Big Brother 10: Episode 15 Recap

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Big Brother 10: Episode 15 Recap
[CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] The show starts off with Julie Chen leading up to after the POV ceremony. Audience Applause: “Good evening I am Julie Chen, welcome to Big Brother 10. It is day 38 inside the Big Brother house, and Jesse’s surprise eviction has lead to a week of volatility and emotional outburst. All eyes were on Dan, Libra, and Keesha as they took the heat for betraying Jesse. Ultimately Michelle, the Realtor for Rhode Island, and current HOH sought revenge by putting up friend against friend. Tonight either Keesha, the Waitress from Burbank California, or Libra, the mother of three from Spring Texas will be leaving the Big Brother house. But last week, the house unexpectedly flipped giving Memphis a new lease on life. This week, Libra is the one counting on a miracle. Will lightning strike twice in the Big Brother house?” It then takes us back to a black and white version of the POV ceremony and Jerry giving his speech. Jerry adjourns the meeting and the screen changes to color indicating, this is what happened afterward. Libra says in the DR, “Apparently, Jerry did not get the manual for Big Brother. Big Brother is not a game of honor, trust, and loyalty. This is not the Marines, this is the Big Brother House.” Renny says in the DR, “When the Colonel made these statements to personally attack another house guest like Dan, I think it made him look kind of worse then Dan actually.” Dan says to everyone after the meeting, “I just want to clarify one thing, and you can listen to this if you want to or not. Whatever claims are made I understand that. If someone thinks I sold them out, that is not the case.” Lira says, “It’s a game y’all. It’s a game and just leave it there.” It takes us to the HOH room where Memphis and Michelle are talking. Memphis asks Michelle, “What was that all about? I don’t know what the h** is a matter with that guy. I’m just like…” Michelle says, “I was like, oh my gosh is he going to use the POV?” Memphis says to Michelle, “The dude was gunning for Dan. I was like ugh.” Memphis then says in the DR, “The fact that Jerry has called him (Dan) Judas, ugh, you know it’s just one more thing that he’s slipped out of his fat mouth. That he is going to regret saying.” He goes onto say in the DR, “Why don’t he throw out he’s a womanizer or whatever? Thank God it wasn’t me he was talking about, because I would have flipped out on him.” Memphis then says to Michelle in the HOH room, “It was just unnecessary, I think it was unnecessary.” Michelle says to Memphis, “Well he probably just put a huge target on his back.” It then takes us to the Salon where Dan is sitting. Libra comes in. Keesha is also in there. Libra says to Dan, “I apologize that you were called Judas in front of….” Dan interrupts and says, “No that doesn’t bother me, I understand people are mad.” Libra says to them, “It is ridiculous, and it is crazy to me.” Dan says in the DR, “I don’t think things in this house can get any…… Better for me! This is incredible! This is the one thing I could have asked for! Jerry has called me out in front of everyone, threw a bunch of lies out there and it’s created so much sympathy for me , I can’t even contain it.” It takes us back to the salon. Libra says to Dan, “It’s a game, people know what the deal is, you got to take your shots when you can, and that’s what I have always said. Everybody knows I hated Jesse.” Keesha says to them, “If I am the one who gets evicted, I told Michelle I don’t hate her for it. She’s playing the game.” Libra tells Keesha, “You are not going to get evicted Keesha, I can bet my last dollar on it.” Libra then says in the DR, “Not only am I a dead woman walking, but it is going to take a miracle for me to stay.” Keesha says to Libra, “This is what Jesse thought too.” It is night time in the Big Brother House. April and Ollie are outside talking by the hot tub. Ollie asks April, “So what is going through your little head?” April responds, “I just do not trust Keesha as far as I can throw that little b****. Like I don’t, I am telling you that right now.” April then says in the DR, “Keesha is a liar and a manipulator so that would be my main reason in getting Keesha out of the house obviously.” She then says to Ollie, “I just don’t like her. She was just as much fault as Libra was, it wasn’t Libra anymore than it was Keesha, and Keesha thinks she is getting