Big Brother 16: Episode discussion

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The more these people talk the more I realize ust how horrible this cast is.  Easily the worst ever

Lol! Care to elaborate?

Have you been watching the season?  Only 2 people actually grasp the game...Derrick & Nicole.  Maybe Donny

So you think a cast with Zach, Donny, Devin, Caleb, Frankie and Derrick is a bad cast. BB sometimes isn't just about the game when fans watching it. Your boring cast that doesn't played BB, gave us one of the best...if not the best player in BB history, because he played a perfect game and will win this season. Yet people find him boring. Some people sometimes want/ prefer a bad player, but who's an entertaining HG.You seem to forget that their was a solid alliance that domimated the game from the get go. There was just no way the other could play the game in that regard unless somebody flipped, but their loyality (Derrick the shepard) kept the sheeps together. Why risking your game by flipping on your alliance and be their next target. Just look what former BB player say about this season. Derrick played so good, he made the season that boring to fans

LMAO at Derrick being of of the best if not the best--absolutely hysterical

Derrick didn't make the season boring--the stupidity/naivity of the rest of the house did.

Zach was boring/useless, Donny never had a chance, Devin's even more clueless than Zach, Caleb was decent but stupid, Frankie was an egotistical idiot that never really tried to "play the game" as he just wanted to win comps and Derrick was a good player surrounded by a cast that didn't comprehend the game. 

And if Derrick or Cody vote out Victoria that makes this season even worse.  I also think these HGs may just be dumb enough to vote for Cody to win because of his comp wins.

Since you like to talk about playing Big Brother. Tell me one bad mistake Derrick did? I can't think of one ... He's near to a perfect game if he gets to the F2 and I don't see Cody crossing him or Victoria suddently taking Cody. 

Well, I guess we just have different views on Derrick. You call it stupidity/naivity, I call it Derrick completly owning the house by eliminating  his threats (Donny, Nicole, Frankie) but never ever be on anyones radar ...

You have to watch the show from an entertaining point of view and in that case, I feel like, this cast was very well choose and I read by a very famous twitter account that two, three weeks before BB16 started it, the plan was to be an all-stars season, so I think it was a great cast from an entertaining view. 

See Derrick didn't let that happen that people could compare notes, he was (maybe played it) so loyal to each one of them that they believed everything he said to them and thought it was genuine.

Dan brought a good point to that decision, he said that he/Memphis were in the same spot and he said that both of them wanted the other (Dan or Memphis) to get some money too so the bond really was genuine, I can see that too with Derrick and Cody. It would be pretty even in that regard ...

BTW: Maybe we should discuss this via PM:D







The more these people talk the more I realize ust how horrible this cast is.  Easily the worst ever

Lol! Care to elaborate?

Have you been watching the season?  Only 2 people actually grasp the game...Derrick & Nicole.  Maybe Donny

So you think a cast with Zach, Donny, Devin, Caleb, Frankie and Derrick is a bad cast. BB sometimes isn't just about the game when fans watching it. Your boring cast that doesn't played BB, gave us one of the best...if not the best player in BB history, because he played a perfect game and will win this season. Yet people find him boring. Some people sometimes want/ prefer a bad player, but who's an entertaining HG.You seem to forget that their was a solid alliance that domimated the game from the get go. There was just no way the other could play the game in that regard unless somebody flipped, but their loyality (Derrick the shepard) kept the sheeps together. Why risking your game by flipping on your alliance and be their next target. Just look what former BB player say about this season. Derrick played so good, he made the season that boring to fans

LMAO at Derrick being of of the best if not the best--absolutely hysterical

Derrick didn't make the season boring--the stupidity/naivity of the rest of the house did.

Zach was boring/useless, Donny never had a chance, Devin's even more clueless than Zach, Caleb was decent but stupid, Frankie was an egotistical idiot that never really tried to "play the game" as he just wanted to win comps and Derrick was a good player surrounded by a cast that didn't comprehend the game. 

And if Derrick or Cody vote out Victoria that makes this season even worse.  I also think these HGs may just be dumb enough to vote for Cody to win because of his comp wins.

Since you like to talk about playing Big Brother. Tell me one bad mistake Derrick did? I can't think of one ... He's near to a perfect game if he gets to the F2 and I don't see Cody crossing him or Victoria suddently taking Cody. 

Well, I guess we just have different views on Derrick. You call it stupidity/naivity, I call it Derrick completly owning the house by eliminating  his threats (Donny, Nicole, Frankie) but never ever be on anyones radar ...

