Big Brother 11: Live Feed Updates & Discussion - Week 7

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Big Brother 11: Live Feed Updates & Discussion - Week 7
Here is where we will discuss the live feeds this week.
It appears that Jeff won the HOH
Jeff won HOH! :D He confirmed it.
Yes! Another week for Jeff and Jordan :D.
Tem Jeff and Jordan:D I think that Natalie and Kevin will go up and and Russ will be the replacement nominee.
Jeff and Jordan FTW! Kevin absolutely [I]cannot[/I] go home. I haven't had enough of him yet.
The coup'detat really changed the game this season. I hope Russell or Kevin go this week.
I like Kevin but I wewant him to go. I want people that are playing the game to win. He is just floating along and will eventually end up like Cowboy.
I'd rather Kevin stay over Natalie.
Natalie has GOT to go! please please pleeeeease
I like Kevin but he has yet to make any attempt at a move the entire game. He has just floated along and tried to stay out of everything.
Kevin has been a free rider this whole game. He needs to do something major soon.
The plan is to nominate Natalie and Kevin and evict Kevin. J & J are major flip floppers though so who knows. They want to wait 1 more week on Russell.
Anonymous's picture
I don't think Kevin is a "floater" at all. He's clearly with the Lydia/Chima/Natalie alliance, well at least was it left of it. He made a "strategic" move if you want to call it that, when he chose not to save Lydia and protect himself, which actually is kind of interesting now. If Lydia was taken off, who would Chima have put up against Russell? Jeff probably (or maybe Michele). If that did happen, then there really couldn't have been much animosity towards Jeff because he had to use the power to save himself. At least Kevin is more of a "gamer" than Natalie, who has come in last in about every competition, despite being an "athlete". Then again, how much athletic skilled is really required for these competitions?
As much as I'd like to say I'll stop watching if Kevin is evicted, I know I'll continue watching. Overall, I actually have to admit this season has been pretty impressive. I also have to admit that I definitely think Michele is the smartest player in the house right now. The way she turned the whole Chima/Russell situation around was genius, and now she's in an alliance with him. I definitely see Michele winning if she makes it to the Final 2.
At this point anyone could win. The jurry seems very unpredictable this year. I think that Michelle or Jordan will win because they have very few actual enemies.
Natalie and Kevin have been nominated for eviction.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;113588]At this point anyone could win. The jurry seems very unpredictable this year. I think that Michelle or Jordan will win because they have very few actual enemies.[/QUOTE] I think Lydia already told Jeff, if it was between him and Jordan, she was voting for Jordan...and I bet she will pick Jordan over Michelle.
She would pick Satan over Michelle...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;113612]She would pick Satan over Michelle...[/QUOTE] LOL....I know!! Her and Ronnie, but hate her! I still do not understand what she did to Ronnie, for him to go off on her like he did...maybe I missed an episode. I am going to watch them all on demand this weekend.
He was jealous because when he saw her he thought that he wouldn't be the only dork in the house and she ended up being the sex kitten;) "Jealousy is an evil thing" -Paris Hilton
Oh, ok...thanks.
The POV competition is taking place right now... Everyone gets to play since there are only six people left in the house.
Hmmmmm.....I wonder who will take the win on this one, and how it will shift the game.
I'm hoping that Russell will win this one.
Feeds are back but no idea who won yet. [B]Edit:[/B] Looks as if Jeff won the veto
Jeff won POV. Jordan asked him if he was glad he won.
Now we have to see what he does with it Phoenix my friend.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;113716]Now we have to see what he does with it Phoenix my friend.[/QUOTE] I think he will use it to backdoor Russell.
I think he'll backdoor Russ too. I guess it will benefit Jeff in the long run.
LOL.....Jordan wins HOH and Jeff wins HOH and POV....I am sure Chima, is going to say this was fixed!!!
