BB9: Name the pairs game (pre-season)

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BB9: Name the pairs game (pre-season)
I just can't seem to wait until Tuesday to find out so I decided to play a little game. If you had to pair these house guests with their soul mate who would they be with. Because I am not that good ;) I'm only going to predict 3 pairings. The first is the easy one. Joshuah and Neil Reason: Neil's gay, and Joshuah would describe himself ******** and not just gay. Alex and Amanda Reasons: They are both about the same age at 24/23 respectively. They've both lost their father and they are both hopeless romantics. Jacob and Natalie Reasons: The main reason for this pairing is religion. She is a serious Jesus lover and he claims to be very religious as well. Other reasons are that he is an ex-Marine and she is a military brat, and the kicker they both love football. (which was another criteria for her) What do you think, can you figure out who some of the other pairs might be?
What, no one wants to play with me??? ;) Just remember, I called this three pairings when they are announced tomorrow night. :D