Day 27 - Eviction Day
Josh and Sharon are waking up and starting to get ready for the day. As usual they have a brief strategy talk. Sharon is saying that if Matt and Natalie win HoH, they are completely f*cked.
Houseguests are sitting quietly or getting ready or cleaning...your typical live show day.
Chelsia and Josh discuss what the HoH competition might be, Chelsia is thinking maybe it will be physical. She goes into the kitchen and asks James if he is mad at her. He says no.
Ryan is packing his bag and he and Matt are also discussing the possibility of HoH competition being physical.
Matt and Natalie are counting things in the house. Natalie keeps telling him that he needs to study. He tells her she needs to shut her mouth so he can.
They are on indoor lockdown and Ryan and Adam are sad that they couldn't have one last smoke together.
Allison, Ryan, Matt and Adam in red bedroom. Allison is going after Matt about his vote (voting has already taken place at this point). Matt says he doesn't have to tell her anything. Things get a bit heated. Allison is trying to use his words from last night against him saying that he was threatening to rip her to shreds (last night when she was trying to find out who they were voting for, she told Matt not to yell at her and he said he wasn't yelling and that she had never seen him yell, and that he could if she wanted him to). Allison implies that she knows stuff that could ruin everyone's game. Matt tells her to go for it. You may never come back so say it now while you can. It's a typical Allison fight. Matt just tells her, that she's going home and she has no one else to blame but herself. She's going home because of her, not her partner, her. He gestures with his hands that 'this' (her fighting, and not shutting up) is why she was going home.
Allison tries to pull out one more card. She says she knows the answer to the big puzzle. That she had figured it out on day three. (the puzzle with the four colors, that James told us about in the diary room). Matt says whatever, yes you are so smart you figured it all out on day 3, but are still going home today.
Matt and Ryan now talking and Matt saying it is nothing against him and it's all on Allison, he's sorry it's going down this way. Ryan says he wishes he didn't know that he was going.
They are in HoH LD now while production does their thing in the house. Sheila is telling them about her acting career and how she was on Scott Baio: 45 and Single. She explains they dated 20 some years ago when she had a bit part on Charles in Charge. Chelsia wanted to know what the show was about. Sheila explained it to her. (all wrong if you ask me, she made it sound like Scott was deceiving VH1 because he already had a girlfriend and she was pregnant...I've only seen one episode and it was explained that he had a girlfriend and the show was to explore why he could not make a commitment)
Later, Allison tells Ryan her big secret about being a professional gambler. She also shares her theory on the answer to the big 'puzzle'. It's quite complicated (so that makes me think she is way off..also, She later admits that it was Neil's theory originally) having to do with letters, numbers, etc. She tells him there are 30 blocks in the house. (Multiple colors) Then she points out that each room has 4 different colors. Coincide with the blocks. There are 8 pictures in every room. Also, there are 8 letters in case... 2 of each of those letters. (Making 16 letters.) Then she says there is a divide, multiply, and equal sign. (She never does tell us what the answer is)
Allison believes BB is doing this to save her (and Ryan of course) because it's the perfect time in the game and it would hurt Josh's game the most.
Ryan, Matt and Adam are in the bedroom speculating about the HoH competition. They say that they didn't get to do a run-through and maybe they are playing as singles now and that's why they aren't allowed to see it.
The guys think the show ends May 3rd, and BB must be splitting them up. Chelsia thinks it will be a short season because regular BB runs from June-August (obviously not a fan of the show). Matt asks if he should stick with his partner if they do split.
Feeds cut off until 6pm BBT
The boys (Matt, Ryan, Adam and James) are celebrating and saying "Bros till the End". Matt is excited to leave Natalie's bed.
Matt and Adam whispering in the bedroom. Matt tells him that he's made things right with Ryan and maybe now they can all go to the end together (Matt, Ryan, Adam and James). Natalie comes in and asks if they can still continue to work together. She hugs him and Matt tells her to get off of him.
Chelsia and James talk. Chels is really worried. She says that they are so f*cked, all four of them (Josh and Sharon) because they've made themselves such big targets. James is worried about being put up on the block with all that's gone down in the last couple of weeks.
They are figuring out sleeping arrangements. Adam and Sheila are obviously going their separate ways. Sheila says she'll sleep in the boat room since Adam won't give up their bed.
Natalie comments that she isn't on anyone's radar, and Matt let's her know that she is no longer protected under his shield so she better get a plan to protect herself. She doesn't look happy to hear that but in her typical fashion she ignores what is right in front of her face and tells him that she is still going to make the bed and do his laundry.
A couple of them think that the twists are not over and maybe someone else will come back in because the note said the siren will sound in the coming weeks. (it was only two days, so they think it's not done yet). However, it was quickly decided that this was it. They are the final 9 till the end.
James and Josh meet in the sauna to talk strategy. James tells him that Matt is saying all the boys to the end. James says he feels that Sheila is probably an easy target for this week. Josh says that he and Sharon are staying together and that he hates sucking up to people. They are making fun of Allison's reaction to the siren. Josh says she acted like she was wining a million dollars, than to turn around and be evicted 6-0. James says everyone is now making alliances but he will not get into that right now.
