[QUOTE=molds13;316269]If Dan wins again, I don't think there's any way he wouldn't pass Dr. Will.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. This was brilliant on his part and I can't believe no one has caught onto it, especially Ian or Brittany.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;316271]I don't have the feeds!! I've been glued to this thread but I'm still unclear as to what Dan did that was so awesome?![/QUOTE]
Dan gave an epic speech about how his Big Brother time was up and he called it "Dan's Big Brother Funeral." During this time he called out Danielle and said she was dead to him and she completely broke down and cried afterward. Dan then went straight upstairs to Frank to tell him everything that the Quack Pack had done, basically ratting out Brittany and Ian as the biggest threats in the game. Frank completely agreed and now the plan is for Jenn (who agreed with Frank) to use the veto on Dan. This makes an alliance of Dan, Danielle (who told her it was all an act afterward and apologized for making her cry), Jenn, and Frank.
So hopefully the plan goes through. All hope is in Jenn.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;316272]Dan gave an epic speech about how his Big Brother time was up and he called it "Dan's Big Brother Funeral." During this time he called out Danielle and said she was dead to him and she completely broke down and cried afterward. Dan then went straight upstairs to Frank to tell him everything that the Quack Pack had done, basically ratting out Brittany and Ian as the biggest threats in the game. Frank completely agreed and now the plan is for Jenn (who agreed with Frank) to use the veto on Dan. This makes an alliance of Dan, Danielle (who told her it was all an act afterward and apologized for making her cry), Jenn, and Frank.
So hopefully the plan goes through. All hope is in Jenn.[/QUOTE]
Lol! Awesome! Dan is one of my favorite BB players ever, and its cause of stuff like this!
[QUOTE=fabulous788;316268]I am SO shocked from the events last night. I watched it in the early hours of the morning and then went straight to bed. I'm hoping that Dan pulls this off. I would definitely hold him closer to Dr. Will's standards and maybe even pass him for the best player of all time for this (if he makes it far and possibly wins).[/QUOTE]
Dr. Will wouldn't have let himself get in that position. Dan made a great move last night, but let's not just forget his whole game this season just because he made one amazing move. He was throwing Coaches Comps when he only had one player left, and she was in jeopardy of going home! He also cowered down to Boogie and sent home Janelle over Frank, which regardless of how Frank may be on his good side now, was NOT a good move.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;316279]Dr. Will wouldn't have let himself get in that position. Dan made a great move last night, but let's not just forget his whole game this season just because he made one amazing move. He was throwing Coaches Comps when he only had one player left, and she was in jeopardy of going home! He also cowered down to Boogie and sent home Janelle over Frank, which regardless of how Frank may be on his good side now, was NOT a good move.[/QUOTE]
Completely agree, and let's not forget Dan is only able to make this move because there is a POV, which did not even exist in Will's first season.
If Jenn uses the veto on Dan and Britney is nominated in his place, can Ian then use his Pandoras Box veto on Brittney? Or does he have to do it before a certain point?
[QUOTE=kristalie;316283]If Jenn uses the veto on Dan and Britney is nominated in his place, can Ian then use his Pandoras Box veto on Brittney? Or does he have to do it before a certain point?[/QUOTE]
My understanding is that Ian has to use his veto before Jenn uses hers.
[QUOTE=kristalie;316283]If Jenn uses the veto on Dan and Britney is nominated in his place, can Ian then use his Pandoras Box veto on Brittney? Or does he have to do it before a certain point?[/QUOTE]
There were a couple of things I read. One was that Ian was going first; the other was that Ian could not use it on a replacement nominee. So if he went second after Jenn took off Dan, he could only use it to take off Danielle.
Knowing BB, Ian went first.
Danielle played the upset card perfectly, saying she told Jenn not to use the veto on her but that she never thought she was going to use it on Dan. She has set herself up perfectly, as Ian, Joe and Shane all have her back as well as Jenn/Frank/Dan.
Ian is ******* PISSED. When the feeds came back on he was yelling at Frank in the HOH room and Frank told him to get the **** out.
Apparently they told Shane RIGHT before the veto meeting that the move they were about to make wasn't personal and that they wanted to work with him. And after Danielle said "if I stay", Shane just told Danielle that she should know where he stands.
Britney's upset, but she is telling Frank that he is a great player and she understands that he knows he has to make moves and that she's sure he's a good person outside of this game.
Joe has absolutely no idea what's going on, as usual.
Britney's more pissed at Dan than Frank. Joe is telling Shane he doesn't trust Ian. This couldn't have shaken out better for Frank.
And Joe, as usual, is not thinking for himself and told Shane he would vote however he wanted him to.
If Britney does go home, Danielle better throw the HOH comp. She'd be stupid to win it.
Britney's going to be voted out solely because of Ian. Joe told Frank he's willing to vote out Britney because he hates Ian. Britney was put up on the block because Frank realized how close she was with Ian.
Sucks to be Britney.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;316295]Can anybody answer me this question, but why dont they(Ian, Shane and Joe) just stick together and vote Danielle out. So that they have the numbers?[/QUOTE]
Because they don't know Danielle was in on the plan.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;316295]Can anybody answer me this question, but why dont they (Ian, Shane and Joe) just stick together and vote Danielle out. So that they have the numbers?[/QUOTE]
Shane told Danielle he was on her side and Danielle is 100% sure she has his vote. And puppy Joe will vote whichever way master Shane tells him to.
Frank might not be able to play in the HOH, but he can still play for the veto, right?
He can still play in the veto.
I also think Shane will evict Danielle.
Maybe I just am wishing this because the meltdown would be amazing and I'm 99% sure security will have to come in during the live show to physically remove her from Shane's ****.
[QUOTE=RMD1;316298]He can still play in the veto.
I also think Shane will evict Danielle.
Maybe I just am wishing this because the meltdown would be amazing and I'm 99% sure security will have to come in during the live show to physically remove her from Shane's dick.[/QUOTE]
I think it was a very risky move that could really go either way. Whatever she does, Danielle cannot let on that she knew about everything. Then she'd be a goner for sure.
If Danielle gets voted out...oh boy. I don't even think she'd be able to get through her interview with Julie. And Frank would be in deep ****.
Shane is playing a very dumb game. His alliance and physical prowess are what have saved him, not his brain. He would be dumb to evict Britney because she's a huge threat now and keeping her would deviate the target from being on his back. Danielle will get rid of him sooner than he thinks.
These houseguests need to open their EYES and see what's going on. Why would Jenn not take Dani off when she's in love with her and wants her around. It just doesn't make sense and Ian, Joe, Shane and Brit need to figure this out quick!