away with it.” Ollie agrees. April goes on to say, “I mean, It makes me nauseous to look at the b****. I am like you are so pathetic.” Ollie says to April, “She has it out for you, for whatever reason.” April says, “It’s because I am prettier than her.” Ollie says to April, “She doesn’t have a clue about life or anything in general.” April says, “She works as hooter, she is thirty, she never went to college. We have to get Keesha out.” It is still night time. We are still outside but Memphis and Dan are now talking on the couch. Keesha is getting something out of the fridge. Memphis calls out, “Keesh-Fest!” Keesha responds by saying, “What’s up?” Dan says, “The longest three days of your lives.” Keesha says, “No just, have my back when I need it.” Memphis says to her, “I got your back darling. I got you. I would jump in front of a bullet for you.” Keesha goes inside. Memphis says to Dan, “It should be an interesting week this week. Dude we can have an alliance and just run with Keesha or Renny for like two weeks, and then me and you just stick together.” Dan says, “That’s what I was going to say.” Memphis says, “Just like her and Renny, they have something. They are both like to the end.” Dan says, “I was already thinking about names.” Memphis says, “What do you got?” Dan says, “Mustangs.” Memphis says, “How about the Renegades?” Dan agrees with the name. Dan says, “The only thing I feel bad about, is like Keesha, you know, but I couldn’t tell her about the Renegades.” You know what I mean?” Memphis agrees. Memphis says, “Like I can trust Keesha, but it’s not needed to know.” Dan agrees. It then takes us to the boy/girl room where Ollie and April are laying down in the beds. Ollie lays on top of April and says (whispering), “Alright, let’s play scenario.” April says, “Obviously Libra is going to want to stay in.” Ollie says, “To Libra we’ll say, she’d have to promise she wouldn’t put us up.” April says in the DR, “Ollie, Jerry, and I; we are all going to vote together. Jerry said that he has my back, he’ll do whatever it takes to stick together.” April says to Ollie, “Dan is our biggest problem.” Ollie says to April, “We need to get that fourth vote. That’s what’s really concerning me.” April agrees and says, “It’s all Dan, again.” Ollie says to April, “He is going to attach himself to people so he can be a swing vote. He’s playing both sides.” April says to Ollie, “We have to talk game to Dan. Say Libra loves you she is not going to vote you out but all these other people, they’re not going to keep you in here. It is going to be Keesha, Renny, and Memphis. Dan you are the outcast. Where do you not see that?” April then says in the DR, “Dan has turned against his alliance once already, who’s to say he wouldn’t do it a second time.” Ollie whispers to April, “I want to blindside both of them. I don’t even want them to think it is coming.” It is day time in the Big Brother House. Libra and Ollie are in the Storage Room. Ollie asks (whispering) Libra, “Do you still want to be here? Do you still want to be here yes or no?” Libra responds, “I mean yeah, what are you saying?” Ollie says to Libra, “Like, April and I, we want to flip the house again. Keesha is getting way to complacent.” Libra says, “Right.” Ollie asks Libra, “How close are you to Dan?” I think Libra says, “I don’t know.” Ollie says to Libra, “If we can get Dan’s vote, that is the number one thing.” Libra says, “Right.” Ollie then says, “So do it. Talk to Dan.” Ollie then says in the DR, “If we have the necessary votes to keep Libra around then we would do it, and flip the house one more time.” Libra says in the DR, “My survival in the Big Brother house, depends on a fourth vote. Dan’s vote to me would kind of be like a (something) in the situation. You know I am a heart attack patient. I need help.” April and Dan are doing dishes. Libra goes to Dan asks if she can talk to him. Dan says yes. April volunteers to do the rest of the dishes. Libra and Dan go to the storage room. Libra says to Dan, “Alright I haven’t asked you for anything, or campaigned or anything. I just thought I would see where your head was.” The whole time Dan is saying ok. Libra asks, “Where is you head?” Dan says, “I am always open for communication so whatever.” Libra says, “I have just got like a ninth life maybe, possibly.” Dan says, “I would need more information.” Libra says, “Well it could be a split. But I need a fourth, because I know Michelle will make me leave.” Dan says in the DR, “If I were to send Keesha to the Jury