Alton pretending to want to go home so that his female teammates don't want to go into an elimination with him and are forced to choose Dustin instead would make him the GOAT player. I really hope that's it
[QUOTE=mjacksonbad;324074]Alton pretending to want to go home so that his female teammates don't want to go into an elimination with him and are forced to choose Dustin instead would make him the GOAT player. I really hope that's it[/QUOTE]
I was also thinking of this possibilty, but I honestly don't think he's afraid of eliminations.
[QUOTE=raskkii;324079]I was also thinking of this possibilty, but I honestly don't think he's afraid of eliminations.[/QUOTE]
I still remember when he threw himself into the first elimination on Inferno 3 to save Davis. I'm pretty sure Alton isn't afraid of elimination rounds one bit.
[QUOTE=eagles28;324082]I still remember when he threw himself into the first elimination on Inferno 3 to save Davis. I'm pretty sure Alton isn't afraid of elimination rounds one bit.[/QUOTE]
Actually, this time around I'm sure he is.
The guy is what 5'9 ? About 175-180, he's lost a ton of of mass since Inferno 3 and not only that, but Frank's annoying *** has got him intimidated; not to mention Zach and CJ.
This is what I just found on Cara Maria's Formspring:
[I]"Derrick said on a podcast that dustin and Alton may not ever be invited back or something. What do you think of dustin? To me he seems really nice but it could be the edit."[/I] [I]
some bad things happened off camera with production while i was there..... those two were not very well behaved children.... so.... i hope that's true.[/I]
Does anyone have an idea what's up with that? What could they have done??
Although personally, I wouldn't cry about it, I can't stand Dustin.
[QUOTE=JayTee;324093]Actually, this time around I'm sure he is.
The guy is what 5'9 ? About 175-180, he's lost a ton of of mass since Inferno 3 and not only that, but Frank's annoying *** has got him intimidated; not to mention Zach and CJ.[/QUOTE]
No way he weighs that much. He was in the low 170s in his early days he looks like he's lost 10 pounds or so. I would say he is probably only 165ish
[QUOTE=eagles28;324082]I still remember when he threw himself into the first elimination on Inferno 3 to save Davis. I'm pretty sure Alton isn't afraid of elimination rounds one bit.[/QUOTE]
Well he threw himself in against Tyrie. I am sure Davis would have beaten Tyrie, especially in the elimination round they ended up having.
If I had to guess, I would say that IF Alton was scared to go into an elimination round, it probably had something to do with him not trusting his female teammates in a big time situation like that (Seeing as how he barely knows one of them) but that's assuming that Alton cares that much, which I don't think he does. Now for what I really think ? I highly doubt Alton's afraid to go into an elimination round no matter who it's against...I mean, he WANTED to go in and lose intentionally but his team wouldn't let him because they pretty much knew what he would or at the very least might do...which is throw the elimination. So, why would he be afraid to lose and go home ? Heck, that's what he wanted and his team wouldn't allow it..he can't overrule his team when he's in the minority (3 Vs. 1)...
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;324103]Well he threw himself in against Tyrie. I am sure Davis would have beaten Tyrie, especially in the elimination round they ended up having.[/QUOTE]
Still very risky especially considering it was the first elimination.
[QUOTE=asterisque;324101]This is what I just found on Cara Maria's Formspring:
[I]"Derrick said on a podcast that dustin and Alton may not ever be invited back or something. What do you think of dustin? To me he seems really nice but it could be the edit."[/I] [I]
some bad things happened off camera with production while i was there..... those two were not very well behaved children.... so.... i hope that's true.[/I]
Does anyone have an idea what's up with that? What could they have done??
Although personally, I wouldn't cry about it, I can't stand Dustin.[/QUOTE]
Brandon said the same thing on the Afterbuzz for episode 6, but he was also really vague...
I usually don't say I want the vets back (well at least, i'm happy not having them on for 1-2 seasons to give the new people a chance). But this is the ONE instance where I would've loved for Johnny to be there because he's not afraid to tell us everything that happens behind the scenes lol
[QUOTE=JayTee;324093]Actually, this time around I'm sure he is.