You have to watch the show from an entertaining point of view and in that case, I feel like, this cast was very well choose and I read by a very famous twitter account that two, three weeks before BB16 started it, the plan was to be an all-stars season, so I think it was a great cast from an entertaining view in that short time, because I can see four players on this season to be on the next all-star season (Frankie, Zach, Derrick (since everybody wants to see him play again) and Caleb/Donny). Not bad. 

See Derrick didn't let that happen that people could compare notes, he was (maybe played it) so loyal to each one of them that they believed everything he said to them and thought it was genuine.

Dan brought a good point to that decision, he said that he/Memphis were in the same spot and he said that both of them wanted the other (Dan or Memphis) to get some money too so the bond really was genuine, I can see that too with Derrick and Cody. It would be pretty even in that regard ...

BTW: Maybe we should discuss this via PM:D







The more these people talk the more I realize ust how horrible this cast is.  Easily the worst ever

Lol! Care to elaborate?

Have you been watching the season?  Only 2 people actually grasp the game...Derrick & Nicole.  Maybe Donny

So you think a cast with Zach, Donny, Devin, Caleb, Frankie and Derrick is a bad cast. BB sometimes isn't just about the game when fans watching it. Your boring cast that doesn't played BB, gave us one of the best...if not the best player in BB history, because he played a perfect game and will win this season. Yet people find him boring. Some people sometimes want/ prefer a bad player, but who's an entertaining HG.You seem to forget that their was a solid alliance that domimated the game from the get go. There was just no way the other could play the game in that regard unless somebody flipped, but their loyality (Derrick the shepard) kept the sheeps together. Why risking your game by flipping on your alliance and be their next target. Just look what former BB player say about this season. Derrick played so good, he made the season that boring to fans

LMAO at Derrick being of of the best if not the best--absolutely hysterical

Derrick didn't make the season boring--the stupidity/naivity of the rest of the house did.

Zach was boring/useless, Donny never had a chance, Devin's even more clueless than Zach, Caleb was decent but stupid, Frankie was an egotistical idiot that never really tried to "play the game" as he just wanted to win comps and Derrick was a good player surrounded by a cast that didn't comprehend the game. 

And if Derrick or Cody vote out Victoria that makes this season even worse.  I also think these HGs may just be dumb enough to vote for Cody to win because of his comp wins.

Since you like to talk about playing Big Brother. Tell me one bad mistake Derrick did? I can't think of one ... He's near to a perfect game if he gets to the F2 and I don't see Cody crossing him or Victoria suddently taking Cody. 

Well, I guess we just have different views on Derrick. You call it stupidity/naivity, I call it Derrick completly owning the house by eliminating  his threats (Donny, Nicole, Frankie) but never ever be on anyones radar ...

You have to watch the show from an entertaining point of view and in that case, I feel like, this cast was very well choose and I read by a very famous twitter account that two, three weeks before BB16 started it, the plan was to be an all-stars season, so I think it was a great cast from an entertaining view in that short time, because I can see four players on this season to be on the next all-star season (Frankie, Zach, Derrick (since everybody wants to see him play again) and Caleb/Donny). Not bad. 

See Derrick didn't let that happen that people could compare notes, he was (maybe played it) so loyal to each one of them that they believed everything he said to them and thought it was genuine.

Dan brought a good point to that decision, he said that he/Memphis were in the same spot and he said that both of them wanted the other (Dan or Memphis) to get some money too so the bond really was genuine, I can see that too with Derrick and Cody. It would be pretty even in that regard ...

BTW: Maybe we should discuss this via PM:D

Derrick not being nominated is very impressive. Especially with the twist where chances of getting nominated increased. Derrick was in full control and to say this cast is weak is not his fault. 

Are survivors ratings that bad that they need to shove survivor down our throat during the ending part and the friggen live shows lately? Cause It's getting irritating.     Sorry if it's kinda "off topic"

Are survivors ratings that bad that they need to shove survivor down our throat during the ending part and the friggen live shows lately? Cause It's getting irritating.  

Survivor's ratings have been great lately! They're probably just hyping up for it seeing as it's another installment of the highly successful Blood vs. Water theme.

Are survivors ratings that bad that they need to shove survivor down our throat during the ending part and the friggen live shows lately? Cause It's getting irritating.     Sorry if it's kinda "off topic"


Survivor puts up better numbers than Big Brother, even now at its lowest point fourteen and a half years after it premiered. The truth is, many people will make an evening out of it, which makes it a television event and smart marketing. 

I'll be there for both!

