nominate James and Chelsia anyway. James and Chelsia in the storage room. Chelsia is mocking herself and laughing while she crying and say that she is taking this like a child. She says that she is taking it like Matty and that's funny. Chelsia comes into the red bedroom with a ½ gallon of ice cream eating it with a spoon. Sheila and Sharon tell her to go for it and that she deserves it. Chelsia is spoiling for a fight and when Natalie comes in from the DR, she rips into her about the praying incident. Natalie says that she can pray with her if she isn't just doing it to mock her. Chelsia asks her what the 6th commandment is and then tells her that she can't be Christian because she kills babies. Natalie says that God will forgive her and that she hopes that Chelsia enjoys her last few days in the house. Chelsia calls Natalie white trash and that she kills babies and a ***. She yells after her to hide because she's coming after her. Chelsia and Ryan in the kitchen. She continues her rant and tells him how Matt tried to get with her and that Natalie is a total idiot. Josh joins them and tells Chelsia that she should throw some eggs at Natalie. Chelsia is getting Ketchup to use too. (To make it look like she had another abortion). Josh goes up to the HoH to get Natalie to come down and have a mature conversation with Chelsia. Natalie refuses. Adam tells her that she has to go down there and face her some time so she might as well as do it now. He basically kicks her out of the room because he doesn't want it to seem that he is protecting her. James tells Chelsia that she can do what she wants but she should keep in mind that there are people that are still staying in this house and will be affected by her actions. She says that she doesn't care and tells him she's going to go out with a bang. Chelsia is called in the DR and she yells, "SOB, don't take this away from me!" Natalie finally comes out of the HoH and goes into the boat room with Sheila. They talk about the things Chelsia said to Natalie and how Natalie is a strong person and it won't break her. Chelisa comes in and starts in on Natalie again. Natalie says that Chelsia is just jealous of her because she is hotter and has bigger *****. Sheila tells Chelia to stop. Chelsia and Josh hide Natalie's make-up. She gets into bed and James asks her how old she is. She pulls away and gets out of bed and puts back Natalie's things. Chelsia goes into the kitchen and joins Adam. He tells her that he can't make promises but he's going to put Josh up against her. Chelsia is saying that Natalie is disgusting for selling her body and hanging on a disco ball for 5 hours to save Matt and that she has no self-respect. Chelsia is saying that in some ways she feels sorry for Natalie and hopes that when she gets out of here Natalie will learn something from all of this - maybe go to school and get an education. Chelsia thinks that Natalie is self-absorbed. Ryan and Adam chime in and say that she's really not and that it is more like she is starved for attention. Josh agrees. Chelsia says that Natalie is a beautiful girl but she even said that she was ugly in high school and now that she gets attention from the guys she is using it in the wrong way. Chelsia says that she can't stand girls like that. Natalie and Sheila. Natalie is telling her how she tried to hide in the HoH room and Adam wouldn't let her. Sheila says that Adam is a **** and she is sick of it. Natalie says that until tonight he has been really nice to her so she was surprised. Natalie thanks Sheila for talking to her but she is going to bed. Back in the kitchen. They are making fun of Sheila's hairy legs and how gross it is. Ryan says that he was grossed out and remembers when she asked him to oil her up for tanning. They talk about Sheila's other name, Kimberly and how Adam wants to get her by giving her a good ol' smack from behind calling her Kimberly to see if she would give him some. They talk about how Chelsia will give Matt head in sequester and Chelsia mimics Natalie and says that Matt wouldn't do her because she is chubby. Ryan and Adam laugh and tell her that Matt would do her in a second. Everyone heads to bed. James and Chelsia walk to bed together and she says that she hates these people and that you don't tells people in a game your personal stuff and not expect it to be used against you. James is trying to comfort Chelsia. Chelsia is saying that she has no one to blame but herself. They start making out and the feeds switch to Natalie sleeping. Chelsia is still awake at 3am and she is up and about, uses the bathroom, gets a drink of water and stares at the memory wall and then goes back to bed.