Big Brother 10: Episode 18 Recap

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Big Brother 10: Episode 18 Recap
[CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] The show starts by showing us Julie Chen and the live audience. “Good Evening, I am Julie Chen, welcome to Big Brother 10. It is day 45 inside the Big Brother house. With Renny, the beauty shop owner from New Orleans in power, her allies: Keesha, Dan and Memphis thought it would be an easy week. They assumed Renny would break up the showmance between April and Ollie by putting them both on the block, but Renny proved to be a wild card when she followed her own agenda, nominating April, the financial manager from Arizona, and Jerry, the great grandfather from Texas for eviction. Tonight, either April or Jerry will be leaving the Big Brother House for good. But first, for the third week in a row, tonight’s eviction could all come down to Dan. The only question that remains, is his vote for sale?” It then takes us back to the POV ceremony, where Dan decides not to use the POV. The meeting is adjourned and the screen changes to color indicating, this is what happened afterward. Dan says in the DR, “From the hockey veto competition, there are two people left in the house with money, April and Jerry. By me not indicating who made the offer, it’s going to cause some chaos in the house.” April says in the DR, “I never offered you a specific amount of money Dan, so if he was using that to make himself look better, then I hope someone will find that out.” Jerry says in the DR, “I made no monetary offers to anyone. I was surprised that April offered him money. The best thing that happened was that Dan didn’t use it, and April is still on the block. According to Renny, she is the one going home. I am going to try to stay calm and ride this week out.” Michelle says in the DR, “Here we go, once again, another crazy veto meeting. Who offered Dan the money? Was it April, or was it Jerry? I am going to find out, because I want that person gone.” Michelle, Keesha and Renny are in the flower power room. Michelle asks them, “Who offered him the money?” Renny says, “I don’t know, you will have to go ask him darling.” Michelle says, “I know that, I am just thinking who would offer him the money? And he said it to call them out.” Keesha says, “They are going to do whatever they can.” Renny tells Michelle, “Go find out, and come back.” Michelle says, “Ok.” She then goes to find out. Michelle and Dan are now in the poodle room. Michelle whispers to Dan, “It’s like, you called out them, but both of them had money so...” Dan says in a low voice, “That’s not what I wanted. I didn’t want to expose them.” Michelle then says as Dan leaves the room, “But I didn’t know this.” As Dan leaves, Memphis comes into the room and asks Michelle, “What’s the concern?” Keesha then comes in and laughs and says, “I looked around at everybody’s face and they all went…” She them makes a surprised face. Memphis them whispers to them, “Don’t you think they both offered him money?” Michelle whispers, “No. Because I saw April’s face, she, her face was like. Oh _______! I didn’t offer him no money!” Memphis then asks in a whisper, “You don’t think she offered him money?” Michelle shakes her head and whispers, “I don’t. Honestly, I really don’t.” Keesha then asks in a whisper, “Do you think it was Jerry?” Michelle answers, “I don’t know.” Michelle then says in the DR, “I believe Jerry was the one that offered Dan money to use the POV on himself. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him, and he needs to leave the game.” It now shows Memphis, Dan, and Keesha sitting by the pool. Keesha says to them, “There is no way, I am telling you guys right now, now way I am changing my vote. I can’t have April stay. I would be stupid to keep her here for my own personal. I would be an idiot.” Memphis then says, “We would all be idiots if we left her in this house. It’s as simple as that. I can’t stand Jerry, but I would rather take the risk of Jerry winning HOH then the risk of her winning HOH. Everyone needs to stop assuming that something else is going on, and just believe what is in front of you.” It is night time in the Big Brother House, April and Ollie putting there feet in the hot tub. April says to Ollie, “This week has been h*** for me.” Ollie states, “It has been the most painful one for me.” April tells Ollie, “My a** is on the block this week, when I haven’t done anything. (She begins to cry) They have no reason to put me up on the block. None, zero, I haven’t done anything to them, I haven’t turned on any of them, and I haven’t lost my word with any of them. Nothing, except for do dishes, and make cakes, and give people stuff. It’s so hard. Ollie says he knows. April goes on to say, “It would be stupid for Dan and Michelle not to vote my way.” Ollie says, “I mean it’s a given.” April goes onto say, “There is only one person that doesn’t like me and its jealousy.” Ollie says to April, “Her vote can’t really influence the whole house.” April says in the DR, “I need three voted to stay in the house this week. I would definitely expect to have Ollie’s vote. I would definitely not expect to have Keesha’s vote. Dan and Michelle, they are swings votes. So I am going to do what I can to try to persuade them, you know to obviously vote my way.” Ollie says to April, “Dan, you have done a lot for him. The least he can do is give you one vote.” April then says, “Well I would be so disgusted