Are survivors ratings that bad that they need to shove survivor down our throat during the ending part and the friggen live shows lately? Cause It's getting irritating.  

Survivor's ratings have been great lately! They're probably just hyping up for it seeing as it's another installment of the highly successful Blood vs. Water theme.


Alright,  thanks! 

Possible outcomes tonight:

.01% - Victoria wins. The only way that could happen is if Cody and Derrick are killed stone dead in a freak  blimp accident in the back yard between now and the live finale.

1.99% - Cody wins. If he wins the final HOH and is smart, he'll take Victoria and the 500K to the bank.

98% - Derrick wins. The jury should chose him over Cody and Victoria. The only way he loses is if Cody takes Victoria or the jury is extra bitter this year.

If Derrick or Cody don't take Victoria they deserve to lose IMO

I hate Julie already tonight for calling Victoria a floater.  Victoria was not a floater.  Jun should sue the show.

"I can do this all day" lol derrick no. As if he's giving cody a choice.

Derrick is showing his cards to Cody...

See, this is why I don't think Derrick is the elite player many want to make him out to be.  It is dumb for him to even care about this comp.  He wasted a half-hour.  Both Cody & Victoria are taking you to the final.  You're going to take Cody so why not fall?  It makes absolutely no sense.  And, he doesn't feel confident against Victoria?  What?

Derrick played the best game this season.  There's no question but, again, his should give half his money to CBS for giving him this cast to work with.

Derrick is showing his cards to Cody...

But Cody (like Victoria, Caleb, Frankie, Christine and countless others) are too stupid to see the obvious.

Was being mentally challenged a requirement this season

But Cody (like Victoria, Caleb, Frankie, Christine and countless others) are too stupid to see the obvious.

Was being mentally challenged a requirement this season


Agreed. I don't see it making a difference, but that was a serious red flag (for the reasons you mentioned) if there was anyone with half a brain paying attention. 

I have decided to  take a drink everytime KVM talks about how clueless all the castmembers of this season are and how terrible a gameplayer Derrick is, I might not last long enough to see you wins.

But Derrick should absolutely take Cody, it shows he was actiually loyal to someone and if he takes Victoria he stands to lose a couple of votes (he will still win though)

Clearly this is a competition Victoria will excel at!

But Cody (like Victoria, Caleb, Frankie, Christine and countless others) are too stupid to see the obvious.

Was being mentally challenged a requirement this season


Agreed. I don't see it making a difference, but that was a serious red flag (for the reasons you mentioned) if there was anyone with half a brain paying attention. 

Right--people that know the game would have seen through that--just like so many other small mistakes he made this season.

Again, he still deserves the win.

It may take Victoria a decade to finish.

I have decided to  take a drink everytime KVM talks about how clueless all the castmembers of this season are and how terrible a gameplayer Derrick is, I might not last long enough to see you wins.

But Derrick should absolutely take Cody, it shows he was actiually loyal to someone and if he takes Victoria he stands to lose a couple of votes (he will still win though)

1.  I have never once said Derrick is a terrible game player.  He's solid to very good

2.  I'll repeat myself.  If anyone throws away an easy win for loyalty they don't deserve to win.

3.  Are you seriously trying to argue these people aren't clueless this season?  Let's be honest--it was one of the worst casts.  Derrick's game play was one of the few bright spots.

Only 30 minutes--nice job Victoria.  You still suck but....

Wish I was home to watch this but I'll catch it tomorrow. Plus, do I need to see the obvious Derrick win live. Enjoying the commentary though. 

I saw a comment earlier about Derrick bringing Cody shows loyalty. Doesn't bringing Victoria do the same thing. It really is irrelevant, he should never try to win the last HOH competition. 

"Victoria thinks she's at summer camp" - True.



Dr Will should have to approve before to be on the show during casting.

I really wish the last HOH competition wasn't a crapshoot.

They don't seem to know their house guests very much

Ok, now let's see if this loyalty thing is real. Cody is making a $500K decision and there is only one right answer. 

He is going to pull a Woo/Colby and take Derrick.

Cody now has won 6 comps

Derrick has won 2

Does the fact Derrick was never on the block until the final vote earn him the win?  Probably.  His social game was the best but without Cody winning comps Derrick can't control the house. 

All that said, if Cody takes Derrick to the final I'd be voting for Derrick.  Can't make that kind of fatal mistake with your game not being far superior.  This isn't Dan vs. Memphis.  For starters, see the jury.

I really wish the last HOH competition wasn't a crapshoot.

Agreed, especially when I'm  heavily rooting for one player over the other
