haha 2 great quotes:
"Not even top 10. Top 8" hahah its usually atleast the top 5... 8! classic!
and "What is this called again?" Russell "Harmonica"hahah
Jordan what am I going to do with you! She is really cute.
I felt bad about what happened, to Chima. I wasn't surprised, I thought something might have happened to her. I think its her 2 personalities...Funny and Bubbly and then Loud and strong willed.
I found the segment where Chima revealed what happened in her past to be really interesting... being that that discussion happened very, very early in the season and I watched the YouTube of it a few weeks ago.
Notice- Kevin's hair didn't have the side stripes buzzed into them... it really seems like the producers decided to throw that out there to sway viewers who don't keep up with the feeds onto Team Chima. I agree, it's terrible that that happened to her and I applaud her for having the strength to be so open about the incident and strong as an individual, but I don't know why that scene showed up on the show weeks after it actually happened.
She just needs to stop cackling at her own jokes.
Also, Jordan is adorable and I second what Jeff asked her tonight... [I]What[/I] goes on in her head??? haha :)
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;109831]If I were Jeff, I'd throw Natalie and Jessie on the block together. Gotta break them up![/quote]
The only reason I don't want to see Jeff throw them up there on Thursday is because I want to watch there meltdown... there's not enough time to enjoy it on Thursday... Though it will still be fun to watch Natalie freak out if Jesse gets evicted like that on thursday!
Yeah, Jeff and Jordan have to start playing the game. He is going to have to use his power somehow to get one of them out. It's jury time so people are going to back stab eachother and get pissed at one another. I think it's a perfect time to get Jesse out. Natalie and Jesse will be gunning for him soon. It's a game. Some people might not like him for it, but they would understand!
[QUOTE=rey2pokey;109842]i dont get why jeff doesnt even tell jordan about his secret power.[/QUOTE]
Because the rules state that if he tells anyone he will lose it.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;109849]Because the rules state that if he tells anyone he will lose it.[/QUOTE]
I was ALSO wondering why he didn't tell Jordan! Good to know!