after everything Jerry has said about him, for him not to vote for me. I think America would take a look at him and go, what kind of person are you Dan?” Ollie says, “His game is to play all sides.” April then says, “Well it is his turn to play my side.” Ollie shakes his head in agreement. Michelle, April, and Ollie are in the poodle room. Ollie asks Michelle in a whisper, “Have they said anything to you yet?” Michelle whispers in response, “Not one person has said anything to me. I think that they already have a plan.” Ollie then asks in a whisper, “They’re thinking to keep Jerry around aren’t they?” Michelle shrugs. Ollie then goes on to say, (whispering) “Keeping her here is best for you. If I get HOH or she gets HOH, we’d never put you up.” Michelle asks in a whisper, “You talked to anybody?” Ollie whispers, “I think we can get Dan’s vote.” Michelle then asks again, “Have you talked to him yet?” Ollie responds, (whispering) “You’re closer to him than I am.” Michelle then whispers, “I don’t know, like, if he’s on their side, or if he is just…” April then whispers, “Well Dan is again a wildcard, he is always a wildcard.” Ollie then points out, “Three weeks in a row. You don’t want him here do you?” Michelle says, (whispering) “I don’t want him here. If they want him gone, I’m going to vote him out. But if they want you, I have to vote with the house, or I will be a target.” It is day time in the Big Brother House. Ollie and Dan are playing basketball in the back yard. Dan says to Ollie, ‘Talk to me, my lines are always open.” Ollie tells him, “I know you have people breathing down your neck, but I want you to know where I am coming from. April and I both, you know we never had anything against you from day one. We still think of you highly man. You’ve never been a target and you’re not a target. If they voted were today, what would you vote?” Dan says, “Dude, I don’t even know.” Ollie goes onto say, “I would hope that you would consider where April is coming from.” Dan says, “Oh without a doubt. Two people on the block, one I know would come after me, one I feel pretty confident wouldn’t come after me.” Ollie says, “Exactly, and you have two people at that, there is two people who wouldn’t come after you. If have my word Dan that if you were to give her your vote, I promise you I would not put you up and she wouldn’t either. If you think about it, that is three out of the 6 players in next weeks HOH that you are sure on, including yourself. That’s where I am coming from with that, and to know that your vote is really the swing vote, it is your call dude.” Dan tells Ollie, “I don’t know man. I got a lot to think about. If things don’t work out I don’t want you to be pissed at me for it.” Ollie says, “I can’t say that I won’t be mad.” Dan says, “I don’t want you to be all like, I am coming after you now.” Ollie says, “But the thing is you won’t have to worry about all that if you keep her here. I don’t have to paint the picture man, think about it.” April, Ollie and Dan are in the Kitchen. April asks Dan if they can talk. Dan says yes. They go to the Salon. April says to Dan, “There are a couple of things I want to get off my chest real quick. First things first is that, did Jerry offer you any money?” Dan shakes his head no. April says to Dan, “I just wish you would come to me and let me know.” Dan says, “I will tell you right now I have nothing with Jerry. I don’t want people to think I’m dumb, I know Jerry’s screaming and cussing me off last week and you know now he is like…” April then says to Dan, “And I know, okay, money might not entice you, but I’m sure it would help you. If you would want to take it into consideration, I could give you money if I can get your vote. The only things I can offer you is complete safety with Ollie and I, and some money if that can help you and I’m sure it could. Anything else I can do for you I would do for you.” Dan says to April, “I will tell you this, I will think about it.” April says, “Okay.” Dan then says in the DR, “Every week so far I have had the possibility of being a swing vote, which totally blows my mind. So if April tried to buy my vote, and it is tempting, they know they can’t win this thing without me and I love it.” It then takes us back to Julie. “Coming up, April and Ollie could find their showmance cut short tonight. Can their love survive outside the Big Brother House? Their family and friends weigh in. But 1st, April or Jerry, who will be leaving the Big Brother House tonight? Let’s listen in as Ollie, Michelle, and Memphis talk about the two nominees.” Ollie says in the DR, “There are thousands of reasons on why I would want to keep April in the game at this point but I will tell you one. We connect better than anybody I have ever connected with in my life, and to have someone like that around in the house, that would be extremely important.” Michelle says in the DR, “On one hand it’s not good for me to keep April because, then I would me going against the house. On the other hand I would love to keep April because, I enjoy her and Ollie and she would keep me safe for awhile.” Memphis says in the DR, “On one hand I would vote to evict April, she loves the fact that I won a car, and she wants me out of this house, and she has been trying for a few weeks now. On the other hand, there’s Jerry. He is annoying, he’s old, he bothers me, he’s a liar, he talks behind my back, and did I mention he’s a liar?” It then takes us to commercial break. When they