this week, she would be extremely mad at me because she is counting on my vote to keep her here. On the other hand, if Libra were to stay in the game, that would benefit me tremendously. That leaves an enormous target in the game, and an enormous target who has no interest in coming after me.” Dan tells Libra, “I will definitely think about it.” Libra says, “I have no one in the game. If I stay, I will be by myself.” Dan says again that he will think about it. It takes us back to Julie Chen. “Coming up, She’s been criticized for leaving her young children behind and playing the Big Brother Game. Tonight, her family answers her critics, but first, Keesha or Libra, who will be saying goodbye. Lets listen in as Jerry, Ollie and April talk about the nominees.” All of this takes place in the DR individually. Jerry says, “I want to evicted Keesha this week because she is playing the Memphis card big. It stabilizes Memphis if Keesha leaves the game,” (then he says something about a two headed snake and how you need to cut one head off.) Ollie says in the DR, “Why I would vote to evicted Keesha is just simply, you know, pass the message along to her that she barked up the wrong tree and the tree is going to fall on her now.” April says in the DR, “I want to evict Keesha from the house. She is a liar, a backstabber, a liar, her voice and laugh annoys the crap out of me. She sounds like a hyena when she is laughing. It is deadly, it’s awful. I feel bad for America who has to sit and listen to it.” It then goes to commercial. The show comes back on and Julie leads up to interviewing Libra’s family. It shows Libra’s family at home and they say they are very proud of her. Her husband says that he is glad Libra took the vacation and Michelle had no right to say the things she did. It shows Libra crying about her family. Libra’s mom helps the dad take care of the 3 children. After the interview with Libra’s family it takes us back to Julie Chen with the live audience. Julie tells us, “Let’s go to the living room and talk with the house guests…. Hi houseguests!” The house guests all say hi. Julie says to them, “Dan, the first question goes to you tonight. You are a Catholic school teacher and your religion, brought up a lot this week. Does your faith influence how you play this game?” Dan responds, “To be honest with you it does, it is a tough game. And to say I have represented my faith perfectly, I haven’t. You know I’ve made a lot of mistakes in this game and also my faith but uh, you know, being Catholic the first thing I am going to do is go to confession.” The audience laughs. Julie asks, “And how long is that session going to last?” Everyone laughs (including Dan) Dan says, “A long time.” Julie moves on, “Jerry, I am going to turn to you. You said some harsh words to Dan during the veto meeting. You even called him Judas. Do you still feel this way, or was that just in the heat of the moment?” Jerry responds by saying, “Somewhat in the heat of the moment, but it hurt. And I feel very strongly about the fact that religion became a prop and I didn’t feel it should have been. And for that I still feel that way Julie.” Julie asks, “Dan, your response to this?” Dan says to Julie, “You know being called a Judas didn’t really bother me. The fact of what bothered me was that I am a teacher, and he didn’t address me Mr. Judas. So if I could right him a detention I would have, but all I can do in this house is forgive him.” (People Laugh) Julie tells them, “Let’s turn to Memphis now. Because Memphis, at the veto meeting, you seemed shocked when Jerry called Dan Judas. What was going through your mind?” Memphis replies by saying, “You know it all goes back to this game being personal and attacking people. I didn’t know if Jerry knew that story, or that Dan told him that story about Judas in the Bible. Dan made it real clear to me that Judas hung himself in that story; so as long as Dan doesn’t hang himself I am cool. But you know when personal attacks come out; instinct for me is to stand up for the people that I like and care about. So that is what I was doing.” Julie then says, “Let me turn to Renny because, Renny you said some nice things about your housemates at the feast this week. Who has surprised you the most since that very first night when you all moved into the house?” Renny says, “Who has surprised me the most? I think they have all surprised me. They really are a wonderful bunch of young people, and the Colonel here who is older. I think they are all wonderful