Big Brother 11: House

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Big Brother 11: House
Are the people are the media that got a chance to go in, or the actual houseguests? Looks like a pretty nice house to me. Thanks for uploading the pics Phoenix :)
Thanks Phoenix! That kind of looks like the houseguests moving in.
You know what is funny? No matter what they do to the interior as far as design, the house always looks kind of the same, lol. Looking at those photos, they almost could come from any previous season. However, I will say there seems to be a slightly more modern touch.
[quote=molds13;90151]Are the people are the media that got a chance to go in, or the actual houseguests?[/quote] I am assuming media as all the blogs are showing images of "Media Day." There is a really good breakdown of events on [URL=""]RealityBBQ.[/URL]
Anonymous's picture
I haven't watched big brother in YEARS and its looks like the same exact house from the season I watched. And I watched when Big Brother was just starting...
[quote=molds13;90151]Are the people are the media that got a chance to go in, or the actual houseguests? Looks like a pretty nice house to me. Thanks for uploading the pics Phoenix :)[/quote] No Problem. ;) It is the media. The house guests don't get to go into the Big Brother House until July 5th.
the woman with the curly hair kind of looks like Michelle(bb10)
I like how this house, with the exception of the pool room, isn't overtly themed. It kind of reminds me of the original house in Season 5, which before they went with the wacky themes (Alice in Wonderland, Lodge of Love, Decades, etc).
[quote=tjhallow;90157]I haven't watched big brother in YEARS and its looks like the same exact house from the season I watched. And I watched when Big Brother was just starting...[/quote] They built that house in season 6.
[URL=""][/URL] put up their official pics
Is that Jen from season 8?When does BB start, I'm looking forward too it and is anyone getting the feeds?What room should we meet up in this season?
Yes, that is Jen from BB 8. This season starts on July 9th.
[quote=sofrito;90355]Is that Jen from season 8?When does BB start, I'm looking forward too it and is anyone getting the feeds?What room should we meet up in this season?[/quote] Yes that is Jen. It starts on July 9th, but the house guests go into the house on July 5th. I will probably be getting the live feeds this season. :)
So cast in 2 days!?!
[quote=gamer73;90368]So cast in 2 days!?![/quote] Yes. The cast is supposed to be released on July 1st. :)
[quote=Phoenix;90379]Yes. The cast is supposed to be released on July 1st. :)[/quote] It's funny how fast the days fly by...tomorrow is the cast reveal and next week is the beginning of the season. Anyway the house does have the same basic design it has had since BB6 but there are some differences I does have a more modern look.
Here the other bedroom we didn't get to see. [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Julie Chen said, during the [URL=""]house tour[/URL], that this is the bedroom the house guests will be battling to stay out of.
[quote=Phoenix;90362]the house guests go into the house on July 5th.[/quote] Is that confirmed? Cause I was thinking more like the 3rd or 4th as an entry date!
The 3rd bedroom reminds me of the concrete bedroom from Big Brother 5. I'm a little disappointed with the Steel and Pool bedrooms, but I love the look of the Lounge and HoH bedrooms this season!
[QUOTE=Phoenix;91060]Here the other bedroom we didn't get to see. Julie Chen said, during the [URL=""]house tour[/URL], that this is the bedroom the house guests will be battling to stay out of.[/QUOTE] I wonder why they would have to battle to stay out of that room.
[quote=dplayer18;91085]I wonder why they would have to battle to stay out of that room.[/quote] Well, it doesn't look very comfortable to me...
It's probably the worst room in the house, and maybe the clique/cliques that don't win have to stay there.
Big Brother 11 house tour with Julie Chen. [U][COLOR=#003366][url=]YouTube - House tour with Julie[/url][/COLOR][/U][URL=""][/URL]
[quote=tjhallow;90157]I haven't watched big brother in YEARS and its looks like the same exact house from the season I watched. And I watched when Big Brother was just starting...[/quote] They built them a brand-new house after season five, but I guess a Big Brother house does always have the same aesthetic.
[quote=andusa;92633]They built them a brand-new house after season five, but I guess a Big Brother house does [B]always have the same aesthetic.[/B][/quote] Agreed. I suspect there are certain limitations with designing the house in order to get the necessary shots. It is like a car. You can make all sorts of internal changes to the overall design but in the end it still looks like a car.
[quote=Bacchus;92634]Agreed. I suspect there are certain limitations with designing the house in order to get the necessary shots. It is like a car. You can make all sorts of internal changes to the overall design but in the end it still looks like a car.[/quote] Definitely. When the new house premiered on BB6 it was awesome to see the house but the overall design never really changed. Yeah the inside has but it''s basics have stayed the same. Oh well it's more about the people in it than anything else.
Since the new house premiered in season 6, I think we should be seeing a new house next summer! I know they change it every year but I mean a redesign of the inside. Maybe move the bedrooms around and rearrange the bathroom. Just something!!! A new house for an All Stars season!
[quote=V2Men;92915]Since the new house premiered in season 6, I think we should be seeing a new house next summer! I know they change it every year but I mean a redesign of the inside. Maybe move the bedrooms around and rearrange the bathroom. Just something!!! A new house for an All Stars season![/quote] It was a drastic redesign from BB5 to BB6. The thing is whether CBS is shell out the money to do that or not. It'd be nice though to see something different but I have to admit the current design does work.
I like the new house.
As soon as the first house photos came out, the living room reminded me of something but I just couldn't put my finger on it... until earlier today it clicked. The living room makes me think of an old Sonic the Hedgehog level called Aquatic Ruin. So, so random, I know, but I was wondering if anyone here knew what I was talking about. :)