The guy is what 5'9 ? About 175-180, he's lost a ton of of mass since Inferno 3 and not only that, but Frank's annoying *** has got him intimidated; not to mention Zach and CJ.[/QUOTE]
you've got to be kidding me. smh
[QUOTE=Debut Album;324204]So wait Dustin's not gonna be asked back anymore? NOOOOO! I don't care about Alton but I wanna see Dustin's hot *** on my TV Damnit!!!![/QUOTE]
It is just a rumor right now.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;324204]So wait Dustin's not gonna be asked back anymore? NOOOOO! I don't care about Alton but I wanna see Dustin's hot *** on my TV Damnit!!!![/QUOTE]
I'm more upset because if that's true then we may not see Heather again.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;324221]I'm more upset because if that's true then we may not see Heather again.[/QUOTE]
I agree, though either way it'd be tough to get her on a challenge given that she has a serious job at the moment.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;324204]So wait Dustin's not gonna be asked back anymore? NOOOOO! I don't care about Alton but I wanna see Dustin's hot *** on my TV Damnit!!!![/QUOTE]
Dustin is one of the most popular people on the Challenges, so I'd be surprised if he wasn't brought back.
The idea of MTV not wanting Dustin back is almost laughable.
I just can't see it. Dustin was on a season that brought the Real World back, where as Frank caused a decline in ratings on his season. I just can't see it.
CT has been in numerous fights, Zach brags about beading up big Easy in a "street fight" we've seen Kenny and Evan harass and bully someone who was struggling with several issues. Dustin must have done something REAL horrible
I doubt they would ban Zito. He is the breakout star of this season. The rest of the cast is downright horrible and unlikable. I did not listen to the podcast since Zach sounds like a moron on TV and Trishelle is probably kissing *** as always but I'm guessing they were the ones that threw out the rumor.
I love Vegas 2 cast much more than the legendary Vegas 1 cast. That goes for the team too. Trishelle is cool when she's not drunk, but Alton I've never liked because I always saw right through him. And on this challenge he's weird and something is off. His face even looks weird now and he was one of the best looking guys. He looks sick.
Dustin and Nany are awesome. Dustin volunteering himself for Nany was just so commendable. Seems like a great guy. And he's endearing and entertaining and one of the best competitors imo. Even Johnny Bananas decided to keep frat pad jokes to a minimum after meeting him and seeing what a great guy he is. He better nit be banned. Girls go crazier on these shows sometimes and get invited back! And hello CT.
And Nany I have always liked because to me she actually seems REAL.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;324219]It is just a rumor right now.[/QUOTE]
yeah and Derrick claimed the same rumor about Emilee, but she said on twitter she was an alternate in case Jonna or Jasmine said no.
Also I'm sure CT has been difficult for production when in his "I'll smash his head and eat it" mode.
Hey, Alton's had problems with production beforeand been asked back several times.
[QUOTE=prototype;324237]I doubt they would ban Zito. He is the breakout star of this season. The rest of the cast is downright horrible and unlikable. I did not listen to the podcast since Zach sounds like a moron on TV and Trishelle is probably kissing *** as always but I'm guessing they were the ones that threw out the rumor.[/QUOTE]
Your better off not listening to it. It was the most ridiculous B.S. I've ever heard being spewed out of anyone's mouth. Basically at the end of the podcast Derrick made Zach choose a 10 person team of rookies and Trishelle chooses a 10 person team of vets. Zach chooses himself, Frank, CJ, Leroy, Dustin, Ashley (San Diego), Ashley (NOLA), Jemmye, Nany, and Laura. Then Zach went on to say that this team was absolutely UNBEATABLE. And it pissed me off because Derrick and Trishelle praised his team like they were the 1972 Miami Dolphins. Then Trishelle chooses Evan, CT, Mark, Frank (Las Vegas), Theo, Ruthie, Diem, Katie, Sarah, and Paula. Then Trishelle goes to say that of every guy that has ever been on a challenge Frank (SD2) is the best competitor. I was falling asleep at this point and when Trishelle said that, it woke me up.
I would love to see Frank go against Evan, Johnny, Kenny, Derrick, Darrell, CT, Landon, Brad, Mark, Abram, Wes, or Leroy in Pole Wrestle, Rag Doll, X Battle, Back Off, Handcuffs, Beach Brawl, Name that Coconut, and/or Balls In. I can say that any of the guys that I mentioned would shove their hand up Frank's *** and open their hand like a baseball mitt if they faced him in any of said elimination rounds.
[QUOTE=Camille;324245]I love Vegas 2 cast much more than the legendary Vegas 1 cast. That goes for the team too. Trishelle is cool when she's not drunk, but Alton I've never liked because I always saw right through him. And on this challenge he's weird and something is off. His face even looks weird now and he was one of the best looking guys. He looks sick.
Dustin and Nany are awesome. Dustin volunteering himself for Nany was just so commendable. Seems like a great guy. And he's endearing and entertaining and one of the best competitors imo. Even Johnny Bananas decided to keep frat pad jokes to a minimum after meeting him and seeing what a great guy he is. He better nit be banned. Girls go crazier on these shows sometimes and get invited back! And hello CT.
