The ever so competent Natalie not only spilled over her whole bowl at some point during the competition, she also somehow managed to lose her cup.
Kevin will win HOH within about 30-40 minutes. Nobody else has a shot.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;115384]The ever so competent Natalie not only spilled over her whole bowl at some point during the competition, she also somehow managed to lose her cup.
Kevin will win HOH within about 30-40 minutes. Nobody else has a shot.[/QUOTE]
Well, I am sure he will put up Jeff and Jordan!
Natalie now dropped her cup into the bowl they have to take the chocolate out of. I am really starting to love her more and more. I think she's intentionally throwing to make herself look weak.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;115399]Natalie now dropped her cup into the bowl they have to take the chocolate out of. I am really starting to love her more and more. I think she's intentionally throwing to make herself look weak.[/QUOTE]
I agree, I think Natalie, is doing that on will be a trip if Kevin, puts her up. I am sure he can win against Michelle, Jeff or Jordan. You know he will have Lydia, Russel, and Maybe Jessie's vote for sure.
This week and next week are the points of the game where nominations really don't mean anything major until the veto is played (especially next week where the veto winner is most likely to be the sole person voting, unless the HoH wins).
Admittedly, the smartest move for Kevin would be to nominate Jeff and Michele, forcing Jordan to win veto to keep all three of them safe. That would be a dream scenario for me, actually, as it would most likely result in Natalie's eviction and she's my least favorite remaining houseguest.
Keep in mind- Michele and Jeff have both won two vetoes, while Kevin and Jordan have both won one. Natalie has yet to win anything, even though she's constantly "planning" to win the next competition...
Interesting thought: If Jeff or Natalie goes next week, then the Final 4 will consist of 1 member from each of the original cliques.
I just don't want Natalie or Kevin to win... ugh, this is all Ronnie's fault. :puke:
The thing is that the veto decides everything and after that the voters have all the power. Kevin would really have no power if say it worked out Nat had to go up....he couldn't stop it. To be honest I think Jeff has a good chance to win the veto and if not his best chance would be Michele.
Michele had remarked to Jeff and Jordan earlier today about the scenario of the third person off the block being able to win veto and backdoor Natalie. After Michele left, the brilliance that is Jordan said she wanted Natalie to stay and that they should get rid of Michele this week. So who knows what those dumbazzes would do if Jordan won the Veto.
We're due for the face morph and I do think Michele has the best shot unless it is somehow rigged.
Don't know if Jeff won and took himself off that they'd send out Michele. But it'd be Jeff and Natalie it could be a tie. They'd send out Jordan I think.
[QUOTE=Challenger6;116043]The only hope of both of them staying is for Jordan to win the competition tonight. Assuming it will be a puzzle, that scenario is very unlikely.[/QUOTE]
Well if Jeff stays it would be the worst case for Nat/Kev I think...he is the stronger of the two. It would break up at pair but they'd be better off if Jeff left this week. And Michele...well she'll lie and flip as many times she has to. It's depend on who has the power next to which side she'll end up that week(since she'll want F3). If she isn't the HOH her self.
Anyway the veto will be tonight at midnight BB time(which is pacific time) less than an hour to go.
Jeff is getting what was coming to him. He put himself in this predicament and should have evicted Kevin. I don't think Russell and Michele would have backstabbed. The power corrupted Jeff into an arrogant SOB and he's going home.
Jordan was trying to get Natalie to evict her...