Big Brother 13: Week 3 - Eviction/HOH

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I am happy with the HOH results at least it will be an interesting week.
Lemme tell you something I don't think I've ever been as shocked before by a reality tv show. I never say Dominic leaving.
This episode was soooooo good!! I didn't know BB could bring the type of drama that came with the house meeting. I Lol'ed when Dani went "Rachel, you're an idiot" My thoughts: Love Jeff/Jordan even more!! Jeff admitting he was giving Dom dirty looks was hilarious, and I LOVED Jordan's Rachel impression at the end Brendon was tolerable this episode: "Venus fly Donato" Hahaha!! And I was glad he called Kalia out, even though I like her. Also, he and rachel are like Adolf Hitler when it comes to floaters I see, sheesh! Rachel seemed tame this episode, it's a good look for her. Personally I don't see the sense in EVER throwing a veto competition. Lol at Lawon's random comment during the house meeting, then his face during the HOH competition. Lastly, Dani you're a buffoon. You should have just ridden coattails and waited a little while before "battling the king/queen" or just not battled them at all. I dislike you, and wish **** was still around.
Oh, and I DID NOT expect Lawon to be the last member standing of The Regulators. If he wins it all, does he somehow have that alliance to thank?
This just might be the creepiest picture in the history of Big Brother... [url=][img][/img][/url]
Thanks B. That just ensured that I'm going to have nightmares this weekend.
Yikes. Venus Fly Donato has a catchy ring to it. I like that!
I just watched the episode this morning and I was so confused. Why is Jeff getting so upset? He doesn't realize for there to even be a backdoor plan Brenden and Rachel would have to be apart of it and they're sitting there acting so innocent at the meeting. These Vets think they run the game but they are so blind. #TeamDani My guess: Now that Dom's gone, Dani's going to kick it into overdrive and throw one of the Vets out on their ***. Remember BB8 when Nick was evicted and Dani freaked the **** out and dominated the game from then on out? :party2: The Vets kind of act like it's a sin to target them and Brenden's behavior is so obnoxious. The only reason he's there is because he ****ed (:smileysex:) Rachel all summer last year and decided to put a ring on it.
