Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 38

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 38
Day 38 - Flip flop day House guests are woken at 10 am. James and Chelsia in the back yard. They talk about backdooring Adam and talking about what the fall out would be. James says that Adam was one of the people that he cared most about in the house and he feels that he was put on the block because of him. He says the guys pressured Natalie into voting the way she did. James says that Adam can go *** himself. Chelsia asks if James is going to tell anyone else. James says just Josh. Chelsia doesn't think he should tell Josh but James said he's already said something to him. Chelsia asks James if he will make a deal with Ryan. James said it will be understood and he wasn't going to tell anyone but he figured everyone would be scared if he did that without telling. James says that he thinks this is the technical move because Adam thinks he's playing people and another thing is he can't vote without Sheila. James says that he doesn't want them campaigning together. James says that he doesn't like some of what happened and he can say he forgives but it is screwed up. James says he's not going to tell Adam what he is thinking of doing. Chelsia asks him if he would have liked to have known. James says it would have helped, but asks how you tell someone you are going to back door them. Chelsia says that she is worried that Ryan and Matt are working together. James says that he (Adam) will be harder to get out and that he is underestimated mentally and says he is going to do it. James decides that maybe he will have a conversation with Adam and that he will freak because it's the last thing he think will happen. Then James says he may just pick off Matt. Chelsia thinks this will bring back the divide in the house. James asks her if she thinks this other move is right. Chelsia says she doesn't know and reminds him about trying hard to set an example. She says to do what he feels will get him further in the game. James says he will see. Chelsia says that either person he puts up the votes will be 3-3. Josh comes out to join them. Josh says he is going to shave his head today. James tells them about Natalie giving Matt BJ last night and how the rumor is true and he tells them how Matt told them last night about the 2nd and 3rd night. Josh calls Natalie a ******. Ryan and James. They are playing pool. James tells him that he's going to take him off the block. Ryan says he is indebted to him and asks what the catch is. James tells him to just watch out for him later. Ryan tells him that he has just made his week. James says he is just watching out for himself. Ryan says he feels like he can enjoy life now and he can relax. James says it won't be easy because someone else will be up. He tells Ryan that he is keeping his word and that Adam broke his trust so he will be going up. Ryan says that he is not surprised. Ryan asks what James wants him to do. James says for him to do what he needs to do and that he will want the favor back later. Ryan says ok. James says that last week Adam told him that he would vote with Sheila and now they can both campaign together. James says backdooring sucks but that is the way it goes and he takes things seriously and hopes that people understand that if they screw him, the will be screwed ten fold. James and Chelsia. She tells him that Sheila told her that she wants to backdoor Adam. Natalie says she wants to do Playboy, maybe have the girls of BB9. Matt says that Amanda and Jen would probably do it. He also says that Jen from BB8 would do it, but not Dani because she is too skinny for playboy. Sheila and Adam. She asks if they could talk. Sheila tells Adam that she feels the way he treated her was appalling and that the conversation she had with Ryan had nothing do with him and he should have stayed out of it. She tells him that when he is on the block she will remind him of how he treated her. She says that it is not easy being on the block and it well could be him. She tells him that he has a tendency to flip flop and is mad that he said she had a sense of entitlement. Adam corrects her says that he asked her, he didn't state that she did. Sheila tells him that she expects his backup when she is attacked and not for him to jump on the bandwagon. He says that she brought him in the argument by saying "you and the boys" all the time. She tells him that he puts a spotlight on him when he is always flip flopping and not picking a side. He says that he shouldn't have gotten in the argument. She tells him that people read into everything that happens. Sheila says that all she gets from him is a bunch of freakin' grief. Adam tells her to quit cornering him and asking him what he is going to do. She gets mad and says that she will remind him of all of it when he's on the block. She tells him that she feels that he does not have her back. Adam says that he won't promise his vote but she should feel secure. Sheila said that she would vote to keep him over Ryan. Adam says he would do the same for her. He says he just doesn't want to make a promise that will come back on him. Sheila says that she wouldn't have a hard time saying she would vote for him and she told Natalie the same. He says he doesn't have a hard time with the decision, but he wants peace until the vote. Sheila says that she won't bother him anymore because he obviously feels so torn. He says that he is not torn, but he has to live with everyone and she should know how things go. Adam apologizes again and say that they will talk about her situation tomorrow. Sheila says fine but he's going to have to come to her, she won't go to him and that the ball is in his court. Sheila asks to speak with James. They go into the HoH room. Sheila wants to clear the air and she tells James that she feels abandoned by the other side. She says it's disgusting that Ryan is sleeping in a sleeping bag in the pink room. She says they are against her now because they know they can't manipulate her. She recounts all her conversations with everyone since yesterday. James tells her that she can relax she doesn't have anything to worry about this week. James tells her that he put her on the block because he wanted to see if she was true to her word. He says that he doesn't think she will be going home and that she needs to stay true to her word. He tells her not to worry that she is not going home