in their own way and they are all unique and I know why the Big Brother picked us all.” Julie then says, “Well thank you house guests. I will be back to receive the live vote and eviction later.” Julie then turns away and faces the TV screen. She then says, “Keesha or Libra, who will be leaving tonight? Let’s see what Renny, Memphis, and Dan have to say about the two nominees.” It now takes us to Memphis who is in the Diary room, “I would really want to keep Keesha in this game because I can trust her. I feel like I have a good judgment of character and I feel like she is honest with me, and it is always a plus especially in this game. Renny says in the DR, “I would want to keep Keesha in the game because she is my biggest ally, and my best friend. Maybe with a stroke of luck, we could remain together and last to the very end.” Dan says in the DR, “Keeping Keesha in this game right now is keeping an ally in the house. I like her a lot and she likes me, we are great friends, she trusts me a lot, I trust her about as much as you can. On the other hand, I would love to keep Libra in this house, for the mere fact that she causes chaos, confusion, and fighting every second she is in the house, just by her presence alone; which is going to prove beneficial down the road in this game for me.” It goes to commercial. The show comes back on with Julie Chen and the live audience. Julie says, “Welcome back to Big Brother 10. Let’s talk with Michelle, the current HOH who’s alone in the HOH bedroom... Hi Michelle.” Michelle says Hi. Julie reminds her that her house mates cannot hear her down stairs so speak freely. Julie asks Michelle, “Since Jesse’s departure, you have been spending more time with April than you have in the past. What is the status in this relationship with April?” Michelle responds by saying, “Well I would just like to say happy anniversary to my parents, and me and April as stayed relatively the same, we share a room together. And I feel as though she got hurt last week and um… She felt bad that her word got broken with me. So I feel like she is just attached to me because, a lot of the girls did turn on her, and she knows that I actually keep my word in this house unlike others so….” Julie asks her next question, “You said a lot of harsh things this week among them, yelling to Libra that she doesn’t care about her kids, that Dan was probably burning in h**. Is there anything you said that you regret?” Michelle responds by saying, “I actually do, I regret what I said about Dan. It was relatively, just in the heat of the moment. I don’t think Libra is a bad mother, I just think that there is decisions she made that could have been different; where I would have taken the letter and I don’t even have any kids.” I do regret a lot of things, I do say a lot of things without thinking first, but that is something I am trying to change.” Julie moves on with her next question, “Well this week you received a letter from home, and in that letter your family was very supportive. How important was it for you to get that letter at this stage of the game?” Michelle responds by saying, “Well I guess you guys did see the HOH last week, you noticed how I definitely wanted to see my parents, and get a letter from them, so it was really exactly what I needed. I think I read it ten times a day. So I really appreciate them and I love them and I miss them so…” Julie says, “I am sure they are happy to hear everything you said. Thank you Michelle, you can go down to the living room and rejoin your house guests. We are moments away from the live vote and eviction. Who will be leaving the Big Brother House; Keesha, the waitress from Burbanks California, or Libra, the mother of three from Spring Texas? Tonight’s evicted houseguest will be the first of seven jury members that will choose the winner of Big Brother 10. Lets return to the Living Room and talk with the two nominees.” Julie talks to the nominees, “Keesha, Libra, in just a few moments your housemates will cast to vote and evict live, but before they do, you have one last chance to plead your case. Keesha you are up first.” Keesha’s Speech: “Well 1st of all I just want to say, that if you do evict me, there are no hard feelings. Even though we have all had our crazy moments in this house, I have loved every last minute of it. I take full responsibility for why I am up here, it’s because of my actions last week. So if you choose to evict me, I will see one of you next week in the Jury House.” Libra’s Speech: “This