Big Brother 13: Week 3 - Power of Veto

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Big Brother 13: Week 3 - Power of Veto
Getting closer to every man for himself, can the vets stay in control by winning the POV? The veto competition takes place and Fab still hopes to see Rachel fall flat on her face in a competition.
Anonymous's picture
The first two things that came to mind when I saw that picture was that it's absolutely hysterical that all you can see on Adam's shirt is "Bacon"; and then right beside him, Dominic looking high out of his mind.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;263278]The first two things that came to mind when I saw that picture was that it's absolutely hysterical that all you can see on Adam's shirt is "Bacon"; and then right beside him, Dominic looking high out of his mind.[/QUOTE] At least he's not wearing a 90210 shirt...
"the red head" *****!!
[QUOTE=fabulous788;263279]At least he's not wearing a 90210 shirt...[/QUOTE] or some shirt combining both
Haha, both guys assured they were pawns and think they are safe. That's laughable.
Anonymous's picture
I love how both Dominic & Adam think that they're the pawns.
This Brendon/Rachel bath scene is the last thing I want to be seeing right now...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;263293]This Brendon/Rachel bath scene is the last thing I want to be seeing right now...[/QUOTE] so should we excuse you for a couple minutes while you lose your dinner?
[QUOTE=bgstl77;263295]so should we excuse you for a couple minutes while you lose your dinner?[/QUOTE] I mean they have had that same conversation quite a few times and the one time they decide to show it is when they are in the bathtub with Brendon's nasty *** feet being rubbed. No thank you.
Anonymous's picture
Did Dominic seriously just say "I got you boo?" [url=][img][/img][/url]
Jeff and Jordan's faces. Priceless.
"Hey everyone, it's time to pick Jeff and Jordan for the veto competition"
Shocked that Jeff and Jordan were picked yet again...
Anonymous's picture
Dani seriously just gave herself away by saying "Why" the second Rachel & Brendon told her that Dominic was going to throw the Veto.
Danielle had the best game play until now..
Danielle should have never said anything to Brendon and Rachel. She should have just told Dominic himself to fight for the veto.
Look, it's Rachel
Anonymous's picture
Oh Jeff and his tecnotronics.
Close your mouth Rachel. ;)
Oh can't spell *******, but you can spell rafting...
On another note, if you had the feeds you would know that Rachel was wearing her contacts and the bubbles were burning her eyes. I'm sure it was hard that she couldn't keep her mouth closed either :D
Anonymous's picture
I kind of giggled a bit when they applauded Jordan for spelling "Little".
Oh Rachel, you idiot. I want to punch Porsche in the face.
Well finally we get to see Porsche.
I want to hit CBS for running this same comp format from last season when Brendon won with, you guessed it, UNDERSTANDING.
Anonymous's picture
Did anyone catch that Adam was wondering where the "P" was in the pool? It might be my immaturity, but I couldn't stop laughing.
[QUOTE=gamer73;263316]Well finally we get to see Porsche.[/QUOTE] Is that a good thing lol. Rachel kind of got on my nerves because her and Brenden have been talking about getting rid of Jeff & Jordan and now that she pulled Dani and Dom in to the "alliance" she kind of got scared and threw them under the bus.
And on another note, Brenden used the same word he did last year and he's like, "Rachel got HoH, I got Veto that's how we do!" Props that he won but it's not like he thought of another big word.
Anonymous's picture
"Out of the stragglers that are still here, you're the only one I trust." Shelly just totally did not notice that Dominic called her a straggler.
Dominic should know better than to tell Shelly about all of this stuff, who you can tell is with the Vets from a mile off. Not smart.