because they are a well oiled machine and says that he will not evict her he just needs for her to play it calm, cool and collected. Josh and Chelsia. They are bashing Natalie. Chelsia says that Natalie's mom won't watch the show because she is sensitive about different things but yet Natalie will give Matt a******** on TV. James joins them. They start teasing Chelsia and how she gets aggressive when she's speaking to people. Josh says that she claps her hands and says that this is how we are going to play the game. They start talking about Sheila and James tells them to be quiet because she is right there in the kitchen. Chelsia says that she doesn't care. Josh says that they have to treat her with kid gloves. James tells them that he is going to keep her on the block because she and Adam cannot vote together. James tells them about his conversation with her. Chelsia tells them about the conversation she heard between Adam and Sheila and how she told him that she had his back no matter what. James says that he hopes that Sheila has caught on that it would be a long week. Chelsia says that Sheila probably thinks she will be taken off the block. Josh and Sharon. She asks who they are getting out. Josh tells her Adam. Sharon says that that isn't the right move. Josh tells her that Chelsia told him and that they were taking Ryan down and putting up Adam. Sharon thinks that Ryan is the bigger threat. Josh says that they need to go with the flow. He tells her not to say anything because he told James he wouldn't say anything. Sharon and Sheila. Sheila is telling Sharon that Natalie can't make a decision on her own and how you can get the truth out of her when she's put on the spot. Sheila rehashes her argument with Ryan and how she has relationships in this house. Sharon tells her that it's because these people don't care until they have to care. Sheila thinks that Natalie should have defended her last night. Sheila says that she believes that Ryan was going to backdoor someone all along and that she was so stunned about it all and that she was strong-armed over the James eviction. They talk about Natalie being so rattled and didn't know what to vote because Matt didn't tell her what to do. Adam and Matt. Adam tells Matt that he thinks that Ryan is out of there. They wonder if Sheila will be coming after them. Adam says that she is a flip flopper and says that she will be on the other side after the vote. Matt says it is going to be everybody versus him and Natalie. James and Chelsia. She is telling him that she heard Matt, Ryan and Adam talking while she and James were napping (through the camera hole in the wall) about one of them being too smart for being 21 and how they want Sheila gone. James says that he is thinking about backdooring Matt now instead of Adam. He thinks that he should take Sheila off and put Matt up instead of what he told Ryan earlier. James says the house will be in awe and disbelief and they won't have his back. Chelsia says that Matt and Adam are the ones that are holding things together and with no Matt, Natalie would be nervous and that would be good. James says he needs to talk to Sharon. Chelsia says not to tell Sharon. James says he needs to know if Sharon is entwined with the other group. Chelsia tells James to think this through and go over every possibility. The wonder if Sheila is saying one thing now and will do another later if she stays. They decide the vote will be 3-3 but they need to talk to Sharon without telling her anything. James says he may pull Ryan and put up Natalie (Oh please make a decision will ya!) Chelsia says that Natalie has an advantage in mental power but doesn't think it would hurt them because the other side will throw her under the bus in a second. They say if they get rid of Matt, Natalie will go cuckoo. James says he is going to take Adam out like he thought this week but still needs to talk to Sharon. To be continued...
Day 38 continued Sharon and James in HoH. James asks her where she stands. Sharon says that she is trying to get the lay of the land and that Sheila is hounding her like crazy. He tells her that he is taking Sheila off the block and putting up Matt. Sharon says ok. She tells him that she has been working Sheila and that Sheila is pissed off at Natalie and if Sheila won HoH she would put up M/N. They agree that Natalie will be no good if Matt leaves. Sharon tells James that the she would love to see Matt go because thy all depend on him. James says let's do it and shake this whole house up. He says that he is going to talk to Adam and find out what he is thinking and then try to turn him against Matt. Sharon tells him that Matt was the third vote not to bring him back in. James says this is going to be a bad week and that Natalie is going to break down and cry. Sharon assures him that they have the numbers. James goes in search of Adam. Sharon pulls Josh aside to fill him in. James and Adam in HoH. (James walked into the pink room tiptoed to Adam, woke him up and told him to come upstairs...while ryan and Matt were sleeping too) James tells Adam that his boys are throwing him under the bus. Adam says again that he voted James back in the house. James tells him that the others think that he is putting up Adam tomorrow, but that isn't the plan. Adam starts freaking out and James tells him the chill out. James asks Adam where he stands. Adam says that he is not against James. James tells him that he is going to pull Sheila and put up Matt. Adam thanks James for telling him that he is not going up and that he is on James' side. (now for some non-game play talk) Matt tells Adam that he's aggravated because he is stuck in there with these people with nothing to do but talk about game play. He says that he would have hooked up with Jen from last year and maybe he still can because she will be at the wrap party, but if she really is an idiot then maybe not. James and Josh in HoH. James is telling Josh the new plan. Josh tells James that tomorrow will be awesome and that Matt is going to freak out. James tells Josh that the original plan last week was to backdoor Josh but Matt was the one to convince Ryan to put James up instead. (I still say Sheila started the ball rolling on that one and should get the credit) Ryan and Sheila. He tells her that he didn't like the way she was campaigning against him and using the 10G's. He says that he knows that she was going to but he didn't like what she was saying. Natalie