show comes back the audience applauses and Julie says, “Welcome back to Big Brother 10. Ollie and April appear to have gone from a reality showmance to a heart felt romance. But what do their families and friends think about this televised affair?” April’s and Ollie’s family is then interviewed at home on what they think about the showmance and about how A/O are playing the game. April’s sister doesn’t think it will last outside the house. After that segment is over, we see Julie Chen again who is about to talk with the houseguests. “Let’s talk with the Houseguests. Hello houseguests.” All the HG says hi. Julie then asks the 1st question, “Ollie lets start with you tonight, it’s been a very scary week for you inside the Big Brother House. Let’s take a look.” It then shows a video of Ollie being very scared of crows. Everyone is cracking up (including Ollie). Julie then asks, “Alright Ollie, what is you and this thing with birds?” Ollie responds, “I can’t explain it Julie, it’s been something that’s been taken with me since I was little. I have never liked birds and I never will. They are dirty.” Julie then asks, “Just because you think they are dirty?” Ollie responds by saying, “No, I think it goes back to the old movie back in the day, the Hitchcock film Birds.” Julie then asks the next question, “Alright let me move onto Dan. Dan, congratulations on winning your first competition of the summer. How excited were you to finally win something? Dan replies, “I was very excited. There is no secret that I haven’t been very good at this game to kind of string some stuff together. A little skill and a lot of luck, so I was very excited about it.” Julie then moves on to her next question, “Renny, you were very emotional when you first entered the HOH bedroom and you saw the pictures of your mother and father. Can you explain why that hit you the way it did?” Renny replies by saying, “You never know what is going to hit you when you open that door, and I wanted to see my children and my husband so bad. However, when I saw my mother and father… (begins to cry but pulls it together) They were wonderful parents, very beautiful and they left me with the loving memories that I will always carry with me. I am so proud even though they are gone, that they were my parents. Bernie and Curtis, they were beautiful, and so when I see them it does get very emotional for me.” Julie moves on with her next question, “Jerry, you’ve been on slop for almost half your stay inside the Big Brother House, and you had a tough time keeping it down during the food competition. How are you handling it day after day?” Jerry responds by saying, “26 out of 44 days is even more than half Julie. What you do is you just have an open mind, take your punishment, and swallow fast. I fry it, I fry it real hard.” Julie moves on to the last question from the audience, “Our last question is from our audience, and it is for you Memphis. If you had to bring one evicted houseguest back into the Big Brother House, who would it be?” Memphis says, “Wow, that put me on the spot Julie. Probably the one person I would bring back, just for giggles, Brian.” Julie then says, “Thank you Memphis. Thank you houseguests I’ll be back to oversee the live vote and eviction a little bit later. April or Jerry, who will be voted out of the Big Brother House tonight? Lets hear what Keesha and Dan have to say about the two nominees.” Keesha says in the DR, “April walks around here thinking she is so much better than everyone else in the house. I’m like stop bragging about your self, I mean constantly, constantly, constantly, constantly. Oh my gosh! I want April to go.” Dan says in the DR, “Keeping Jerry in the house could be a huge liability because he says a lot of lies about me, but Ollie has approached me, April has approached me. They are all fighting tooth and nail to keep April in this house, and once again I am a swing vote with a lot of power. I don’t really want to be in this position.” It then takes us to commercial break. When the show comes back on Julie Chen interviews Renny in the HOH room. Renny says that we are seeing the true Renny in the Big Brother house. She also says that she hopes she is playing the game where America is crazy about her. She then talks about the fun Renny and the serious Renny. She also talks about her parents. She also says that she is weary of Memphis. She says that she would like to see him go, and says that she believes that he thinks he has the game won already and that he is a shroud man. She says that he needs to learn respect. It is time for the live vote and Eviction. The nominees get one last chance, to try to sway the votes by giving a speech. April’s Speech: “Okay houseguests, I am so grateful that I have gotten the opportunity to meet each and every one of you. Every moment that I have had in this house, whether it was laughs, or (as America knows it) fighting I will treasure every single moment. Now as far as the voting, I just ask that you vote what is best for you in this game. Play for you, don’t play for the person sitting next to you, don’t play for the person sitting across from you, just play for you. If it is me that you choose to leave the house tonight, then at least you won’t have to have to cereal box in descending order. I just wish you all the best of luck and no worries.” Jerry’s Speech: “Other than the 26 days of slop, these 44 days have been absolutely something special here. It is something that Johan and I will