Big Brother 13: Episode Discussion

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Go kalia!
Jeff has America's Vote in the bag.
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[QUOTE=Clarke;278063]Jeff has America's Vote in the bag.[/QUOTE] I think Jordan's got it on lock.
I think jj fans will split and dani will get it.. Or at least I hope :D
[QUOTE=Clarke;278063]Jeff has America's Vote in the bag.[/QUOTE] I don't think he'll get it twice. I see Jordan, or maybe even Dani getting it
I'm praying for Dani. :D
Shelly flipped again...Shocker.
*****iest winner ever.
Floaters grab a life vest!!!!
Did Keith dye a cabbage purple and pin it to his chest?
so happy for her
[QUOTE=Clarke;278069]Shelly flipped again...Shocker.[/QUOTE] Maybe she was shooting for redemption for crossing Jeff and Jordan?
And on that note...I'm out. Here's hoping Survivor will be a good one.
Crazy vote shelly. I wonder who Adam voted for
Anonymous's picture
My jaw literally just dropped when Shelly's vote was for Rachel. I am so happy for her!
[QUOTE=molds13;278072]Did Keith dye a cabbage purple and pin it to his chest?[/QUOTE] Yes. It's very out there...
[QUOTE=Clarke;278070]*****iest winner ever.[/QUOTE] have you watched this show?
YES!!!!!! She did it!!! Shelly shocked me with that vote. Good job Rachel, rooting for you since day 1
Hate adam so much
Who did Adam vote for? LOL
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;278080]have you watched this show?[/QUOTE] Yeah I have. I didn't say worst winner, there's no secret that Rachel is catty and *****y.
Wow Adam, I was on the fence with you until that moment... You can forget about ever being on this show again. Not even to host a competition...
Jeff, please never return to tv. Not amazing race, not big brother, not survivor, not ANYTHING!!
[QUOTE=Clarke;278085]Yeah I have. I didn't say worst winner, there's no secret that Rachel is catty and *****y.[/QUOTE] I was going to say, she is by no means the worst winner. She could be ****** and still be a more deserving winner than half the people who have won this show.
I missed it, exactly what did Adam do?
I'm so proud of Rachel! It hasn't always been easy being a fan of hers, but tonight made it all worth while. She more than deserves this money! Shelly gained major points in my books, while Dani lost tons! I can only imagine how livid she is that Rachel won the money and Jeff won AC. It also felt really fitting that Adam's vote mattered none. He is seriously the most delusional man ever on this show.....
I think Rachel deserved it but Jeff didn't deserve America's player. But Rachel played a terrible social game but she made up for it by winning so many HOH's!
Adam all stars?....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah perfect idea for a cast Janelle, Evel ****, Danielle, Rachel and Adam.
I'm so dissappointed in the outcome. I feel like Rachel was a terrible player and she is just not a nice girl. She is a crybaby and annoying and she only won becaue Allison Grodner, the producer, rigged Shelly's vote in Rachel's favor. One minute Shelly is saying that Rachel doesnt deserve it because of how she played and the next minute she is voting for her. I think there was some shady business with that deal. In my eyes Porsche is the winner of Big Brother 13 and there is no changing that one.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;278401]I'm so dissappointed in the outcome. [B]I feel like Rachel was a terrible player and she is just not a nice girl. [/B]She is a crybaby and annoying [B]and she only won becaue Allison Grodner, the producer, rigged Shelly's vote in Rachel's favor.[/B] One minute Shelly is saying that Rachel doesnt deserve it because of how she played and the next minute she is voting for her. I think there was some shady business with that deal. In my eyes Porsche is the winner of Big Brother 13 and there is no changing that one.[/QUOTE] Are you kidding me? I honestly don't think Alison Grodner would go as far as rigging a person's vote at the end. Shelly obviously realized, probably with the help from Jordan and Jeff, that Porsche didn't play the game at all and really did sleep half the time...hate to break it to you, Rachel did win.