and Adam. She asks him is he thinks James will keep the nominations the same. Adam says he doesn't know. Natalie says that she is positive that James won't backdoor Matt because of their deal. Josh and James by the hot tub. Matt walks over and asks James if he is putting him up. James says maybe and laughs. Matt asks him if he wants to get rid of him that quick and that it would not make good TV. James asks him why he is paranoid. Matt says that the DR was asking him a lot of questions and it got him thinking. Matt goes inside. Josh and James laugh because they are all clueless to what is going down tomorrow. Ryan comes out and asks James if he is still planning on taking him off and putting up Adam. James tells him that everything is a go and that all the girls are going to be shaken up. Matt and James play chess. Matt asks James again if he is going to put him up. He wants to know because he would like to sleep tonight. James says no. Matt says really. James says nope. Matt and Adam outside. Matt thinks that James is going to put him up and says that it's just a vibe. Ryan joins them. Matt says the reason that Sheila hasn't come to him and asked for his vote is because she knows that he is going up on the block. Ryan tells Matt that he doesn't know what is going on and that no one knows what that kid is thinking. Josh and Sheila. She is bashing Adam and talking about how he always throws her under the bus. She says that he acts all macho but he really needs to grow something between his legs. (Sharon enters) Sheila tells them that whatever they need her to do, she will do and she is tired of the other side. Sheila leaves and they laugh. Josh says that he thinks Sheila will put him up on the block if she wins HoH. Josh and Natalie in sauna. He begs her to her "SheBot" imitation and Natalie starts using some of Sheila's clichés and imitates her. Natalie rehashes the HoH competition and says that James can't go back on his deal because she gave up and let him win. She says that she likes James now and that they had their difficulties in the beginning but she likes him now. Josh tells her that his gut is telling him that she is fine this week. Josh and James. They are speculating that Amanda is a tranny. They turn this into a game and list all the reasons to support this claim. Her voice is so high and she looks like a man/horse. Matt comes in and they tell him their theory. Other evidence is that her dad committed suicide because he was mad that his son was a girl. The reason she didn't want Alex to touch her because she didn't want him to find her ***** or botched up operation. She held the fish in the seafood competition because she didn't want her ***** to slip out while she was running around throwing the fish. (They are joking around, boredom will do that, but seriously sometimes these people are just mean). They say that they saw several rumors before coming in that there was a transsexual in the cast. They are now trying to find reasons that Alex was really an Alexis. Josh, Chelsia and James in the kitchen. Josh says that he thinks Matt will be really surprised tomorrow and that they all think James is keeping it the same and that Sheila is the real target. Josh says that Natalie is going to cry so hard when Matt leaves. James gets called into the DR. Chelsia tells Josh that if you really wanted to have sex in the house all you have to do is get naked and go at it, no under the covers because they can't show it. (I guess that explains why they are always cutting away from James and Chelsia. And now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense if they showed it even on the live feeds it would be **** and CBS does not want to be associated with that and plus there are broadcasting rules and such) James tells Josh (Chelsia is not in the DR) that it is very ironic that Natalie was the tie breaker vote to bring him back and he is going to send her Matty home. James and Chelsia prepare their bath water. She said she was going to wear her swimmers, but James told her not to and they get naked and have a bubble bath. Feeds get cut away fairly early in the bath because James stood up and then Chelsia straddled him. Josh reads his letter from home again. Matt asks him if there is anything good in there. Josh says he was looking for a code to see if he was fired. He says that he told his mom the only he wanted to know was if he got fired. He says there is no code. Natalie says that it would be really funny to lock Sheila in her room tomorrow as a prank. She says she is bored and wants Matt or Adam to teach her to play chess. They say no. Nat asks if she can draw them. They say no. Natalie says that she wishes BB had put more fun people in the house. Ryan joins them and Natalie asks if they want to play Hide'n'Seek. Matt says no. Adam says go hide. Natalie says that they are joking and that they won't really find her. She makes Adam pinky swear that he will look for her. She hides under the massage table and they find her right away. Ryan helps her hide. They play for about 15 minutes. She hides in the laundry basket but her knee is sticking out and they see her and decide to pretend like they don't know she is there and sit on the couches and call out her name to make it look like they are searching. Josh comes out and says he'll go look for her. They play for a few minutes more. They convince Natalie to go but on the unitard and model for them. They tell her do dance and do the Baywatch run for them. They are in the kitchen talking about engagement rings. Matt says that a nice ring cost about $25-35K and says that you should spend 2 or 3 months salary on an engagement ring. Ryan says so if you make $40K you should spend $10K. Adam says that he would just get the girl a CZ. They ask Matt about his girlfriend (supposedly is his ex). He says that she knew he was being casted for BB and BB asked her to come on but she didn't want to do a ******* reality show. He says that she is already on a show. Josh asks which one. Matt says he can't say and that it is on another network, he says that she is a case girl. (She is Lisa Case #13 on Deal or No Deal) Josh says wow good for you. Matt gives Natalie another massage. It was supposed to be 6 minutes but he didn't do it for half that long. Natalie wants to know if the guys know she gave them a BJ. He tells her that they heard her but they didn't know that's what she was doing. Everyone is in bed early by 12:30 am.