talk about for years to come. So there is always a lot of memories that we will leave here good or bad. As far as if I am evicted tonight, and I go to the jury house, I intend to take no sour grapes. I plan on to play that game from that point with an open mind, and my word is my word and I think most of you know that I try to keep it in everything I do here; With that, nice knowing you and congratulations on making it this far.” It is time for the live votes! One by one the houseguests go into the DR and cast their voted live. Here is how everyone voted: Keesha: April Memphis: April Dan: April Michelle: April Ollie: Jerry April is evicted from the BB house by a 4 to 1 vote. April hugs everyone before she leaves. It is quiet like always in the Big Brother House. When April walks out of the Big Brother House, the audience claps, April then sits down with Julie to begin her interview. Julie asks April, “You had some interesting relationships in the house, lets start with Keesha. Were you frienemys, one time allies, there was always trouble between you two. Why?” April says, “You know what? I have nothing bad to say about Keesha. Sometimes you get along with people, and sometimes you don’t. When you first enter the house, you really want to trust people, so that’s just my first instinct. My first instinct was to trust her and then she turned on me so I just…” Julie asks, “Why did she turn on you?” April responds, “I’m not sure. I am still confused on why, when I was HOH, the house turned. But I guess I will get my answers when I am watching this season.” Julie changes the subject, “Let’s talk about you and Ollie. The two of you grew very close in the house. Often you two would isolate the others, do you think that is in part why you got evicted tonight?” April says, “I would hope not, I think it is always best to have some sort of a best friend in the house. I mean it is a tough game, and sometimes I think you have to take yourself out of that game and it kind of gives you a break; a little bit of sanity. That is what I called him, he is my sanity in the house.” Julie asks, “If you knew from day one, being involved with Ollie was going to lead to your eviction, would you have gotten involved with him?” April says, “Absolutely.” They then talk about her and Ollie’s future. Ollie is going to move to Arizona, but is going to get his own apartment. She says she is grateful that her and Ollie’s friendship could grow. April then listens to her goodbye messages. It is time for the HOH competition. The name of the game is King of the Jungle. The houseguests are sitting on a bar which is connected to a rope. The objective is to be the last one on their vine. (which means this competition is endurance) Not only to the vines move, but they also sling you against the wall! This should be an interesting competition for the houseguests. Also, Julie announces that this Thursday will be [B]Double Eviction! [/B]This means two houseguests will be leaving instead of one! Which houseguest would you like to receive a phone call? Go to to vote! Who will win HOH? And who will they nominate? Find out Sunday on Big Brother 10! I know this recap was a little shorter and it is very late…. But I have had bad luck with this recap! Lol. :) Sorry!
Finally April is gone. May we rejoice! Sadly we will have to see her ugly mug once again in the finale and if they do a sequestor house spot. Did anyone notice how contradictory she was in her exit interview with Julie? "I have nothing bad to say about Keesha." - Umm...then why did you keep talking? I think she is truthfully one of those people that is absolutely oblivious to her surroundings. I get the impression that she will be shocked to find out she was one of the most hated houseguests by the fans. Sure, all she did was 'bake cookies' in the house, but we hate her anyway, lol. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;27087]I think she is truthfully one of those people that is absolutely oblivious to her surroundings. I get the impression that she will be shocked to find out she was one of the most hated houseguests by the fans. Sure, all she did was 'bake cookies' in the house, but we hate her anyway, lol. ;)[/QUOTE] I have to disagree with you on this one Bacchus. I think April is the type that will manufacture her own reality when true reality does not suit her. I think she will probably deny her behavior in the house even after presented visual evidence. I think she will probably convince herself it didn't happen. As for her other bad traits (conceit, holier than though attitude, etc), I think she will blame it on bad editing even though all the forums full of 24/7 feed watchers can verify that she is a vile person.
[quote=markt_99;27095]I have to disagree with you on this one Bacchus. I think April is the type that will manufacture her own reality when true reality does not suit her. I think she will probably deny her behavior in the house even after presented visual evidence. I think she will probably convince herself it didn't happen. As for her other bad traits (conceit, holier than though attitude, etc), I think she will blame it on bad editing even though all the forums full of 24/7 feed watchers can verify that she is a vile person.[/quote] It's amazing what the mind can convince itself of. As a mental health professional I am fascinated by some reality TV personalities... I feel Renny may give me a good case study for grad school! Watching endless amounts of TV does pay off!