This episode had it all. Glad to see Jessie come back. Considering BB producers love him so much and make sure that he is on every season since his debut season. To expect him back for all stars would be a no brainer. Brendon winning was pretty good, though either way I think Matt would have been the replacement. This looks like everyone will be voting for one person..... agian.
I loved this episode.
Brendon won Veto, so there is still a person left from "the other side of the house."
Better yet, he picked Brit to torture with him for 24 hours. How great was that?
Then she chose Pandora's box and we got loser Jesse to torture her while the rest of the house lived it up with a backyard BBQ.
On the downside, Matt is a goner and he is the only person left that can really qualify as a snake...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;202309]I loved this episode.
Brendon won Veto, so there is still a person left from "the other side of the house."
Better yet, he picked Brit to torture with him for 24 hours. How great was that?
Then she chose Pandora's box and we got loser Jesse to torture her while the rest of the house lived it up with a backyard BBQ.
On the downside, Matt is a goner and he is the only person left that can really qualify as a snake...[/QUOTE]
I thought it was hilarious that he chose Britney. Great television right there.
Having Jessie there was horrible because I don't really like the guy from what we've had to endure on previous seasons.
I really don't want Matt to go, and I'm sure it will hurt Britney in the long run for putting him up.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;202309]I loved this episode.
On the downside, Matt is a goner and he is the only person left that can really qualify as a snake...[/QUOTE]
Only snake. After that veto comp it seemed Hayden saying Matt took all the rewards was somewhat snake characteristics. Though I found it so funny when he told his former allies that he wasn't going to campaign in the HOH room instead he would keep Ragan occupied. I guess he really didn't know who his true allies were.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;202356]Only snake. After that veto comp it seemed Hayden saying Matt took all the rewards was somewhat snake characteristics. Though I found it so funny when he told his former allies that he wasn't going to campaign in the HOH room instead he would keep Ragan occupied. I guess he really didn't know who his true allies were.[/QUOTE]
There are definitely liars, but no snakes, heh. Hayden is too stupid to qualify in my book as a snake.
Now if we want to get into evil inanimate objects...
The episode was OK. I liked that Brendon won POV, Brit got tortured for the week and they blindesided Matt, but I had a gut feeling that was going to happen so it wasn't such a surprise.
Wow, Brit really had a tough week. Being handcuffed to quite possibly one of the lamest, un-humerous people in the world and then having to endure Jessie flex for an hour. Poor girl. She definitely needs therapy after that.
How has Jesse weasled into making an appearance? It's not like people like him. If they put Janelle on the show I'd get it because people love her. But Jesse? No one likes him.
Looking back, these episodes have been lame. Yet for some reason, I love this season.