Big Brother 13: Week 1 - Eviction

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[QUOTE=RMD1;260336]I don't think the game is boring at all. Great twist, great alliances, great eviction/blindside. I really am enjoying it so far.[/QUOTE] Really? I agree with the twist part, but nothing else has stood out to me. The Regulators were basically the only thing standing in the way of the vets. After this week, they will be no more. The vets have Porshe, Kalia and Shelly in their pocket, the newbies are about to get picked off one by one now. I soooo want Cassi/Dom to stay because they seem like the only two willing to fight against the vets. If/when Kalia and Shelly get the boot, I can totally see them saying "Oh well, its been fun. Im just glad I got to meet the veterans!!!"
Was shocked, yet pleasantly surprised to see Kahlia and Shelly's votes. I wonder if the vets are going to think Adam voted with them...
[QUOTE=jr588;260341]Was shocked, yet pleasantly surprised to see Kahlia and Shelly's votes. I wonder if the vets are going to think Adam voted with them...[/QUOTE] Nahh, they know who the votes were. They've known all along that Adam wasn't with them.
I am like B. spoiler free. I always stay spoiler free for BB, Survivor and The Amazing Race. First off that must have been one of the most awkward moments in BB history when Julie said " No I love you" to Daniele. I felt weird just watching it. Luckily she made up for it in the DR. I am surprised Kalia and Shelley flipped. I didn't think both would. And I wonder too, if the vets know who voted with them. Dom or Cassi are going home next. That's pretty obvious. And Jordan always make cluth moves. (Although if she keeps playing with her hair, it might fall out) I felt bad for Keith when he walked out. He seemed shocked and sad. He couldn't really speak.
I'm rooting for the Vets. The newbies are stupid, have no idea how to play, and are NOT entertaining to watch. I think Brenden and Rachel are doing a good job at not fighting with everyone (haha how hard!) and Jeff has a good attitude too. Jordan coming through was epic for them - and it was smart for Jeff and Brenden to let her have it. Come next week, Brenden, Jeff and Rachel can play in the HOH. They really could take every challenge! Even espite **** leaving (which really did make it unfair for the Vets), they still seem to be doing ok!
If I wanted to watch a love story, I would have popped in The Notebook or Titanic. The Rachel and Brenden love story is not high up on my list, especially if they are going to play sappy music and make it seem dramatic. I completely agree with you RockSteadyVybes, the newbies are seriously sinking their own ship and it doesn't help they aren't smart whatsoever, in gameplay at least. If you see the vets winning, you jump on board. It's common sense, not just game play. The entire Danielle situation was extremely awkward. At least she mentioned it was awkward. And then of course right after that they play the close to sex scenes from the food competition. Glad Keith is gone. Good Riddance.
I was completely shocked at the outcome I was sure Keith was going to stay and all the vets would be off one by one. But I'm happy it didn't happen, looks like it's a matter of time before Cassie, David and Adam are going to be evicted. (This is my first season of Big Brother so it hasn't disappointed yet.)
[QUOTE=LaneV95;260511]I was completely shocked at the outcome I was sure Keith was going to stay and all the vets would be off one by one. But I'm happy it didn't happen, looks like it's a matter of time before Cassie, David and Adam are going to be evicted. (This is my first season of Big Brother so it hasn't disappointed yet.)[/QUOTE] As first weeks go, this has been one of the best IMO(season 11 had a great first week too). The first week is usually pretty predictable with the whole house voting together, but this season it was split and could've gone either way. I'm hoping this season will just continue to get better :)
It could go either way. If the Vets stick toegether, then it will be extremely boring as they will pick everyone off. What we need is some tension on the Vets side to break them up. It will be interesting to see when a vet breaks away and tries to make a side alliance with the newbies.
I have to give it to the vets, they totally have swayed Porsche. After setting it up as if they were giving her a key AND Dom, Adam, Lawon, and Cassi voted her out she'll now probably become loyal to the vets and work with them. It also looks like Shelley and Khalia won't be far behind. Bums me out cause I really wanted the newbs to stick together and go far. More specifically Dom and Cassi. I'm gonna predict that Danielle will be the first vet to branch off and make a one on one alliance with a newb.
