Big Brother 11: Ep. 8 - Discussion

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Big Brother 11: Ep. 8 - Discussion
[SIZE=3][B]The houseguests compete in the Have and Have Not competition. The HOH (Jesse) nominates two people for eviction.[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
Is there a specific rule that states the HOH can not nominate themselves? Or has it just never been done? I need something to look forward to! ;)
I think I might pass on this episode, as a matter of fact, this whole week. This season is turning into a complete snoozefest.
Alright, I am watching but only because there is absolutely nothing else on right now. :wink2:
Here comes cocky Jessie back.
I think my best hope for the season at this point is a localized natural disaster. Maybe a small flood from a very strong thunderstorm that takes out Jesse and Russell while they are in the pool? (Not kills them, maybe just broken bones from debris?) I have to get creative with my thinking if I am going to keep watching...
haha. Does Natalie have dreads or dirty hair?
Ok...this Jesse love triangle is making me sick to my stomach, lol.
Anything involving Jessie makes me sick. I hope Americas Player is next week and America will vote to eliminate Ronnie and have Jessie on the block.
Okay, Seriously, Jesse's voice is getting on my nerves. I am sick of the trailer trash voice.
I rather have Jesse as HOH than Ronnie.
Anonymous's picture
Is there something wrong with that pic on the front page for this thread? Dude looks CREEEEPY!!
Yes!!!! Casey stays!!!!
Jordan and Michelle. No big loss either way. Of course, I'd say that no matter who was up...
Look how cocky Ronnie is getting already! He clearly has not learned his lesson.
Aww I hope Jordan doesn't go.
No! Jordan has been nominated again! ... I really don't like Jesse.
I feel kinda sorry for Jordan especially since her clique is basically wiped out. Ronnie definitely will turn on Jesse when the time is right...I believe. Plus Lydia is now infected with the ****** illness from Jesse haha It spreads :P
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;102596]Ronnie definitely will turn on Jesse when the time is right...I believe.[/QUOTE] I don't think that time will ever come. Unless he is HOH next week, I am not sure anyone would want to keep him around. I guess we will see, but as of right now it seems that Jesse is the only friend Ronnie has at this point in the game.
[quote=Bacchus;102598]I don't think that time will ever come. Unless he is HOH next week, I am not sure anyone would want to keep him around. I guess we will see, but as of right now it seems that Jesse is the only friend Ronnie has at this point in the game.[/quote] That is true. If that happened it would be further in the game and only if it benefited Ronnie in some way. Though I don't think many would want him around too much longer. I'd like to see Jesse go first though.
Ronnie could be used as a pawn though. If everyone agrees that he has to go soon then he could be put up week after week and survive (ala Kail) until the group gets small enough that they no longer need him as a place holder. ;)
[COLOR=magenta][B][I]I would like to see BB, switch up the cliques! Switch them up with one member of the other let Jessie trade places with Kevin, so he can see what it is like being an off beats....put a litttle twist in this season!! Because right now Jessie, and his crew are dominating!!!![/I][/B][/COLOR]
Nice editing CBS, it's like watching an entirely different show. Ugh If you all think that was bad (Jesse's voice) you get that 24/7 on the feeds, well when he is awake that is. He does Bill Clinton and Irish accents as well. It gets old fast. I think the producing team messed up with the editing this year. There is so much to the 'storylines' that they aren't showing. Mostly, I think it is because there is too much to put in and the drama happens at the wrong time that they can't put it in so it no longer fits when they can. If that makes sense. Which it probably doesn't.
Awww I liked michele and Jordan... The other people who are actually obnoxious and talk alot are annoying and boring, so the people who more or less keep to themselves are pleasant. I wonder who Jessie wants to backdoor. Am I the only one who thinks Jordan is hot? I also feel bad for her!
[COLOR=magenta][B][I] Lydia and Natalie basically fighting over Jessie. Wow..if by some miracle one of them wins HOH, I am sure they will put the other up.[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;102605] Am I the only one who thinks Jordan is hot? I also feel bad for her![/QUOTE] I'm personally into women that can divide 60 by 4. That's hot to me. ;)
I don't know I usually like smart women too... but in this case I am digging Jordan, there is an innocence to her, that I find very hot!!!
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;102610]I don't know I usually like smart women too... but in this case I am digging Jordan, there is an innocence to her, that I find very hot!!![/QUOTE] Hey, I don't need a girl to be a genius to like her. However, if I say, "Meet me for dinner at half past 6" and she shows up at 6:40 thinking she is on time...I'd be concerned, lol. That being said, she is pretty - just [I]very[/I] slow.
LMAO Jessie looks like that one guy off of the Goonies. Oh yea, this season sucks.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;102623]LMAO Jessie looks like that one guy off of the Goonies. Oh yea, this season sucks.[/QUOTE] ...and that was before I photoshopped his face! [I]*Ba-dum-dum chhhhhhhh*[/I]
[quote=CrazyRealityGuy;102610]I don't know I usually like smart women too... but in this case I am digging Jordan, there is an innocence to her, that I find very hot!!![/quote] [COLOR=magenta][B][I]I like Jordan, and I think she is a sweet girl. She had me cracking up when Jeff was explaining to her how to tell time....LOL...remind me of when Jessica Simpson, asked if Chicken of The Sea.... was Chicken or Tuna!!!![/I][/B][/COLOR] :rofl:
