[QUOTE=fabulous788;315240]I'd rather her not win. I'd rather watch her cry. Is that bad?[/QUOTE]
No, that's not bad at all. Personally, I'd love to see Dan and Shane up on the block at the same time. Make her choose. That would be a huge test as to how good of a player she is.
[QUOTE=molds13;315243]No, that's not bad at all. Personally, I'd love to see Dan and Shane up on the block at the same time. Make her choose. That would be a huge test as to how good of a player she is.[/QUOTE]
She'd for sure keep Shane. She would play more towards her emotions, but then that would probably be the smarter of the moves anyway because Dan's a great player.
[QUOTE=molds13;315244]Shane just brought up a possible double eviction this Thursday, getting Boogie and Frank out in the same week; [B]Dan said it wasn't likely.[/B][/QUOTE]
I really do like when they are wrong.
[QUOTE=molds13;315244]Shane just brought up a possible double eviction this Thursday, getting Boogie and Frank out in the same week; Dan said it wasn't likely.[/QUOTE]
It is weird that they have a double eviction with only one of them going to the jury. If I was in the house I wouldn't be expecting one this week but they better prepare for this--you have to prepare for everything.
This is why I can't stand Mike:
"I'll get Dan to blow up. I'm going to tell him I'm flying to Chicago to f*** his wife."
He also mentioned saying Joe is the worst chef on Live TV Thursday.
He really does make me sick.
Boogie is the worst. He's not going to go out classy on Thursday it seems and to take personal jabs is just childish especially to the level that he wants to go. Some can be funny (IE Casey insulting jessie's intelligence) but I am positive his won't be funny or in good taste.
At this point I really hope Boogie gets evicted and Shane gloates about taking out the self-proclaimed greatest player in Big Brother history Mike Boogie. I mean cone on if you know you're going out the door on Thursday at least show a little class if not for yourself but for the fans. If he goes out like a ******* he's always going to be remembered like that. If he would take this defeat on the chin and ride out into the sunset he'll be forever remembered as a Big Brother Legend and Champ but the way he's acting now he'll be remembered as being a sore loser.
[QUOTE=GiggidyGoo90;315278]At this point I really hope Boogie gets evicted and Shane gloates about taking out the self-proclaimed greatest player in Big Brother history Mike Boogie. I mean cone on if you know your going out the door on Thursday at least show a little class if not for yourself but for the fans if he goes out like a ******* he's always going to be remembered like that. If would take this defeat on the chin and ride out into the sunset he'll be forever remembered as a Big Brother Legend and Champ but the way he's acting now he'll be remembered as being a sore loser.[/QUOTE]
JMO--he is always going to be thought of as Dr Will's sidekick. He's not one of the greatest players ever and was only a legend in his own mind.
He played a decent game this time until he talked Frank out of putting up Dan--that was pure stupidity. Strike first--you always strike first.
I had been avoiding live feed information all week, only to realize this morning I am going to miss the actual broadcasts, so it doesn't really matter. Might as well indulge...
Glad to see Boogie on the verge of expulsion. If he doesn't go, it is going to be a totally wasted week for the quack pack. Jenn could be tossed any week and I often forget she is even in the house. Her entire reason for being on the show is to be a pawn until the alliance in charge has no on left to get rid of but her.
I'd like to see Frank gone next week. He's still the biggest all around danger in the house. If he wins HOH after Boogie is evicted, the quack pack is going to be losing a member and I'd hate to see that as a quack backer.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;315282]I had been avoiding live feed information all week, only to realize this morning I am going to miss the actual broadcasts, so it doesn't really matter. Might as well indulge...
Glad to see Boogie on the verge of expulsion. If he doesn't go, it is going to be a totally wasted week for the quack pack. Jenn could be tossed any week and I often forget she is even in the house. Her entire reason for being on the show is to be a pawn until the alliance in charge has no on left to get rid of but her.
I'd like to see Frank gone next week. He's still the biggest all around danger in the house. If he wins HOH after Boogie is evicted, the quack pack is going to be losing a member and I'd hate to see that as a quack backer.[/QUOTE]
With the double ev this week, you might see a quack packer at the jury house.