James, Matt and Adam talking. James says he is worried about Chelsia in terms of her being a social butterfly in the house. Matt says it isn't his problem anymore. Explains that he's happy that Natalie can do anything she wants and it doesn't affect him anymore. He says he can't believe how things worked out better than expected. He says he never wanted Ryan to leave and then tells Adam he wont' be a target anymore (because of his split with Sheila). Matt says things are good and Ryan knows what is going on.
Josh talks to Ryan and lets him know that he never took anything out on him, it was always her. Chelsia says that Ryan has a difficult choice right now. Ryan says he hasn't even begun to think about it. They tell him he doesn't have to yet, food competition is first. Ryan is happy he won't be on slop. Josh says it's good that everyone is getting along. Ryan says the tension is released and that Allison was at the center of all the drama.
They talk about Alex and how they are sorry for him because it was Amanda that got him evicted. (See, Alex should come back! Go to CBS and vote now. ;) )
They talk about BB giving them crap for swearing on live TV. Chelsia says what did they expect, you can't tell us something that big and not have strong reactions.
They wonder if America is liking the twist. Sheila thinks they will. Matt says they are gonna love it. Natalie thinks they will be sad. "they're probably gonna be like oh that's kinda sad ya know, they don't want to see them break up, nobody wants to see anybody break up."
Ryan gets his HoH room and everyone is doing what they usually do. He got sushi and beer. Sheila asks him if she can have one. He thinks she is talking about the sushi and he says he'll bring it down and share. Chelsia sees that she is talking about the beer and she says, No Sheila, he only has four!
Josh and James meet again and Josh says he knows he will be going up for sure (on the block). Sharon comes in (James leaves). Josh says he can't believe Ryan won. Sharon says she knows that he will be gunning for them. Sharon says their whole game play is just completely....Josh finishes the sentence for her, "f*cked." Josh continues, "We just went from here to here in a matter of seconds." Sharon asks who Josh can trust in the game now. He tells her only her. She responds with Really? He then asks her if she can trust more than just him, but Adam comes in so she never answered. After he walks out Josh tells Sharon that he can kind of trust James and Chelsia. But he thinks Chels is a bit wishy washy.
Chelsia is up in HoH with Matt and Ryan. She tells them that she wants to have an alliance with Matt, Ryan, Adam and James. She says she knows it's already in their heads. Ryan says he hasn't really thought about it and Matt tells her that her application is on the table.
They talk about Josh and Sharon stressing, Matt points out that they were never after Ryan, just Allison. Then the all bash Allison. Chelsia relates that Allison was going to lend her a dress to wear for the show, but when she found out that they were voting her out she took it back. They also talk about how Sheila has been holding Adam back.
James and Chelsia meet in the sauna room. James still wants to work together. He tells her that if she flipped on him his game would be over, he wouldn't want to play anymore. Chels looks a little taken aback by this, and tells him that they will stay together but she's going to talk *** about him to the others. He wanted to know what kind of stuff she was going to say. She said, nothing bad, just that they are not getting along as well as everyone thinks. She sees what is going to happen, the guys are going to sweep the house and the girls will be first to go and she is going to do whatever she can to distance herself from the girls. Chelsia tells him how Matt is already hitting on her and she said she is going to go along with it. James looks upset by this but tells her to do what she has to do to further herself in the game, but he wishes she wouldn't cheapen herself and 'be that girl'. He also asks her not to make out with anyone in front of him. (poor guy really likes her) Chelsia said it was very hard not to cry when Julie told them they were splitting up. James says he can't believe he fell for someone on National TV. They make out a bit.
They are all eating dinner and bashing Allison. Matt says, "What if America votes Alison back in. Josh says he would commit suicide. They all concur with his sentiments.
Sheila and Adam have a heart to heart in the bedroom. Sheila is crying saying that the game has changed and she doesn't know where she fits in. Allison was her only friend and now she's gone. She tells him that he'll be okay because of his friendship with the guys. (basically she's fishing for him to say that he has her back). He pretty much just listens to her.
Josh, Matt and Adam bash Allison. They think she's probably still mad. Josh thinks it is funny that Allison thought America was going to save her.
Ryan, Matt and Adam guess what Allison's occupation is. Here are some of the things they came up with: escort, phone sex and con artist. Ryan tells them Allison's secret of being a professional gambler.
Natalie, Sheila, Josh and Sharon talk. Natalie says that James and Chelsia are still gunning for her and Matt. Sharon warns her to be quiet as people can hear what she's saying. Chelsia later joins them. Sheila asks who Chels thinks Ryan will put up. She says maybe Matt or Adam because they are strong. Sheila doesn't think so.
Chelsia wonders if people will still work together as couples and doesn't think that Matt and Natalie will work together. Sheila says that her and Adam are not. Chelsia then tells them that she doesn't think her and James will be working together either.
For now the sleeping arrangements are as follows:
Josh and Sharon in Allison and Ryan's bed
Sheila alone in the boat room (but not on the cursed broken bed)
Natalie and Matt in their bed (matt really tried to get her out but she wouldn't budge)
James and Chelsia on the fold out couch in the Red Room.
Adam in the bed that he and Sheila shared
Ryan in HoH.