Big Brother 10 Cast Notified

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[quote=Bacchus;15430]I made it to the 39 second mark of video 1. Do I win a prize? ;)[/quote] I only made it to the titles before I decided it wasn't worth all the pain and months of therapy. He's like one of these guys you'd find living under a bridge I think. Seeing him in the Big Brother house? hopefully not but you never know.
How does ED think that Les Monves would allow this guy anywhere near Julie Chen?
That was the most annoying thing I ever watched. 10 seconds into to it I wanted to kill him.I couldn't tolerate that all season.OH please god don't there be more like him.
[quote=sofrito;15570]That was the most annoying thing I ever watched. 10 seconds into to it I wanted to kill him.I couldn't tolerate that all season.OH please god don't there be more like him.[/quote] Agreed! Lets hope he doesn't get to bring a friend/relative with him on the show. (for a summer twist) I am barely going to be able to tolerate him alone! Lol. But I don't think that will happen (but with my luck.... it will!) ;)
Well now, the silver kid here, is saying that he knows Nothing about Big Brother 10. I am very confused right now. :confused: (Maybe he was trying to cover it up so he could be on the show)
Perhaps someone should do the environmentally responsible thing and delete everything related to this guy. If his stuff isn't poluting the Internet then I don't know what is. ;)
Alright, Now the video that I posted above has been removed by the USER off of youtube. So why do you think he removed it? Hmmmmm.......
[quote=Pheonix12;15701]Alright, Now the video that I posted above has been removed by the USER off of youtube. So why do you think he removed it? Hmmmmm.......[/quote] He is such a fame *****, it makes me nervous - as he would never remove something unless *gulp* he was asked....
[quote=Bacchus;15702]He is such a fame *****, it makes me nervous - as he would never remove something unless *gulp* he was asked....[/quote] Your not suggesting what I think your suggesting..... Oh no, this guy really is going to be a cast member isn't he?!?! :no: :dash2:
**** is so annoying.
**** can actually be really entertaining to watch sometimes I did like him most of his season but I do think he has an big ego.
[quote=goldenwarrior63;15967]Dick can actually be really entertaining to watch sometimes I did like him most of his season but I do think he has an big ego.[/quote] I just don't like how he refers himself as the star of Big Brother. That title goes to Janelle por favor.
Well he can try to take over everything and make himself the center of attention sometimes. But he was really dead on with the Silver Kid...he creeps me out.
K, that guy is scary. Like evil clown scary. Ugh. I have faith dang it, I KNOW he didn't make it! The power of positive thinking peoplez! ;)
So we don't know anyone else yet? I'm getting anxious thinking about BB10. It is completely killing me inside. :wacko2:
[quote=darksamurai88;17012]So we don't know anyone else yet? I'm getting anxious thinking about BB10. It is completely killing me inside. :wacko2:[/quote] I know I can't wait. I think this season is going to be really good!. :)
I know...It's soooo close yet so far away...
