Big Brother 11: Ep. 5 - Discussion

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Big Brother 11: Ep. 5 - Discussion
[LEFT][B][SIZE=3]The houseguests compete in the Have and Have Not Competition. The new HOH (Ronnie) nominates two people for eviction.[/SIZE][/B] [/LEFT] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
Hey, I am all for the geeks - but Ronnie is a bigger loser than I thought. That being said, we need to get rid of some big targets this week, so I am up for Darth Vader's plan.
This guy is such a ******. I hope someone exposes him soon.
[QUOTE=molds13;98991]This guy is such a ******. I hope someone exposes him soon.[/QUOTE] Major ******. I was "secretly" siding with him...but that time has passed.
If Ronnie doesn't put up an Athlete, I am going to have issues. Big issues.
[quote=Bacchus;98999]If Ronnie doesn't put up an Athlete, I am going to have issues. Big issues.[/quote] I doubt it. He's definitely gonna put Laura up, and if he had brains he would put an athlete up. But judging his [I]superior[/I] gameplay, he won't.
I hate this season. I hate it.
I saw three minutes of this episode, shut it off, and this further proves my point. RW >>>>>>> BB. I
[quote=SteveSparxx;99002]I saw three minutes of this episode, shut it off, and this further proves my point. RW >>>>>>> BB. I[/quote] Your "mathematic" symbols fail you. I think I know what you were driving towards, but overall I'd just call it a giant fail. As for BB vs. RW - we are talking about months of production vs. days. They are different shows.
[quote=Bacchus;99001]I hate this season. I hate it.[/quote] I am not liking it either... [B]Nothing[/B] is going my way this season!
I don't like this season too. Nothing interesting has happened yet. It's just the whole dirty alliance running the show.
This season is boring. I guess I always liked people from both sides of the house, but I do not like anyone on the athletes side, including Lydia, Kevin and Chima )excluding Jeff of course) Chima is super annoying. I dont know how people can live with her! Ronnie is awful. I watch it for Jordan... She is cute!
I think I am the only 1 who likes this season lol. I like everyone except nat, Russ, and Jessie.
No.. I like it now too (I ended up getting the feeds... even tho I was so sure I wouldn't). Braden getting backdoored the first week actually got me more excited. Had Lydia or Chima went first, I probably wouldn't have gotten the feeds. I always seem to root for the ppl everyone else hates. My ideal final 5 would be Chima/Lydia/Natalie/Russell/Jessie.
[QUOTE=ryan01;99267]No.. I like it now too (I ended up getting the feeds... even tho I was so sure I wouldn't). Braden getting backdoored the first week actually got me more excited. Had Lydia or Chima went first, I probably wouldn't have gotten the feeds. I always seem to root for the ppl everyone else hates. My ideal final 5 would be Chima/Lydia/Natalie/Russell/Jessie.[/QUOTE] my ideal fiv would be Casey/Jordan/Jeff/Michelle/Laura
I know that Ronnie is married but i think he may be gay. In this episode he seemed super gay.
Yeah, he does kind of act gay.
At first I thought it was just super nerdy but now it just comes off as homosexual.
He's very annoying too. He's my least favorite person this season. It's funny how he thinks he run things, but yet he's scared of Jesse and the alliance.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;99340]He's very annoying too. He's my least favorite person this season. It's funny how he thinks he run things, but yet he's scared of Jesse and the alliance.[/QUOTE] yes. Russels comment about how he thought he was the mastermind made me laugh! I dont like Chima or Russle either.
[quote=ryan01;99267]No.. I like it now too (I ended up getting the feeds... even tho I was so sure I wouldn't). Braden getting backdoored the first week actually got me more excited. Had Lydia or Chima went first, I probably wouldn't have gotten the feeds. I always seem to root for the ppl everyone else hates. My ideal final 5 would be Chima/Lydia/Natalie/Russell/Jessie.[/quote] I'm thinking Chima/Lydia/Kevin/Jeff/Laura. I don't know why, but I have a HUGE soft spot for Chima, Lydia and Kevin. Russell, Natalie and Jessie are demons. As for Ronnie, John "PC" Hodgman, whatever you want to call him, he is a pain in the ***. It's like, "Dude, you're the Athletes' little pawn and you know it, so own up to it." I don't see him lasting much longer at all.
This is the first time i watched big brother and I think it's pretty good. Not as exciting as real world, but they're two different types of shows. Ronnie is a *******, that bikini model girl is HOTTT and Jeff is from Chicago so I gotta support, but the whole shadyness of the alliance is annoying, and that little hispanic girl on the athletes team needs to leave asap. I believe the lady with the PHD on the nerds team will win. Smart and Quiet but notices everything.
Even though I hate ronnie I acutally like his plan of getting rid of Russel. The Atheltes need to be disposed of.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;99872]Even though I hate ronnie I acutally like his plan of getting rid of Russel. The Atheltes need to be disposed of.[/QUOTE] I like that plan too. If only he had followed through with it.
Umm about Ronnie possibly being gay, Who gets the Legally Blonde sountrack? Did you see how excited he got, like a kid in a candy store! I don't even think most gay guys listen to that, let alone straight ones. Sorry Ronnie you blew your cover on national T.V. Ronnie is annoying. I cant wait to see him leave! I understand how people like Russel and Natalie... I personally dont, I would actually like the final 5 to be a mix with Jordan, Jeff, Natalie, Russel and Michele!
on the feeds he got upset because he got the soundtrack to the movie and the play.
Why was he upset? They don't just bring in random music, you tell the producers the music you would like to listen to. Maybe he realized how embarrassing it will be, so he got mad to cover it up