Big Brother 13: Week 2 - Power of Veto

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[QUOTE=Bacchus;261445]The Vets are cracking.[/QUOTE] This is what I want to see, but I seriously want Jeff/Jordan to stay over Rachel/Brenden. Rachel is just being over dramatic by going to cry in a corner. And Jeff yelling at Rachel was completely necessary in my eyes.
Anonymous's picture
I love how Kalia is calling Rachel out for competing poorly in this competition when just the other day she acted like she was going to die during the Have / Have Not comp.
Jeff has some of the best one-liners this season. I'm loving him even more.
I'm not a Dom fan, so whatever he is for, I am against (however that may workout.)
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=fabulous788;261452]Jeff has some of the best one-liners this season. I'm loving him even more.[/QUOTE] This episode has really made me dislike Jeff more and more.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;261455]This episode has really made me dislike Jeff more and more.[/QUOTE] I'm on the other side of that. Jeff actually seems smart. He is playing strategically. Honestly, I'm impressed.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;261455]This episode has really made me dislike Jeff more and more.[/QUOTE] He's completely right. It may be their smartest move to backdoor Rachel and Brenden (considering they didn't win). I feel as if it will be their only chance at the current moment.
Yes Rachel, all of America hates you. This is news?
Danielle is playing the best game in my opinion. Rachel is playing just like she did last season,targeting all the girls that are prettier than her. And am I the only one that forgets Porsche is even there?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;261458]Yes Rachel, all of America hates you. This is news?[/QUOTE] Rachel still looks like stripper with a bad dye job.
I really thought Lawon would get on my nerves,but he cracks me up!
[QUOTE=gamer73;261459]Danielle is playing the best game in my opinion. Rachel is playing just like she did last season,targeting all the girls that are prettier than her. And am I the only one that forgets Porsche is even there?[/QUOTE] 1. Danielle is playing smart, definitely her best move. Although she doesn't really need to play right now because she's safe until final 10. 2. Rachel is dumber than Jordan. 3. We won't forget Porsche when she's sitting in the final 4 because she was dragged there because there is no way she'll win.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=gamer73;261459]Danielle is playing the best game in my opinion. Rachel is playing just like she did last season,targeting all the girls that are prettier than her. And am I the only one that forgets Porsche is even there?[/QUOTE] No, you aren't the only one. But they really have no reason to show her because she doesn't have a potential showmance [like Dani] and she isn't causing any drama.
[QUOTE=gamer73;261461]I really thought Lawon would get on my nerves,but he cracks me up![/QUOTE] Lawon doesn't bother me as much as I thought he would either. I think my dislike for Rachel overpowers me disliking anyone else ;)
It sure is going to get interesting when the couples split up. Next week is going to be too predictable though.
[QUOTE=gamer73;261466]It sure is going to get interesting when the couples split up. [B]Next week is going to be too predictable though.[/B][/QUOTE] What do you mean?
Anonymous's picture
Jordan is far too heavily influenced. The veterans need to stick together, at least until the final ten.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;261468]What do you mean?[/QUOTE] Have you been watching the feeds? I'll tell you what I think will happen once this episode ends.
I'm all for them back-dooring Brenden and Rachel!!! The numbers are completely replaceable, especially if Dani can get Dom and Jordan/Jeff can get Cassi/Shelly.
Does Jeff not remember the last time he backdoored a member of his alliance?
[QUOTE=gamer73;261470]Have you been watching the feeds? I'll tell you what I think will happen once this episode ends.[/QUOTE] The one season I don't have the feeds...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;261462] 2. Rachel is dumber than Jordan[/QUOTE] I hate to argue this point, but I think that Rachel is dedicated to her version of the world, versus Jordan who is just confused about the world. I think Rachel is more intelligent than Jordan, but she has an inability to use that to her cause (because everyone is trying to steal her man!)
[QUOTE=fabulous788;261473]The one season I don't have the feeds...[/QUOTE] I watch them on some app from my iPad that I only had to pay $9 for. I think the feeds will be really good this year tbh.
As much as Jeff/Jordan need Brenden/Rachel, Brenden/Rachel need them as well. Brenden, you and Rachel are not the stars of this show.
Anonymous's picture
I am so glad they made the right decision in nominating Cassi and Shelly. I really hope Shelly can make Jeff and Jordan realize that she was one of the deciding votes in keeping Porsche last week.
I sure would love for Cassi to ***** slap Rachel. I think Cassi will be getting evicted. Jeff,Brendon,or Rachel will get HoH and nominate Kalia vs Lawon. Veto won't be used by the winner,and Lawon will be evicted.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;261474]I hate to argue this point, but I think that Rachel is dedicated to her version of the world, versus Jordan who is just confused about the world. I think Rachel is more intelligent than Jordan, but she has an inability to use that to her cause (because everyone is trying to steal her man!)[/QUOTE] I do get that and see where you're coming from, but I really just meant the gameplay (and just in this season so far). I'm sure if they were playing a street smarts competition, Jordan would lose miserably. At least Jordan knows not to yell in the Diary Room...
[QUOTE=gamer73;261479]I sure would love for Cassi to ***** slap Rachel. I think Cassi will be getting evicted. [B]Jeff,Brendon,or Rachel will get HoH and nominate Kalia vs Lawon.[/B] Veto won't be used by the winner,and Lawon will be evicted.[/QUOTE] You really think they will be any more lucky and win again? I personally think since it's going to probably be a questions competition, that a newbie will find a way to win and beat out those three. If one of those three were to win, I hope it's Jeff.
I'm not in on the feeds, so this is a split decision for me. Shelly and Cassi seem like good people. I could pull for either.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;261484]I'm not in on the feeds, so this is a split decision for me. Shelly and Cassi seem like good people. I could pull for either.[/QUOTE] I would prefer Cassi to stay, mainly because that would just **** Rachel off even more.
