Big Brother 11: Ep. 6 - Discussion

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Big Brother 11: Ep. 6 - Discussion
Who will win power of veto? [CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]vs.[/SIZE][/FONT] [url=][img][/img][/url][/CENTER]
I always get tricked by the 9 PM start time on Tuesdays, both this year and last year.
well it starts soon by me! cant wait to watch it!
[spoiler]im ready to see Thursdays episode and see Ronnie getting called out.[/spoiler]
You might want to put that in a spoiler not sure. Not everyone has/or reads about the feeds.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;100183]You might want to put that in a spoiler not sure. Not everyone has/or reads about the feeds.[/QUOTE] Right. I am feed free. ;)
I still don't know who I am pulling for, although I know I am [I] against[/I] Russell and Jessie. So if Ronnie is going to help get that done like he said, I guess I am on his side this week.
Ronnie is acting like he's the one who will be letting them do a POV comp.
LMAO Russell just punked Lydia.
Russell could be dangerous. I'd be nervous with him in the house...
Russell is scary. I enjoyed that he made Lydia cry. I felt bad but it was good TV. I hope one of their side goes up. I still dislike jessie the most!
Aww Jordan!! <3
haven't decided if I like this season yet. Favs: jeff, casey, jordan, I actually like braden even though he was kind of a ****. worst: Jessie (Of course), chima, lydia (drama queen), ronnie
Chima is awful! Jordan is adorable... her stupidity just makes her that much cuter :)
so did braden really say racist, homophobic things or was chima just talking crap?
[quote=markt_99;100239]so did braden really say racist, homophobic things or was chima just talking *********] I didn't watch the tape, but Andy over at Reality Blurred had a big article on it - so I am quite sure he did say those things. Actually, even Julie Chen was trying to get an apology out of him on the early show, so it couldn't have been good. BTW: Jeff winning would be really good. Anyone but Russell and someone that will use the veto.
I am happy Jeff won. (His accent is the same as Brad haha if I close my eyes and watch I would think it's a challenge!)
I am really hating this season. EVERYTHING is going wrong. EVERYTHING.
I don't really care for Laura (actually I am trying to figure out if I care for any of the cast) so I wouldn't mind seeing her go - but this should have been Russell's week and having to continue to put up with him just sucks.
EWWWW! Why would Ronnie admit that?
Wow, they edited the hell out of that Veto meeting. They really are setting it up for Thursday.
That last scene was repulsive and nauseating on all levels.
Ummm Ronnie is super annoying and stupid. I have a feeling he will be going home sometime soon. I also think he might be a switch hitter.
I like Jordan, I think she'd be great for beauty and the geek. lol
I disliked Ronnie so much!!He's a moron!
Jordan is definitely the prettiest this season. Ronnie is just annoying. He really isn't playing the game so well. Both sides want him out!
Ronnie probibaly thinks America loves him and are calling him the next Dr. Will. I am surprised by Lydia and Laura. I thought Lydia would be the next Nakomis(5) and Laura would be the next Alison(3). I was very wrong.
Yeah, I am starting to like Lydia a little more now. Not so much more, but still an improvement. I like Laura. She is not what I expected. I bet you forums all over are saying their disgust for Ronnie
Laura seems smarter than I originally thought she'd be. I would've loved to see her take down Ronnie, but she'll most likely get the boot this week. Ronnie is a MORON. Next week, he'll totally regret not backdooring Russell when Russell wins HoH. IDIOT. Stupid, stupid, stupidddddddd!
Thursday can possibly be the best show of BB yet, in the entire 11 seasons! I'm not going to spoil anything so I need to stop typing before I do LOL.
[QUOTE=RMD1;100551]Thursday can possibly be the best show of BB yet, in the entire 11 seasons! I'm not going to spoil anything so I need to stop typing before I do LOL.[/QUOTE] I know what you're talking about, RMD ;). I think it will be really good too!