Boogie thinks he's safe on a 4-3 vote. He thinks he has Joe in his back pocket.
It seems like Ashley and Ian have both chosen Boogie's side, but Joe was up in the HOH room for a while yesterday. But Ashley and Jenn seem very close, so who knows what her mind is going through.
Frank says if he wins HOH his options are Dan/Danielle or Dan/Shane. He was thinking Dan/Danielle because Shane might not play in the POV and he would backdoor Shane if one of them won POV. They also said that if Shane wins POV they will threaten him to use it and tell him they will put up Britney and send her home.
[QUOTE=molds13;315332]Boogie thinks he's safe on a 4-3 vote. He thinks he has Joe in his back pocket.
It seems like Ashley and Ian have both chosen Boogie's side, but Joe was up in the HOH room for a while yesterday. But Ashley and Jenn seem very close, so who knows what her mind is going through.[/QUOTE]
Ian chose Boogie's side? I thought he was content with the Quack Pack alliance?
[QUOTE=challenger90;315334]Ian chose Boogie's side? I thought he was content with the Quack Pack alliance?[/QUOTE]
Yesterday Dan/Danielle/Shane/Britney/Joe were all up in the HOH room and they were talking about how Ian chose Boogie's side. I thought he was content with the QP too, but he must think that Boogie winning is a good possibility or else he probably would have stayed with the HOH crew.
[QUOTE=molds13;315337]Yesterday Dan/Danielle/Shane/Britney/Joe were all up in the HOH room and they were talking about how Ian chose Boogie's side. I thought he was content with the QP too, but he must think that Boogie winning is a good possibility or else he probably would have stayed with the HOH crew.[/QUOTE]
That's what they said because they don't want Joe to know about the QP, but from what I've seen I think Ian will side with the QP
[QUOTE=Esquire;315340]That's what they said because they don't want Joe to know about the QP, but from what I've seen I think Ian will side with the QP[/QUOTE]
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Ian would be foolish to go against D/D/S/B because he knows they are the strongest in the house.
I really don't think Ian is going to side with Mike and Frank. It is time for Ian to just tell Frank he is with them. He still won't be the biggest target in the house by Frank.
Big time. He is always talking about being cast on the evil team for a good vs. evil format. Ian said in his goodbye message to Mike he is going to say some good stuff. I can't wait to see Mike's face when Julie tells him it was Ian all along and not Dan.
[QUOTE=molds13;315354]If that is the case, Ian is playing Boogie and Frank like a fiddle.[/QUOTE]
The self proclaimed second biggest big brother houseguest ever is getting played by the evil nerd Ian. Thats what reality is all about...
Boogie to Frank regarding Ian:
"he will vote how we want, we shouldn't even include him in any conversations. We know we have his vote."
Thursday is going to be awesome!! The blindside that should have happened weeks ago except now it's Boogie and not Frank walking out the door. I really hope they get Joe's vote.
Seems like Joe is for sure going to vote out Boogie, he was talking to Shane in the HOH that he was going to get Ashley to tell him she was on Frank and Boogie's side then tell them that he was still voting Boogie out. If this happens Ian is put in a tough spot because the votes will come down 5-2, and he will have to explain why he didn't vote to keep Boogie.
[QUOTE=Esquire;315370]Seems like Joe is for sure going to vote out Boogie, [B]he was talking to Shane in the HOH that he was going to get Ashley to tell him she was on Frank and Boogie's side then tell them that he was still voting Boogie out. [/B] If this happens Ian is put in a tough spot because the votes will come down 5-2, and he will have to explain why he didn't vote to keep ***********]
Well, Ashley told Joe she felt she could get further and more of a fair chance with Boogie and Frank, and Joe didn't say ****...there's no way he's doing this "public affair" he's talking about.
[QUOTE=molds13;315403]Ian just told Joe he was 100% voting to keep Boogie, but also said Joe would get further in the game if he kept Boogie around.[/QUOTE]
I think Ian just wants Joe to vote out Jen so when Ian votes out Boogie, the votes will still come back 4-3 and Ian will be safe from both sides again.