has been a crazy game. It’s a game of power struggles and each week it changes on a dime. I definitely stand proud and tall with the way that I want last week. I feel as though each week changes in each way, each time something different happens in a game you have to think for yourself. If I am evicted or if I’m not, either way it goes, you guys start thinking about the game and knowing that you’ve got to play it for yourself at some point, and have fun. It’s a game. It’s called Big Brother and that’s why we are all here.” Julie says thank you to Libra and says that it is time for the live vote. Memphis votes for: Libra Renny votes for: Libra Jerry votes for: Libra April votes for: Libra (It is official, Libra is out) Ollie votes for: Libra Dan votes for: Libra Libra is evicted out of the Big Brother house by a 6 to 0 vote. Everyone hugs Libra before she leaves. Libra grabs her things and goes out the door. The audience cheers as Libra comes out. Inside the house, it is quiet as usual after an eviction. Libra is interviewed by Julie. Libra says in her interview that it was explosive between her, Keesha, and April because they were a bunch of women around the same age who have dominant traits. She says if they weren’t playing a game, they would be good friends. She also talks about how she was not the puppet master of it all. She also says that she did her dirt and had a lot of fun doing it. She then talks about why she came on the BB show. (To answer the critics.) Libra then listens to her good bye messages. It is time for the HOH competition! The Rules of the Game: The name of the game is Diary Room Confessions. Julie will read a quote that one the evicted houseguests said in the Diary Room. The choices are Brian, Angie, Steven, or Jesse. The houseguests will buzz in and answer, if they get it right, then they get to stay in the competition and choose who gets eliminated. If they get it wrong they are out of the game. Michelle cannot compete because she is the current HOH. [B]1st Question: [/B]Who said in the DR, “Oh gosh, one of my naps finally paid off.” Renny buzzes in and says Jesse. She is right, Renny picks April to be eliminated. [B]2nd Question:[/B] Who said in the DR, “The player got played.” Dan buzzes in and says Brian, He is right, Dan picks Jerry to be eliminated. [B]3rd Question:[/B] Who said in the DR, “Kind of makes you feel lonely when the people…” Ollie buzzes in before the question is finished. He answers Steven, he is wrong. Ollie is eliminated. [B]4th Question:[/B] Who said in the DR, “What doesn’t come out in the rinse comes out in the wash if you will.” Memphis buzzes in and says Steven. He is wrong. He is eliminated. [B]5th Question:[/B] Who said in the DR, “Jesse is a tool in all senses of the word.” Dan buzzes in and says Angie He is wrong. Dan is eliminated. It is now down between Keesha and Renny. [B]6th question: [/B]Who said in the DR, “After the 1st sentence in Jerry’s speech my heart dropped into my stomach just like that. Renny buzzes in and says Brian. She is right. Renny is the new HOH! Everyone is hugging Renny and she looks like she is about to cry. Who will Renny nominate for eviction? Find out Sunday at 8:00 (eastern time) on CBS!
Thanks for the recap Phoenix. One of the most interesting statements made this week had to be Libra saying that Keesha was the mastermind behind Jesse's eviction. Talk about being dealt a bad hand and selling the hell out of it. Keesha couldn't mastermind herself out of a paper bag, even if the inside was lit with glow sticks that revealed step by step directions, a Garmin GPS and a team of Sherpas. Don't get me wrong, I love Keesha, but she is dumb as a rock. Actually, if you took a core sample of her brain and that of volcanic pumice - they would be surprisingly similar. Her HOH reign was a massive failure and if she had actually targeted people that were out to get her alliance, they'd be on cruise control by this point. That being said, Renny is not that far behind her best buddy in the "brain drain" department, so I do have my concerns this week. Hopefully we see April and Ollie go up with Jerry as the alternate. If they can shrink that alliance down by one more person, they will be in a dominate position for the end run.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;26142]Don't get me wrong, I love Keesha, but she is dumb as a rock. Actually, if you took a core sample of her brain and that of volcanic pumice - they would be surprisingly similar.[/QUOTE] Dude...I totally agree