And [B]Nany[/B] I have always liked because to me she actually [B]seems REAL[/B].[/QUOTE]
Haha, really?
[QUOTE=raskkii;324079]I was also thinking of this possibilty, but I honestly don't think he's afraid of eliminations.[/QUOTE]
I think Alton is just playing a political game and doesn't want to go into the Arena. It has nothing to do with being afraid of it, but it is a smart way to skate through to the end without going in. Threatening to throw the elimination round and take a teammate with you, would force you to leave that person out of every elimination round.
[QUOTE=prototype;324237]I doubt they would ban Zito. He is the breakout star of this season. The rest of the cast is downright horrible and unlikable. I did not listen to the podcast since Zach sounds like a moron on TV and Trishelle is probably kissing *** as always but I'm guessing t[B]hey were the ones that threw out the rumor[/B].[/QUOTE]
It was actually Derrick that stated it. And Brandon on Afterbuzz made it sound like Alton did something to **** production off so bad that they almost stopped the show, and Dustin was basically just backing him up because they were on a team. I have no clue what he could of done that was so bad, yet he wasn't kicked off.
[QUOTE=El Scorcho;324247]Your better off not listening to it. It was the most ridiculous B.S. I've ever heard being spewed out of anyone's mouth. Basically at the end of the podcast Derrick made Zach choose a 10 person team of rookies and Trishelle chooses a 10 person team of vets. Zach chooses himself, Frank, CJ, Leroy, Dustin, Ashley (San Diego), Ashley (NOLA), Jemmye, Nany, and Laura. Then Zach went on to say that this team was absolutely UNBEATABLE. And [B]it pissed me off because Derrick and Trishelle praised his team like they were the 1972 Miami Dolphins.[/B] Then Trishelle chooses Evan, CT, Mark, Frank (Las Vegas), Theo, Ruthie, Diem, Katie, Sarah, and Paula. [B]Then Trishelle goes to say that of every guy that has ever been on a challenge Frank (SD2) is the best competitor. [/B]I was falling asleep at this point and when Trishelle said that, it woke me up.
[B]I would love to see Frank go against Evan, Johnny, Kenny, Derrick, Darrell, CT, Landon, Brad, Mark, Abram, Wes, or Leroy [/B]in Pole Wrestle, Rag Doll, X Battle, Back Off, Handcuffs, Beach Brawl, Name that Coconut, and/or Balls In. I can say that any of the guys that I mentioned would shove their hand up Frank's *** and open their hand like a baseball mitt if they faced him in any of said elimination rounds.[/QUOTE]
Well derrick likes to kiss a** and go with anything the "cool guys" say,this time the "cool guys" are frank and zach so its nothing new.
About trishelle she has been in what many challenges? like 2 and they were long time ago,she hasnt see the real competion yet.
Frank is a joke and I cant wait to see the day in which one of those guys will crush him in any type of elimination round and make him cry.
Knight said in an interview that Alton and Dustin went off on a Talent Coordinator because she wouldn't let Dustin read his emails and Alton stood for him. They both just ended up yelling in her face. It was apparently big enough to where both TJ and Justin Booth (producer) came to the house and everyone thought they were going to be kicked off. But they couldn't because it wasn't caught on camera.*
[QUOTE=prototype;324237]I doubt they would ban Zito. He is the breakout star of this season.[/QUOTE]
I don't see this as all. I'd like to see Dustin more but he's hardly someone I'm going to be excited to see as part of the next cast.
And let's be honest--the "breakout" stars (assuming there are any) are probably Chet & Sarah. Even some people that hated them in the past are jumping on their bandwagon.
Nany has made a bigger impression thus far than Dustin IMO
[QUOTE=Edwin;324261]Knight said in an interview that Alton and Dustin went off on a Talent Coordinator because she wouldn't let Dustin read his emails and Alton stood for him. They both just ended up yelling in her face. It was apparently big enough to where both TJ and Justin Booth (producer) came to the house and everyone thought they were going to be kicked off. But they couldn't because it wasn't caught on camera.*[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I heard something similar, which is funny because Brandon inferred it was Alton who started it and Dustin was just backing him up so who knows.
Trishelle and Zach claiming Frank is the greatest of all time already is comical
[QUOTE=GJTGJT;324296]Yeah, I heard something similar, which is funny because [B]Brandon inferred it was Alton who started it and Dustin was just backing him up so who knows. [/B]
[B]Trishelle[/B] and [B]Zach[/B] claiming Frank is the greatest of all time already is comical[/QUOTE]
Someone isnt telling the truth.